
【バブル遺産】標高300m越え!?生野高原住宅に訪問【限界ニュータウン】#不動産投資 #限界ニュータウン #Soy_s #soyCH834 #神戸 #福知山線 #阪急電車




#限界ニュータウン #不動産投資 #ニュータウン

0:00 オープニング
0:54 最寄り駅まで移動
5:45 西宮名塩駅周辺を探索
7:30 バスで生野高原住宅に移動
9:15 最寄りバス停から生野高原住宅まで歩く
12:42 団地内を散策
17:30 生野高原住宅を後にして別のバス停まで移動
23:59 バスで宝塚駅へ
26:40 エンディング


Youtube Studioオーディオ ライブラリ
フリーBGM Music with myuu  byみゅうー


参考文献 神戸市|運用基準 23 (通称)

神戸市|平成 2 3 年度第 3 回神戸市都市計画審議会

標高「ハルカス」超え 西宮からしか入れない神戸って?

生野高原ウォーキング: 明日香亮・残日録


| くらし・すまい | 日本共産党神戸市会議員団


This may be out of the blue, but what do you imagine when you hear the word Kobe? Port town, Chinatown, Kobe beef, Arima hot springs, these are the images that immediately come to mind.In

Kobe City, which has a somewhat fashionable and glamorous image, there was a marginal new town over 300 meters above sea level.What kind of place is it and why? I’m going to take advantage of public transportation to visit the site again this time to find out if there is a new town in

Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.Kobe City , Hyogo Prefecture has a population of approximately 1.52 million people and is also designated as a city designated by government ordinance. It is the prefectural capital.This time, we will visit a residential area built in a mountainous area despite being located in such a big city.This

Time we will visit the Ikuno Kogen residential area. is located in Kobe City, but I am not heading from Sannomiya, but from Osaka Station. First, I will head to the nearest station on the JR Takarazuka Line.I will get off at the platform.The

First train I will take is the JR Takarazuka Line, bound for Shinsanda, a regional rapid train.I will travel to Nishinomiya-Nashio on this train.At 1:22 p.m., the train is on schedule. The train departed from Nishinomiya-Nashio Station.It’s about 30 kilometers and a 30-minute ride.Now

, regarding this visit, why start from Osaka Station when visiting Kobe City? Some of you may be wondering, Ikuno Kogen Residence is located at the position of the star in the map.If you measure the distance from here to Sannomiya and Osaka Umeda

, it is actually the center of Kobe city. Sannomiya is located closer to Sannomiya.By car, you can reach Sannomiya in about 30 minutes via the expressway, but if you use public transportation, Osaka is slightly faster than Sannomiya, and requires fewer transfers. Since the number of trains is decreasing

, this time I will introduce the route from Osaka to Sannomiya on the way back, assuming commuting to both major cities.The train crossed the Kanzaki River and entered Hyogo Prefecture. We will soon arrive at Amagasaki, the birthplace of these two people from downtown.As soon as we

Leave Amagasaki, the track curves sharply to the right, and we bid farewell to the Tokaido Line.From here, our journey on the Takarazuka Line begins.As soon as we leave Amagasaki, We passed the site of the Fukuchiyama Line derailment accident, which is said to be the worst accident since the opening of the railway.This was

A train that was significantly exceeding its speed, derailed without being able to negotiate a curve, and crashed into an apartment building.A total of 107 people were unable to return home. In addition to 562 people being injured,

Part of the apartment complex where the train crashed remains today as a “Yashiro of Prayer,” a facility that looks back on those days . As the scenery comes into view, it makes me realize that we are getting closer to Takarazuka.We soon arrive at Takarazuka, the home of the Takarazuka Revue.The

Hankyu Takarazuka Line, which runs parallel to the Inagawa River from Osaka Umeda, ends here at the JR station. The track continues north. Once you leave Takarazuka, the scenery changes dramatically as you enter the mountains.

The land that had been flat up until now becomes steeper, and residential lots built on the slopes become more noticeable. Namase Station, located next to Takarazuka, is a complete change from the metropolitan Takarazuka station and is now reminiscent of a rural mountain station.The train takes on the challenge of crossing the mountains,

Showing off the beauty of the Muko River valley and hiding it behind tunnels. Improvement work is currently underway on this section of National Route 176. A large tunnel has been constructed in the section that used to be a corner road with many curves to make it easier to drive.

