
Japanese Food – JUICY KOBE PORK CUTLETS Tonkatsu Hajime Tokyo Japan


  1. i have no clue how can you eat fat pork deep fried 🙂 i mean it might be tasty but the amount of oil and fat..

  2. I just wanted to say those scrambled soft eggs look mighty delicious! Also never had fried pork chop but looks dam delicious

  3. I was wondering about the doneness of the pork but it looks done to me…more done than those eggs.
    I'd love a Po'boy sandwich with one of those chops…lettuce, tomato, pickled tomatoes and Duke's mayo.

  4. What cut of pork is that? It looks like babyback rib meet without the bones? GAWD, that looks simply and sinfully, Deeelish!!

  5. ;!;!;!;;My Lord J.ESUS Christ Returns, repent of sin and OBEY the LAW of the Father…   Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word);

  6. とんかつ用の肉が分厚いだけで、食べてみればわかると思いますが、豚肉のかたまりでまったく美味しいとんかつでは無いです。チャーシューでも作るならわかるのですがこれにころも付けて揚げたとんかつが本当に美味しいと思いますか?ま動画なんで判らないだろうけど。物事の本質を見誤っていますよ、目黒にある『とんかつ とんき』のとんかつを一度食べてみればこんな只の肉のかたまりでとんかつでも何でもない奴です。こんなブタブタ全開のを美味しいと思う奴、味覚音痴ですね('ω')ノ

  7. Свининка явно не прожарена, а это чревато для желудка. Чуть тоньше нарезал бы и было б норм, а так я бы не рисковал!

  8. The people who make these videos never heard of personal space. I mean the camera person is like right up on the person's I would be pissed if that was my kitchen where I was trying to cook let's see do you need a backup.

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