
my parents told me not to travel to China, so i did.

I’ve long been fascinated with China and it’s been at the top of my travel list for a while. This year was the first Chinese New Year the country has been open to foreigners since closing for Covid. So when this epiphany hit us back in January we knew the only thing to do was to book flights and go.

It ended up being one of my favorite trips of recent times and I wanted to document it uniquely. This ultimately led to me developing this documentary narrative 3rd person-style vlog/short film (the name still needs some work) and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

shot on Canon C70 and some bad $90 digital camera off amazon.


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0:00 the idea
1:23 telling my parents
2:18 144 hour transit visa explained
2:58 first days in beijing
5:09 chinese new year
7:00 acrobatic show
8:32 reflecting
9:15 the great wall
12:50 saying goodbye

So Ramen and some snacks is there anything else you want I’ll probably grab a drink yeah sounds Good what is that it’s like a cream puff here try it okay good yeah how’s the Coke solid I mostly just got it cuz it’s like this cool Year of the Dragon Cam that is sick is the ROM I got okay yeah that’s cool when is Chinese New Year like in a

Couple weeks I think know what we should do what we should go to China for Chinese New Year wait that’s actually a really good idea cuz you know it also I think would line up with our plans perfectly I know you know who’s not going to like that

Though I mean I’ve told them before that it’s like really high on my lists so I mean I think they know I’ll go eventually I’ll just I’ll just tell them after we book everything I guess yeah good luck with that one FaceTime mom and dad hello hey can

You how’s Taiwan not good we just got to Taiwan last night what you doing there we’re going to we’re going to Beijing for Chinese New Year oh no what you’re going to China yes is that safe of like what’s the what’s the state department say about traveling to Beijing it’s

Fine that’s what you say about the the whole world the state there’s nothing H there’s no active conflict it’s mine I know but you’re you’re these blonde kids coming in there you’re like clearly American and I it’s just scary it’s scary Kobe we’re not going to a war zone it’ll be

Fine hello I’m traveling too we’re going to Beijing we’re doing Transit the way this Visa works is it’s a transit Visa technically so you have to fly in from one country and you have to fly out to a different country so we’re transiting for 6 days I’m surprised they

Let you transit for 6 days just that’s the maximum out that’s just what it is it’s the 144-hour transit Visa It’s okay we’re in Beijing it’s cold I really don’t know what to expect this is like the first time we’ve like traveled we’re really like we have no idea what we’re doing we’re just going to Wi it there’s just so little information online in English about anything nobody speaks English like

Like worse than anywhere I’ve ever been yeah it’ll be an adventure peeking duck that’s like number one half have to do it we arrived a couple days prior to New Year’s to allow us to get a feel for the city first it’s so crispy look at that M the

Skin is so crispy try it so for the following days that’s exactly what we did I think he’s doing you he’s throwing you I think it’s pretty good this man started taking photos of us randomly and now he’s airdropping them to us Wa wait it looks like a no fireworks sign that would be funny I think it is look how new the poster is it is prohibited to set off fireworks and firecrackers observe the prohibition regulations and maintain the urban environment for a better life that’s so like diplomatically put

Okay so I don’t think our plans tonight are going to like work no fireworks on Chinese New Year our New Year’s Eve was a bit of a bust but we held out hoping that the next day would yield us with more festivities we wanted def find the

Dragon dance and we did just walking down the street it’s so Cool Okay so we have come to a temple Fair which are these like crazy Carnival type things that they do the week preceding Chinese New Year so we are going to see what is happening cuz we don’t really know despite the massive crowds there turned out not to be much going on so we

Just played carnival games I mean these look easier than the ones back cuz they’re big go everybody’s staring at this this is so dramatic okay last one last one last one look we got a consolation prize and no one else did so maybe it’s just

Because we were white but now we have to go find a child to give it to we are not traveling with a stuffed bear there is no room in our bags for that one after giving our bear to a sad girl who had just lost a game it was time for our New

Year’s Feast hot pot guess okay okay that’s a lot of meat tossing some noodles let’s do it I think the be’s almost done okay cheers cheer me cheers with the hot po so fun having people stare at up and never know what we’re ordering but it’s

It always works out in the end I need to make sure those tickets are I mean they sent them to me but they’re a little weird we then attended an acrobatic show where we got a rose tinted glasses look into one of the dark underbellies of

China One where children as young as six are stripped of a childhood and grueling trained for years to become performers thought I feel bad for this kid he looks [Applause] miserable yourself I think we might be accidentally supping some sort of child abuse uh situation