The JR Takarazuka Line you are riding on is also It used to run along the river in a curving manner, but now it runs straight through with a tunnel.

The section of the old line has been developed as a hiking course, and you can walk around the bridges and tunnels of that time.At the “

JR Fukuchiyama Line Abandoned Line Site”, you can go to Namase Station, where you stopped earlier, or where you have just arrived. You can access it from Nishinomiya-Nashio Station, which is about 30 minutes from Osaka Station, and get off here. From here, transfer to a bus and head for Ikuno Kogen Residence

, but before that, you come to Nishinomiya-Nashio Station. There’s something you’ll want to see: The Nation diagonal elevator, which is a rare diagonal elevator in the country . This elevator is used to move to the new town on the hill, and is a specialty of Nishinomiya-Nashio.It

Takes 3 minutes to climb the 150m long elevator.There are two elevators installed, and there seem to be quite a few people using them. There is also a staircase, but it is dauntingly long, and without an elevator it would be quite difficult.As I was wandering around, I

Ended up running out of time to catch the bus.From here, I took the Hankyu Bus. I took the 58 train on the Nashio Sakuradai Line.The train was quite crowded with high school students on their way home from school. However, I think I was the only one heading towards Ikuno Kogen Housing.The

Bus was currently crossing National Route 176. It runs on the old line, not the new line. National Route 176 has appeared several times before, but if you are from Osaka, it may actually be a familiar road. If you follow this road south, you will reach Umeda. In fact

, it briefly appears in the opening scene and is an important national highway that runs from north to south, but the old road that is currently running is a narrow road with one lane in each direction.There

Are many curves, and accidents and traffic congestion occur frequently. After driving on the old road for a while , it rejoins the new road. From here on , the old road remains the same, with several curves.

There is a Family Mart, but this is the nearest convenience store to the Ikuno Kogen residence.Turn at the intersection at the Sakuradai entrance and the bus will enter Sakuradai.At the entrance there was a residential information board.You can see the residential area. As soon as I arrived

, I arrived at the nearest stop, Sakuradai Yon-chome . It took about 10 minutes from Nishinomiya-Nashio Station, which was surprisingly quick. Everyone, including myself, got off at Yonin Station. Buses are a must for Sakuradai, but the number of buses is limited to 1 to 2 per hour during the day.There are

Quite a number of buses running on weekday mornings, so there must be a lot of demand for commuting to work or school . There is no public transportation, so I headed to Ikuno Kogen Residence on foot.It was about 1.7 km to the entrance of the residential area, and it took about 30 minutes.Unfortunately

, just as I was about to head there, it started to snow.For some reason, it started to snow harder and harder. I believe that it will stop soon , so I move on.In Nashio Sakuradai, where I am now, I get the impression that there are quite a lot of new residences.Actually

, it seems that construction began in the late 1990s . Approximately 800 households and approximately 2,400 people live in this new town, which has been designated as an urbanization area and was developed with urban planning.Go along the road and come to the exit of Sakuradai.From

Here it is a bit of a hike. Turn right onto the road and you’ll see a sign saying Ikuno Plateau.The future of this road is becoming questionable.Is there really a residential area ahead? I’ll just follow the sign for now.Another sign appears. It seems that we are on the right track.

On the way there was a facility managed by the Nishinomiya City Waterworks Bureau. It is a waste water tank that supplies water to the Sakuradai that we mentioned earlier. It seems that water is supplied to each home from here at a high altitude. The

Snow has become serious, but we keep moving forward without hesitation.In fact, this road we’re walking on now is the only access road to Ikuno Kogen Housing.Moreover,

What’s interesting is that this road leads to Nishinomiya. It continues from the city, and you can only enter the Ikuno Kogen residence that we will be visiting by passing through Nishinomiya City.In other words, it is a somewhat unusual place as it is an enclave in terms of roads.The

Other side of the fence is a golf course. There were people playing games despite the snow. After walking for a while, we finally came into view of a residential area. However, this is not the Ikuno Kogen residence yet.This is the Nashio Miyama area of ​​Nishinomiya City.If you go further through this residential area

, you will find your destination this time.The destination is almost there.Continue further along the road. There was a garbage station, and apparently Nishinomiya City’s garbage trucks come here to collect the garbage.Going further, I passed in front of the Neighborhood Hall, and

There was a signboard indicating the city boundary. We finally arrived at Ikuno Kogen Residence in Kobe City, which can only be accessed from Nishinomiya.Although the city is different, the atmosphere is the same as before. Perhaps they were built at the same time and by the same company?As I

Approached the entrance to the residential area, I saw a residential map. Looking at the map, it seems that there are over 1,000 districts. Also, please pay attention to the bottom of the map, which states that it has become a water supply district of the Kobe City Waterworks Bureau since 2019.

