
Japan Sea Of Clouds In Shigaken Onyutoge

#seaofclouds #japantravel #nagoyakim

one of the best places to view sea of clouds in japan.
We also discussed everything you need to know like how to get there, time , season and things to consider before planning your trip.
It is an amazing experience and one of nature’s greatest phenomenon that you must experience even once in your lifetime.

I me different from the picture in person it is now uh up here but uh we chose be dangerous if you if you still Show m m i want to See good morning welcome or welcome back to our Channel Nim make your life easier with Kim and we are now here at on to and we are trying to look for the sea of clouds here in Shiga can yes yes we woke up at 4:00 and it’s

Really difficult to find this place and the road is very narrow it’s dark and it’s scary because there are some animals crossing on the road oh abunai Kuai Kuai we are actually inside the clouds right now and we are looking for the clip so we can view the city surrounding this

Mountain and you have to consider some factors before coming here in this sea of clouds area because you have to check the weather you have to have clear skies or else it’s going to be raining most of the time you have to sacrif I waking up very early in the Morning it’s going to be an early morning hike before you forget if you like this kind of travel videos please do consider subscribing to our Channel hit the like button and the bell icon down below this is surreal we hope we are hoping fingers crossed

That we can find the cliff where we can view the sea of clouds and there are uh sign boards over there Co oh it’s about the construction actually we can still drive the car uh up here but uh we chose not to because I think it’s going to be very

Very dangerous if you if you still drive the car or we should foree so this is the place going to and from see how the streets or the road is narrow and it’s now almost 8:00 and it’s still very very foggy yes if there is a car coming towards you

You have to stop and uh figure out who is going to give way it’s is it the other car or you that’s how you do it that’s the rule here and it is really hard to go to this place so just get ready and be prepared your um feelings so so so

So it is better to come here uh at least two person just like me and okay if I’m alone I will not come here because it’s really dangerous and it’s scary very scary early this morning when the road is really oh my God that is a really

Beautiful place when the road is narrow now okay sleeping when the road is wide he is awake oh my God it’s really scary driving alone even though he’s here but if he’s sleeping it’s still scary look at that place oh my God oh my God we are going to stop here and take

Pictures wow MAA okay guys get ready of what you’re going to see this is a phenomenon here in shaan and there are no words Look yes this is really hard to find place and we are lucky there is uh Malaysian guy who is very nice and he showed us how to get here and you know this is Brett taking hi I’m Lou this is Louis are Lou need Wow we have a great skew you have your YouTube channel yes later let me know I I want to follow you oh it’s uh just you can just find place to visit there just some amusement park like Legoland something like that yeah I subscribe your channel already okay thank You Look how amazing amazing zinging fish oh there are fish on the stream wow I don’t know if you can see those those are fish going Upstream for I this maybe look monkey monkey monkey see there are animals walking around the highway so be careful mon look how narrow this road is you’re

Going to travel here look how scary SMI Meeting and if you miss one uh a single you know to the left you’ll fall down the River to the left to the left It is different from the picture in person it is breathtaking there are no words to describe okay that’s the best phrase that I can give You hiking is amazing when if you love hiking this is the place for you to Hike y yeah I just thought yeah so going now yay we hope you guys enjoyed our featured video for today here at sha camp Tak on yeah the sea of clouds here in sh yes just remember before you go here plan your trip um make sure the weather is good it should be

Sunny just to make sure that the weather is sunny before you go here and make sure that you have the courage because you’re going to take narrow roads and be careful and Drive slowly yes yes just be careful and when uh finally when you arrive at the top yes

It is worth it the traveling when you before you if you have no experience with narrow roads you will be scared to death but once you get to the top you’ll just say all of this is worth [Laughter] it okay okay so if you enjoy these kinds of travel videos please do consider

Subscribing to our small Channel hit the like button and the bell icon down below once again maker easier with Kim see you next week bye

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