Like I feel bad going to it I know I feel guilty for patronizing I know and I then I like I feel bad like I don’t I don’t if I want to post to put ey on social media cuz it’s like this is not good like but I don’t I don’t know

Solution to so obviously children like there were some adults but obviously like all the proper dangerous stuff all the kids doing the STS like the little acrobat girls the boy who’s like what 25 30 ft in the air like 20 with no harness with no harness upside

Down your heading on the floor yeah and you could see the pain in their eyes like you list to that boy’s eyes it was it was fear it was not he was not enjoying his art it just makes you feel uneasy yeah I probably would not

Recommend people who come to China to go see an acromatic show because you’re probably not patronizing anything okay but yeah this was weird yeah let’s go and do something bit more try to clear our brain yes China truly felt so different compared to anywhere else I’ve ever been

Before we were having a great time but there was still this underlying Eerie feeling that we could just not excape existing in a surveillance state with random ID checks and having your every move be monitored by endless security cameras and Personnel felt distopian while at the same time I’ve never felt

Such kindness and curiosity from people in a major city before and I think that’s the takeaway people aren’t defined by their country or government they’re separate and if there’s any place that exemplifies at the most it’s here but before our time in this fascinating corner of the world came to an

End there was one more thing we had to do we woke up at 4:00 in the morning and we’re in a taxi driving 2 something hours to hopefully get to an empty part of the Great Wall we have been driven out to the middle of nowhere he’s saying something about

Transferring cars we don’t know what is happening are we getting kidnapped I know we have now gotten into a different car with our taxi driver’s son apparently the taxi doesn’t have enough range to go be going so we are now in what seems to be there we just went home

Personal car got the car now we’re missing Sunrise because that was a 40-minute detour to the middle of nowhere but on the break right side I don’t think we’re getting kidnapped yay after more driving and some hiking our efforts had seemed to pay off because we were about to get

Exactly what we came for this is what we came here for no reconstructions just the original wall exactly how it Is So crazy having like like most famous place ever crowded hello hi is it cold there yeah but look where we are oh wow look what is the Great Wall of China oh really wow and we have it we have it all to ourselves it’s it’s empty why because we came well it’s

12° we woke up at 4 in the morning and we came really far and then we hiked far out so got it alone wow happy for you guys yeah thanks Mom all right love you love you night Bye is cold I am CH but I’m having fun it’s so epic and we have made the decision that we’re staying until sunset I’m really glad we decided to stay this is like one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen everything I ever dreamed of the wonder of the world together you’re The Wonder of my world it’s true What was your favorite moment Great Wall yeah of course that that’s like unbeatable yeah that was wild like that is like something I’ll always on good trip baby God we finally got to go I know it’s been like especially for you it’s been a long time I know I’ve

Been talking about it for so long it’s like America there’s so much variety of of like culture and natural beauty it’s it’s a big country and a lot of people and a lot of different like walks of life so just getting to see more of that

Is on The Bucket List like this was a good Tas or now we want more got to get a longer Visa yeah yeah this is motivation definitely for us to get longer Visa I figured that’s what was happening I was like okay do 144 hours that be little

Te okay should we go catch our flight yes let’s Go


  1. I just realized something crazy and ridiculous in the world: how the US government dares to lie to its citizens about China, spreading rumors and convincing US citizens to believe them.

  2. 你视频的滤镜和给你妈妈打电话的屏幕颜色真是对比明显,建议下回别忘了把你视频屏幕也给打上滤镜😅

  3. I will not try to change the views of people from different regions and cultures. Just like before I went to the United States, my parents also seriously informed me of the horrific shootings and racial discrimination. But this does not prevent me from having wonderful memories when traveling to Europe, America and other places. I was touched by the impact of friendly people and different cultures. I sincerely hope that everyone can share their wonderful experiences with people who have never been in contact with them objectively and rationally. Thank you for sharing China with the world.

  4. I watched it twice, the first time I read the content, and the second time I read the comments to see the use of filters. My comment is, such a dark and groggy filter, on purpose, does a movie filter need to be used so strongly?

  5. Its 21th centuries, people still thinks of the Great Wall when it comes to China. 🤣 btw, Is there no modern buildings in Beijing?

  6. 12 minutes of this video are very neutral and/or positive. Only 100 seconds are negative, and even that is a strong way to describe it. We were simply sharing a few moments that made us feel uncomfortable and weird. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just being authentic and I do it pretty much everywhere I go. Everywhere on Earth has a laundry list of things that would make one feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe, but obviously I’m not going to talk about them in this video as it’s a video about China and not everywhere else.

    If you discredited this whole video and other 12 minutes because of those 100 seconds, then you missed the point which was actually a very positive one.

