
Eating ONLY Japanese Street Food for 24 Hours

🇯🇵 Eating ONLY Japanese Street food for 24 hours
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Thank you guys for watching 😊 ! Today I’m eating ONLY Japanese street food for the next 24 hours! When I lived in Japan, I definitely grew to love to Japanese foodie scene which ESPECIALLY included street food! Of course Japanese street food is a little different everywhere you go, but here are some of my favorites in Tokyo! Let me know in the comments which one is your favorite 😍


🎵 My Music :

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Stop 1: Tsukiji Fish Market
04:52 Stop 2: Yanaka Ginza
06:34 Stop 3: Senso-ji Temple (Asakusa)
10:22 Stop 4: Omoide Yokocho (Shinjuku)
12:17 Stop 5: Takeshita Street (Harajuku)

I’m in Japan and today I’m only eating Japanese street food for the next 24 hours let’s go my name’s Ally and while I recently worked on cruise ships before that I actually used to live in Japan since being away one of the things that I’ve missed the most about Japan is definitely the incredible food and we have to get dessert so after a very long day of flying all the way from LAX to Tokyo today we’re going to be spending the day exploring and the only thing on the menu is street food let’s go this video is brought to you by AO [Music] good morning from Tokyo we are going to be checking out here in just a little bit before we start our little adventure and then we’ll be on our way okay it is now time to check out of the hotel we’ve been staying at the in amasando for the past couple days and it’s been great the location is awesome but we are going somewhere else and then also starting a new adventure Tristan actually doesn’t know where we’re going next so having fun exploring I think he’s [Music] right are you hungry lots of good Noms to be had here yeah we’re going to have lot we made it we made it the first stop of today is skii fish Fish Market it smells delicious where do we even start so ski Fish Market is one of the places that has the freshest fish in Tokyo all the fish is caught every day and it is just so incredible so we’re going to go get some I’m so hungry first meal of the day some fatty tuna okay here we go should we start with the fattiest one [Music] first oh my God it’s so fatty I can barely like chew it oh that is so insane oh my gosh wow that’s good that is fresh I feel like I’ve never had fresher fish than at skii Fish Market so it’s just good to be here we have found our next victim next up on the list scallops scallop skewers uh he talk almost ready hi [Music] how do you got how do you got that’s a lot of flavor a lot going on there but Sal pretty good please we never cut here it’s a it’s a bit fishy for my liking but scallop is great though I love scallops giji Fish Market is definitely one of my favorite places to get street food in Tokyo it’s definitely one of the most popular spots very touristy and known for the fish auction that used to happen at like 5:00 in the morning although it doesn’t happen anymore it is still a very bumping spot and now we’re going to our next place at really quick so throughout the course of this video we are going to be going to five very different spots all over Tokyo and although in theory yes I could get a surround if I had to it is very helpful having access to the internet so when I first moved to Japan 7 years ago honestly crazy that it’s already been over 7 years I used to have a pocket Wi-Fi it was like this little device that used to carry around and then that was kind of your access to the internet but within the last 2 years I started using an AO eim yes aolo and I are Partners now but I started using aolo way before and now I get a special discount code for everyone so the very first time I ever heard of eims was when I did my first cruise contract in the Mediterranean and guys it literally saved my life at that time like nothing else was working and now I’ve been able to apply it to pretty much any international trip I take including Japan so it’s kind of like when you put a physical Sim into your phone except there is nothing physical about it you just download it and then bam it’s there it works 100% digitally which is just super convenient so if you go on the App you just pick the region that you’re going to be visiting it’s either region or country from there they have different packages that you can choose from depending on how many gigabytes you need or how long your stay is and then you just by now install it’s ready to go if you are new to eims I understand it can be a bit intimidating I definitely was intimidated at first as well I thought it was just going to be but I promise it really is just that simple it’s a game changer so for this trip in particular I’m really thankful because Tristan and I both have AO e Sims which just made it a lot easier when it came to getting in contact and trying to reunite with one another if you haven’t tried it yet you can get $3 off using my code or you can click on the link below you won’t regret it I promise thank thank you AO for sponsoring this video and now back to Japan bye so this next stop is called yanaka [Music] Ginza I have wanted to go for a while and just never been in the cards it’ll be a first time for both of us already the difference from skii Market to here is night and day it feels like there’s nobody here it almost is like a hidden secret hi got there’s a lot of Croquettes here on the street the one that we just went to has pretty much beef so I’m going to give it a try Tristan’s giving it a shot giving it a go here oh it’s nice and warm yeah that is good yeah yeah she said this is the the number one number one I would say yes the number one that you’ve had the number one that I’ve had exactly cheese and the potato hi I this got the goods I asked her if she had any that were not meat and she said that this one was cheese and potato deep fried goodness M it’s kind of sweet tastes like sweet cheesy mashed potatoes on the inside something I’m also loving about this little area is that there’s cats everywhere so like apparently back in