
Tokyo Tonight: Insta360 X4 Impressions, AI in Japan, Travel Safety and MORE

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and boom according to that I am live
welcome my name is Simon this is Tokyo
tonight I am back in Tokyo uh it is
indeed finally Tokyo tonight not
Australia in an hour in the future as it
has been for the last two weeks it’s
good to be back in Japan warmer than I
was expecting and actually I don’t
normally get like he for this time of VI
but my eyes have been a bit itchy so
something’s up in the I I I completely
the two weeks I was away I completely
missed the cherry blossoms which was a
bit of a shame I went for a run today to
see if there was
anything left and there was
not but um yeah it’s not it’s not even
May yet and it kind of feels like late
May temperatures and weather it’s lovely
but it does make me think is it going to
be like crazy hot this
summer to which the answer is almost
certainly yes it’s probably going to
rain or whatever but uh yeah it’s great
to see so many people already rocking in
here I’m back on the usual program of um
Tokyo tonight from 10:30 to 11:30 and
then uh DJing and actually I haven’t had
a chance to plug in and play with this
thing since I got
back so um yeah and I’m I’m not set up I
I was catching up and in time because I
was working all of last week while I was
overseas uh I uh yeah I i’ I’ve not been
following news at all and I found uh a
lot of weeks I say there’s not a lot of
topics and I I still fill up the whole
show this week there are like a lot of
topics there’s like way more than I was
expecting so there’s a lot going on um
so uh yeah anyway great to see so I’ll
see what I can CR in but a lot more
topics than I was expecting in fact I
still never fully CAU up on what was
people were talking about on Twitter I
was just going through my RSS feeds but
yeah anyway we’ve got DJ Sunny site up
first uh congratulations from Greece
we’ve got black tangu present and
correct indeed we’ve got yny Moy uh
Nordic we normally have a few Nordic
Representatives but certainly y Finland
made it first so welcome uh yni good to
see you Lara welcome back as always nice
to see you there uh who else we got
believe in your yourself from Canada yes
we’ve got uh people from Tokyo Canada
Finland uh all over the place in here
who else have we got in here Quint
rankit Quint ranet good to see you Toom
uh great to see you Toom uh sadik man
from Florida wow checking in from all
over the world do appreciate seeing so
many people oh the the comments just
updated uh so uh yes we’ve got uh anyone
else we got Dan H glad that you can make
it Dan H good to see you uh and uh that
is all that I’ve got if you’re watching
if you’re just looking whatever as
always as I always say just say hi it’s
just nice to see um what have we got
here snowstorms in northern Greece
heading for the beaches in Southern
Greece wow that’s all happening at the
same time that’s kind of
crazy uh is that aimed at me because um
yeah well I was just as I was finding
things to talk about so there are a lot
of things to talk about we’ve got good
day from M go X nice to good day right
back at you thank you for that I guess
afternoon and morning in other parts of
the world but here in Japan of course
nighttime uh it is tough doing this it
makes me it is actually funny like the
the one part of the world you cannot
watch this show is this country New
Zealand it’s like and even from
Australia it’s a struggle it made me
being in
Australia making the show did make me
appreciate um people who stay up late
because you know when I was in Australia
pretty when I was at home I had a pretty
healthy sort of uh get up with the sun
you know go running or surfing or doing
something healthy and then going to
sleep so it was always
um uh because of that I I had more of a
uh I was going to sleep at like 10:00 as
well so staying up at 11:00 to do the
stream I I really felt it uh winter is
in Germany as well wow okay so sorry to
hear that Cobra steni of course I saw
the crazy stuff about what was happening
in the Middle East as well Dubai with
those rainstorms and everything um I
guess what I what I’ll kick off with is
not actually in the topics it might be
in the topics you might see if you you
um check my Instagram or my Facebook or
whatever or I did actually upload a
video today um I took out I I went as
soon as I was coming back from Australia
I saw when they announced the uh one pro
the the insta 361 x 4 the newest uh 360
camera from insta 360 of course I’ve got
the uh X2 so two generations two years
old um and yeah they announced the 64
and the criteria which I always said
that I would cause me cause me to
upgrade that it’s got a higher
resolution which means that on a large
screen it should look better uh when you
when you chop in and look at a small
part of the screen um and a bunch of
other features I thought were pretty
cool so I I checked it out and I uh
pretty much immediately bought the the
1X 4 and I tried it for the first time
today I uploaded a clip earlier on this
channel you might have seen just 30
seconds of me running but it’s with the
full resolution frankly with settings so
crazy like 4K output um and high bit
rate and and all that sort of stuff I I
i’ never actually edit with that
probably I would probably mostly edit
for mobile but it’s just nice to see on
4k on a full screen yeah it looks it
looks good it’s starting to look like an
iPhone sort of video so uh I will I’ve
already had people ask am I going to do
a comparison of that with the X2 that
I’ve owned I mean it’s clearly going to
be it’s already ready I can see the
colors are better the lighting is
better um uh the resolution is higher
it’s better in in in most ways as you’d
hope two generations later but I’ll do a
comparison just for fun uh but for now I
just uploaded a clip just to sort of
show off how how good it it looks I’ll
grab it for a
minute so the things that made this an
instant buy for me and U my initial
Impressions so this is this is the
camera and and I carry this out running
um it is noticeably heavier than the X2
I mean it’s a it’s a bigger it does 8K
it’s a bigger sensor and everything
everything same SI sensor I believe is
the X3 for people who had that so I
don’t know if it makes as much sense um
to replace that um but one thing when
you have these 360 cameras of any brand
one big problem is is that you get even
the tiniest scratch on these lenses and
it ruins the video quality uh which I’ve
done I I I’ve been out running and
hiking and you know doing all sorts of
stuff in America and I had some Falls
where I got some really nasty scratches
on both both lenses and when I sent it
up for a lens replacement um which cost
like 20,000 Y and I just did this like a
month ago um they just sent me back a
camera uh which I guess is probably
probably makes sense um and that way it
waterproof so I’d only been using the
replacement camera for two months but um
what I one thing I really do like about
these is that it’s got these kind of
cheap and friendly but basically it’s
got like a protective lens uh which you
put so the real lens is on the inside of
this but it’s righted out you can’t tell
it’s using a protective shield at all
and this just means that if these get
bumped and scratched up you can replace
them which had to do and much much
better to replace a plastic Shield than
to replace the whole camera and you feel
less antsy about like wiping and
cleaning it so that was the first thing
that appealed the second thing being the
8K it does get hot um but um that is
doesn’t bother me because I use the
