
Hidden Japanese Music Gems

What are hidden music gems that you are confident most of us will like? Please only recommend music you genuinely like as opposed to your favorite artist.
I think more people need to listen to Taiyo & Ciscomoon but their track, kawaii hito (a cute guy) is a classic IMO:


by pizzaseafood


  1. pizzaseafood

    Chu chu chu by P*Light is a great techno number:

    Simply Wonderful by Kuaki Mai doesn’t get enough love:

    Even my partner likes this one:

    See you dake by Up Up Girls 2

    D.D.D by Koda Kumi


    Not a classic but I can’t believe this song wasn’t bigger:

    Naritaiwa by Shudenmagiwa Online

  2. sumss333

    Not exactly hidden gem but not as recognised, Mrs Green Apple, honestly they have basically every trait needed to be top tier band, especially live performance wise, I think compared to other bands they just lack that one really hit song globally, in Japan they are already very popular

    Other than that I would say vocaloids/niconico have really good ones that goes unnoticed as usual, I don’t even use them but the few songs I listened on YouTube are very good

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