
What Others Don’t Show #travel #explore #travelvlog #vlog #belize #god #livelife

I had the opportunity to spend some time with a lot of people in Belize City, thanks to @ladyvillehighlights9650 . This trip became emotional because of the beautiful souls I came across. I’m now a big supporter of Ladyville nonprofit, and I made this video to show the greatness of God and donors that are helping and giving back to the ones in need.

what’s going on I’m currently in B City
I had the opportunity to hang out with
Mr Albert and ladyville highlight this
was not play when I say I fell in love
with B City even more that’s exactly
what happened I’ve been blessed and I
had the opportunity to help and give
back this video will show a few stories
of some people that we came across and
we came across a lot of people during
this time I can’t show it all but here’s
just a
few it’s who that try Guess The
y I had the opportunity to meet Mr Stone
and his grandson
Kobe when I say I fell in love with Kobe
oh my God so I will be coming back to
bise and it will be for Kobe I have to
see him
again so uh the story here of Mr Stone
I’m gonna let you he’s going to tell you
his story but uh he he’s he’s blind and
that’s 12 years old takes care of
him right now
please come byard right now
alio okay all right then sound like
old k 11 or 12 12 12 12 years old and
he’s been with him for two years old
yeah first of all I used to work at the
K Ro Hospital okay I used to be a
Security Supervisor there right the
first sight I lost was my left ey I was
uh coordinating a a helicopter
landing right the gate after I have the
helicopter non set in place in line to
pitch so I move out of the debris to
rush in the boot but while going to the
boot I get is there and the get came and
bu that’s the first thing that L this
side mhm so I was I was coordinating an
emergency and I turn an
emergency so after that a while after
that then I start to
lose this one here M right so that’s why
I came off I got the
doctor medical because of my okay yeah
and then eventually the right G you know
talk by diabetic that that help that
help it I helicop
in I proba forgot czy man the star is
yeah so
Mr Kobe I’m Muhammad nice to meet you
nice to meet you too I heard a lot of
good things about you you
yeah I heard you are a great
grandson a great child you helping your
granddad you’re there
for you famous y that’s
good what class you’re in Kobe six you
in sixth grade how old are you uh 12 I
get accepted into Wesley Wesley so
you’re going to Wesley yes or to college
he going to high school to high school
you on high school yes going to high
school he going September
September at 12 yeah because he’s 6 and
he’s going at n he’s going as a good
school right now he’s like in 12 grade
so one thing that caught my attention
when I started speaking to Kobe
was his age of 12 years old his granddad
has taken care of him since he was
young and after his
granddad’s illnesses and him losing his
sight his Grand his grandson’s been
there for him every step of the way and
seeing the innocent of this 12year old
and hearing it he’s he’s just he’s he’s
a child but he’s doing things to
where you would expect from a more
mature adult and he’s there taking care
and being there for his
granddad and when I saw that and I saw
his smile and we talked about candy and
what he
liked I fell in love with him and um he
was a ve very intell
kid he was in technology he said he
loved technology and he was doing very
well in school on top of taking care of
granddad um this was a a
story that I heard one of
many that was great and Kobe he he’s a
guy and I do hope to see him
again so our next stop was this young
he was 14 when he got
shot and when he got shot the
bullet hit his spine and paralyzed him
to have the opportunity to help tracon
fix his wheelchair the charger wasn’t
working there was some wires
disconnected in the charger I cut it
open I reconnected some wires and got
the got the charger working to where it
could charge its battery
so he said it were down for three weeks
and he hasn’t been able to use it for
three weeks
so just being blessed to have the skills
to just even know how to open that up
and know what’s inside of that charger
and it was basic wires it wasn’t
anything special I was happy just to be
able to help him get his batteries back
charging so he can go
outside uh tracon he he was in good
spirits and I I think he mentioned
either that day or the day before was a
2-year anniversary of when he got
and I couldn’t imagine I couldn’t
imagine at any age but just imagine at
14 years old going through something
like that you still young at 16 years
old you still dealing with that you