stick um one thing that I did
notice uh when I was running uh it’s
noticeably heavier just carrying like
this although this is honestly fine you
know holding it like this like like a
sort of an Olympic p on but when when
you extend the selfie stick which is
what I do for running so you can’t
really see on the I guess if I go like
this you can sort of see and I’m holding
it like this um that kind of multiplies
the feeling of weight and honestly I
think part of the way I screwed up my
shoulder was probably from doing this
with the lighter earlier version and I
immediately felt with this oh I wasn’t
strong enough to hold this up um so I
had to keep switching arms to hold it
when I took it out for a 10-minute
portion of my run
so that’s a slight
concern and I certainly don’t want to
injure my shoulders or arms or anything
doing this but I do love the videos and
it makes it fun it for me going out
running and picking a scenic route that
I can take a cool video that sort of
shows off Tokyo and I can put some music
over that I get to make this is kind of
just a fun process for me so I do enjoy
it and the fact that this is now good
enough quality that it doesn’t like I
did notice with my videos they look good
on mobile but then I look at it on a
full computer screen like this and
they’d always look a bit blocky and not
quite good and with this they can look
good um which is nice I mean I I so love
this idea that you can take videos with
this and decide the video later on um
and then it can frame everything and so
on uh intelligently and it can make it
look like it’s flying as a drone around
with you so I’m I’m a real fan of these
cameras the upgrade to me was a
no-brainer uh however um it is heavy
that’s the main that’s the main downside
that I see but a lot of the updates were
updates that I wanted and updates that I
didn’t even think of that I think think
a genius like the lens cap thing um I’ve
already ordered some accessories for it
uh 8K though it’s massive files um so
we’ll see how that goes but um yeah yeah
I’m really happy so far just one day
with it but um yeah uh back into the
comments Shas glad you can make it shis
nice to have our Panama representative
there in the chat we’ got Dan H has a
comment aimed at me I say he expects 50%
uh their incomes will come from zero low
or low alcohol content drinks also the
birth rate is declining correlation
causation uh that’s an interesting one
the declining birth rate there is an
overall trend of course of gen Z’s or
whatever they they call um you know 18
to 30 year olds nowadays um of drinking
less so much so NHK made a sort of a
multi because the Japanese government
collects a lot of taxes from alcohol
taxes they saw um the the the declining
sales of alcohol not just a problem for
these huge domestic industries that are
important you know economically but also
for tax revenue so NHK was pushing that
you know campaigns by government
Ministries uh as well as these companies
to encourage young people to discover
the joy of getting
uh on quaz legal drugs um so uh yeah I
think as he’s probably partly just
pivoting realizing that um they you know
uh the profit margins on adding chemical
and sugar to you know and carbon
carbonated air into water are probably
as good as alcohol maybe even it’s
easier to make um so yeah it’s something
as well that um you know I didn’t drink
a lot when I was traveling I was still
being conscious I’ve got my health
checkup this week so I didn’t want to
undo all the work I did a three three
months of sort of you know being really
careful with what I ate I didn’t want to
undo it in Australia so I do like that
there are lots of increasing options for
um you know being able to go in and uh
order in bars and so on like
non-alcoholic Alternatives so maybe it’s
good that they’re just reading fashion
but certainly the fact that um elderly
uh given that it’s increasingly alcohol
consumption is a is a habit of the
elderly um that might imply uh that
they’re dying out but at the same time
um yeah who knows I interesting
statistic I hadn’t heard before thank
you as always D you’re always good at
pulling out things that I’m not aware of
myself that that get me thinking so I
always appreciate
that uh what else have we got here we’ve
got DJ Sunnyside Up pointing out only 10
likes so I can’t see the likes at the
moment on this interface so I should
maybe if I open this over here I can
check over to the side I can see so now
I’ve got 13
likes so that is good to see um and uh
yes did I watch the video of the biker
girl you sent me with the comparison I
I’ve seen so many uh X3 and X4 videos
did I see it the bike ago I think I I
remember you sent me something and I’m
pretty sure I watched everything I’m
pretty sure I watched it but it’s not
coming to me right now what was in I’ve
been watching so many videos um
certainly since I was upgrading from the
X2 to the X4 it’s a no-brainer and this
is pretty much now what the GoPro was 10
years ago it’s kind of like the default
most YouTubers I know um have one um
what really surprised me as well with
this a lot of these features are the
same as the X3 but for me they weren’t
present on the X2 so they are
improvements the mic was surprising ly
good deal as a sound quality it’s
actually at a point where I feel like
maybe I could even like Vlog while
running something I’ve considered or at
least doing like running explaining my
sort of routine and stuff like that
something I kind of have wanted to do
for a while um so yeah you know um I
might even take advantage of the fact
that the mic appears to be pretty good
even though you know there’s uh the
still picks up wind and all of that Mr
Cy chip glad that you can make it time
to hit the gym uh yes indeed Health
checkup this week Steven Wheeler good to
see Steven Wheeler there in the chat and
kick up the likes all indeed thank you
for leaving a comment do appreciate it
will there be a DJ set tonight yes there
will be a DJ set tonight I’ve got all
the kid I I I was doing topics right up
until the last minute so I’ll need a
minute or two to set up uh I’m
definitely a bit Rusty but I’m looking
forward to it and since I guess I’ll use
the iPad actually since
um uh since yeah it’s easier to do like
uh searches for requests and stuff like
that but yeah we’ll see uh it is
scheduled DJ s C she points out which
indeed it is uh for 1 hour after this so
yeah is there a body mount I could get
for the camera I I could attach it to my
chest but then I wouldn’t get the selfie
effect the Drone effect with it I I like
running around with the selfie stick so
that is what it is I’ll I’ll figure
something out uh yeah remember Japan it
had an anime with anthropomorphic
types and one of the uh voice actors got
in trouble for saying women shouldn’t
drink so much so yes all that
the comments I won’t repeat here but uh
yes indeed Mr Cy ship is drinking
creaming soda
milk H that sounds
interesting um delicious glad to hear it
uh K is number two on alcohol
consumption just behind Okinawa wow I
thought Okinawa had like this huge
margin on alcohol drinking of course
down in Okinawa they don’t drink Sake
they don’t even drink like
Chu stronger Shu they aam Modi and a mod
is just basically like a jet fuel um
it’s it ranges from like 50 to 90 proof
it is rough uh some people attribute it
to the uh living to be 120 years old
down there but also to the extreme lack
of productivity that okoa
produces uh the fact that Ki is number
two to Okinawa that’s a that’s a
statistic Ain glad that you can make it
our our moderator has entered the room
glad to see it as expected news hasn’t
