
Tokyo Food Tour🇯🇵 – Insider Tips from a Local Food Expert!

Tokyo is my favorite city and I’m so glad I get to show you some part of it. We are guided by my great Japanese friend, Karen!
She was born and raised in Tokyo.
I hope we made you hungry and enjoy!

✅For work:

Karen’s contact:

Panasonic S5

Shinjuku City


#tokyo #foodtour #japan #shinjuku

[Music] welcome to too one of the most popular cities in the world and my all-time favorite destination we are standing right here in the famous chinuku district with my good friend Kim hi hi she’s a local born and raised in the city you ready to take us for a tour yes I am let’s go [Music] y so this type of food is like this one it’s like a little how do you say like a pan it’s a like local Japanese food Japanese local how do you call it it’s okaki okaki okak how did that sound how did it sound like a Japanese or still t Japanese tour Japanese like somewhere in the middle very local food okay very have you heard of it you guys no okay I’m I’m excited I’m down because for Japanese food we only know Shabu yeah shab Sushi tempura Yakiniku Yakiniku never heard of I think this has like more than hundreds of history for food wow it’s I think it originally start from like Osaka somewhere around there I see so it’s super L it’s in the middle ofin let’s order you know how how I feel right now I feel my audience because I always know what I’m doing when I you know ordering food in I always know what I’m doing you know Thailand is my country now I’m in Japan I’ve been here White a lot of time but I still don’t know the language and having you as a guide is a pleasure so maybe you can be our Japanese Les uh teacher of course if if I don’t know if I’m good at it but you are you are so I want to sound Japanese in the next restaurant every order okay so is is this type of food your go-to food like do you eat it every week no not every week but it’s like a it’s always an option A okay okay if you’re with a friend you can be like what do you want to eat today do you want to go for like Yak or like or what are the other options popular option the skewer the one that’s like on the stick and then like oh okay oh that that’s can be a meal yeah that can also be a meal we can go always go for ramen like the noodles or like normal like isak kayas like they have like random food and stuff yeah the beer here so so we say compai Kai so what are the ingredients here so the ingredient the main ingredients are the Cabbage I see and then there’s like bacon like pork inside and they also have eggs and green onions and because it’s your first time trying I ordered the super basic one but you can always try there’s like a fish version like shrimps other like meats and stuff but it’s the most basic one it’s not even cooked but it looks so good already hi hi like fried eggs nothing inside I have porks inside so this one you cut like [Music] this Baga means what stupid stupid oh it’s you get get wow you guys I can see uh the tomato sauce on top so hot and smell really really nice y my first time trying wow okay it’s like a mixture of Western and Japanese Food usually when you go to like a super traditional place they don’t have like ketchup or pork inside they usually take fish broth and cook it so it’s the meal original meal is more very gentle So Sophisticated taste but because it’s a very casual place they make it a food that goes like matches the drink it’s like omelette exact like with a little with a little sense of Japanese sauce in it sayi is more local MAA MAA means very like a lot MAA okay you guys this is Gua while we waiting for the okaki we’re going to try this gu St first okay let’s do it so it’s a very small it’s a very small size so that it can you can drink and eat with it oh okay let’s try it yes this one this one is so so you and also has like little bit of um spicy oils inside I see okay should we try together it you want to go together Cheers Cheers o I like this one what is it inside pork pork green onion well put together m [Music] so we have monja cooking right in front of us and Karen did actually warn me that it’s going to look like cook but then when they were cooking from the beginning I was like is it is it no I don’t think so you so pesimist about this thing and now it’s just start cooking in start pouring the broth and putting the cheese in the middle and now I can see your point yes it does look like P but I swear it tastes so good so much flavor can you tell me a little bit of the history is it like a it’s also local usually it comes with okaki too the shop is also mja and okonomiyaki shop it’s like a very normal standard place oh so this all together we eat together yes we eat together it’s very light meal it’s like a snack for I think a lot of people for the next big meal yes it’s ready okay you scoop it up like this yes it’s not sticky but almost sticky Curry like you put a Thai curry on a grill I like it but can we like is there any like spice that we can add or you just eat it like that let’s add spice do you normally add spice or no yes yes okay I love the m a lot better with the you can add as much as you want to I’m good with spice so but the spice is not like chili spicy in Thailand it’s like a little more Cy taste for the bite it’s good yay let’s dig it so right now we are on kaboji Joe Road full of food and Restaurant entertainment oh so do people usually come out and drink and have fun at night and have fun they have like nightclubs Coast Club I can see because we were here in in the afternoon and not that crowded but now I can see super crowded are you into Sushi yes let’s go to sushi there’s one right [Music] there for sushi you don’t dip a lot of food in your soy sauce you dip like a little bit what’s your favorite menu I forgot to order the green this one oh okay this is your favorite menu yes it doesn’t look yum no I’m going to try it so yes you need to try it if you like it you like it but if you don’t like it it’s like you don’t like it there’s like no in between I see a lot of T food I like that yes this is what I ordered and the rest is what Karen recommend and this is her favorite and it’s it’s freaking me out it’s like grass wrapped up with seaweed yes it’s little gross I’m a little nervous she dick in let’s try which should I try first what what are these These are more fatter ones these are more not Le these These are less fat more fat in the middle are they Al tuna yes they Aluna and this is what is it called again unagi unagi sorry I I I thought I ordered four of this but it only came okay so this s sardine and green onion Nigi n and Toro and pickles oh so you put this much yes to my Thai audience this is how much Japanese people put how much show you they put on their