
Travel With Me to Japan!! | 13 Hour Flight, Godzilla Hotel, Ichiran, First 7/11 Run

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Age: 30
Camera: Sony Z-V1 and iPhone 13 Pro
Editing Software: iMovie and Final Cut Pro

#japan #tokyojapan #travelvlog

[Music] day is finally here I’m going to Japan I can’t believe it I am currently in Dallas Fort Worth Airport we had a connecting flight here this morning and we’ve got about 35 minutes before we get on our flight to go to Hana airport to go to Tokyo and it is going to be a very long flight it is a 14h hour flight this is the longest flight I’ve ever been on in my entire life and I’m just so excited to go on this journey with my sister but first things first we got to get some food before we go to get on this flight you ready to make your debut hey hey everybody say hey to Courtney hey here we are all right let’s do a mukbang I’m not okay Courtney what are you most looking forward to with going to Japan I’m ready to eat all good bowl of ramen okay what else that’s the main thing yes a good Bowl Ramen eating all the food yes and going to Disney Universal and doing shopping same thing for me yes add shopping to it and it’s the same mhm but you be watching anime so you know not what you know know I surely do not got my that mean excuse me or I’m sorry hi what that mean yes yes what’s no yeah oh period we going to be good we straight no we not no we not okay we have like 8 minutes before we board so we need to [Music] that we are boarding Japan here we go our seats we’re sitting in row 30 which is the second to the last row but we chose it on purpose because there’s no se here [Music] officially in Tokyo I cannot believe it U my sister’s using the restroom we literally just walked off the plane the flight overall was not bad it’s a long flight like it’s definitely a long flight but if you get up and walk around and just kind of stand and stretch a couple times you’ll be good like food was good the service was good I really can’t complain I just can’t believe we’re here right now like what oh my God not a being in Japan so we have to get our pocket Wi-Fi and then we are taking the bus we’re taking the airport bus to our hotel so we have to catch that we have to do that in about an hour and a half our bus time is 7:45 and it’s 6:00 right now so hopefully we don’t miss the bus join us on this adventure we’re going to have so much fun here in Japan I just can’t even believe [Music] it took out some in out of the ATM so there’s ATM that is right here right next to the tourist information center in terminal 3 so we just decided we might as well get it now before we get on the bus all right so we were going the wrong way we went upstairs for no reason cuz where we needed to be is literally where we were at which is here so we just have to go outside find our bus and get on we have found our bus station number one when you walk out to where all the buses are it’s just a long strip of buses and we weren’t sure which one to go to but that’s because we got here a little early and it wasn’t showing up on the screen yet I’ve spoken to so many employees since being here already don’t be afraid to ask questions and talk to the people here because they’re here to help so I’m very grateful for all the people I’ve spoken to thus far whether they’ve shown me like where to get the Wi-Fi where to go to get on the bus to do everything so just ask the people for assistance and they will help you so we’ve got about 5 minutes and we’re going to get on the bus our bus has arrived we are headed to Shinu [Applause] [Music] okay we just got off of the bus it led us off at Tokyo Tower um so we’re staying in the kabucho area our hotel is right here we’re staying at the Godzilla hotel which is Hotel gracery Shinjuku so here is Tokyo Tower this is so cool so we got let out right here and we literally just walked over here and our hotel is right there okay we just Ste foot off of the elevator that lets you up to the reception area which is on the eighth floor and look at this this is so cool there’s a timeline of Godzilla going all the way to [Music] [Music] 2023 all right we’re on the 25th floor woohoo here’s our room we’ve got our beds here we got a view of the city okay got some chairs TV little desk area here’s the closet I’m giving yall a quick tour because we we ready to get settled okay here’s the little fridge and then I think yeah there’s like a safe underneath the fridge here is the sink area with the mirror and then over to the right is the bathroom so you have the shower here and then the tub and then what is this oh the toilet okay oh it doesn’t have a it does it has uh stuff it has yes it does have a and it has spray for you but o I’ll clean my bullet and and then you can control the water pressure I’m screaming okay one thing they do a lot at hotels in Japan is they provide pajamas so you really don’t have to pack pajamas if you just confirm that the hotel you’re staying at has some but I mean you’re not going to wear the same throughout the whole week but I’m sure they wash them oh did y’all just recording she the bathroom she said what’ you do the toilet seat warm and let me show you guys because this view is absolutely insane look at this view I can’t even believe trying to cover it the best that I can this view is [Music] unbelievable just can’t believe we’re here first meal in Tokyo ichir run Courtney’s ordering first so you order here at the kiosk seting indidual booths you can bring this part down if you want to talk to the person who sitting next stew and then I ordered a salted egg so they put the egg out so if you want to order anything extra like an order an extra order of noodles or an extra egg then you can do that and give it to them but it’s cash only for that they have some things here if you don’t speak Japanese to let them know what’s going on so if you’re leaving your seat I don’t know the ordering process please help me is what that means another one and then oh oh my gosh it’s noisy I wonder what they do if you put that one down you got your chopsticks up here and some napkins what you got look at it in all its Glory so here’s the extra they wasn’t playing with these extra uh green onions we want to test the broth first mhm I could have got 10 I could have got 10 on the spice we just finished finished eating at ichiran Courtney did you like it it was very good I’m so full my stomach is not it’s been a burd I’m Stu it was really good and here’s the gy this was just $8 each rant in New York it’s it $20 $20 versus $8 it was $8 with the add-ons that we did yes with the extra the base price was like 980 in yes is like 7 six I think it’s be like $5 it might be but yes that was a good first meal here in Japan and now we are going to donot okay so you guys this apparently is called Godzilla Road the donkey H is right there and then if you turn around then there’s hotel gracery that’s our hotel and I’ll show you a better view of this another day in the daytime but you can see the Godzilla head in the corner a little bit but that’s our hotel right there this is cre that’s you you’re coroni I am My Melody this is your aesthetic Ki is but you’re right I am but I don’t know that’s your athetic no she’s really cute she’s really cute she’s just evil got a little backpack thank cute this is cute okay we came to the second level soon as we walked in Courtney said this is your four cuz look cosmetics and perfume yes honey I’m home oh my God all right before we go back to our hotel we’re making a 7-Eleven stop donkey hot was very overwhelming we’re going to come back another day but our hotel is right here and 7-Eleven is right here so let’s go look at all this stuff in here then they have the frozen section got frozen items and then over here they have like smoothies and stuff like that ice cream ooh want to try that coolish I really want to try that it’s such a cool feeling to be somewhere after you’ve like done so much research and seen so much stuff about it online like to actually be there it’s just so crazy I’m just like everything is exciting me the [Applause] strawberry strawber said the strawberry I’m really going to combust so I really cannot get anything but I am going to get these great gummies that I’ve seen all over Tik Tok I just have to try them so I’m going to I’m just going to get this tonight look at this all of these drinks in the stand are hot drinks that’s why was warm yeah so we’re slow because the 7-Eleven we just came out of which is right here we walked out of the front and we walked around but there’s a back entrance right here and our hotel is literally right here so from here to there we can go to 711 in the morning perfect location tell them why we had to leave donot no I’ll tell you Courtney you so jacked up leave it in I’m speechless I’m speechless [Music] oh [Music]