started yeah yes I’m saying hello to
everybody so many beautiful people
coming into the chat here so yes indeed
and everybody do what eron says Erin’s
always right don’t neglect the like
button hit it like it owes you money uh
the lyy project good to see you maybe a
backpack mount for the selfie stick yeah
the problem is it never looks as good
from behind as it in front I really like
I’ve kind of got my my routine down in
front it is what it is but yeah yeah I I
I would like to figure out some way to
make it less of a health
risk um but there again that builds up
the arms and the shoulders at least I’m
trying to figure out I’m being a bit
more conscious since I’m doing
Rehabilitation on my screwed up shoulder
uh about all of that so
um yeah shus congratulations haven’t had
a drink since 1986 no regrets glad to
hear it yeah yeah and congratulations on
that that’s what she said now I’m
wondering what I said I’m I’m sure she
did oh I have to watch this show back
now and figure out what I what figure
out what she said but yes I’m I’m sure
it was absolutely accurate all of that
said there are like a ton of topics
there are a lot of topics as you if
you’ve seen my Twitter in the last hour
you’re probably on the verge of blocking
me uh so uh on that note let’s have a
look at what we’ve got the first topic
that we’ve got uh open AI has opened up
a uh uh Tokyo Hub and is adding I don’t
know if it’s actually released yet maybe
it is already a GPT 4 model up optimized
Japanese um big thing we’ve talked about
uh Japanese love AI it’s one of the
stories I’ve actually put up earlier
today that there was a a Stanford
University sort of global survey where
they looked at us people from various
backgrounds and various countries and
their attitudes towards AI um the
country with people most nervous about
AI the consequences for losing jobs and
and disruption to society Australia
something like 69 70% of people there uh
concerned or nervous about AI whereas
uh Japan the least nervous 23% although
other people pointing out also Japan
hardly uses Ai and of course the more
English some people said English
speaking countries uh seem more nervous
about AI probably since they’re more
exposed to it although that said I was
just in Australia I’m not sure I’d say
that they real just
kidding honestly I I was starting to get
it does rub off on me I I have an
Australian mom and I was staying home
with and I was uh you know I I learned
how to speak first in Australia so I go
back there for 2 weeks and have a couple
you know if I have a drink uh yeah I I I
start to get a bit twangy uh start
sounding a bit Australian and people
start saying you don’t sound like a QE
at all and I start thinking oh no so
bringing it back um so yeah with the
with the AI stuff Japan generally though
well I’ll come to this this is I’ve
deliberately got this thread later on
but Japanese Japan’s generally a techno
optimistic country when when it comes to
robots when it comes to all sorts of
things there’s there’s theories I’ve
shared before on this but um yeah the
the one challenge with of course these
AI gen AI models is that they require
massive data sets of human language
which it imitates and of course there’s
more English on the internet than there
is Japanese although Japanese does punch
above its weight for the number of
Japanese users on the internet the
amount of internet content is way higher
per person of you know per English
speaker than than there is for English
so Japanese pretty prolific at getting
data onto the internet um but there is
less data and the more data you have the
smarter the AI gets so Japan both lacks
um highly developed AIS because they’re
all developed using English language
materials um and uh yeah and Japanese
can’t access as easily the ones that are
there because they work primarily in
English so the idea it’s bit of priority
for the Japanese government worried that
it might fall behind on this sort of
thing uh to try and fund Japan sort of
domestic players to develop Japanese
geni but of course the other alternative
is you get the top AI company in in the
world to come and set up an office in
Japan and convert their existing World
beaing AI into Japanese which I’m sure
is also making you know I mean jet GPT
even when it wasn’t very Japanese
compatible still a huge boom in Japan
and usually positively seen so uh very
cool that they’re opening up an office
in Japan and looking to create localized
products and a real opportunity for them
here just given that Japanese companies
haven’t really made a
d and this might just be another example
where um you know it’s going to be
people it’s going to be multinationals
bringing the technology in that’s going
to give Japan the most benefit rather
than you although you know you never
know they keep being breakthroughs in
this by sort of new companies mistal for
example in Europe and maybe Japan will
get its own mystal but for now it’s
pretty cool to see open AI setting up
here so yeah um yes was that an
ambulance or lra I don’t know I didn’t
do it I’m legal I swear my Visa is valid
uh but yes yes I I Main Road nearby so
yes occasionally you get uh you do get
Sirens la policia although that was
definitely an ambulance I think that was
well picked that was an ambulance they
often go up the road here so it’s a main
road so you often hear all of
that um geez now I’m really curious what
I was saying the squirrels are indeed
strong the squirrels our squirrels are
like Kung Fu Fighters what what can we
say one story we’re doing well I see
that they’ve renewed for all mankind
when I was in Australia I did just binge
watch the entire or about half of the
last latest season of For All Mankind
and honestly it was getting stupid uh
and I was getting irritated by it and I
I have a theory that I feel sad to share
um the writing is clearly crap on um or
you know it’s on a downhill slide and so
proper on For All Mankind which is
disappointing because I so love the
premise of the show but I’ve also
noticed that um I also get really
irritated by the lead actor Joel
kinderman and I could I shouldn’t be
angry at the actor because he’s just
playing a role that was written for him
the way it was obviously written so but
there again then I remember I also
didn’t like him in Altered carbon and
altered carbon was just like For All
Mankind it was a great concept it was
basically Ghost in the Shell um it was a
great concept for a TV show that should
have been so much better than it was and
I just couldn’t get into the protagonist
and it’s the same with this
and I’m sorry Joel but you kind of suck
I can’t watch shows that you are
starring in or I I don’t know maybe just
a victim of of going to shows with bad
writing but um yeah I’m excited that
there’s another series of old Mankind in
the hope that it might get better but I
don’t know what A fifth season of a TV
show ever
improved uh but um yeah that is a thing
uh that is indeed happening um part of
me my sinuses are a bit blocked tonight
I guess going outside tonight uh was
probably a contributing to getting uh
yeah I must be reacting to something at
the moment or maybe just reacting to
coming back to Japan and getting out of
the plane by the way I haven’t even
shared thoughts on Australia I was in
Sydney for a week slight squirrel Chase
here I was in Sydney for a week and um
this probably the longest I’ve ever
spent in Sydney I’ve ever only ever been
there a day or two at a time time being
raised in um Victoria near Melbourne but
not in Melbourne instead of Southern
Victoria Mornington Peninsula beautiful
part of the world I was just taught to