the day there used to be like wild cats just roaming around this area a lot and even though they’re not here anymore there’s like cats Now [Music] everywhere we made it to CI Temple this is probably one of the busiest places in Tokyo tourism is rampant here but like I would say personally for a good reason it feels like all of Japan is here right now there are so many humans it is packed first up is n y next we’re going to get a soft rice cracker I actually haven’t had one of these before so we’ll give it a go Japanese [Music] name she said that this was the most popular rice cracker here she is oh that is good I actually love rice crackers but I’ve never had one as like a form of Street food before so pleasantly surprised here’s we’re going to give it a go here F it’s dry very good it takes a second to chew cuz it’s so dry number two next up we got some nice packaging that was very very smooth they’re all individually packed as well we asked about getting just one to try and we could just split it but they said they only do packages of eight so now we have eight of these so we’re set clink it and sink it oh that’s nice you like it mhm it’s not overpowering like super sweet but it’s nice and subtle I’m already going in for a second okay we’re back in the game and it is mochi time we’re getting some Dango these look delicious here it is here it is we’ve had a really fun time today yeah I think this might be my favorite snack cuz it was a cheap microphone let’s try it good mhm what are the thoughts so it’s like um a Savory Mochi ball but it has like the soy glaze on top of it kind of has like a soy sauce aftertaste a little bit a creamy soy sauce very different yeah what do you think was great it’s like nothing I’ve ever tried before but would you come again I would come again this one’s my favorite you got this is one of Ali’s favorites so excited to try it oh much nice and light oh there’s like a custard oh that is very good that is definitely a favorite you went in on that everything you remember it to be yes did you not have any the strawberry no not on my C another one y the strawberry makes it it was it was good even without but he he yay okay all right I’m trying it another one of my favorites another favorite here show it to us the beautiful reveal yay M it’s like a delicious p past M that is very good it’s been so long since I’ve had my last melon P it’s so good we’re going to explode pretty soon in the span of an hour too we found like all of them but melon Pond is worth it do not get the one from 7-Eleven it is not [Music] good oh my God so we had a little intermission after leaving sji Temple were you tired or is it just me food coma she was a sleepy bean and she had a little nap we’re going to try and head out and I need a nap but we’re not quitters we’re not done yet there’s still more to go dinner time I know we’ve just been snacking all day but this is going to be kind of like a dinner for us so it’s actually been 7 years since I’ve been here which is kind of crazy to say but it is cool to be back okay we found a spot but we are on the second floor so not quite on the street if you will but we’re just taking a look at the menu got some drinks first is the it’s the potato salad it’s just very mysterious looking I wasn’t sure there’s a lot of things on this potato salad like pepper corns it looked like ice cream these are like pickles with curry powder yeah good three different skewers here some skewers and I got some shitake mushrooms this isn’t our last stop so to leave some room [Music] yeah that was good he a fan big fan we’re loving it happy belly yo was just so awesome it just hit the spot obviously it was Tristan’s first time there and we both got to just experience it together which was really fun loved it now we are on to our last stop of the night Bittersweet but last one woo we have made it to takita Street wo so we have been here already but the main thing I wanted to do was try some of the food cuz we didn’t get to do that last time so we’ll see what is still open it is currently 8:30 and we can get some good Noms along the way it is neat seeing this during the night I was like wait a minute we’ve been here before Target acquired so most things here are closed right now but the main thing I wanted us to try was one of the crepes in huku there are crepes everywhere which seem super random but it’s just it’s just what it is and we have to get dessert are so many options too how do we choose how does one pick look at that ooh yeah brownie custard whipped cream chocolate yeah lots of fun stuff here she is I actually haven’t had one of these in a really long time cuz I used to get them a bunch when I first moved here my [Music] gosh these are really good very good they’re so flavorful too how does it make you feel that this is the last the last food of the evening the tummy is is glad that it’s the last thing but it’s ready for a break it’s ready for a break but it’s all been so good yay it’s been a good day I love how diverse like the food culture is here in Japan it just feels so good to be back because I lived in Japan for the better half of 3 years the glamour definitely wore off a bit while I was here but since this is my first time coming as a tourist it just made today super special and guys this is only the beginning of my Japan trip the next time you’ll see me I’ll be doing something that I actually wasn’t allowed to do as a resident so leave your guesses in the comments and I will see you guys next time we out


  1. Ms. Personality. Loved her Cruise stuff but it’s great she’s transitioning away from that into other things as well.

  2. Hello 👋 alley my Japanese 24 hour queen 👸 ❤️ looks like 👍 your loving ❤️ it in Japan! Have you used any Chinese alley ? Like I beg you a thousand pardons! Or the rats 🐀 are the rats thicker then mice over here ! lol 😂 but one thing you are is definitely a foody ! Love ❤️ you alley your buddy jamie ❤️ 😊🎉

  3. I need to try these next month when we go. Can you tell me where the place with the potato salad and mushroom skewers is? We will be staying near Toho studios.

