
$100 Korean Street Food Challenge!! CRAZY Night Market + HANWOO BEEF BBQ in Seoul!

Today we’re finding out how much you can eat for $100 (~130,000 KRW) in Seoul, South Korea!! We’re not going cheap either we want to eat premium foods and street foods. We’re kicking things off at the Majang Meat Market. This is the place if you want to eat Korea’s most famous beef : Hanwoo Beef. The most melt-in-your-mouth meat you’ll find in all of Korea and at an affordable price. Next up it’s too the famous Myeongdong Night Market to spend the rest of our $100 on classic Korean street foods!

Majang Meat Market :
Myeongdong Night Market :

0:00-1:41 Majang Meat Market
1:41-7:09 Hanwoo Beef BBQ
7:09-7:40 Subway
7:40-9:11 Egg Bread
9:11-11:20 Lobster
11:20-12:44 Fried Chicken
12:44-16:00 Odeng
16:00-17:11 Japchae
17:11-18:18 Candied Fruit
18:18-19:01 Outro

I’m Luke Martin, food lover and world traveller! I make videos about local, authentic and unique foods from across the globe. I particularly like to sample street food across Asia. I’ve eaten my way across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, parts of Africa, North America and the list is still growing! My mission is to create content that is entertaining, informative, honest and fun! I love what I do and I’m always grateful for your support! Thank you and see you on the next episode!





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Welcome to Chopstick travel I’m Luke Martin and this is what you can eat for $100 in Soul South Korea by no means is sold the cheapest city in the world but today we’re going to find out how far we can stretch our $100 and at today’s exchange rate that’s about

130,000 Korean W and we’re not going to be cheaping out either we want to eat premium foods and Street Foods here in Soul today so we’ve come this morning to the maang meat market this is the largest meat market in Korea and I heard this is the best place to get affordable

Hano beef so Hano beef is the Korean equivalent of Japanese wagu beef so think Super marbly fatty melt in your mouth tender beef so the maang Meat Market is a working Market since the 1960s it’s not just Hano beef here there’s lots of beef and it’s not just

The Premium Cuts you can also get the the iners the cheaper Cuts there’s also pork here of course and the way that this works is if you’re a tourist like me you’re looking for these places that have set plates and you can buy the plate of raw meat and then just above

The restaurant or sorry just above the shop is the restaurant where you can actually have a Korean barbecue and cook it up so that’s what we’re going to do okay we’ made our selection that was 75,000 so more than half of our budget but I think it’s still a really good

Deal because this beef looks incredible and now we’re just heading upstairs to the Barbecue so we’ve come upstairs we have a barbecue here it’s a charcoal barbecue which is awesome and she just did the first couple cuts of meat for us and just look at how beautiful this meat is so fatty so marbly there’s different cuts this is

Han wo beef so like I said before like almost like the equivalent of Japanese wagu Korean version of Japanese wagu and we have all of our bonan of course and I’m going to make myself up my first bite okay I’m going to make myself a little lettuce wrap here grab a piece of

Hano beef get some onions with a little bit of sauce on it and then I believe this is the I’m not sure this is go this is not goiong this is the soy bean and then some of these um spring onions with spicy dressing and then that is the

Perfect little one biter wrap fold it up that is definitely the way to eat it with all of the ingredients packed in there with the will beef it’s just a perfect one biter but I got to try a piece just by itself I’m going go for

This piece over here so I can get the the real natural flavor this one’s still a little bit medium rare grab that with my Chopsticks just a tiny bit of salt so fatty look at how beautiful that is oh my gosh this place is beef Heaven mhm instant liqu

Ification as soon as it heat heats up in your mouth just completely melts oh my God effortless chewing taste it with a pizza kimchi oh man super good quality I love that it’s cooking on charcoal too it gives it such a smoky flavor let’s make ourselves another little wrap here I love this

Culture too here in Korea of just taking all these boncha and all these side dishes you can just kind of add whatever you’d like some bean sprouts clove of garlic maybe a little bit of this soybean paste let’s try That that’s a great way to eat it because you get some veggies and it’s sort of a even mix between meat and vegetables but I do find you can’t feel the tenderness as well and now here she goes with a big chunk look at this steak

Oh my gosh the marbling on there there just beautiful beautiful beautiful marbling so much fat on there got to cook it on charcoal too yeah I think I prefer just to have it with like a little bit of salt maybe one of these onions with a tiny bit of the

Sauce you can really feel the the fat the tender the melt in the mouth Factor but also very good with the lettuce wrap oh my gosh this is made it so 75,000 for the plate of beef but then you also have to pay 6,000 per person for the the

Barbecue fee which includes all of course all these BonChon which are totally refillable but I think it’s so worth it you never find uh Kobe beef or something like that in Japan for this price and not this quality like marbling on there is just insane she just cooked

