
McDonald’s in Japan is CRAZY 🇯🇵

Welcome to the wild world of McDonald’s in Japan! 🍔🇯🇵 Dive into an epic adventure as we explore the unique and jaw-dropping offerings of McDonald’s in the Land of the Rising Sun. From tantalizing menu items you won’t find anywhere else to quirky cultural twists on the classic fast-food experience, get ready for a taste bud tour like no other. Whether you’re a foodie, a traveler, or just curious about the global phenomenon of McDonald’s, this video is a must-watch! Join us as we uncover why McDonald’s in Japan is simply CRAZY!

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#Japan #Tokyo #Mcdonalds #japanmcdonalds

[Music] I got your attention so good afternoon 
everyone and welcome to Tokyo here in Japan  
we’re currently on a really busy road but today 
we’re going to try McDonald’s here in Japan and  
see how it compares to English McDonald’s English 
um English we’re currently in Harajuku we just on  
a really busy street I can’t actually remember 
what it was called um but it’s really touristy  
here and very busy for a Thursday afternoon as 
you can see like streets are packed here they  
have so many creps here in Harajuku as well 
I don’t know if it’s like yeah they’ve got so  
many crep shars and we’re going to get one as 
well at some point but this is a video today  
about McDonald’s just McDonald’s uh we did walk 
past the McDonald’s the other day and we looked  
at the menu and it looked insane so we’re going 
to do a full comparison today check out some of  
the items on the menu and see what it tastes like 
so come and join us as we check out the Japanese
McDonald’s [Music] now I don’t know why 
but this street is so busy and it’s doing  
my [ __ ] edit it’s so long like so 
many people here and it’s taking us
about yeah it’s taking us about half an 
hour just to walk about 500 M because  
it’s just like constant stopping and 
I’m really unsure why I think people  
are just taking their time to kind of 
appreciate all the shops and stuff yeah  
it’s a really Narrow Street and blows of 
people and it’s really winding me up just  
want to get to McDonald’s it’s only over 
there and it’s taken us so long this is  
crazy actually yeah I don’t know why is this 
busy that through God knows slow people slow
Walkers doesn’t H that we’re hungry
yeah okay right we’re here I can see the golden 
arches we’ve managed to dodge that crowd I don’t  
know what all that’s about to be honest like 
there’s so many people there and it’s not even  
as if like because a specific reason but I don’t 
know maybe it’s just like a really popular Market  
Street um look how quick we’re walking now we’re 
so hungry I think it’s just cuz it’s narrow and  
there is actually so many interesting shops on 
this street yeah to be fair you don’t have every  
time I was quite amazed yeah but they have like 
Frozen popcorn what does that mean oh right it’s  
here here we go here we go here we go I’m hoping 
that there’s kiosks here CU if there’s not oh yeah  
there is self-service kiosk there we go now first 
things first English all right let’s see what this  
menu has to offer shall we I mean first thing 
that shouts out is a matcha Kuro mitsu warabi  
mchi pie is that M got m in it ter Burg ter burger 
cheese ter right let’s go through it so H ma hereu  
Big Mac standers heru Mac Teriyaki mcbg we don’t 
get any Teriyaki stuff in the UK can f it teriaki  
chicken FID I’m going to get one of those I think 
get one of them and I large fries of course uh  
what drink do we want sock and B Bier iced tea oh 
gray IC te white gra Fant melon Fant grae that’s  
weird H I might just get AUM roast I coffee yeah 
oh yeah I’m just going to get I’m going to go for  
one of these actually Fantom melon there such a 
bad idea I’ve never tried Fantom melon before um  
so I want to give it a try while F grape then 
sorry yeah you be Fanta grape then what’s new  
should we see one what’s new ter terat burger 
cheese terat seaweed salt and buttered mashed  
potato with bacon what that’s so strange like 
the royed soy sauce up thick beef double thick  
beef roasted soy sauce bacon tomato that one 
sounds mental that doesn’t I I want to get one  
of these item only because it is a seaweed salt 
and buttered mashed potato with bacon never read  
of it so let’s get one of those I mean I’ve never 
heard of this before and churros oh my God churros  
right I’ll get some of them as out right that’s 
me done I’ve got churros a weird teriaki burger  
and then the mashed potato Burger did you go for 
the one of these I know that’s should I go for  
soy oh yeah soy sauce ter Burger this one sounds 
mtal should I go for RO soy sauce bacon go them  
that sounds unreal I’ll get with MC fries I’ll 
go for medium cuz cuz you’re not fatty what you  
going to forant grape P of grape okay see if there 
anything else you want yeah let’s have a look what  
else um Terry Burger chicken fet that sounds awful 
bothering the whole shrimp burger obviously in the  
UK we get the fish fet we never get shrimp fet so 