hate Sydney and New South Wales for no
real rational reason I was just taught
that Victoria’s better than New South
Wales and Melbourne’s better better than
Sydney and you never need to go there
but going there Yeah you sort of
discover it’s Los Angeles and Sydney
both have a lot of things that really
they’re like Global huge
Multicultural uh commercial cities uh
where you can surf and work on the same
day uh among other things they’re just
uh City I was mostly in the central area
but I I I loved running there great
climate I mean yeah Sydney’s apart from
the fact it’s so freaking expensive
there and I can barely afford to live
anywhere which we’re going to come to
later on in the topics that I’ve got for
the show uh great place to go
anyway um so uh they are coming for me
yeah I hope not this isn’t China I hope
not can AI pass the jlpt that’s a good
question I’d be really curious about
that um so uh I figured Erin and you
figured out what I said just scroll up
uh I’m
curious um
possibly okay now I’m I am scrolling up
but I can’t get too distracted by this
um I like it better on front or
something yeah yeah okay okay I don’t
what I don’t know what’s going on there
but I will just continue scrolling down
that we can proceed I haven’t been
watching Shogun although everyone’s
enjoying it so I should watch it did I
eat kangaroo I’ve eaten kangaroo before
like in a curry it’s really tough meat
and doesn’t taste particularly good I
like gaming meat in general I’ve had
kangaroo but it just doesn’t taste that
good whan long time no see good to see
you there in the chat uh welcome back
good to see you does Sydney have a skid
row it kind of does well one impression
of city that I had actually was
comparing it to like
Seattle it’s not as expensive as Seattle
and it’s not as grungy and messy and
dangerous as Seattle but it sort of sits
in between SE and Tokyo like going from
Tokyo everything is more expensive and
dirtier and you can see possibly less
safe under certain circumstances I went
there right after the all the stabbings
and stuff happened that made the global
news so you got all of that but it’s not
quite as bad like for the Americans
going to uh Sydney for this work thing
they were all commenting it was cheap
whereas for me it was expensive but not
as expensive as America so if you’re in
America I’d say go check out Sydney but
yeah yeah I’ve got to go check out skro
great band indeed says Robert Brooker
and I should go check out Shogun
sometime when I have time yeah that
might be the next one that I load into
my uh binge watching speaking of binge
watching um I was going to annoy when I
go to a hotel I’ve just spent a week in
a hotel and uh there’re always big
Samsung TVs and I can’t like cast my
iPhone uh movies onto these huge screens
in these hotels so I just I’ve got into
the habit of just watching my my my iPad
Mini instead of the huge TVs which is
probably a good thing but uh I don’t
know what the deal was but apparently
Apple’s finally now doing deals with
hotel chains to uh allow them to host
AirPlay so that you’d be able to
actually cast from iPhones I guess this
isn’t a problem if you’ve got an Android
but it’s kind of bothering me especially
I lived for five months basically in a
kind of a service department that had
all these massive TVs that I couldn’t do
this in America so there you go I do
want to watch Fallout it looks really
good um so Whit on yeah Shogun okay
going to check out Shogun and yes I
really want to watch Fallout so well
you’re you’re ahead of the curve on all
that stuff uh uh NASA is going to send a
drone to Saturn to Titan uh that is
awesome I really wish we could just Mass
produce drones and send them like every
like space probes and telescopes and
send them everywhere um this is kind of
cool I’ve got a friend who actually goes
and uses a uh plane simulator whenever
he goes on an international flight
apparently there is one out near Hana uh
but apparently one step up uh jel is
launching a hotel room with a cockpit
room to tap your inner pilot I don’t
know what they mean by tap exactly um
I don’t know love Hotel love hotel for
plain nerds I mean what why why
not um but yeah there you go I mean and
I suppose with all these foreign
tourists it’s a way that they could
charge for extra for tickets and so on
Tokyo Vice I’ve heard good things about
Tokyo Vice I’m sort of reluctant I have
read Tokyo Vice and I’ve interviewed the
author on this channel so I guess in
that regard I should really watch the
series uh I also know well I’ve met I
wouldn’t say know Mr edstein I met him a
couple of times he’s an interesting
character um but yeah it sounds like the
series was really well done so thank you
for the recommendation I probably should
watch it it feels like like when I go to
Australia and I don’t eat sushi because
it’s like oh you know it’s it’s not it’s
not the same but when I actually
overcame my own Prejudice and I had
sushi in Australia like the crunchy roll
with the grilled onions and avocado and
roast beef and stuff yeah it’s actually
pretty good I mean it’s not anything
like what I consider to be sushi but as
as it is what it is it’s quite good and
it sounds like actually this Tokyo Vice
is quite um uh quite good and I I think
this is actually quite a good
um this is quite a a trustworthy thread
for at least for advice about streaming
stuff I find it’s always pretty
reliable um so
uh yeah yeah anyway continuing on this
is just an interesting article I’ve
posted the link of course from mine each
year about this agency that’s getting
tons of business from uh particularly
new new grads not just new grads though
who hire a company to um uh to resign uh
on their behalf to their companies I
think this would be like a great drama
series you could have a great TV series
I mean I think there’s enough um there’s
got to be a movie or TV show or that
exists about like people who you pay to
go break up with people on behalf of you
which I think also exists in Japan very
non-confrontational but um the whole
idea of resignation agency of course in
Japan just like every other country all
you have to do is give notice and you
can resign um but of course one there’s
a problem in Japan that Japanese
companies sometimes pretend like you
can’t resign even one of the examples
given here how somebody tried to quit
and they couldn’t because of uh company
circumstances um and so they hired this
company to do it instead but you you
have to do is give notice that’s all you
have to do um but uh probably other
sorts of things as well just the whole
admission ceremony that they’d have to
diee their ha black and uh or they
wouldn’t be allowed to attend the new
entrance ceremony so they quit but they
didn’t want to deal with the company
anymore so they hired a resignation
agency to deliver their resignation
which it’s kind of sad that I mean but
there again this is a generation where
you hear um and I don’t know if this is
true or not this sounds like a sort of a
meme type thing but young people are so
anxious about face-to-face communication
and voice communication that they like
are par paralyzed from even using phones
at work
but there you go um res big business for
the resignation agency
anyway um so uh does that also have a
new book out I didn’t know that which
surprises me um what else have we got
here we got tons the Yen uh down to near
the lowest value in 34 years certainly
the whole time I’ve been in Japan the
the lowest it had been before this was
like one lowest being a high number of
course was 125 Yen to the dollar now
it’s at 154 155
ridiculous um I converted all of my US