  1. I have been WAITING for this to drop. Your energies are unmatched. Can’t wait to see the rest of the series. Clearly I need to add Japan to my bucket list.

  2. Happy Monday! WOW! Japan y’all hotel in a good location. A lot to see and do! Enjoy and be safe! ❤❤

  3. Hey Kyra & Courtney!!🖐🖐🖐
    So good to see you guys traveling & posting again. Kyra, you are absolutely gorgeous! I love your new look. ❤

  4. AHHHH!! We would be just as excited as you on our first day in Tokyo!! 😆

    Can’t wait for more adventures to come! 🥳🙌🏽

  5. Would you say taking the bus from Haneda is better/cheaper? I will be there in two weeks. Staying at Hilton Tokyo in Shinjuku

  6. Do we have to book the bus in advantage? if so, what is the time frame? Did you purchase electronic wifi like airlo or the global wifi in the airport? How much was the global wifi in the airport if you purchased it? I am asking because I am going to Japan in a couple of months.

  7. Surfing the tube for Tokyo videos and advises, will go in July, your video is cute. How lucky for you to go with your sister! Love your energy and your sisterhood!

  8. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I'm so excited to see your joruney. I've been watching so many videos preparing myself for a visit to Japan, but to finally see someone who looks like me, I'm BEYOND excited and grateful for your journey!

  9. Hello. I'm a new subscriber and it was your energy for me. This was a great 1st video for me. Thank you and looking forward to more vlogs. Have a great day peace

  10. New fan here! We are going to Tokyo in November and can’t wait to see the rest of your videos and tips!! Thank you! Love the sister vibes!!

  11. is it cold right now in Japan because i see everyone with jackets. I wana make sure because ill be there very soon……Its HOTTT over here in FL

  12. It’s soo good to see you Kyra!! I’ve been waiting for this vlog!! I’m going next year and this vlog made me so excited!! Can’t wait for the rest of the series!! 😍😍

  13. Hey Kyra and Courtney! I been waiting for the vlog thank you can’t wait for the rest have fun beautiful ladies!😍😍

  14. I leave in about two months and I’ve been binging on everyone’s Japan videos! I’m so excited for my trip! It’s been in the works since 2019 😅 but due to ver unforeseen craziness 😂 but now we’re here! Y’all looked like y’all had a ball!!

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