can’t move you can’t do things on your
own you can’t do things that your
friends can but you’re still
and he has some bed
and you know they do need help with GS
and tape and things like that he was
using electrical tape to uh tape up his
Galls on on the side and just something
so small like that you we take for
granted As Americans in America and we
can throw that away without thinking
twice about it and we know how cheap
things like that is you can get that
maybe for
$2 just
imagine something like that so small can
help someone not even too far from us
and how much it can change their life so
uh tracon keep smiling hanging there
mine my grandma grandma oh she looking
good I said
Mom okay I ain’t going to get on camera
I don’t know if she want to get on
camera she she had a knife in her hand I
don’t want that’s why I ain’t on camera
uman Granny’s good Gran you
got okay I know that I’mma turn this
camera around in the second you gonna be
on YouTube with
us I I I love the smile I love the clown
so when his grandmother when I say she
was a feisty little young lady she
started hitting on me off
camera we we cing blasts out of it and
uh they say oh she putting you on the
spot and I had a good time I told
Grandma that she’s GNA have to cook for
me when I come back but Grandma still
helping grandson and she’s she’s smiling
and I was able to help and and give them
something to help them
out so I was happy about that KY
hi I’m Mohamed nice to meet you what’s
mar mar okay nice to meet you yeah
pleasure meeting you too yeah this is
the only girl
uhuh have eight grandchildren eight we
got a lot of babies the previous from
there the younger PO is not here uhhuh
but they old four trees here another one
coming in from school a little while ago
their mom and passed away so I had to
give up my whole entire life raise them
everything you know and they’re smart
yeah they’re smart they’re doing she’s
going to be graduating in June
okay from high school yeah the older one
is in it at SJC JC you know he’s his
first he’s on his um first year first
year for his associates yeah trying to
get his
associate okay so it’s three boys and
one girl from good evening welcome yeah
from the daughter that has passed away
you know so I’m
totally yeah mother and father and
grandmother and grandfa starting over
with all the babies what’s the youngest
the youngest baby the youngest one well
he’s there he’s out there and you know
yeah that’s one what that that’s right
there yeah that’s the youngest the
youngest one from the um Mom that died
okay you know okay so and the other one
is my other daughter M but their
children her children is on
well that’s another story yeah yeah but
that’s another story they blessed to
Grandma uh five four and me you
can this is our Palace man welcome to my
thank you thank you you know it’s nice
to be here nice to meet you where I host
the rest of the children okay you know
and yeah that’s just me man we live by
the grace of God yes you by the grace of
that’s we live that’s the dact that
died yeah mother right that’s their
beautiful yeah what’s her name kha okay
yeah yeah is this all her babies here uh
no these are this is grand babies yeah
these are the grand babies yeah yeah
those right beautiful
kids Square huha went to P Square uh
yeah you used to teach at you used to
teach at theare
it’s a story and the blessing I’m
hearing all these kids all going through
school all intelligent all man I give up
everything everything you know to see
that they get a
good you know not out there like you
like poers you know so that’s good it’s
rough and tough but you know I keep my
faith you know and God and you need
Faith you got to have he will provide oh
yeah so yeah that’s my tri man oh yeah
stay strong the grand babies need you oh
yeah that’s more than enough to live and
for True man yeah nobody know what lies
within yeah that’s true that’s so true
we got to do what we got to do yeah
nobody and kids NE they they they don’t
know they they need
us and that’s a promise that
I I fulfill for her for dact you PR M
she asked before you died yeah you take
care of my
kids you’re doing a great job she wanted
it all the want to go to to Jersy and
he’s going there he’s going there
finished the high school now he’s at the
junior college that’s good that’s a
blessing yeah man you doing
good I’m happy to hear the story all the
kids one education staying in it and
doing good in it that’s that’s that’s
that’s a lot that’s a blessing of his
own yeah to make it possible with the PO
of God yes that’s strength yeah yeah boy
but sometimes man yeah it’s fun and it’s
you know it can be tough yeah it’s going
