
【名古屋散歩】熱田・神宮前商店街、神宮小路とその周辺をだらだら歩く Walk at Jingumae shopping district. , Nagoya JAPAN.

名古屋市熱田区の神宮前商店街とその裏にある神宮小路(熱田区神宮町)を歩いてきました。2019年に撮影をした街ですが街の変化などを記録したいと思い再訪。 ★神宮前商店街(編集版) ► ►




#名古屋 #シャッター街 #散歩 #神宮前商店街 #神宮小路 #熱田神宮 #横丁 #レトロ #日本 #Japan #Nagoya #walk



■ディープな街を歩く [Walk at Deep town] ►
■寂しい街、商店街、横丁 [Deserted town and street] ►
■名古屋で食べ飲み [Drink and Eat at Nagoya] ►
■夜の名古屋散歩 [Night Walk Nagoya] ►
■夜の名古屋ドライブ [Night Drive Nagoya] ►
■雨の名古屋シリーズ [Rainy Nagoya] ►
■遊郭跡を訪ねて [Walk at Red-light district] ►


Copyright© Enshujin-Yosaku All Rights Reserved.

I walked around Jingumae Shopping Street and Jingu Koji behind it in Atsuta Ward, Nagoya City. It was the city I shot in 2019, but I visited again to record the changes in the city. ★ Jingumae Shopping Street (edited version) ► ★ Jingu-koji (edited version) ►

There is no big change in the town compared to a year ago, but I feel that the coronavirus has reduced the number of people more than last year. The landscape may change in the next few years as there is talk of redevelopment. Please drop in after visiting Atsuta Jingu.

I hope you will enjoy the night view of Nagoya with this video, and it will be helpful for those who can come to see.

Please understand that this movie is not Vlog (video blog) but a simple walking video (rogue moving picture) without facial expression, sound and BGM.

Mainly in Nagoya – Japan – Traveling around the world such as the streets, taking walks, driving and eating walking videos will be posted, so if you want to taste the walk or drive in YouTube and before going to the town Those who would like to utilize with, certainly please register your channel!

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Copyright© Enshujin-Yosaku All Rights Reserved.
(I used google translate. I am sorry if my English is wrong.)

Alo Japan.