
معقول الجمال دا كله هيبقا ذكريات فقط لا غير؟ | Morocco

ذكريات زيارتي لشاطئ أغرود الساحر في غرب المغرب

Many thanks to *Azul views Morocco* for drone shootings


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Stock music used in this video is from under the license of a 7 days Trial yearly plan

جميع فيديوهاتي السابقه


Rio de Janeiro , Morocco It was as if I had entered Walt Disney [music] Exactly [music] Welcome again During my trip in Morocco, on my way from the city of Essaouira to the city of

Agadir in the direction of southern Morocco, I was surprised by a very small beach village and very distinctive at the same time. The road was about 200 meters long. I died, but to be honest, I did not feel them at all because of the beautiful scenery

As strong as what we see. This is the first thing I liked on the road. A very special beach. It is also very distinctive in the media and on social media. A beach called Gharwad and Agrowik , but it is made with colors and a very artistic form. [Music] Come on. Let’s watch it together because the stop is very special, and if you are coming to Amsouane, whether it’s Gadir

Or Taghazout or wherever in the south, you have to stop at some of the places and watch it all. Come on [music] Let’s say the first thing we have to say is that the beach is

Very large, very empty and wide, and the local area has many colors that are made. On this bio and it is done in a very artistic way [Music] [Music] As you can see, the Shattah, guys, is a masterpiece. Even there are people who operate caravans here or camping caravans

. This is the Shat, God willing, from a strong distance. All of this is also very far, I mean, not less than 500 or Also, 600 or 800 meters, the length of the beach may be more. I can’t see the end of the beach from here. [Music] Frankly speaking, the valley of the

Beginning of the colors has appeared. [Music] As you can see, the view of the village behind me or this small city behind me is

Really crazy. They have done it with great craftsmanship, even though it is… It is very small and not a huge thing, I mean, but it is done with great craftsmanship and the colors were as if they were still painted yesterday without exaggeration. Literally everything is new

Here. The colors are like the village here and the general shape of the houses in the colors reminded me of Nubia here in Egypt in Aswan Governorate in Upper Egypt or South Egypt. The same style. The same way.

The use of colours, the same simplicity and tranquility, even the same nature of the residents, goodness and cheerfulness [Music] and generosity [Music] . I liked the place very much . I mean, they really worked on something simple and strong. Something very beautiful and cheerful. A high, strong vibe here. Come [Music] We will complete our needs. Its place is special, close to Agadir. It is close to Imsouane. It is close to Taghazout. I mean, there is no beautiful beach that is worth spending a whole day on. It is worth at least seeing it or

Visiting it if you are going from Agadir to Imsouane or vice versa or going down the south road towards Agadir. It is a really beautiful thing and one of the very special things in Morocco. There are also people making camps or tents here. You can start in one of them or spend the night. It is really a very nice beach, and on the horizon you see a very long beach. God willing, it is not 600 or 800 meters, it is about 6 kilometers [Music]

In front of [Music]. [Music] A beach suitable for families and young people, and it is enough that there is a kilometer between each umbrella and the next, God willing, and there is beauty, as we see it, and a fortress, and of course a lot of strong people come in cars and make a

Camp for themselves in their car and sleep [Music] There is something very luxurious, Mashallah [Music] God, the north was very, very, very hot here. It’s a much more enjoyable and sweeter atmosphere. [Music] We continue Here, in all these buildings, there are many places and many apartments for reading or housing. You can come here and spend a night or two, because frankly, the view from

Here of the ocean is something I can’t afford. I describe it neither me nor the camera, and seriously, I am sitting, for example, in a balcony or terrace like this, and I see this from above the ocean, something like this that explains the heart Rio de Janeiro [music] Morocco [music] A [music]

I will not leave a corner or a corner without colors, even the palm tree is bored of it. [Music] Also, the moment of sunset is here, guys, on the beach it is magical. You can see the view, God willing.

After Shatt Qarout, I found another beach, better than it, bigger, wider, and more beautiful. Frankly, I mean, I can’t describe it, by God, I can’t describe it With sound It’s a real place, nor more beautiful. More wonderful and nothing sweeter than that. It is the real magic of Morocco. This is magic, not the magic and sorcery they are talking about. Say, “Morocco is magic and witchcraft, an incantation.” No, no, no, this is magic. [Music] The neighborhood [Music]

The magic of Morocco in the south. Magic of beauty. Nature. Beautiful views. Pure atmosphere. Calm nerves and comfort. Mind, relaxation and pleasure [music] [music] investigation [music] k [music] fe


  1. اهلا وسهلا بإخواتي واصدقائي المتابعين الكرام

    اولا كل عام وسيادتكم بخير وصحه وسعاده ورمضان كريم وتقبل الله مننا ومنكم جميعا صيامنا وقيامنا وسائر الطاعات

    اشكركم من كل قلبي على الدعم المستمر

    رجاءا ملاحظة اني اصور معظم فيديوهاتي في فتره معينه ثم ابدأ في المونتاج والنشرللفيديوهات لاحقا

    ممكن بعدها بشهر او اتنين او حتى 6 شهور

    وفقا لظروف عملي ووقتي وسفري وهكذا ونظرا لأني اقوم بكل شئ بمفردي تماما

    إعداد الفكره ثم السيناريو ثم ترتيب السفر وتجهيز المكان والتصوير ثم المونتاج ثم التدقيق والمراجعه ثم ……ثم ….. ونهاية بنشرالفيديو

    مجهود مضني جدا وبيحتاج الكثير والكثير من الوقت

    ده لأن فيه ناس كتير بتستغرب اني بانشر فيديو مثلا في شهر مارس الحالي عن شهر اغسطس السابق

    هذا فقط للتوضيح

    رجاءا مساعدتي في نشر القناه وتوزيعها على قدر الإمكان

    ان شاء الله تسعدو معايا بكل جديد

    اشكركم من كل قلبي ولا تنسو إفادتي دائما بسلبيات الفيديوهات حنى اقوم بتعديلها مستقبلا

    ورجاءا كل اصدقائي على الواتساب برقمي التايلاندي من فضلكم إعادة التواصل معي على الواتساب في الرقم ده +201112635555 لأني لغيت الرقم التايلاندي وشكرا

    عاش المغرب

  2. تحياتي وسلامي لك اخي الكريم
    شكرا لك على جميع المجهودات والمعلومات
    اتمني اتكون وجدت الوتائق التي
    ضاعت منك في إسبانيا
    حفظكم الله ورعاكم واطال في عمركم
    جزاكم الله خيرا

  3. حللت اهلا ونزلت سهلا اتمنى ان تتوفق في مسيرتك…… في الحقيقة كم من مرة زرنا أكادير ولم ننتبه لهذه المدينة الصغيرة

  4. ماشاء الله عليك
    لان روحك جميلة ترى دائما كل ما هو جميل
    وفقك الله ورمضان كريم

  5. السحر الحلال هو الموجود عندنا في المغرب يا استاذ، أما الشعودة فهي موجودة فقط في قلوب الجهلاء

  6. مدينة جميلة جدا ، زرتها قبل سنة فعلا مدينة هادئة و جميلة ببساطتها ❤

  7. تحياتي وكل سنه وحضرتك طيب وحقيقي امتعتنا معك حتى ولو انها بلدي وشكرا رمضان كريم

  8. انشاءالله اطول بعمرك وترجع تزور المملكة الشريفة مرة واثنين وثلاثة و…….

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