  4. So fun! Fatty tuna, melon pan, crepes–i wanna try it all! (But you walked by the Golden Arches without stopping for some 'McSushi?'😂). Now I need a nap from the food coma I got from just watching this.

  5. When people make their personality all about their obsession with Japan it’s just cringy and comes off fake and forced…Japan is nice but Japan lovers take it way over the top…that is how you are sadly becoming since you got off the cruise…hoping this is only a short term sidetrack to the content you use to make. I’m a cruise fan not a Japan fan…

  6. Food looks so yummy! Thanks for taking us along! We need smell o vision to share in those wonderful smells. I would love to try those scallop skewers!!

  7. I'm Japanese but not living in Japan now. you made me to want to eat Japanese street food a lot:) Have to visit there soooon XD

  8. What an amazing variety of foods. Do the locals only speak in Japanese and have any been surprised that someone from aborad speaks their languag or is it not a big thing? Love hearing your Japanese, not that I can speak it other than the odd phrase here and there.

  9. So many questions! But Ill just ask three. Are you surprised about the amount of English in displays and menus, etc? Considering the sheer density of people, is pickpocketing a concern? And finally, do you think or know of any places in the US that can match the quality and taste of the foods in Japan? Glad you had an amazing time Alley. Keep doing what you're doing 🙂

  10. This encapsulates everything I miss about Tokyo and I have only been back in the states a month. These sweet people selling you things and being so proud of their food. The trains and the streets. I miss it so much. Thanks for sharing beautiful girl. Edit: I also miss those conbini egg salad sandwiches. LOL

  11. Senso -ji temple early in the morning is not natural for a toerist, Only the metro is extreem busy. Also Jananese people has to work. And very late in the evening.

  12. Alley, your vlogs are always a joy to watch. The fast paced content flows with such fluidity, always entertaining well done.😊👍🏾

  13. Love street food. Food trucks have become a thing in my city the last few years! Beef croquet thing kinda looks like a hot pocket lol! Have fun smiley 😊

  14. Wow Thanks for sharing the Japense street food Alexandra.

    It looks interesting and I did not know that they have street food there. Hope To visit and try again.

    Also your Japanese is really good. I’m impressed! How did you pick up the language?

    Also how you are feeling since the injury?

    Your videos are very bright and good to watch.

    Thanks for sharing Alexandra!!! Keep making videos like this!!!
    Take care!

  15. Snacking and napping. That had me hitting the subscribe button. It also helps that the channel is starting an arc in Japan. The Izakaya is the heart of casual dining and drinking. 😋

  16. Was the street food at the Tsukiji fish market reasonably priced for you? Seemed a bit expensive in my opinion but I don’t know the market that well

  17. Is the fried food in Japan and Asia healthier than in America? I absolutely love katsu, and those croquets look fantastic; unfortunately, I just got hit with a high cholesterol reading, and as a precaution I’m trying to avoid anything fried. I’d feel left out if I went to Japan and had to stay clear of most of its street food because of cholesterol.

    On a happier note, I had never thought about scallop skewers. Looked absolutely delicious.

  18. I’m not eating my way through Tokyo street food right now, but this is the next closest thing! Thanks allie!

  19. It's been ages (1986) since my last time in Japan but I'll never forget the amazing diversity of the food there. Thanks for rekindling some old memories. Happy to see you both enjoying yourselves so much in Japan. Looking forward to the next part of the adventure.

  20. Fantastic! I did enjoy all of the cruise ship video's, but this is even better as I have seen a lot of expat reviews from all kinds of places, and a lot of them from Japan. Yours are a little less "showy" but more personal but I still feel like you gave us enough visual to give us the feel of being there. Enjoyed it and looking forward to the next.

  21. Nice little day vlog. I like it!
    Although I think eating 24h only street food would be me every 24h in Japan. They definitley got something great going for them there.

  22. Having lived in Taiwan before. We'd sometimes get skewered sausages on the way home, and man I tell ya, the street venders does some magic to them cause they always taste amazing

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