shrimp fet does sound really good but I’ve already  
ordered a lot as it is on the sides you can get 
like this weird like chicken things can’t get them  
in the UK adami and corn standard desserts I’ve 
got the churos that looks quite nice do we get  
one of these matcha yeah we’ll get one of those as 
well me matcha stuff I’m not sure it have a bite  
but and then mukf float grape mukf float melon 
petite pancakes Muk float Coke that’s about it  
yeah oh yeah look macarons here mango smovies 
more macarons macarons right are we happy with  
that mhm all right then uh eating so this comes 
to a total 2,650 which works out to be uh £ 13  
which is not bad actually 13 quid some English 
prizes really yeah right the next challenge is  
finding a place to sit oh right down here there 
we go loads of seats free you go here yeah
nice so then it’s just arrived and the very 
first thing that stands out to me is the the  
wrapping and the packaging on these look at that 
it’s like secure Blossom on there even on this  
look oh my god look how cool it looks got Reds 
you got green yeah oh God that that looks like  
pure sugar that doesn’t it doesn’t it right then 
so what is what um that’s theie we’ll save that  
to the last that’s what’s this one in here then 
we have churos in there so we’ll save them to  
last as well they can go to one side yeah I can’t 
remember what we’ve ordered what’s this one uh I  
can’t actually read Japanese so I’m not too sure 
that looks to me oh that’s the uh mashed potato  
one that’s my one and then this is the what the 
Cherry of the chick it oh yeah right then I mean  
let’s not hang around let’s get straight into it 
teriyaki chicken give it a taste test they smell
unreal that is menil yeah
that’s that unreal it go this 
is so exciting it’s a Christmas  
never ever had a terak and chicken burger before
so let me know what you think
thinkink how good is it nice is it 
mhm that sauce tastes incredible  
as you can see it’s just like pure 
covered in teraki sauce and oh my  
God they have that in the UK mhm 
everyone e yeah [Music] unreal so
good this one I can’t remember what this was oh  
yeah what have you gone for 
it was on there should be
um s sauce BT thick set don’t know what 
that means this is basically bacon tomato  
oh soy sauce it was soy wasn’t it 
oh yeah like a beef like a beef soy  
sauce beef burger with bacon the bacon and 
tomato and lettuce soy sauce beef burger
BLT M oh my God so good is it 
good is it m M that’s amazing  
only thing with these Burgers is 
there you literally make them M
righty never had a soy sauce 
beef burger with bacon before
so oh that is nice I thought the soy would be 
really overpowering but it’s not you can barely  
taste the soy at all it’s just like a nice hint 
so good and then right then we will try this one  
so this is the most interesting one I personally 
think so we got beef burger egg and mashed potato  
the top there as well apparently so is it hey 
so seaweed huh seaweed wasn’t it seaweed Mash  
was it oh yeah okay yeah so sorry M there so 
it’s like seaweed B based mash um right oh
fishy give of a go
oh it’s so messy what your thoughts I like it 
honestly it just doesn’t really taste that much to  
be honest you can taste the egg and a bit of the 
beef but you can’t really taste much of the match  
to be honest I don’t think anyway I just don’t 
really think that’s too going on there really is
there no I’m not a fan of that so I probably 
wouldn’t go for it again purely because I I  
don’t I don’t com yeah I don’t not like it 
but I don’t really like it if that makes  
sense like it’s not I will eat it cuz I 
bought it but I don’t know it’s just a  
bit I’m not sure sure it goes I’ll still 
e it obviously um the next thing I want  
to try is this drink now this honestly looks 
like if you ever watch The Simpsons and you  
see that radioactive stuff in The Simpsons 
it’s that color doesn’t look very appetizing
but doesn’t actually taste too bad to be
fair oh it’s quite nice it’s s 
sugary tastes like pure sugar
but it’s not too bad tastes better 
than it looks I don’t actually like  
grape so that’s all bests about melon 
yeah I can’t stand grape flavor stuff  
see how it tastes is it strong is it 
nice I like that really it’s like like  
sweet it tastes like I I’ll I’ll give it 
a go cuz I’m intrigued but that’s is it
good n that’s everything I don’t 
like in a great N I don’t like it  
right then let’s give these fries a go 
I assume these fries probably taste the
same they taste like that ever so smallest 
bit different and in a good way I feel like  
they might actually be nicer than ones we 
get in the UK they just taste a little bit  
different and they’re really good actually I 
got that I mean so far so far I think Japan  
actually wins the best McDonald’s that we’ have 
trapping yeah so previously it was India and now  
I think Japan actually takes a top spot teraki 
chicken burgers better fries I’m yet to Chuck  
into a churos we’ll do them last more Choice 
as well like maybe more Choice with the beef  