what I think the to yes hold on to me
man oh yeah don’t let me go oh yeah
because they need me yeah and they going
to remember this just in time it’s going
to reverse they GNA be taking care of
you that’s true yes yes I made the
sacrifice and I will continue man with
the grace of God you
with the grace of God blessing you’re a
blessing to them yeah and uh I’m here to
meet people I want to put Let the world
know the the greatness that’s going on
here in bise I know what’s going on all
over the world but exactly I’m here and
believ and I want to show the greatness
and you are a great story that’s good
stay strong that’s what lives with stay
positive that’s what’s lies within yes
yes and we are living it yeah
yeah so I want to help you I got some
certificates it’s not much but it’s
something yeah and you don’t have to
have a million dollars man you you don’t
a million I I just helped the young man
fix his wheelchair charger and that was
nothing that was
um here’s two gift cards
thanks much
400s that’s hopefully it can help you
with something yeah it
will whatever food exactly that’s what I
was going to say man you know food is
all we need you know
and the good Lord sees and knows you
know yeah yeah he sees and knows and he
send people on the right time yeah yeah
he sent the right time it’s not our time
it’s his time
yeah highly appreciate it and welcome to
B thank you I’ve been enjoying it I’m
glad I can help
you you’re not only helping me you’re
helping kids you know it’s all about the
kids yes all about mhm you just put your
name in the space you go and you get the
groceries all
right all right then um another
gentleman from the states will give you
$100 so you have $300 right
thanks very much I appreciate it it’s
the bless this happen every day it’s the
blessings you know that’s why he said
wait on the Lord be of good courage and
he will strengthen kind Hearts you know
wait on the
Lord I told I I was speaking to one of
my nephews you know I told him gifts
yeah I do not have to go out there and
you know sin my soul yeah God will send
people at the right time you know highly
appreciate it man you’re
welcome yeah big big time this is our
lunch today okay beautiful grandmother
eight quit her job and made a promise to
her daughter that passed away that she
would take care of her
kids and this woman had a heart of gold
woman in her story as I was listening to
it it amazed me and I was so happy to
hear that all eight kids are excelling
in education they are still in school no
matter what they’re dealing with no
matter what they’re going through
they’re all
excelling and um as you can
see Grandma she was she was getting
and she said something at the end of all
of this that made me emotional and it
almost made me cry she said wait on the
Lord and be a good courage and he will
strengthened kind
and just hearing that I it did make me
emotional and I’ve been through my
trials and pain and hurt
and my heart is kind
and I want it to continue and grow and I
want to be able to spread love through
Christ all right so I’m here y I’m here
with a so uh YouTuber from
Texas and it was a story I watched on
YouTube with this child this young boy
and probably just the first minute of
hearing him
talk it uh it brought tears to me
and it was hard for me to finish the
video but I did not think coming here
that I would have the opportunity to
meet him
and I’m already I I’m feeling
emotions and he don’t know me but he
don’t know how powerful his words were
when I listen to this young boy talk I
don’t even know how old he is but we G
to talk to him he’s going to tell you
story how are you young man hi I’m
Muhammad what’s your name jir Jermain
jir jir yes sir
okay can you say hi to the camera for me
hi everyone I got my friends with me
yeah so nice to meet you John sir I
heard you speak some words some very
powerful words
and I’m a man of God I follow Christ and
probably 30 seconds into your video I
cried I know God is real I know God is
good I believe in him and how how old
are you I’m 12 12 years old you speak
some words of gold you have a heart of
gold and the words I
heard I think the world needs to hear
and I didn’t I didn’t think that I would
be meeting you so it’s an honor to meet
you yes thank you we both children of
God and you have a great
story and I want to know if you can
share your story with people I know CU I
want to show we already the world has
seen your story but I want to put it out
there even more I know you have the Holy
Spirit In You and I know you have God in
you so can you share with me your
journey what
happened I see you here I saw the video
you was in the hospital when I saw you