dollar savings at 130 thinking it’s
never going to get any better than this
and it’s and it feels like it’s going to
sit here forever or maybe get worse so
uh record cheap Yen which of course
record uh although apparently well I
keep saying to everybody come to Japan
now it’s like the country’s on a sale is
never going to be repeated but what is
already happening is one the air tickets
if you buy an air ticket in America or
Australia everyone’s trying to get into
Japan last month first time Jaan has
ever had 3 million tourists come to
Japan in a month so record number of
tourists coming to Japan they’re all
cramming for a limited number of air
tickets the price of the air tickets is
going crazy plus the cost of the hotels
not just the fact that there’s a high
demand uh like I say the highest number
of tourists ever to come to Japan in a
month from outside of the country but
also um the um hotels finding out
themselves that they can charge foreign
rates and uh get away with it so Japan
is rapidly being priced out of hotels in
Japan as well so but as a result of that
uh people are telling me they were
planning to go to Japan but the cost of
hotels and air tickets U made it
unaffordable for them even though
everything else would be cheap so that
is a
shame but the yen is crazy and you know
and I really did feel the pain of it
when I was in Australia first time ever
it’s always about 80 uh yen to to an
Australian dollar but it was one to one
it was 100 yen to a dollar when I was
over there which is easy to do math but
it makes everything feel very you know
20 30% more expensive
um a new law in Japan that SNS companies
will be required to swiftly remove
defamatory posts on social media which
sounds reasonable and it’s apparently it
passed unanimously in Parliament uh yeah
I wouldn’t want to be the person uh
responsible for implementing that though
because you know here’s a defamatory
post there might be questions of fact or
reasonable belief like the whole thing
about defamation in most countries is um
if it is something it’s not information
if you reasonably believe it to be the
truth uh you know and somebody and you
have to have a trial basically to to
arbitrate whether uh it’s true or not
and whether you maliciously said it like
falsely or not and what’s defamation so
you’re going to have to make really fast
calls on a ton I mean what percentage of
social media is some on the spectrum of
defamation I mean gez uh I tried to be
reasonable Joel kinman might not like
what I just said about him just before I
don’t think it was defamation I just
said he’s sucks as an actor but you know
who knows I mean maybe under this law
he’s going to come for me um which you
know if he’s going to take me down with
his acting skills I feel safe uh so yes
uh Ki say something clever that I didn’t
see you got some way to okay we we have
uh cockpit jokes uh ensuing so I’m going
to move on Doctor oo good to see you
there y being solo actually worked in
your favor when you visited Japan the
last two weeks I’m glad that you visited
Japan and I’m I’m glad that you got to
the benefit of the low Yen so good for
you glad to hear it I encourage you hope
you did have a wonderful trip
indeed uh and uh wow yeah sounds like
trip of a lifetime first time you you
wanted to come since you’re a teenager
good on you uh glad that you made it Dr
oo uh it’s kind of funny the the two
weeks when you were here I was out but
uh yeah hope you had a really really
great trip um Erin rallying the likes
2020 16 likes there are there are 17
likes now there five people who are they
who haven’t liked that is okay I don’t I
do appreciate it but yes if you like the
show like if you don’t like this show
like anyway just please just like uh so
yeah uh restaurant review arguments here
we come the yes inde that’s another one
that in Japan apparently a bunch of
doctors a a group of 16 plaintiffs sued
Google for
$99,000 defamation damages this is like
in America that’d be sing Google for
like $500 billion in Japan 16 plaintiffs
are swing for 9,000 what what even is
that that’s like like you know $850 each
in defamation for bad wanting bad
reviews taken down of their clinics
which granted people could post bad
reviews for all sorts of you know
malicious reasons and they leave it up
there so um yeah one sec I got to blow
my I’ve just been blocked up since I
started the stream so just give me one
second I’m going to mute
oh that is better it might just be that
since being away for two weeks maybe the
room’s just Dusty I don’t know but uh
um one person’s insult is another
person’s defamation but yes it’s going
to be some company’s job to enforce this
and it’s going to probably have
penalties and everything so there we
go um so uh does that even cover the
lawyer in court fees in Japan absolutely
not in fact that would probably be the
main cost I basically everybody loses so
um yeah I don’t know what they’re going
to do with that law but that’s going to
that’s going to be a thing ski Market
famous of dog siiz rats uh and V various
uh diseases and so on they knocked it
down it’s in hiin I used to walk past it
on the way to work uh looks like there’s
a proposal to a bit looks this looks a
bit like the guen renovation project
except they’re building it on front of
what’s basically toxic industrial was
site so this should be an improvement
they’re going to build a 50,000 person
Sports field and looks like they’re
going to develop the area by the rivers
and stuff looks like it’s actually
they’re actually going to make it nice I
like new things generally I like
development I really hope they get the
sports Stadium right I can’t really see
what sort of sports Stadium it is but I
hope that they don’t build one of these
sports stadiums with a massive running
track around the side so if you go there
for a soccer game or rugby game you
can’t even see the players because
you’re too far away I hope it’s a nice
like compact where you can really see
where you can watch a concert or you can
see a game where you can actually see
who’s playing uh and I I love this idea
I actually really really um running in
Tokyo especially now that it’s spring
it’s it’s wonderful running along the
rivers but there’s no one who’s actually
sort of realized that these are great
places for walking and for recreation
and they just randomly like stop you
know for for construction all sorts of
stuff all over the place uh they should
just be developing all the riverfront
areas to make them areas where people
can kayak and where people can you know
run and do all sorts of
stuff so um yeah that’s that’s I’m glad
to see the sort of development
particularly in the Waterfront and River
areas and the canals around Tokyo
especially now that they’re not quite so
stinky and polluted as they used to be
they don’t smell good but they smell a
lot better than they used to so uh yes
uh signs of the future uh world’s first
recycled diapers go on sale at stores in
Southwest Japan oh God and I was
thinking to myself surely they just mean
like recycled you know diapers made out
of recycled paper not like recycled
diapers but uh if you click on the the
link will it show it does show
apparently horizontal recycling that
doesn’t sound good yeah they actually go
through a complicated process to
eliminate bacteria and odors they are
literally recycling old people’s um
diapers in fact you know what I I was
thinking these are old people’s diapers
but they might be young people’s
diapers oh that sounds even worse oh it
is for children I you know what I just
read this and assumed it was for old
people and just thought this is like
