
Remembering Kobe Bryant Laker game 🏀코비브라이언트 コービーブライアント科比布莱恩特 #KobeBryant #코비브라이언트 #NBA

Kobe Bean Bryant (August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020) was an American professional basketball player. A shooting guard, Bryant played his entire 20-year career in the National Basketball Association (NBA) with the Los Angeles Lakers. He entered the NBA directly from high school and won five NBA championships. Bryant was an 18-time All-Star, 15-time member of the All-NBA Team, 12-time member of the All-Defensive team, and the 2008 NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP). Widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, he led the NBA in scoring during two seasons, ranks fourth on the league’s all-time regular season scoring, and ranks fourth on the all-time postseason scoring list. Bryant was the first guard in NBA history to play at least 20 seasons.Bryant was the son of former NBA player Joe Bryant. He attended Lower Merion High School in Pennsylvania, where he was recognized as the top high-school basketball player in the country. Upon graduation, he declared for the 1996 NBA draft and was selected by the Charlotte Hornets with the 13th overall pick; the Hornets then traded him to the Lakers. As a rookie, Bryant earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest, and he was named an All-Star by his second season. Despite a feud between the two players, Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002.In 2003, Bryant was accused of sexual assault, but the charges were eventually dropped and a civil suit was settled out of court. After the Lakers lost the 2004 NBA Finals, O’Neal was traded to the Miami Heat and Bryant became the cornerstone of the Lakers. He led the NBA in scoring during the 2005–06 and 2006–07 seasons. In 2006, he scored a career-high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second most points scored in a single game in league history behind Wilt Chamberlain’s 100-point game in 1962. Bryant was awarded the regular season’s Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) in 2008. After the Lakers lost in the 2008 NBA Finals, Bryant led the team to two consecutive championships in 2009 and 2010, earning the Finals MVP Award on both occasions. He continued to be among the top players in the league through 2013, when he suffered a torn Achilles tendon at age 34. Although he recovered from that injury, he suffered season-ending injuries to his knee and shoulder, respectively, in the following two seasons. Citing his physical decline, Bryant retired after the 2015–16 season.
코비 빈 브라이언트는 미국의 은퇴한 농구 선수로 선수 시절에는 미국 프로 농구 협회(NBA)의 팀인 로스앤젤레스 레이커스의 소속으로 활약하며 5회의 우승(2000 ~ 02, 2009, 2010)을 거두었다. 필라델피아 세븐티식서스에서 선수 생활을 했고 WNBA의 로스앤젤레스 스파크스의 감독으로 활동한 조 ‘젤리 빈’ 브라이언트의 외아들이기도 하다.필라델피아에서 태어난 브라이언트는 전 NBA 농구 선수 조 브라이언트와 패멀라 콕스 브라이언트의 3명의 자식들 중 막내로 단 하나의 아들이었다. 그는 또한 농구 선수 조 “처비” 콕스의 외조카이기도 하다. 그의 부모는 레스토랑 메뉴에 본 일본 고베의 유명한 쇠고기 요리를 따서 그의 이름을 코비라고 지었다. 그의 중앙 이름 “빈”은 부친의 별명이 “젤리빈”이란 이유로 붙여졌다. 브라이언트는 로마 가톨릭 신앙으로 자라왔다. 코비가 6세 때 부친은 NBA로부터 은퇴하고 낮은 수준에서 프로 농구를 지속적으로 하는 데 가족을 이탈리아 리에티로 이주시켰다. 코비는 자신의 새로운 생활에 익숙해지고 이탈리아어를 유창하게 하는 데 배웠다. 여름 동안에는 그는 농구의 여름 리그에서 활약하는 데 미국으로 돌아오려고 하였다.브라이언트는 3세 때 농구를 하기 시작하였고, 성장하면서 레이커스가 그의 가장 좋아하는 팀이었다. 이른 나이에 그는 또한 축구를 하는 것을 배우고 자신이 제일 좋아하는 팀은 AC 밀란이었다. 부친이 1991년 선수로서 은퇴할 때 그의 가족은 미국으로 돌아왔다.
コービーブライアントは、アメリカ合衆国の元バスケットボール選手。ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア出身。NBAのロサンゼルス・レイカーズ一筋で活躍した。ポジションはシューティングガード。身長198cm、体重96.2kg。極めて高い確実性から、狙った獲物は99.9%の確率で仕留めると言われている世界で最も危険な猛毒蛇の一種「Black Mamba (ブラックマンバ)」の愛称を持つ。17歳でNBA入りして以降は20年間にわたって名門ロサンゼルス・レイカーズ一筋でキャリアを過ごし、NBAチャンピオン5回、シーズンMVP1回、ファイナルMVP2回、NBA記録となる18年連続オールスターゲーム選出並びに、歴代最多のオールスターMVP4回に輝くほか、NBA歴代2位の1試合81得点の記録を持つなど、キャリア初期から大ベテランの域に入るまで、長年に渡ってリーグ最高の選手の一人として君臨し続けた、NBAを代表するスーパースターである。現役時代の背番号はシャキール・オニールとのコンビで若くして三連覇を達成した「8」と、成熟しチームリーダーとして二連覇を達成した「24」の2つの時代に分けられる。引退後にはロサンゼルス市がコービーに敬意を表し、現役時代の背番号を組み合わせた8月24日を「Kobe Bryant Day (コービー・ブライアントの日)」としてロサンゼルス市の記念日に制定した。またレイカーズは、同一選手に置いてNBA史上初となる二種類の背番号の永久欠番を発表した。
科比·比恩·布莱恩特生于美国费城,已故NBA职业篮球运动员,绰号“小飞侠”、“黑曼巴 ”(THE MAMBA。身高6英尺6英寸(198公分),体重212磅,主打位置为得分后卫。1996年首次在NBA出赛,2016年球季结束后退役,在他为洛杉矶湖人效力的20年职业生涯中,总得分达到33,643分,位居NBA历史第四位,并取得5次总冠军,2次总决赛最有价值球员,1次年度最有价值球员,2次得分王。另外11次入选NBA最佳阵容,18次入选明星队赛,以及2届奥运会金牌2018年,科比凭着动画短片《亲爱的篮球》获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片。他于美国时间2020年1月26日上午在加利福尼亚州,因搭乘橘郡开往洛杉矶的直升机于卡拉巴萨斯郊外坠毁而身亡,享年41岁

Alo Japan.