boats not so much chicken burgers but really good 
really nice flavors so far absolutely loving it
good right then so that is pretty much the mains  
all done and dusted we’re now going to 
go for the desserts so first St is the
churos m they’re like chocolate 
filled in the middle like they’re  
still warm so they’re quite 
like melted and they’re very
nice do you like them or
no I’m not really a fan of the doughy they’re a 
bit like hard my CH that is my favorite bit though  
I actually really love these they T nice yeah I 
just probably wouldn’t order them again and then  
the star of the dessert show is this moi what 
was it mchi matchi matchi pie p thing now I’ve  
never heard of this before never seen it before 
so first time it’s green and it’s green looks very
Japanese it works oh look at that it tast I’m not 
sure but it works it’s nice flavor like the rice  
yeah uh kind of I don’t know how to describe it 
but is really nice oh a chocolate in it I’m not  
sure oh that’s good that’s actually really nice 
hot very hot what’ you think you’re not a [Music]
fan is it licorice no I don’t think 
so it shouldn’t be no not licorice  
definitely not no that black be 100% no 
it is no it’s not what is it called it
is is I’m sure maybe what’s it 
called I can’t what the other word
fored yeah it’s got really weird hint of like 
licorice you’re not wrong but it’s not enough  
put me off I really like it yeah I’m a fan yeah 
so definitely grab on these if you come here and  
these churos are also really nice and I got 
some food AR make a right mess of it um yeah  
I mean overall I’m thoroughly impressed I really 
enjoyed this the burgers are unreal the chips are  
even nicer in the UK and that’s like I never 
thought I’d say that desserts are good um and  
that melon drinks all right but I wouldn’t choose 
it again we bit sickly yeah yeah bit sickly but  
I really like yeah I mean Japanese McDonald’s 10 
out of 10 unreal so good better than UK that’s for
sure okay then so that’s the McDonald’s done we’re 
now going to come here for actual pudding dessert  
I don’t know where I get a bit confused where 
mhm it’s clearly a very popular place cuz this  
is a queue um and everyone stood around here with 
them so they must be good uh Mar and creps what  
they called Peery from Haruki since 1976 I they 
might have been yeah maybe the longest standing  
ones than maybe there so many CP shops yeah there 
is a lot of CP shops um yeah hopefully it’s nice  
I say it’s a big old quue so not sure how was 
going to T to get I’ve got cash anyway so m I  
want to get a Nutella Nutella and strawberry are 
you now well there is a big like um cabinet here  
with all the different ones so once we walk past 
that in the queue I’ll show you what we can get  
um smells good though smells really good and the 
really good thing about these is the fact that a  
lot we have a lot of places in Japan they do this 
thing where you can see the food and like I guess  
it’s like plastic um and they show display what 
the food is going to be like before you order it  
which is really helpful especially For Tourists 
um which one you going to go for I’m going to go  
for uh I think it’s over there the chocolate ice 
cream strawberry chocolate ice cream strawberry  
but what I think is really weird here is they do 
a uh chuna cheese curry now tuna Curry and cheese  
in a CP is just absolute noo I don’t know why they 
do that that’s the weirdest thing I’ve seen crab  
yeah but the rest of them look really good you 
can get even cheesecake with ice cream banana  
Nutella you quite literally oh yeah that’s the 
one I want you can quite literally get slav cake  
yeah like a full-on slab of Cheesecake oh yeah 
brownie brownie ice cream banana cream all in a  
crap banana almond brownie chocolate ice cream 
whipped cream insane All For Less than4 that’s
pleas excited
yeah look at this there we go look at that bad 
boy we’ve got strawberry cream ice cream what  
Happ just that yeah I think so it’s nice and warm 
so that came to 640 was it 640 uh 640 Yen 630 Yen  
which worked out to be about3 which is not bad 
at all really if you bought that in London you’d  
probably be paying about 9 so got a bit of prep 
as well you take a bite and add this in as well  
you need the flavors at once M mental in it yeah 
that’s nice is not hungry so he’s only having two  
bites so we’ll see that’s cuz be’s going to finish 
all off by herself aren’t you be how would you  
rate this up to 10 I mean I haven’t really got 
this is a good bit yet but I’d say eight eight  
out 10 that is strong so then I believe that 
pretty much wraps up our day here today the  
mcdonal is incredible and this I mean if you’re 
in this area of Tokyo you can get creps anywhere  
we just thought we’d go to Mar and creps because 
we saw loads of photos of it and it was close to  
McDonald so yeah I mean full stomach happy and 
we’ve got a crap in hand to see up a day as we  
get back to our hotel so thank you very much 
for watching and we’ll see you in the next one


