
We’re Going to a Jazz Festival for Golden Week in Japan!

Let’s go to Takatsuki Jazz Festival!

Join me as we celebrate Children’s Day and Golden Week in Japan. I’ll be doing a variety of different fun live streams from opening and making Lego sets, checking out the latest KitKats in Japan, taking you to see the Koi no Bori (fish flags), opening lucky packs of toys and even crafting it own movie scene!

I’ll make sure all of the chat is family friendly and I’ll have extra special news to share at the end of the week so don’t miss it.

Please catch up in your timezone if you can’t make the live.

And, please check out what else I make over at

You can support me and my upcoming projects over at or Https:// too.

[Music] my name is Kendall you out or in either is you don’t mind okay hi everybody welcome to tski in alaka we’re going to wonderand around this jazz festival we’re looking for the main event I’ll turn the screen around but it’s very sunny it’s very [Music] warm a so yes I don’t want to get in trouble for um music licensing issues so I’m not going to linger around music for too long to be honest hello Lisa we’re just going to let me go up a bit high so I ignore those people um just going to walk around the city we’re heading to the park I think we’re about 5 minutes away but you’ll get a feel of there being quite a lot of people around um I will go high every now and again to try and uh stay away from the people so I don’t kind of invade privacy too much you get a feel of what it’s like to be in a a real life Japanese City bustling with residential energy I think there are stages everywhere sorry just organizing my bag you kind of hear music happening everywhere it’s kind of um looks like maybe it’s a city hall or something but there’s trumpet music coming out of [Music] there so welcome just me and you for for now Lisa I guess I didn’t do extra advertising aside from all the advertising I did the other day but lovely Blue Sky everyone’s feeling a bit hot and bothered that sounds like Grandpa music coming from over there does isn’t it okay we’re all good for crossing and my camera should be a bit more straight now I’ve managed to align my bag to my arm hello everybody and [Music] welcome yeah it’s really lovely and sunny borderline too hot for my phone I think but um and for the but we’ll see do you know what degrees it is it’s about 27 25 24 2 24 24 hello Jazz after midnight that sounds good let me check your name I can’t is it Adrian hello Adrian sorry if I got that wrong I’m trying doing my best with sunglasses on and trooping down the road let me see if that is straight kind of I think we’re quite close to a big green area where we should get to see in here lots of activity food and things there’s some interesting bues buildings around don’t normally come to tatki it’s a church oh looks like a mosque church it’s a bit of a combination check out the back with lots of the buildings being um white or cream it makes it seem like we’re in some Mediterranean country right now us fair skinned ladies are going to get Pink Cheeks I do have sun sun lotion on but perhaps not enough so Excuse me while I walk a bit it’s a bit too bright for my screen so I can’t see messages yet and I’m I think we’re very close it might be a little garden just over there it’s our first time here basically a huge amount of the city has lots of different stages and things on it wow what’s that being thing destroyed destroyed yeah it’s uh it says it’s an art center Oh Let’s cross we’re crossing it’s the tatki artart center yeah we’re very close to the just over there to the left um is the main event that we’re going to T Art Center seems to have a a building that’s um in half which is quite impressive we don’t normally get to see things like that I’m going to see if I can zoom in carefully there we go nice you have a week of cloud and rain I’m sorry to hear that okay there some let me get some of those Japanese rooftops in over there so I’ve been living in Japan for 4 and 1 half years moved to allaka City this is katki city um just four months ago 4 and a half months ago okay let’s head into the garden bit hopefully we’ll find some shade in there it’s really um really really hot hot it’s not for white people it’s kind of the first time it’s been hot we’ve had a lot of um like it’s been warm or muggy hi Lauren nice to see you it’s been warm and muggy um but also it’s rained so much which has made it kind of humid and stifling so welcome to my eight live streams in a row on different kinds of different days and things um for Golden week it’s golden week in Japan it’s part of uh four or five public holiday days each have a special day uh each have a special name the most important one for meot candy floss what do you call it cotton candy yeah cotton candy like that yeah let’s go and see these flowers these look good orchids over here wow a rum Coke that does look very good okay there’s a little Shrine area over here but there’s orchids I want to show you these orchids a little bit of um Japanese cultural sharing so they these orchids are always on display when someone uh some business is having a is having an anniversary or they’ve just open but look at this they’re all real aren’t they amazing beautiful so we’ve got a little mystery Shrine let’s take a look in the shrine before we head around to the chz festival but and I know some of you like to take some screenshots of things so hopefully the Blue Sky makes some nice little screenshots at b as we go [Music] in so nice of course in Japan there’s little shrines everywhere so it’s easy to find them and I can hear a bit of music in the [Music] background just wash our hands a little bit a small gesture of washing our hands I’ll just I’ll this is not the point of today but I just thought you might like to see this as well how nice I got a big grass stuck in my foot right now this this was stuck in my foot okay it says don’t touch the lanterns I it don’t touch so Japanese huh of course I would see these rooftops and Gardens and things ah it looks