okay well one day I was at school for um
sports day and I was feeling a little
dizzy hi having
headaches and I went to the lunchroom to
go rest my head and sleep mhm and then
they said they came and they felt me and
they said I had a fever I was feeling
hot and
then I went to sleep and I woke up
I was I was a little confused so I went
and I walked all the way down the street
to go meet my father mhm and when I
reached there I told him I didn’t feel
so good and he brought me
here and I told my aunt and my uncle
they give me a um pill to drink I felt a
little better and then I went back to
sleep and when I got up I was that’s was
the last of it and then I woke up in the
hospital went I went
home wasn’t having an upate mhm I went
back to sleep got up to use the restroom
and I W about to sleep my father got up
in the morning he saw that I was having
CJ so I didn’t really know what happened
okay what happened when his parents says
that um a lot of what had happened he
don’t really remember mhm but his memory
came um because when he went to Merida
Mexico he was practically unresponsive
right bro yeah so he was
unresponsive when they went to
Mexico and um the treatment over there
with the doctors was excellent and
that’s when he started to come back to
then he says that he clearly remember
Jesus was at your bedside right I just
want to say to thank Jesus and thank
God because if it wasn’t for him I
wouldn’t be here right
now and I want to talk everyone for
praying for me too
because without them also I wouldn’t be
either so I want to thank
everyone everyone all over the
world and God never left my side during
journey he was there every step of the
way so I just want everyone to know that
who okay good
night tell him about it Jesus was right
there at my
bedside staring at me he was in his gr
clothing and his hair and I watched him
I didn’t see high or
anything but I just I just saw him there
and then I went back to sleep and when I
got back up he wasn’t there again
but he was standing a distance Away by
aab a baby a newborn baby
scrip looking at me so I know he was
there by my side to everything so I
didn’t have to worry after
that and ever since that he’s been doing
a gradual come back all right because of
our donations you were able to give him
this what he used to walk right mhm it
to walk now yes yes when he came back he
he had the he couldn’t walk come back
right he couldn’t walk when he come back
so with therapy he uses this so he can
get back his walking
abilities yeah so how long has been
since this happened do you um about a
month you getting stronger mhm yeah
gaining energy I’m able to walk no
that’s good after I realized I was
hanging out with Mr Alber Rob Bert I
decided to go on his Facebook page and
YouTube and just see you know what his
organization was about and that’s when I
came across Jamir and when I started
watching jere’s video and I said it hit
me hard I was like Wow and um jir got
sick and he went into a coma and after
days of being in a coma he woke up and
he lost his motor skills so so he had to
learn how to walk
and they said his speech was you know he
had to get this
back and I watched that video and that
was probably one of the videos that hit
me more than all the videos are watched
and when I got to police City I did not
think that I would meet this kid and
when I saw the video he was in the
hospital so when I saw him you know he
was walking he had just sat down when I
pulled up to his house and I was already
amazed but the words that I heard that
was just a few words I put it was a long
video that he made and when I say God is
good it showed in this kid and he saw
something a lot of us never seen before
and it wasn’t his time so he’s back with
us he’s gaining strength he’s back
walking and every day he’s getting
stronger and stronger and that’s by the
grace of
God wait wait wait wait I got to talk
about Mr Albert’s sister Miss
zor she’s also a beautiful woman of B
and she is one of the volunteers and she
is dedicated her life to ladyville
highlights and you will see her in some
of the clips she don’t like cameras so I
am I’m shotting her out right now before
I speak on Mr
Albert Miss Sora she was like she was
taking us around she was D she was our
driver and she took me to the airport
when I left but
uh this ain’t just about Mr Albert in
ladyville this is about also the other
1520 you know volunteers that helped
this organization and she’s one
so uh right here I’m sitting down with
Mr Albert we was we was hanging out for
a while and this is at the end of the
day and we’re talking about his
organization and him and how he got
where he’s at and he mentioned this you