It seems that before the city’s water supply was installed, it was run by a self-managed association organized by residents.Is this sign still the same now that the city’s water supply has started? Also, next to it is a sign by the city planning department. According to the signboard that was erected

, this housing complex is located within the urbanization control area based on the City Planning Act. Originally, this area was designed to prevent urbanization, so when building a new building or rebuilding it, various procedures may be complicated.Let’s go inside.If you go

A little further, you will come to a place with a good view overlooking the housing complex.On the left The Shin-Meishin Expressway can be seen in the background.The JR Takarazuka Line tracks run below that area.If you look at it like this, you can clearly see that it is built in a mountainous area.So,

What is the inside of the housing complex like? Let’s take a walk.Here, I would like to introduce Ikuno Kogen Housing.It is located in Kita Ward, Kobe City, and falls under the urbanization control area according to the Dojo Town Ikuno City Planning area.It is

Within the urbanization control area, but the requirements It seems that development related to accident housing is possible if the following conditions are met.In addition, business approval was granted in 1969, and

The development was initially planned as a golf course, but the plan was changed to a villa site due to the good view. However

, due to the land bubble, many people were interested in this area where they could buy their own home at a low price, and there were many ordinary houses in the area.The words “Kogen Bessou” were left on the telephone poles. As of

2013, there were about 370 households, and less than 40% of the more than 1,000 plots were filled.At the time of development, the water supply plan was inadequate and water was supplied using the local water source.

After that, the business association of the housing complex received its water supply from the neighboring city of Nishinomiya, but in 2019, the water supply was finally commercialized, and it is now supplied by the city of Kobe.Vacuums commissioned by the city of

Kobe The car was stopped, so it seems that the toilet is still a pump-type toilet.When it was a management association run by residents, I wonder if they had to pay for the water supply facility like the famous Ibaraki University.I don’t

Know if it is still in use. However, the management office of the water supply association still remains in the area.Also , a feature of this residential area is the high altitude.The highest point is 340 meters above sea level, making it an effective summer resort. However,

In the middle of winter, the only road leading to the residential area sometimes freezes.In the center, there was a mailbox and what seemed to be the only vending machine in the area.The prices were quite high. The price is set at a low price.There

Is also a retro vending machine behind the shop.Let’s take a look at the usage status of the land.There are some signs that it is being used as a vacation home, which was the original plan for the development. The impression is that the majority of the plots are general residences.Also

, there are plots used for fields and solar power generation in marginal new towns.Furthermore, there are also a variety of uses such as offices and garages for transportation companies and construction companies . There is Ikuno Dam to the northwest of the housing complex, and there is a road that leads there.It

Is said that there is Ikuno Plateau, Ryujin, and Fudo Myoo, so let’s go there.If you go down about 50 meters, there is There was a Tamu embankment. It seems that people used to be able to enter, but now it is prohibited to enter due to deterioration.The

Water storage capacity of this Ikuno dam is 45,000 cubic meters, and it is written that it is a water storage dam, but previously Was this dam supplying water to the housing complex? Next to the dam are Ikuno Kogen Shrine, Ryujin and Fudo Myoo.According

To the signboard, this area is a training dojo for monks, as the name of the place suggests. Apparently, Hyakken Falls near the housing complex was enshrined with many stone Buddhas, including the dragon god Fudo Myoo, but since the construction of the

Housing estate, sewage and household wastewater have been poured into this stream, resulting in the area being covered in mud. The origin of this story comes from the fact that local volunteers, who realized this, gathered together and held a seismic ritual at this location.