like there’s a little stage in the distance okay let’s go and get the jazz festival Vibes I think Liv is safe in the shade yes she’s safe I’m trying not to burn my my live my friend wow look so this is um this is part of the temple Shrine part of the shrine around here um but this bit in the middle just here is actually a nor stage which is uh the oldest kind of theater in Japan oh tiny bit pixelated okay I’ll step back I’ll step back um but they’ve set a piano and everything piano and drums so they’re going to have lots of jazz happening there now I’m kind of hoping we don’t run into too much actual Jazz because I think I’ll get in trouble with um with YouTube If I have too much actual live music that’s clearly some song people might recognize so I’m hoping actually um we just get a feeling of everything rather than hearing too much real music but we’ll see we’ll see we haven’t seen so many blue skies in Spring at all in Japan lately so this is very nice okay real music is coming by the sounds of it I have put my sunglasses on again it’s too bright it’s way too bright I’ve been walking around without them some days and I feel very silly even if there is load of clouds yeah this building has a very simple aesthetic look at that it looks like an architectural drawing perfectly finished I think it’s part of the so this must be the new arts building and then the other one is being knocked down and we should be walking into the Park area where we think lots of the activity will be happening but around the two train stations that are here there’s Hani takasi and uh Jr Tak ski Japan Rail um they have lots of little lots of little stands around and lots of um [Music] stages and they’re giving out lots of Flyers that have so much information with all of the different artists I can show you my bag in a bit but it’s all in Japanese and it’s a bit um of an information overload I think personally Japanese people love a line what are they even lining up for what does it [Music] say Parise they’re they’re getting a Paradise number what’s Paradise number maybe it’s like a raffle ticket I wonder if it’s like on or maybe the bus Pixies in many [Music] locations okay let’s go out over that way many people are walking down over that [Music] way yeah Park yeah we can see the bunting nice nice nice oh look this is a good one this is that hi patski City oh and live it’s live tooi city hi manhole cover there beautifully painted beautifully [Music] enameled I think I’m quite happy to have my um my haircut so much shorter I’ve had like I don’t know how many inches off but quite a lot I could touch it down in my back and I can’t anymore um Liv’s got her hair tied up beautifully and normally is down right just that [Music] warm yeah the manhill covers are so good okay please do keep me updated with how the pixelation is going I’ve got one idea I think I’ve got my um my Wi-Fi on as well as my um mobile data I can turn off the Wi-Fi if you guys think that’s a good idea it might be trying to grab Wi-Fi spots although I must say there aren’t really that many into you’re told that there are loads but I don’t think there are this way looks more fun let’s go the fun looking way I’ll go up a bit High try and ignore the unsuspecting passes by still pixelated well what do you think would you like me to turn off my Wi-Fi just in case that makes a difference just in case it is trying to grab grab things like that do let me know wow yeah loads of stores and it’s cooler in here too still pixelated but you can see everything right I’m going to try and turn off the Wi-Fi so it might go really bad for a second mobile data on Wi-Fi off okay so in the next minute or so please let me know if it changed es okay should we go inside this way you’re getting a cute selfie that’s fine Instagram out Instagram out the redness yeah I’m definitely up for sitting down having a nice thing to eat wow cute crafts and things everywhere I won’t zoom in on there there’s some cool stuff you can get a kind of wide angle feeling feeling of the moment rather than invasiveness everybody come you up [Music] [Music] Wai [Music] okay okay I let me think okay [Laughter] [Laughter] okay ah call it this one okay can you thank you you can maybe look at these ones [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] k [Music] [Music] sorry everybody hello Sarah hello Stephanie okay fuzzy screenshots I apologize for that to wow there’s so many crafts here [Music] very cute wow so much work I did not know there was going to be so many crafts and things basically it was 500 yen to um to have them write your name in that cute style and I’m a sucker for a bargain and also crafts people doing their thing this way which way yeah this way looks cute look like cute hi so we’re a bit worried maybe it’s very um pixelated apologies if that’s the case sorry if your screenshots are not so [Music] [Music] good they’re having a cute little picnic up on that little mound like that so cute look at this little picnic area you can see everything is it clear looks fine is it better now I’ve turned off the [Music] Wi-Fi ram ram 200 yen a big cact what is it there’s so many things to look at yeah you should have had your umbrella I’m worried about your head do you guys know Raman it’s the Japanese blue lemonade it doesn’t taste of ha Blue Hawaii though does it no does anyone know how to describe the taste of Blue Hawaii Blue Hawaii I think it’s a bit like a tropical tropical blue tropical blue tropical blue flavor it tastes like so Ram is this um drink that comes in a a special bottle that has a little um it has a a marble on top and you have to push the marble down use the lid to push the marble down so that you can drink the drink Turtles are they Turtles oh basking Turtles kicking their legs out should we go and look for them yeah let’s go and look for the turtles who wants to see turtles I do it’s a bit better okay you can Nick some from me that’s no problem hey look is it seven lucky Gods 2 4 6 1 second lucky Gods yeah if you see seven stones lying around 