
Samurai Burgers from McDonald’s in Japan

Eating McDonald’s Japan Meals.

〜 Bonjin Diary 〜


◆Vending Machine Series

◆Convenience Food Series

◆$5 Meals Series

◆Street Food Series

◆Japanese Restaurant Series



↑My Invitation Code is AB69675424


  1. That aussie lemonade monster energy sells very well during the summer months. During the winter, nobody looks at them 🥴

    There's a new "ultra fantasy ruby red" monster that came out and it's very good. Tastes like grapefruit soda like Fresca from Coca-Cola

  2. Oh, McDonald's in Ontario Canada has a double Big Mac and it costs $8.99! 😟
    They're not too innovative, though there are some McDonald's that serve food from around the world, which isn't available where I live.
    Thanks for making me hungry 😋😂

  3. I WISH American apple pies were still fried! They were the best. All you needed was a side of vanilla soft serve and it's top tier!

  4. I wish we still had the fried hot apple pie here in the Us. McDonald's got rid of it after getting sued because someone burned themselves on the filling. Despite BIG Labels saying "FILLING IS HOT", they still sued, so McDonalds went to a baked apple pie which tastes like cardboard to me.

    I'm still surprised you haven't developed diabetes from all the foods you eat. 🙂 Please stay healthy, so I can continue to watch your videos.

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