
“Countryside Hazu” visits Tokyo with NomadicGaijin 2024-02-19

Hazu ends up in Tokyo for a few hours and meets up with NomadicGaijin for their “annual collab”. Unfortunately, the signal in Tokyo is not as good as in Osaka so parts of the stream have been spliced with Nomad’s stream footage.

Check out NomadicGaijin’s channel at:

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The way she wrote it that’s what you’re face there she Is hey my God it’s been like a year hasn’t it I know than you really good to see you yeah I sniped you technically no no no you asked you asked that’s a I think that’s an important thing is uh and I was I’m happy like I was still half a

Sleep I woke up like oh you’re here yeah definitely so it’s just really lucky because normally and if I knew it was raining today the forecast said Just Wind so I chose here cuz I thought wind would be fine but generally if it’s raining I’ll drive somewhere so then I

Would I wouldn’t have been in Tokyo yeah oh no so it worked out yeah Savers a tasss here too yeah there this is the huzzard waiting room so once she starts the stream you guys will abandon me it’s okay though it’s all right no problem I have too many [ __ ] do you

Want to find a place to sit or you want to just do it here is it whatever is easier for you I can just oh no oh thank you thank you for adding H to the title and can you give a shout out to Alo I appreciate that oh you did already

Thank you oh you’re way ahead of me I have that exact same case oh it came with yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you have the exact the same one yeah had that when I did my phone streams back in the day Yeah I tried three or four different types but they always kind of warp on the edge that was probably the best one though oh well I’m using this for too long time though I can’t use the speaker here it’s broken ah so I I think it’s a

Suppression yeah um I think my speaker is all broken now so when I when I do a phone call I hear a lot of noises what phone is that cuz that was my old phone was like that too iPhone 12 oh it’s 12 should man it looks so beat up

Though oh not that bad just the corner you drop it a lot on that corner camera oh that’s your stream phone or chat phone I have a phone oh that’s right that’s right yeah everything I got to go sleep cuz I got work in 8 83 but wanted to stop by

Say hi saber wanted to say hi nice to see n Mir ha you for once are you meeting your friends so uh one friend got stuck with meetings another one I think is coming out in a bit and then maybe at night another one

Might drop by so I I just messaged a few people like saying hey I’ll be in the area if you want to come by you know but it could be just us so I don’t know oh yeah I I just used this but I have the best change purse I don’t know

If you’ve seen this on my stream yet you might love it my change purse oh my God isn’t that the best that’s so cute this has aih Habra oh of course Goa but I um this has been a conversation started at isaka and it’s been really fun Japanese people love

It T’s laughing at the non- mirror thing I’m Assuming oh I forgot about your your uh um gimbal looks like an umbrella oh yeah and it’s super fry I get I get emotional sickness with my own you’re looking at the image on your phone you’re like but I got to say like your streams always seem like stable even though like

You say that there is no stability there’s no stability really like selfis myself like maybe it’s just cuz whenever I I tune in you’re already sitting or standing somewhere oh yeah I think so but when you’re walking it doesn’t seem that hzu is the best yes she is she’s

Here the next step is wearing a transparent bikini money purse oh yeah I’ll try that yeah no stability with hzu you can put you’re changing your pants yeah yeah yeah yeah I was at this bar and the the Master’s wife said is it a tea back oh

No it wouldn’t be cuz then the change would fall out I love that the women have the best comments on it but if you have a thick ass and one very true very true it’s important stability in the phone right in the phone maybe that’s what we’re talking about nothing like ciz is

Unstable my selfie stick is unstable my selfie is unstable like nothing is stable what what uh what carrier do you use do doo okay I’ve got two in my bag so if it starts to get fuzzy I’ll keep my bag away from just going to raage you hey

So guys where are you going I I don’t know uh are you hungry yet yeah are you um I I had a snack so I can eat whatever I was starving when I got here so I just had like a a little hot dog so if you’re hungry get home if you’re not

What’s see why am I here um because I want to there’s a tower with a nice in the city to that I wanted to go to it’s free is there a towel yeah there’s like a tower it’s like a city office building you get a

Nice someone reced that to me and it’s a Japanese garden here that I’ve never and checked out which should be really nice and then yeah just walking around the Dome area of the city it lights at night didn’t to light up stuff so I thought it catch elimination and then I wasn’t expecting

This weather but I was going to just walk around and enjoy have you ever read that roller coaster yes once it’s terrify F really yeah are you scared I don’t I don’t I can ride roller coasters but I don’t like like the massive drops like that hey it was fun otherwise hey