Japan both getting
poor uh and old at the same time but
it’s for young people but I don’t know
how is that a good idea I mean I guess
Captain Planet that sounds great but um
yeah I don’t know this just sounds like
side of the times old and uh poor but
they’re recycling I don’t know e e e
anyway speaking of uh travel related uh
Hotel experiences no more cockpit jokes
please apparent apparently bullet trains
are going to offer luxury private rooms
which I guess given that you know uh
bullet train tickets you know in US
currency cost like $250 now it makes
sense you try to find ways to sell
upscaled experiences that you could make
uh you could sell it a premium but uh I
must Adit the idea of private rooms on
the bullet
train kind of cool right I mean if
you’re going to if you’re going to go
for like a 6 hour ride or whatever um
yeah I don’t I I I I don’t know that
offer might offer a type of Hotel
experience as well uh certainly if you
can afford it no idea what the cost of
these are going to be but uh that is a
pretty that is a pretty good
idea um so uh yeah yeah why not it’s
the although honestly yeah more of the
bullet trains have kind of been around
since the 1960s I feel like if it was on
a magli that might be really interesting
but um yeah anyway that is the thing
that is that is happening
um uh can you eat Cy bar asks DJ Sunny
Side Up I I mean you can eat anything do
you want to not really not
really um but there we
go uh can you get bed so I’ve never
heard of a room or a car and a bullet
train doesn’t really make sense but uh
well maybe maybe maybe we can do that uh
some people saying Choo Cho there in the
comments so there you go um yes
continuing on
uh yeah yeah and you know what um Dan
asked about this last week Japan’s
position on the Palestine conflict and
and on Iran um fact I don’t think he
asked I think I got sidetracked talking
about the the Palestine conflict and
asked about Iran um so catching up on
the news it’s been interesting Japan uh
has basically uh the strongest ties ever
of course with America almost no ties
with Israel uh strong ties with Arab
countries and strong ties separately of
course with Iran which is not an Arab
country um Japan was actually Allowed by
permitted by the United States one of
the few countries to get a pass to keep
buying oil from Iran when uh the US was
sanctioning Iran um so kind of Japan has
a special relationship with Iran and uh
with Arab countries it’s long been sort
of close to and when it comes to the
East it generally supports Arab Nation
positions on um uh Israel conflict
related matters uh including it
supported the the the promotion of the
the latest resolution that was vetoed uh
to recognize a Palestinian state which
is still something that Japan is
promoting and when it comes to
humanitarian causes at least and this is
slightly awkward you know Japan is one
of the voices that sort of supports un
humanitarian agencies and causes within
the UN and it’s it’s continue to sort of
do that so it’s kind of in the middle
but kind of leaning towards sympathy for
Palestinians and um sort of seen as a
neutral player with Iran and has been
trying to you know um softly influence
in that regard but uh yeah yeah at the
same time when I say it’s kind of funny
I mean Japan is a huge uh sponsor they
they they pay a lot for I believe un uh
Refugee agencies and so on the huge
contributors but they don’t actually
want any refugees themselves the way
Japan treats refugees itself is kind of
a problem you know even though it pay it
sends a lot of money for other people to
look after the refugees for it
so it’s kind of a good actor on Refugee
matters and a terrible actor on Refugee
matters at the same time but you know
interesting uh Dynamic there uh so yeah
I realize the comments have
descended uh have descended into um yes
and I suppose I did curate the topics so
I need to accept at least 2% of the
responsibility for that what can we
do not related to the last bullet train
story apparently a snake was seen on
a uh apparently a 40 cm snake was seen
on a bullet train and absolutely not
related to The Last Story or any of the
the the the comments currently happening
uh I I wanted to post a gift of Snakes
on a Plane uh since now with the snakes
on a train apparently it happened and
that caused a train to be delayed
normally when you see you often see
you’ll see jino that means a train hit a
person basically human related accident
sometimes you’ll see animal related
accidents and with regards to bullet
trains that’s often the train hitting a
bear or a boar or something but a a
snake being loose on the train is a
relatively rare in new ones so there we
go uh midi set a goal of uh increasing
renewable or or or carbon free energy by
66% uh by 2040 based on
2013 um Baseline which sounds wonderful
and ambitious but not quite so fancy
when you remember 2011 then they turned
off all the nuclear power plants in
Japan and switched to just burning like
dirty coal basically so basically they
could achieve that goal just by turning
on all all the nuclear power plants
again uh which hopefully by 2040 they
will have I mean there’ll be some
improvements but yeah they they
definitely were going to choose 2013 and
27 2007 or 8 as the Baseline pick one or
two years after um the the greatest
Japan earthquake and the Fukushima
disaster not 2000 not one or two years
before it uh so it makes that an easier
goal to achieve makes me kind of wonder
if yeah are they really serious if
they’re doing
that um 91% of uh foreigners want to
keep working in Japan but weekend is
taking toll uh hell yes uh all of that I
like living here I’m kind of resigned as
a nice place to be here but um uh yes
snake Club indeed uh but
um yeah you know it it’s I’ve been
saying to a lot of people lately Japan
is a place I originally came a lot of
people came to Japan from New Zealand in
the late ’90s to work for a couple of
years and save up a deposit for a house
back in New Zealand uh and back in those
days you know um 10% of $300,000 $30,000
was enough for a deposit you
know um and you could probably put that
much away if you live frugally in about
2 years whereas now house prices in New
Zealand are like 10 times that and you
know and where you everything else it’s
not a place you come to make money
anymore I do like living here I do but
it it’s definitely taking a
all um you’d love to live in Japan uh
but make us money that’s the dream and
you know what with all the sort of uh
with AI with all this internet stuff the
the the the possibility of doing remote
work the problem is if you are working
in Japan um Japanese tax tax man will or
tax person will want to get you and uh
that will requ require some form of
localization in Japan which will require
you know it’s kind of hard I suppose if
they ever figure out this digital Nomad
business um that’s a pretty good formula
for coming in here on us wages which
Japan should want as well right they
want to make that easier but they do
want to tax you if you do it so there
again if you have to pay Japanese tax
maybe not that so bad and maybe it’s
still as good so I don’t know there’s
there’s increasing ways I guess to do
that but that is indeed the
dream uh so yeah um what else have we
got uh Aon just have an online shop I
mean that’s one
solution also I think um you know lots
of people have jobs that you can do even
my job I mean we most of a lot of us did
our jobs remotely for two years so I’ve
proven the theory of that although
that’s in you know working remotely all
the time I I I I like being around
people so that’s a downside but uh yes