In other words, we know that before the water supply system was developed, domestic wastewater and sewage were flowing into the Hyakuten Takigawa River. Looking at past materials, it appears that water quality had long been considered a problem, and public Residents have expressed the opinion that sewage system development is essential.The

City’s response to this is that since the city is located in an urbanization control area, it has been incorporated into the area eligible for the subsidy system since 2002 and merged. It was mentioned that domestic wastewater treatment is being promoted through the maintenance of treatment septic tanks.The

Current public water supply system must have been opened after many troubles related to water supply.Then we will continue our walk again.The snow has become heavier again. I came to Ikuno Nishi Park. This park has a neighborhood hall attached to it. It’s a fairly new building.

Also, near the entrance, Ikuno Kogen Housing and Anshin Community Plaza are located in Ikuno Park. It is likely that residents are interacting with each other at these facilities. Also, although no mention was made of the traffic situation, trial operations are currently being conducted in preparation for the introduction of community buses

. Although it was outside the period, we have conducted two test runs so far, and we plan to run test runs in the future.This bus can go inside the housing complex and go to Nishinomiya-Nashio Station.

This will save people from having to walk 30 minutes to the bus stop, which will be a blessing for students and those who have difficulty driving.I only hope that full-scale operation will become a reality. Now, I would like to leave the housing complex and head home.

On the way back, I would like to introduce the scenery of the journey towards Kobe as previously announced. Before I knew it, the snow had stopped and the sun was shining. I’m going back the way I came. I ‘m back at the Sakuradai entrance.

However, I won’t be taking the bus from Sakuradai on my way back. I’m going to head in the direction of Akasaka Pass, which is shown to the left of the signboard. It’s a similar road to the one before. You can see Sakuradai from above through the gap in the trees.You can also

See the city area in the back.After walking for a while, you can see a residential area in the back.This is the Nashio Akasaka district, about the same time as the Ikuno Kogen residence. By the way, I am walking this way after leaving the Ikuno Kogen residence.This

Road existed before Sakuradai was built, and it was the only road in the days when Sakuradai was not built. On the way back, I wanted to follow the path that was originally created, so I decided to take a different route.So I decided to take a look at the Nashio Akasaka area as well.This

Area was built on a slope, and is steep. The scenery is similar everywhere in this new town that has been built as one. It continues further up the hill. It continues a little further up, but the scenery is similar, so I turned around

Here . It’s almost time for the return bus, so let’s head to the bus stop.On the way back, we ‘ll board the bus from Akasaka Pass bus stop.

The bus stop is very close to the Nashio-Akasaka area, and the bus stop is located at an intersection with a traffic light in front of you.The Meishin Expressway runs below, and there is an interchange nearby, so you can bring your car. It’s a very convenient location.You

Can access not only Kobe but also Osaka.If you turn around at the intersection, there’s a bus stop right there.There’s also a signboard pointing you to Ikuno Kogen.From here, you can go to Nishinomiya-Nashio or Takarazuka Station. There are 3 buses available every hour, making it a relatively convenient bus stop.Also

, if you take a bus in the opposite direction, you can go to Arima Onsen or Okaba Station on the Kobe Electric Railway Sanda Line.

If you are heading to Kobe, you can get to the city center in roughly the same amount of time whether you go to Takarazuka, Okaba, or Arima.This time, we will travel via Takarazuka , where the cheapest fare is Okaba . From the station, I took the No. 44 train bound for Takarazuka Station.

From the middle, I followed the same route and returned to Nishinomiya-Nashio Station. However, this time I was going on a journey through the early days of the development, so I didn’t get off at Nishinomiya-Nashio Station, which didn’t exist, but took the train to the final stop,

Takarazuka.Looking at it again, it’s a strange sight.From here, it’s a section that runs parallel to the JR Takarazuka Line tracks, and it can’t be seen from the train heading towards it. However, improvement work is currently underway on National Route 176, which is currently running.It takes

About 30 minutes from Akasaka Pass, and there was traffic on the way, so I was a little late, but I finally arrived at Takarazuka Station.It looks the same . However, Takarazuka also has many new towns built on slopes, and perhaps due to the car society, the area seems to be always congested.Hanshin

Buses also run from here, which also goes to Amagasaki and Koshien. can go This is Hankyu Takarazuka Station, and I will take the Hankyu train

On the way back.Takarazuka Station is served by two lines: the Hankyu Takarazuka Line, which connects to Osaka Umeda, and the Hankyu Imazu Line, which connects Nishinomiya Kitaguchi and Imazu.From here Board the Hankyu Imazu Line and travel to the final stop, Nishinomiya Kitaguchi.The

Train departed from Takarazuka Station. It takes about 15 minutes to get to Nishinomiya Kitaguchi from here

, which is surprisingly quick.The Ikuno Kogen residence I visited this time had the impression of being in a mountainous area, but there are plenty of route buses and the expressway interchange is nearby. , I had the impression that it was surprisingly easy to get to the city center

, but when I walked this time, I found that commercial facilities, hospitals, and other facilities were far away, and I felt that life would be difficult without a car. I felt that it was a place blessed with nature and could be considered a good living environment.