Silver cops it was anger it was a con and Bin see nomatic was like see you buddy what is B hul I don’t know it’s like this uh it seems Seems like this this uh Japanese hip-hop band hip hop so then you can see like all these young people wearing the

Hiop clothing they got dreads and they got like other things or cornrows or whatever can you r no oh I’m a roer if I do karaoke yeah I can only do that because I can’t sing um okay so what’s first uh view food Garden just a walk maybe food you want

To eat okay let’s get food um are you driving through here or taking a train I take drink okay cool then you can drink I can drink just making that’s that’s why um I wanted to bike here with a mental bike but um takes like 2 hours

And then I and I can drop the bike off and still drink and take the train off bike it has ITA too but I never used it because it’s too much tank it’s pretty easy uh once you sign up just find it reserve it you know lock

It through the app um it’s like a every 15 minutes is some and something in but I usually use it long enough till I hit the there’s a 12h hour max of 1,800 yeah oh but typically if I bike from say my house to aih Habra which I do a lot for

Events and stuff it’s um I spbe 800 y why don’t you buy your own bike well there’s a few reasons it’s an electric bike which which I liked before cuz I had a very heavy bag but now this bag is quite so I don’t need it but um if I buy

My own bike I’ve got to I’ve got to lock it up somewhere and then and then take it home too yeah you’re not supposed to drink in bike oh that’s Che so I don’t want to worry about it an 800 Yen for an e bike that I could take in the city and

Drop off somewhere much better get some exercise yeah um hey got son cuz the bike I want is like yeah so expensive to a little 800 in here there yeah I don’t know why anric bike is so expensive you those steel bikes no steel bikes no I’m a saint I don’t do anything

That I swear no supposed to drink in a bike that’s new to us sh what I never do you’re talking about he has hang I mean you see people especially like old men biking holding too high or so obviously the cops don’t care but if you get into an accident

That’s when it matters so and also I’ve heard like a police has got a point system and then when they don’t earn enough point then uh they get like no uh punishment but like they lose the opportunity to get promoted right right so when they need a point then they just

Started I think every country has that it’s or at least the US does too oh yeah it’s very toic for it to get yeah but what H what happens is that they they leave it to the end of the month or the end of the period and then they they are

All out there so in San Diego we knew when the time was because you’d see cops everywhere like waiting for someone to make a mistake so you just be a little careful around that time of the M HP C be lover it’s been a while isn’t

It B feel well you know what the last time I saw you was last February so oh oh yeah oh yeah one your on your one on your visit okay uh sorry food wise oh Taco Bell you guys have Taco Bell Shake Shack yep we both have it okay you don’t do

You think Osaka is such a Countryside I never saw them in oaka I didn’t know I didn’t know insulted yeah we don’t have any of this stuff I just didn’t know oh Taco bille is in to uh umeda the north side oh okay okay and then Shake Shak is uh Namba uh

Downstairs of the department store okay all right yeah yeah is there anything exactly what um do you’s let’s stop for a second and figure this out anything like a Tokyo it might be super crowded is it cuz over the a b hop I’m so smart

And I and I didn’t check if there was an event today I thought Monday will be fine nope and there’s always events here big city I I’m the country boy I would like die in the Tokyo Station better connection oh bad connection yeah it’s

Me it’s me it’s you uh no no no maybe the spot should we move to a yeah third Wheeling Nomad that’s that’s awesome well we have a running joke so I met um couple like I I used to work with that couple in a bar and then uh I met

Them in a random bar when I was streaming and you know I wanted to be a cool Senai so I was like I’m going to buy their dinner like they’re having a dinner so like when I leaving okay I’m going to pay for them too and it was

Like a $70 like oh my God that’s why we were saying like if you third whe you have to pay $70 oh I that’s interesting oh I think we have too many people around here that’s keep getting that okay right right right let’s move away from the

CR you want to go to the Garden then yeah yeah yeah like the which way oh yeah this place there’s also like restaurants and random stuff in the lot L whatever there so we can walk there and it should be better reception I think let’s just cut

Through you have a good connection I have three Sims usually in um Tokyo I’m fine Saka generally okay but there are a few spots that are just it seems like no matter how many Sims you have there’s some spots that just drop you probably know exactly where they are right maybe

Maybe but if it’s a Countryside then I don’t know cuz I don’t go too far yeah I do a lot of Countryside stuff and it’s generally okay but there’ll be uh mountains are tough oh yeah mountains are tough like going to a village in the mountains

