Cars of Japan

First Time JDM Importing to USA

(Don’t mind the picture forced to use one) Hey guys i’m looking to import a car to the USA from Japan, from the people who have done it any tips or tricks ?

by After-Challenge-5432


  1. luddite86

    I’m not in America, but it’s been a while so I figure I’ll give some input

    There are businesses in Australia you can go to that import cars for you. Just tell them what you want and they give it to you. Or they’ll have stuff in stock they’ve already got you can pick from

    I don’t know if there’s businesses like that over there, but I’d be very surprised if there weren’t

  2. Scotia_65

    Google it. The importers in the US have published numerous documents pertaining to how to get it done. There are no “tips and tricks”… you’re utilizing Federal Law to ALLOW yourself to do this process.

    Familiarize yourself with the laws, the process, the fees, and resources in the market you’re buying the car from. I’m in the process of doing it right now and there is no free lunch.

  3. maqboul95

    Keizo international exporting was great for my rx7 import! Highly recommend talking to Trevor!


    One tip the car needs to be 25 years old. I noticed you have a 350z as your picture here which isn’t old enough yet.

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