bowl because in Thailand my dad he would put like almost full really and put like a lot of Babi in show you what it’s all inside yeah that’s not in happen in Thailand no B is outside separate fora let’s go with this one the lower fatter one and you just dip it like you just dip it like this much ready Che it melts in my mouth it’s so fresh I can feel the Wasabi inside really fresh Wasabi and next this one yes let’s go with the e no dipping no dipping okay M next I’m going to try the one that I let’s go with the green onions what is the sauce on top have no idea okay you guys I’m confused this one you dip in the soy sauce okay it doesn’t you’re so scared of it it looks like like fresh veg on top of rice which to me it they don’t go together but I’m I’m going to give it a go how do you like it I don’t hate it I don’t it I mean yes it’s weird but I think the grass what’s the grass it’s a baby spring onion baby spring onion go really well with the warm well cooked rice because right this rice is not plain rice with vinegar I don’t hate it what’s the name again mini mini yes mini so you guys if you have never heard of this mini let me know in the comments because this is my first time I try this one it’s tuna it’s tuna and pickle M usually um Sushi we eat there’s no piggles in the sushi 7 out of 10 yeah I like the fish more it’s fish that was amazing Sushi thank you to Karen again we moving on to our probably last place it’s getting late and as you can see we are on kabu show street we are filming this at the beginning of April and right now it’s about 11 12 right now it’s like 111 111 12 it’s supposed to be harder but because we had uh sort of like rain and storm before that’s why uh we went to see fujisan and we didn’t see fujisan that’s like hey but right now in uh Sher Blossom Saga season we went to the Shinju National Park and uh it was nice I put the location L down because National Park is worth just only 500 yen for the entrance and I guess we moving on to the next one we are here at so it’s a very local cozy just down the road from the sushi place and it’s just really down to earth like everyone’s sitting really close to each other and can hear their beef being cooked from our neighbor table and they sell beer really really good beer here so I’m so excited we order like a set of be so let’s see what it’s going to taste like because I just leave all the work to Karen it’s going to be [Music] good Karen recommend us this beer and we had it last night from 7eleven so highly recommend you guys highly recommend yay cheers [Music] it’s so sweet the beef I can feel the fat breaking into my mouth you don’t need the sauce it’s already sweet well fresh and C what I’m tasting right now is just the taste of the be I recommend this place I give this 10 out of 10 here and other this spicy beef soup I’m going do go like that beab is still going on in my mouth right now I feel alive so oi this is a spicy soup the beef so to me it looks kind of like tomyum soup but it tastes nothing like tomyum soup in Thailand because you know what I realize trying Japanese food Japanese food is more soft and it’s not like bo boo boo boo like the taste not like so sa inti dish we we always have all the tastes I think it’s more like food itself taste like vegetable sweetness the juicess that it’s totally different type of food and and I love it I love Thai food and Japanese food and thank you again for taking me here it’s so good okay next let’s let’s try the next next this [Music] one I just learned another lesson because I’m thae and I pretty much eat everything with rice so I asked Karen do you eat beef with rice and she’s like no we don’t really eat beef with rice for dinner but Japanese people do eat rice for lunch and breakfast right so I didn’t order rice because I want to blend in and you know follow the Japanese tradition cuz if you look around a lot of people ordering R yeah no no this is for dinner and it’s a very really late dinner but um I like rice still I’m still a big fan of Thai food of course I’m tii but it’s glad to to blend in to blend in and the beef is amazing so you guys if you wonder how me and Karen met we met in high school back in New Zealand so we studied there she was there for a year yes only a year and I was there for 3 years and we met somewhere between we were 17 back then but right now we are 27 but I came visited her when we were in college we were 20 and it’s the co hit and something happened I I started this Channel and everything’s going on so this is my second time visiting her and I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years that we were friends and that we will keep our friendships like this forever and you guys if if you looking for like a friend or a local guide or like a food tour or even like drinking tour if you want to tour she’s the loc she knows this area you live only 20 15 minutes from Shinju she is willing to take you around if you are interested so I will leave her contact down in the description she’s my great friend and you will like her we like the same person we are very extroverted we love talking we cannot stop talking ever since we mad we are always a noisy one and yeah that that’s pretty much that’s about I think today’s tour we will go outside and take a walk for a little bit and one more Japanese phrase that you need to learn is where is the toilet which is this is it right yes yes day is the toilet toilet no this guys where where is okay where it’s getting late so I will wrap up this video right here so if you enjoy this video don’t forget to hit like And subscribe and I see you in the next one by bye


  1. Opal it is good to see you get out of your comfort zone with food and tryiing new things. Your amazing smile shows how much you were enjoying the food and Tokyo.

  2. Japan is my favourite country for travel. Okonomiyaki is a Japanese style pancake mainly cabbage & flour batter. You can add seafoods, bacon, ham, pork, chicken, etc… One of my favourite foods especially when they cook it in front of you. Unfortunately, not much spicy foods there. Enjoy your Japan trip 🎉

  3. I love okonomiyaki, one of my favourite foods, there's actually a fair few in okonomiyaki places in Bangkok, although I didn't try any when I was there, although I've had it fairly often in London and Japan.

  4. Oh, We always eat meat with rice inJapan at home. Because Japan is a rice country like Thai. Any family in Japan absolutely have rice for dinner .Most of Japanese have bread for breakfast , noodles for lunch. Japanese absolutely love rice so much.
    We are the same rice country, same Asian country. Only at restaurant, poeple have alcohol instead of rice.

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