there’s all of these things um but yeah
yeah uh 6 months a year with this new
Visa still pay in the ass yeah hopefully
it’ll get better hopefully you’ll be
able to get like two you know twoyear
digital Nomad Visa before too long but
we’ll see uh as I mentioned before three
over 3 million visitors uh visited Japan
for the F you know tourists visited
Japan which is the first time ever more
than 3 million have come in a month so
that’s a that’s a crazy
record uh and continuing uh of course
bringing tons of money in but also
causing some tensions um IU lost a
battle to uh over catching salmon in
Northern Japan as IO are of course the a
kind of First Nations people in Japan
they they they lived in honu predating
current modern Japanese which are
sometimes referred to as Yamato Japanese
so they’re Japanese but they’re sort of
there there were a lot like sort of um
Inuit people in the uchan islands in
Alaska and Siberia um and uh I see
parallels myself I when I went up to
hokido there’s a you know with the wood
carving sort of totems and stuff like
that it looks a lot like Mari culture
even and their their history is very
similar even the timeline is similar it
was the same time that Mari were getting
colonized in New Zealand the 19th
century is when Japan decided it needed
to exert sovereignty over all of
Hokkaido and it basically um sort of
eliminated the language and uh land
ownership and so on of all of these IU
tribes that have been living up there
for you know at least since before
Japanese people sort of moved into those
parts of Japan and uh as and they were
literally forced onto reservations and
so on and uh and sort of uh Japan aze I
guess you would say given Japan Japanese
names to the credit rather than just
than discriminate uh rather than
identify and discriminate Japan’s
approach was to assimilate um they said
you you know now you’re all Japanese
just the same as us and about at the
same time they were trying to eradicate
the identity of Inu um and we’re very
successful at that but a lot of those
tribes and particularly in the northeast
of hokaido where those groups sort of
remained the most sort of coherent they
still uh had like traditions of salmon
farming uh predating
colonization that just like in Australia
just like in New Zealand
um they claim that you know those rights
were not extinguished by colonization
and the Japanese governments have sort
of informally or traditionally
recognized that at least for cere
ceremonial purposes they could keep
fishing in these particular Rivers but
there were also laws there which were
aimed at kind of forcing a bit like
killing all the Bison in America to
force you know uh Indians to become Dev
dependent on on white people for food um
Japanese banned the the harvesting of
salmon from Rivers um which was their
their primary sort of diet
food and uh although they’ve challenged
this saying that you know they they they
they they traditionally have those
rights um the Japanese Court decision
recently said that no those laws were
against commercial fishing of salmon
were uh you know to preserve salmon
stocks and uh you know I you didn’t have
any special rights for those and you can
still do traditional like ceremonial
fishing if you want to do it so no so
it’s an interesting one it reads like a
story that you’d read in New Zealand and
it’s you know Japan has its own First
Nation kind of
Okinawa Okinawa similar a bit different
because Okinawa sort of has retained it
its political sort of
existence whereas IU are very much you
know like part of Japanese hokido and
Heaven since last century but or two
centuries ago now but uh yeah yeah
interesting story from my perspective um
interesting that the lp at the same time
as kishida was just in America to meet
with Biden just in case just in case ldp
is also sending tle asso to go and meet
with Trump which is makes me think did
someone like read a description that um
you know did they did they read that we
need to send someone to go and meet a
former national leader who is Gaff prone
sexist uh you know intolerable to be
around and uh you know U any volunteers
and someone misinterpreted that as a as
a description of the person that they
needed to send and they just sent the
person most similar to Trump that Japan
has I mean arel is probably like Trump
without the Charisma or F
in fact I would say if anything I mean I
actually I’ve shared
before in moments where he has no power
or responsibility whatsoever I found
likable aspects of T AO I think he
actually has a good sense of humor and
the fact that he dresses like a 1930
like Dick Tracy he dresses with the hat
like a 1930s gangster um there are
things about t hle i i find endearing
but then I remember he’s said he’s in
charge of the Ministry of Finance and
was well as prime minister of the
country and I think yeah no that’s not
good um but it is kind of funny he
probably is the closest thing to Trump
that Japan has and they’re sending him
over there I guess to try to make Trump
feel at home and uh make sure that Japan
I mean I think what when Trump met AB he
said of whispered to AB I still remember
Pearl Harbor at some point you know just
really good stuff so uh yeah American
people I I don’t even care anymore
honestly but uh it is uh with people
complaining about um the the candidates
in the US election being too old Trump
77 T asso 83 which I think is older than
Biden actually although nobody’s
pretending that asso is going to be
prime minister again or even that it was
right that he was prime minister before
but there you go anyway I thought that
was interesting that they’re sending him
across there um quick look at the
comments um I see people chatting to
each other but yes waito son six months
seems hardly worth moving for for a job
I sort of agree um and uh yes yes Lara
definitely pissed off with the uh new
um they stay in Japan more than 6 months
don’t they yeah yeah people stay here I
think just renewing tourist fees and
stuff which is what people have sort of
always done but uh yes I think Japan
wants taxes I’m I’m not sure if that’s a
thing this was a really cool story this
was a
developer who apparently um this is
really cool when he was like a fifth
year of elementary school he wanted his
parents to buy him a computer 35 years
ago now and the parents said uh they
couldn’t afford it they said that they
couldn’t um uh that they they they
refused to buy a a computer for him and
uh but but he really wanted to do
programming so he would write out basic
code on a notepad as an elementary
school student and apparently he found
photos of his old notepad from 35 years
ago and fed it into the a generative AI
CLA 3 um which executed the code which
he had written as a as an elementary
school student in Java script and he
watched it turn it into a working
program and work as a game and was kind
of emotionally moved by it and uh that’s
like so cool and I’ve had moments of
brain exploding moments using geni as
well which is why I am in the
23% uh no I am I am I am in the the the
majority so 23% of Japanese are nervous
about J which is the lowest of all the e
surveyed countries I’m in the optimistic
category definitely um but yeah oh this
is funny you know how I often joke about
how the eimo um is this uh uh looks like
an aircraft carrier but Japan assures
everyone it totally isn’t um Japan’s
just launched a second one uh same class
of boat called the kaga and it is uh
this ship it this is not an aircraft
carrier this is a a portable helicopter
um and civil defense platform the idea
is that they can put uh Hospital
helicopters on this to support um you
