Japan Photos

The challenge of photographing anything in Japan

Mt. Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture

by PallandoIstari


  1. Freak_Out_Bazaar

    But without power lines that mountain can be literally anywhere

  2. Thomas7373

    You could’ve literally just crossed the road to solve your issue

  3. tama_tama_chameleom

    Anywhere in the world you sometimes need to move slightly to get a better picture 😐

  4. Novibesmatter

    Why didn’t the chicken cross the road 

  5. TenaciousPenis

    I think the bigger problem is Chinese people with tripods

  6. EnclG4me

    My stomping grounds.

    Just cross the street bro.

  7. LemonManDude

    Power lines bring that japan-aesthetic.

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