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven stones then it means it’s the seven lucky Gods a representation of them I was writing things in just any old boxes just then cuz like I wasn’t expecting their customer service to be so attentive so and obviously I’m trying to live stream so I was like look just pick a name of mine and write it thank you that’s funny but um go in that’s about three and a half $3 and half you say that right $350 or £250 in British money how lovely it’s got a Japanese garden feeling just in here so nice and crafts crafts crafts everywhere and clothes loads of lovely rocks and cool breezes and picking spot so nice it’s definitely quieter over in this area that I can hear music in the [Music] distance we’re looking for Turtles they’ll be in the sunny spots with the legs kicked [Music] out can you hear faint music in the background Turtles yeah look at them it’s a heap of turtles okay I’m going to try Zoom look at them the wow sorry this might be a bit pixelated cuz I’m a bit zoomed in but there are many turtles swimming in the water oh my gosh this so cute look at one second here we go look at them all they are red eared sliders they’re very common in America I used to have a yellow bellied slider some of them are yellow bellied actually they’re so chill yeah so many so in Japan um Turtles um Turtles are what word do I use um I feel it is a word beginning with p i can’t Pi of my word I’ve been teach English all week now I don’t know what the word is um basically they’re important they’re symbolic of um long happy healthy lives so you see actually quite a lot of ttles will be depicted on kimonos and things cranes and turtles and things I’m glad you can see the turtles they’re cute huh they’re so chill two [Music] [Laughter] a little kid saying how cute they are it’s true they are so cute oh to be a turtle basking in the sun okay Well’s try and get little feeling of music without YouTube shutting me down [Music] it’s perfect now that’s good oh here’s the Ramon [Music] Ram looks like there’s lots of crafts for kids to do it cleared up okay that’s the power of turtles guys turtles have improved the signal look at this it looks like it belongs in Animal Crossing look it looks like an outdoor bath from Animal Crossing I expect it’s not That’s The Power of turtles guys we just needed to see turtles to clear up the the video that’s all we needed oh and lots more people have joined so it’s the power of turtles and people I don’t want to hang out next to this music too long I’m sorry I think I’ll get in [Music] trouble it’s called the k [Music] wow there’s a playground with a giant octopus slide in the middle what a good Festival [Music] atmosphere slightly fuzzy again sorry okay so the music is coming out of that Caravan thing at the very back food truck usagi is it rabbit it’s like where do I know that from is it a rabbit food truck yeah but I don’t know selling rabbit there’s lots of food on the other side of this fence let me know I’m trying to move away from pixelation so there’s people day camping with lots of tents and things out and [Music] around and everybody’s having so much fun because of golden week lots of people are traveling all around Japan which means that in loads of places it’s actually crazy busy so it’s actually not very fun to get the bullet train around this time if you want to go to a far away City it’s just not enjoyable look at the food I’m actually very parted [Music] myself okay big stage over here but there’s no grass on the ground so it doesn’t look very appealing it looks a bit like we’re hanging out in the desert now but loads of good food every [Music] everywhere oh it’s School B they’ve got what fruit candy fruit candy oh the crystallized sugar on the candy how’s this area for um how’s this area for Signal okay what’s the usagi food so much meat Japanese people love love eating meat got karag Fried Chicken the usagi which means rabbit one looks like it’s got nothing to do with rabbits I think it’s the red one right what is it R it looks like it’s got It’s got Korean Vibe hot basically hot dogs and Fried Chickens actually hot dog and fried rice khaki Gordy it’s sunny enough for khaki Gordy now wow that khaki Gori shav ice looks so fluffy look at this one on the top looks super fluffy drink your orange juice right from the orange wow super Curry they love superp curry curry you eat with a spoon is very popular in [Music] Japan Pizza Cone I guess it’s like a crepe but pizza that’s pretty cool what do you think Guys Pizza Cone is that a good idea oops a little fuzzy sorry sorry sorry and I swung you around there all right well the live stream has been performed for near 30 minutes I think considering I don’t want to get in trouble for having too much music on here from um YouTube I think I might have to love you guys and leave you guys I’m afraid I I hope you enjoyed getting a little sense of what it might be like during golden week in Japan um and say goodbye to myself and live it was fun to show you guys around please check out all of the links in the description and you can uh also follow follow me in hit the notifications on lots of the other live streams that I’m doing in 2 days there’s a really fun one that will be outside with lots of special flags and it’ll be a much more aesthetically pleasing live stream I think um I realized that the time zone is perfect for those in America and Canada and Australia for example but and Asia but not so good for people in Europe so I hope that everyone tries to catch up if they can what’s this ice cream look at this ice cream is that Turkish ice cream yeah W that looks good get in my belly thank you all very very much I hope you had fun sorry about the uh the signal in its places yeah KAG there’s beer there’s everything [Music] bye-bye where’s bye-bye okay see you

1 Comment

  1. I have missed Heygo but at least I do not have to get up in the middle of the night to watch these videos. Is the live chat only available when live ?

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