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  1. さくら台造成の頃、国道側に一軒だけぽつんと家が建っていた。聞くところによると地主の次男坊だか三男坊の家らしい。

  2. 西宮名塩はごく一部の特急こうのとりが停車するようになりましたね🎵さらに昔は快速も通過してたのに。

  3. 昔営業でよく通っていたので冒頭で西宮名塩って聞いた時点で

  4. 以前知り合ったお母さんと娘さんが道場町生野に住んでおられて、三田に近い神戸市といってました。


  5. 神戸市は中央区と兵庫区以外は人口減少と人口転出超過数が酷い過疎化都市です。

  6. 祈りの杜 いのりのもり


  7. 開設当時からの土地もちでした。
    バブルより前の夢の世界? なんだったんだろう?

  8. これからの時代は、一軒家でも最寄駅から徒歩10分超えたら廃れます。クルマは元気なうちしか運転できないからね。ウチは新興住宅地ではないけど高台のてっぺんなんで、徒歩9分でも大変です。もしクルマに乗れなくなったらウチですら手放したくなると思う。年老いてお金があったらホテル暮らしが理想だな…

  9. 2015年迄暮らしていましたが、限界ニュータウンとは少し違いますね。

  10. 仕事で176号線を走ることが多く、「生野高原」という表示が気になっていたので、定年を迎えたのを機会に車で訪問してみました。確かに「なんでこんなところに住宅街があるの?」と思いますが、行ってみると、静かで浮世離れした空気感が良かったですよ。車があれば、赤坂峠経由で三田方面に走ると、10分足らずでスーパー万代、ハローズ、ローソンやジョイフル、ライフォート、ラーメン店、その先には多数の外食チェーン、に行けます。コープ神戸の宅配やヤマト宅急便もあります。三田方面には、北六甲台だけでなくウッディタウンという巨大な住宅街がありますし、北摂(というかK岡)の限界ニュータウンみたいなことはないですよ(あそこはあれで好きですけどね)。お金があったら、別荘として買っても良いと思っています。(お金ないけどね。)

  11. 三田市民ですが北区と山口町は一緒のイメージがあります

  12. 北区の人でも「え、遠い所住んでるなぁ」となりそうな場所ですね。電車で大阪、三宮まで1時間30分でも行けないとか遠すぎる。。。
    都心回帰の昨今、車も必須だし、人口増は難しそう。 by神戸市民

  13. 住民様には大変申し訳ないですが、

  14. 標高350mの山中に実家がある身としては、農地も山林も無いのに家だけ不便な場所に在るのはちょっと、です。田舎では不便な家置いて市街地に家借りるか買って、田畑山林には車で通う人が多数。都会の人は造成されたニュータウンを、自然豊か、と思うんですね。感覚の違いに混乱中。

  15. 大学の同級生が道場駅の近くに住んでいて、道場から箕面まで4年間通っていたそう。


  16. 高校時代、同級生が生野高原に住んでいて、その友人はこの生野高原から三田市の高校に自転車で通っていたな。

  17. すいませんが、生瀬駅は「なませえき」ではなく「なまぜえき」です。

  18. 北区というと六甲の裏かと思ったら、それどころじゃなくて驚きました。

  19. このようなバブル期前後に開発された山間住宅団地は三田から宝塚、西宮、神戸の山岳地帯なので、現在の居住者老齢化して子供も住まないようになり、空き家ばかりの廃墟団地化する運命だと思います。矢張り生活に不便なので、別荘にも維持費がかかり、売るに売れないまま放置されていくと思われますね。人口減少が進めば、これから都心部でも空家率がたかまるので、国の抜本的な住宅政策が必要になるでしょう。

  20. 神戸トヨペットレクサス住吉山手又は兵庫トヨタグループネッツトヨタゾナ神戸レクサス宝塚 阪急バスの路線が頻繁に走っている。😮😮

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