  1. 海外旅行先でMacDonaldを食べ比べしたくなります。でも、その違いは、その国の特徴を表してはいない。日本滞在中の大事な食事の機会に使うのはもったいない。日本の庶民的ハンバーガーなら、モスバーガーがお勧め。

  2. TBH, fast food in Asia is so much better than in Europe or USA. Should try Mos Burger. So good.

  3. Japanese Mac has seasonal limited burgers and others all year round, the burger you are eating in the video is a regular burger and there are many more unusual burgers, the most seasonal type in the world but it is a Japanese Mac, I think it is the best in the world.

  4. The most used sugar in Japan is not granulated sugar.
    It is caster sugar(上白糖), a combination of sucrose with glutose and fructose.
    It has a complex and delicate flavor that adds depth to Japanese cuisine.
    If you don't mind the heavy weight, why not buy some as a souvenir?
    It is sold everywhere in supermarkets!

  5. In Japan, it is prohibited to take videos inside McDonald's restaurants without permission!You can't film a YouTube video on a tourist visa!

  6. モスバーガーも美味しいですよ。


  7. It's unfortunate that you've only been frequenting chain restaurants and haven't had the chance to try truly delicious Japanese cuisine.

  8. 昔ね〜竹下通りに色んなV系の店とかすごいストリートファッションあったのに…

  9. After living in Japan for like 14 years I can’t eat a burger with my hands anymore like… I have it in the wrapper or with the burger sleeve most places give you.😂

  10. 原宿は昔から若者に人気のある場所でそこには若者が好むような店が連なっています。だた、道が狭く人が多いのでぶつからないように気を付ける必要があります。

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