
We Scaled Suicide Cliff — Hong Kong | The Travel Intern

What’s a TTI trip without any hiking!! And food, of course.

Check this out for our list of 29 Must-Sees:

In order of appearance,
Cherie Sim –
Vivian Chan –
Nicole Varella –
Isaac Soh –

00:48 – Emack & Bolio’s
If you’ve ever seen a more Instagrammable ice-cream cone… Instagrammable, but we couldn’t finish half of it. Nicole helped save the day though!

00:59 – Dim Sum Square
Dim Sum is ALWAYS a good idea when you’re in Hong Kong. After all, it truly is the land of Liu Sha Baos, amirite?

01:14 – Trams in HK
Walking along the streets of the city, you’d probably see trams going by on the daily. So why not hop on one of them to get in tune with the ~trueee~ local experience!

01:32 – Hong Kong Disneyland
It’s always the ultimate mood lifter no matter what! ‘Nuff said. It’s where you get to act like a kid all over again~

01:50 – Hiking up Kowloon Peak Hike AKA Suicide Cliff
This was probably THE highlight of our trip to Hong Kong. Our legs went wobbly (also because of the hike la), the crazy winds at the peak slapping us in our faces… But none of these elements stopped us from SCALING THE SUICIDE CLIFF!!!!!

Would you want to hike up this cliff? 🙂

04:20 – Villain Hitting
We also tried villain hitting

Edited by:
Isaac Soh –

Read more about what went down:

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