Up that that thicker piece that thick kind of steak cut but I think I like this thin cut the very first cut that she used more and I honestly just prefer it with a little bit of salt just by like itself without any of the other flavors because

The flavor of the fat Ming in your mouth is enough it’s Amazing every time just like heav I’m going to do the last one by myself look at this beautiful cut of meat oh my Gosh you know how they say in Japan that they feed the wagu beer I wonder in Korea if they’re feeding their cattle Soju and they’re listening to be BTS instead of Mozart it is just glistening with oil every time you flip it a little bit of smoke comes up because all that fat

Drips down onto the charcoal which adds a lot of flavor to it and this barbecue is better than those gas barbecues because you’re using that charcoal we completely turn the heat off and just let the excess heat from the charcoal just slowly cook this all right this is

Our last piece but honestly that was a ton of Hano beef for for 75,000 seriously good deal I don’t think you could get one piece of wagu beef anywhere in Tokyo for the same price so this is definitely the place to have super high quality beef and Soul on a

Budget we still got half of our $100 left to go about that was amazing so 12,000 W for the cooking fee and 75,000 W for the beef so if my math is correct that should leave us with 43,000 W left so we spend more than half of our budget on

The beef but totally totally worth it we’re going to catch the metro now to the night market where I’m sure we’ll be able to get a lot more food for our money let upstairs select the desired service please wait a few minutes So this is the Mong dong night marker right in the center of Soul the perfect place to spend the rest of our $100 budget so let’s go below 43 2001 on some Korean street food for our first snack at the meong dong Night Market we’re trying an iconic

Korean street food called the egg bread so basically just cracks a egg into some batter bakes it and it’s sort of like sweet and savory it was only 2001 so pretty cheap let’s try it out this is it right here I can see the egg kind of

It’s peeking it with the middle there give it a try it’s like a pound cake all right I had one of these years ago I remember it being more sweet but this one’s actually on the Savory side it’s like a sweet pancake but then a little bit salty egg on the inside you

Can see the egg yolk kind of peeking it the side there too oh that’s actually really good super fluffy that really good actually it tastes like 6040 egg to cake ratio it’s more egg than cake perfect little snack let’s go find some more after I saw that the egg bread was

Only 20001 I was kind of thinking that we might have a difficult time spending our 43,000 one left of our 100 challenge but uh I changed my mind after we went to the next doll because they are selling lobster tails which are 20,000 W so we’ve ordered up one lobster tail she

Blow torches a big flame and it’s covered in cheese and this is the final result here I mean lobster tail is the premium cut so there’s nothing cheap about lobster tail that’s for sure and there is a ton of cheese on there let me

Try to grab a piece oh yeah look at that get some cheese too that actually looks really good w let’s try tastes like expensive Lobster that’s been covered in cheap cheese is sort of a shame I probably would have rathered it just blow torch with the cheese on

Top but it’s still not bad it’s kind of a tiny lobster tail too like look at it that was like probably 30% I’m going to only take one more bite because mink needs to have some too let’s try now that’s good though that’s actually a decent chunk of Lobster in there but man

Is that ever a lot of cheese on top taste that Smoky butane lighter fluid that she put on top of it too not bad not great my turn to try the lobster that is a ton of cheese ooo that’s a big bite big bite wo that

Was pretty much the rest of the lobster oh no there’s one more bite look at how much cheese is on that though oh my gosh too much cheese not enough Lobster that is a lot of cheese yeah not bad mhm 21,000 W left I think it’s Fried Chicken

Time what do you thinko I want Fried Chicken let’s Go so Fried Chicken tossed in a sweet and spicy Korean sauce and then there’s also some some duck buy here too you can see yeah let’s get rid of one of those first so I can get down to the the good stuff the chicken it’s hot

Fresh I should say ducki is like a rice cake it’s like chewy but because he’s fried it the outside it’s a little bit crisp definitely a bit spicy but sweet at the same time all right let’s try it some famous Korean Fried Chicken famous around the world oh that’s

Hot what’s not to love about Fried Chicken oh my gosh that sauce that they toss it in is amazing tastes like black pepper like a little bit spicy but not too much super crispy on the outside but it’s just a thin batter the sauce is sort of caramelized around the outside

It’s definitely a little bit sweet it’s good but my heart is still with Taiwanese Fried Chicken sorry Korea your Fried Chicken is probably the second best in the world I love Taiwanese Fried Chicken so this was 7,000 Korean one that leaves us with 14,000 left to go

I’m sure we can get a couple more Things next up something very traditional Korean oding fish cake you can get it either spicy version of course we opted for the spicy version or you can get uh plain in sort of a fish stock and it’s just served on the end of the stick so it’s sort of like a fish