know he gave a story telling me what
happened with him being in America and
he was pulled over in Los Angeles by an
officers and he didn’t have
anything nothing
and he felt that that was God telling
him that he needs to go home and this is
where we at to where this was the
beginning of him being back home in bise
and starting his
foundation all right I’m here with Mr
Albert one of the co-founders of
ladyville highlights
and we sitting here to just give a few
minutes to speak on his organization
what he does for the city believes and
the people in believes so uh Mr Albert
thank you for hanging out with me today
it was a blessing I enjoyed it you today
man hey I’m happy that I was able to
help a few people but I want to sit down
and talk about you and your wife and
your organization no problem so uh if
you can just start off with telling me
how the organization started all right
and and where we are today with it okay
the organiz organization sry started
seven years ago um it’s
started in December of 2017 anything
that God asked me to do from now on I
will do it and so I came back to B on
the 11th of December
2017 two weeks when I came back
approximately 2 weeks after I coming
back and this was what the voice said
why don’t you create a Facebook page why
don’t you call it lville
high you will feature you will feature
all the poor people and promote their
also you will see how much people I Will
Bless through you you will also see how
much I will bless you the only thing is
don’t makes my work with quality and the
voice went only believes what we have
been able to bless people all the way in
Jamaica St Vincent when when when there
was a volcanic eruption in in V Vincent
we were able to get cloes to a lady who
was suffering out there after the
volcano had erupted we had sent Union
morning to a guy in Honduras a bizan guy
in Honduras when Honduras was hit by
Hurricane back to back two hurricane and
he reached out to us we put his story on
our page and persons who side gave him
blessings all the way from the states so
our program is scared to assist people
in need our program helps The Underdogs
the people who nobody’s pay attention to
the people who are voiceless we give
them a voice the people who are ignored
the people who otherwise they wouldn’t
get help from nowhere else they get help
to us and they give God the glory
because we take no glory for ourselves
we take no credit for ourselves
everything that happens good in the
lives of of others to L highlights
program we give God the glory and we
also want to say because of the good
people who see what we do and the level
of transparency that we have our donors
aren’t afraid to give they aren’t afraid
to send barel of surprise they aren’t
afraid to to to help us with vehicles
all the vehicles we have it was because
of good kindhearted donors who believe
in us that’s great and today my friend
here uh travel with
Muhammad was with us today in the Bel
Telephone Company digitel office when
they were launching the book the phone
book with us on it I
mean never in my wireless dreams would
have I believe that a regular guy like
myself would be on the national phone
book of my country that tells us that
our our cure and our story will be in
every home every office every business
place every village every town every
every island our story is going to reach
out more to more people so again this
has to be God words coming through that
he says you will see how much I will
bless you and then we living it yes sir
yeah yes so and I I appreciate what you
did for Trey Trey uh Trey motorise
wheelchair was gone for 3
weeks couldn’t ride his wheelchair and
you saw you saw the bed SW yeah so the
lambar stays in the bed you know bed
sword but you came there and we you SED
out what was wrong with the charger for
his wheelchair and now he’s mobile again
he’s happy so you brought happiness in
his life yeah thank you and I made him
smile even though he’s telling me a sad
story I said I’m going throw jokes in
there we had some SM when I say I was
blessed to meet everyone I did on this
triping B I was blessed and this was
something I did not expect on this trip
I’m traveling the world to see where I’m
going to live and God bless me to come
across all of these L Christian Godly
followers that I did not expect to see
and when I say I cannot wait to see the
rest of the world world belev has
touched my heart
and ladyville
highlights I’m happy that I had the
opportunity to come across you I’m happy
that I met Mr ibert all of his friends
family all of the people we helped on
this trip and this is just the beginning
stay tuned


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