Japanese Food

I bought these at a small local Asian grocery store today. Directions said to deep fry. Can I air fry them?

I bought these at a small local Asian grocery store today. Directions said to deep fry. Can I air fry them?

by derpiotaku


  1. Kogoeshin

    In general you could almost always air fry something you should deep fry, just don’t expect it to taste like it was cooked in copious amounts of fa and oil.

    You can air fry these – spraying them with an oil spray might be helpful as well.

  2. karakarakarasu

    They don’t turn out great air frying, imo. I’ve tried a few times. The panko just ends up toasting like bread, so by the time it’s brown, it falls apart and doesn’t have the crispiness of コロッケ. Definitely coat with a little oil, imo.

  3. thatbirdwithloudfeet

    Agree with what someone else said, you certainly can air fry them but the panko just toasts and burns rather than becoming a nice crispy outer layer.

  4. harpoon_seal

    Air frying something like this doesn’t end up well. You are better off frying things that have been breaded and frozen.

  5. ilikewinning2

    I’ve bought this brand (the pumpkin ones are the best imo) and I just shallow fry them. Thin coating of oil in a pan. You don’t want the pan too hot otherwise the outside will burn before the inside warms, but this way you don’t need to use a ton of oil and the end product is pretty great.

  6. CallMeParagon

    If you air fry, brush them with a little oil first.

  7. BelliniQuarantini

    Most freezer food has been fried once and then frozen which lends itself to air frying I don’t think that is the case for these so you would have to really get a good amount of oil on there to air fry them 

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