Cake that’s wrapped up on this stick and yeah he’s got tons of them just boiling away in that red sauce that Korean red sauce that everything seems to be in here let’s try this out I think it’s going to be hot mhm M you know the texture of the fish cake

Is so fluffy and soft it’s like a pillow that’s definitely spicy immediately can feel the heat building and The Taste is like go Jan Korean uh bean chili sauce that’s a little bit sweet a little bit earthy and a little bit spicy of course too yeah wow actually that’s probably

The spiciest thing I’ve tasted in Kaa so far mhm the texture of the fish cake is just amazing though I don’t know how else to describe it but just pillowy just fluffy yum before I try I just want to say what I like about this store is you can get

As much soup as you want and you can come back and refill it yeah Soo my mouth is burning it’s hot M yeah oh going for the straight soup o this is what I’m fing for for many days finally a tie level spice oh this is really good yeah I think Korean food

Might be a little bit misleading because it’s always covered in this red sauce and it looks spicy but sometimes it’s more on the sweet side but this is this is spicy for sure yeah when it’s spicy it’s really spicy you have to be careful when you swallow cuz I almost power over

There the owner was just telling me that all of the odang and fish cakes are made Handmade by his father every single day and you can tell because the quality is really good like I was saying the texture is super fluffy and that was 2001 I think that leaves us with 12,000

Left to Spend For 5,000 we just bought our next snack so I think that what’s that leave us with that leaves us with 7,000 left we’re getting there we’re nearly done our $100 Challenge and this is the classic Korean glass noodles with some veggies in there typical Korean uh traditional street food snack

We’ve got an ambulance trying to come through the market oh smokes maybe somebody’s oding on Green Street food I don’t know let’s try it the CHP it’s so smothered in sauce soy sauce base for sure it’s definitely a little bit sweet I love the texture of the noodles they’re so chewy they’re so

Bouncy and chewy but uh it’s really too greasy with all that sauce and be careful with these cuz you got to chew them and chew them and chew them so don’t take a huge mouthful because you might choke it’s more likely that that ambulance was coming for someone who’s

Choking on than overdosing on street food you know what funny story when I order and then my S eye was glancing at the chili sauce I was like came straight into it and the owner was like oh super spicy careful super spicy and I was like

I want spicy I miss spicy food is it spicy not really it’s a little bit sweet like you say but I love glass noodle don’t choke call the ambulance I don’t know the 911 in Korea all right home stretch we are stuffed but we’ve got 7,000 left

To SP I could spend it on a black pink pillow but we’re going for more food for your Enjoyment so for 50001 leaving us with 2001 we are eating a lot for $100 I mean nobody says soul is that cheap but certainly you can find a lot of cheap street food here in Soul we’ve got this uh candied strawberry they had all kinds of different things uh all fruits Candi

They basically just pour this sugar syrup over top of it and let it crystallize I hope this doesn’t like break my tooth but let’s try it this huge strawberry a little bit sour a little bit sweet a super crunchy sugary exterior actually it’s really good it’s so C crunchy you got to be

Careful not to break a tooth they had little Mandarin oranges too which I’ve never seen before but I had to go with the strawberry just looked too good it explodes with juice in your mouth yeah so if I’ve been counting correctly that leaves us with 2,1 left that was a lot

Of food for $100 I cheated a little bit for the last 2001 we were so stuck can’t eat anymore so we just decided to go with a little water bottle and I’m not going to lie to you guys I took two bottles up because they said 1,000 per

Bottle so I was like okay I have 2,1 left and then I got to the front and I was actually buy 1 get one free so I still have 1,1 left but that’s okay we’re ending it I still say that’s a success in my books for today’s $100

Korean food challenge a lot more food than I was expecting especially after spending more than 60% of our budget on that hanwell beef barbecue this morning what a great day of eating here in Soul mixture if you haven’t already subscribe because we have more videos coming from

Korea soon and I’ll see you guys on the next episode Chopstick TR bye I


  1. Thanks Luke for another really great video ! I am a big fan of South Korea, and the food there, so I love your vlogs from there.

  2. ขอบคุณสำหรับ ความตั้งใจทำวีดีโอที่ดีๆของคุณ ให้พวกเรารับชม รักลุค❤😂 เราคือแฟนตัวยงค์🎉

  3. You know Sonni from another food review channel does the 100 dollar challenge and it's very enjoyable and I'm glad you also are doing it now as he never gets close to the 100 dollar's and it will be great to see how close you can get 🙂

  4. That meat at the beginning looked fabulous with that marbleing 😍 the Korean fried chicken looks so good, I’ve never tried either Korean or Taiwanese fried chicken but I’m going to now lol

  5. Glad you made it to Majang Meat Market. Best place to go to try Hanwoo on a budget. We had a great time there and ate some amazing cuts of Hanwoo.

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