    As for the color, I’m a filmmaker and I shoot on a cinema camera. This requires me to have to color grade the footage or else it would be ugly un-saturated un-contrasted LOG footage because thats what the camera dishes out. This color grading process is a key place where filmmakers can stylize and elevate their work to make it stand out from others. Every person does it differently and has their own “look.” The look you see in this video has zero malicious intent and is simply a version of my color grading style that I have been using a lot recently.

  7. Bro this was beautiful man!!! Your storytelling always amazes me and always loved your unique perspective visually!!!

  8. 😂就说一个你们吃火锅很不专业 面应该最后放 一开始放会让水变浑浊,肉烫几秒就可以吃了

  9. You accidentally forget to filter video chat screenshot with your mom, that is a horrible mistake and everyone can tell the real from filtered in this video. That is a low level, big cost and unforgiveable mischief.

  10. 一共就几天时间还专门跑去看马戏,然后大加评判一番。不就等于我去美国旅游,第一站去LA的skid row看homeless? 哦,对了,这个马戏你还得专门去找一找的,但是在美国的大街上,想找个没有homeless的地方都难

  11. 对对对,我认为你们都是遭迫害的,我们可怜你们,你们这些孩子一定遭受到了非人道的压迫。反正不用调查就可以随便说

  12. When you video with your mom on the Great Wall, look at the colors in your phone , and then look at the colors in your video .Is that the real China you want to share? 😂 Thank you for sharing, but I did feel offended.

  13. Go to the old town, stand and chat against a rundown street background. Add a filter from Agence France-Presse, make even the sleeping spot Japanese-style. When filming the Great Wall, focus on the most decrepit section and use all sorts of hidden angles to imply our country is super dangerous. Avoid all the good shots perfectly and subtly create that impression.

  14. When minors perform ballet, it is art, and when minors perform acrobatics, it is abuse! Double standardism.

  15. I don’t know what the danger is. Is the camera dangerous? Will it shoot out bullets? Are they as dangerous as America’s drugs, guns, and gangs?

  16. How can such a young child practice acrobatics? We should love them as much as those children on Little Saint James loved him.😂😂😂

  17. Thank you for your stereotype. Now you can apply for a position in BBC. By the way, your filter is really typical.

  18. Minors performing ballet is art, minors performing acrobatics is abuse! In addition, there are no war zones in China, and the security here is better than in your entire country.

  19. Don't tell me that Ballet is easy without any pain. If not been trained since childhood, people cannot master in most kinds of juggle.

  20. No offence, as a Chinese who traveled to US many times. I definitely believe that US is the country which keep brainwashing its people with propaganda. Even Trump said US medias are FAKE NEWS…………

    However, I welcome you and other US people comes to China.

  21. amazing! when you were in china, you accidently forgot how to use a camera and a brain properly.
    i guess china is a very special place on earth.

  22. Question: is your mother’s reaction real or is it a set-up scenario? Does that truly reflect the idea of the majority of Americans? I’ve been back in China for almost 10 years, and things are changing so fast huh?

  23. This is similar to how Chinese people think US is dangerous because of all the shootings are happening 😅. And why do you think the reason they give you the consultation because you are white😂. Also this isn’t like 30years old where people have never seen a foreigner before. Why do you keep thinking they are watching you. Also how can enjoy the goodwill of the Chinese people, but no bottom line to smear China, conscience does not ache?😅😅

  24. In western, "chidren do acrobats, wow what a talent, should go talent show to make some real money!" To China, "children abuse!!!!!!". Hypocritical and pathetic. Trust me, that Chinese boy doing much better in school and living safe without scare been shot or bullied than 99% of American children.

  25. It's hard to imagine in such an era of advanced information, your impression of China is still stuck at 20 years ago, unwilling to accept or delve deeper into it, just like this filter. I thought you two came to China to break the stereotype, but I didn't expect you to directly mold China into the stereotype they had pre-set. Why is the color of the sky you took different from the one in your mother's video? The filter you are using is a typical BBC filter. You can even call it a kidnapping while sitting in a car!! It's very funny. The cameras on the street are a sense of security for ordinary people. We dare to appear on the street in the middle of the night because of their existence. As long as I am a law-abiding person, I will not be afraid of the existence of cameras. When you go to China, you should speak Chinese instead of roast that there are fewer people who can speak English. Why don't you go to cultural relics protection areas? I live in the United States, and it's really disappointing to see you describe my country like this. I've been living in China for 35 years, so I'm very clear about what it is. Every country has its pros and cons, but you guys are really unfriendly

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