know civil defense and uh you know
earthquake emergencies and stuff like
that it’s just a total coincidence that
Japan bought a fleet of vertical takeoff
and Landing f35s just afterwards
wish they can cover the deck of this
thing and um China China Chinese foreign
Ministry apparently lost its crap over
this uh saying that this is once again
Japan is uh breaking the spirit of its
peace Constitution uh and is
militarizing and must stop this sort of
uh this aggressive militarization
activity at once without a single
comment about the uh Ukrainian aircraft
carrier which it used a maau shell
company to buy saying that it was going
to convert the aircraft carrier into a
casino which it then instead of making a
casino made it into the the YY the first
aircraft carrier of China basically
Ukrainian rusted out
Casino uh so nobody’s perfect China but
yes it’s kind of funny that China’s kind
of super pissed o over that uh so yes
what’s it like living in East Tokyo I
say this is someone who loves East Tokyo
I’m not in the wards that are included
in East Tokyo in this but um I’m close
and I’ve lived in nishai which is
definitely East Tokyo I lived in kashiwa
which is a greater East Tokyo it’s all
part of the ghetto uh and so yeah if you
ask me what it’s like living in East
Tokyo it is lovely but I do think of the
Elvis song in the ghetto and uh and his
mama cried and I when I think of that I
think of this the South Park episode
where um whenever you say a line of a
song Eric Carman has to like sing all
the lyrics of the song to get it out of
his head I’m definitely like that so
there we go um survey on Japan’s most
and Ill mannered cities uh listed out
and uh it turns out that Osaka by a long
way considered the the rudest City in
Japan um people saying look at these
decades we talked about this post last
week got 120,000 likes and 21,000
reposts so Japanese not liking decad
tourists so don’t be a decaded
tourist um going to have to excel this
is just from two hours ago I’ve got to
get through the whole week I’ve got 3
minutes left no problem challenge
accepted given that most of my week was
in the last two
hours uh line another data leak from l a
second round of administrative guidance
which is just a stly worded letter but
the next step is Criminal you know is
fines and penalties so it’s a pretty big
deal but there we go uh a contrast here
uh for the cheap Yen you’ve got um an
American saying wow I got to stay at a
festar hotel for just $170 a night uh
while Japanese students going to uh
Hawaii on a school trip uh here packing
uh balls of rice to be able to eat
because they can’t afford the food there
when they travel uh and Japanese
commenters in the um it news version of
this commenting how yeah this is
basically uh Japan is basically now the
position of a developing country and
some foreigners saying well they
remember when it was the other way
around in the 70s and 80s but I don’t
know it was ever that bad the other way
around but yeah yeah it’s kind of
dramatic times anyway $170 for a festar
hotel still still sounds cheap but uh
congrats to this guy who figured that
out uh and yeah Hawaii is definitely not
cheap the fact that they’re buying
Convenience St onid and packing it into
their suitcases to take the Hawai you
get in a lot of trouble for doing that
in Australia by the way um they will
they will if you bring food into
Australia they’ll they’ll like
basically well they’d send you to
Australia which I suppose uh used to be
a punishment
anyway you broke the law welcome in no
they don’t do that anymore but
anyway um yeah more Stu the record
number of tourists uh nobody buying
tickets to go and see this party don’t
know why um this is the Stanford thread
that I mentioned at the beginning with
13 charts including uh Japan the least
uh AI makes them nervous out of all of
these uh insta uh 360 yeah baby got that
uh H got through it in five minutes
literally 5 minutes from it took longer
to get off the plane than it took to get
through customs and out to the monal so
that was pretty cool yeah Quantus was
I just got constant cancellations
and getting run around and all that sort
of stuff um so yeah the average wage uh
graph there talking about how it’s crazy
how Americans are getting richer But
there again some other some other people
commenting of course in America even if
they’re getting more money they’re also
you know more in debt and all this sort
of thing at the same time so America’s
not necessarily feeling richer and
people live in Japan probably still feel
and have a quality of life that’s
commensurate with with doing quite well
even if the the wages are still
27,9 55 average wage in Japan the lowest
of all of these countries but something
to be said for that uh checking when I’m
coming back into Japan uh but there was
a yellow sand warning maybe that I don’t
know if that’s what we’re getting right
now safest countries in the world for
travelers I I didn’t go deeply into this
but apparently on this list
Japan was like not in the top 10 and uh
got it here Japan made it to 12 Play
12th Place Place three slots above
Brazil I there are countries here which
are definitely not safer than Japan I
mean if they mean nuclear accidents and
earthquakes and tsunamis then yeah Japan
probably not the safest country in the
world for travelers but how you know
when I was in Argentina I remember
Brazilian people saying when you go to
Brazil be careful last week three people
died in a sports Stadium because of
falling bullets from gunfights in the
favas so you know I so I was asking so
what are you suggesting I wear a vest
everywhere um
this seems a little bit miscalibrated
but there you go um oh I haven’t the
I’ve never seen the Ace Attorney Anye
before it looks ridiculous but it’s kind
of cool to see legal eagle on YouTube
reviewing it with a Japanese lawyer and
uh taking it seriously for a moment so
that was kind of cool and a naked person
in Shinjuku station um yeah not a
foreigner thank heavens uh me and Sydney
Toyota on the moon and uh we’re up on
uh yeah Brazilian Brazil is not safe
well apparently it’s only three places
are less cheap than uh less safe than
Japan so I don’t quite know how that
works but what can we do Eric I’m glad
that you made it we can now start the um
the Afterparty uh so that is a thing um
so uh yeah
yeah lots of incredible booms Tommy Tom
glad that you can make it uh oh aa games
there’s an anima that they made and it
was uh ridiculous so what can we
do not clear not clear he seemed happy
he was like guiding people through the
gates uh doing his thing doing his thing
feeling the breeze uh so anyway I’m
going to I’m going to end the show now
I’m going to take a few minutes to set
up the live stream uh for the Afterparty
do go and join uh the the link is live I
don’t have it handy but somebody if
you’ve got the link put the put the link
in the chat um I think uh Erin has the
credentials for that has the ability to
do that we have 19 likes I would
appreciate if you have if you like the
show do like it thank you for putting
the link in the chat there for the
Afterparty South Florida also not so so
to everybody promoting their
hometowns uh again actionpack show this
week I hope that you enjoyed it uh hang
around for the Afterparty otherwise
follow me on Twitter Ina Facebook all
the all the socials and I will see you
this time next week if not I’ll see in a
few minutes uh boom enjoy see you soon
ending stream

1 Comment

  1. Had a migraine all weekend and was trying to sleep it off this morning. Sorry I missed the show! Catch ya next week 💥

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