Can be pretty bad that’s my excuse not to go to Mountain yeah guess but in a real life I just don’t like climbing I’m very much in the same boat yeah oh yeah but you like biking I thought you like exercise and then I like exising I’m not much like I should

Get back in but I don’t do hiking that much I like walking around cities and places and exploring but I’m not like a hike just in nature that m if it’s part of something like biking around the lake and then going for like a little hike to a

Waterfall that’s fine are you back are you dead are you dead you getting any reception yeah it seems like that but I can’t tell reading in Tokyo yes it is it wasn’t supposed to be but it is yeah you’re back cool press the SP you have a h in Osaka

I’m just kidding I said you have the Hub in Osa The Hub is infested every area of Japan of course W Tu is a big city so uh yeah I mean you just we ended up here yep that’s very exciting yeah but just a one day really

That’s it yeah yeah I’m not here for streaming actually one day and you chose to spend some of that time with I feel very special yeah of course you weren’t coer SP ass so cuz then I’ll feel better that’s why like I have like uh 3 hours yeah

Sorry about that you got 3 hours before you get out yeah cuz I’m not here for streaming right right so it’s like a subquest so we need to make use of our time all right yeah okay so like you know you know me I do these long streams

And I kind of like sit around and stuff we should make the it’s okay we can sit around oh yeah we can find when don’t we find a uh somewhere we can eat and drink and chill oh which isier you can do if you want that’s

That’s yeah I don’t mind now is there anything like we can’t food yeah cuz they’re food kind of sucks but I do like I’ve gotten on just oh oh The Comedians right in Japanese and then this naked guy says don’t worry I’m wearing oh he got viral

In the UK really yeah so he was is this his catchphrase yeah because he so he wears the it’s such a bad picture to show him but he has small um swimsuit and then with the angle like it seems like he’s no wearing H oh he like tries

To cover it oh I see I see and then he says don’t worry I’m go to the American really yeah so that’s why I think if he Happ if one of them were like a British you I think you know him that’s really interesting so um I but

You know he should say I’m I’m wearing something I’m wearing yeah but it’s just really funny wording right don’t worry I’m wearing it leaves their imagination what are you wearing and then his name was way longer before but I think he cut he he short shorten it to make yeah oh

God everyone so this one I don’t know so he was viral 10 years ago in Japan and then he go viral again like years ago and then this one like uh if you were young no one knows like no one knows yeah they those three people are what

About this guy with the the bicycle oh so he what do he doing so this is the um not like a mimicking from the American TV show I don’t know the English word but like a high school something something it’s a Dylan Mak so a character of the American TV show like

Like old one like 9020 or something 70s 80s kind of Stu so cute uh Britain’s Got Talent exactly and then oh my God this person has a story maybe what about nipple drill over there oh my God that’s what it says yeah it’s a nipple drill drill but they are

From the Osa comedian so there is most of these guys Osaka comedians no no most of them are uh Tokyo people but this is a Osaka comedy nak playing yoshimoto playing something and then those are two are characters and they got popular so they they got popular for nipple drill

Yeah so they go independent oh my God that’s crazy I I I don’t know if you’ll be here when when it gets dark but they have light up so it should look really cool at night yeah that’s the kind of stuff I wanted to see so I figured night be

Really cool to walk around that’s funny that’s funny wow that’s so funny because all of them are very Nashi nostalgic yeah is this the thing where they they do like maybe not this one they do the ping pong but they have the people wearing the the black costumes like pick

Them up and you seen that before right yeah those are funny this is a like a rhythm Rhythm comedy Rhythm comedy yeah man 2024 is an interesting time to live let me tell you how many Japanese comedians are British British St stream know everything what are you talking about comedy is a culture Yeah be M do you have anything in your mind I am not picky at all so I usually let other people choose because I’ll always find something I like M I want it’s something that I’ve never eaten and I personally want to step stop by here and then review the Takaki

Because I have to wait wait you had you guys have gak right yeah yeah you want to see how Tokyo’s G is yeah we have to be CR we have to criticize it they usually have eyeballs and stuff there too we can do like a t i I wouldn’t mind

Having some taco Yaki in the store or we can do it later they got bu gum shrimp too oh yeah it the one in Osaka is at the Universal Studio never oh Chinese looks good or cheese looks cheese looks good it’s a rock that looks amazing no or

Tight oh yeah that’s right that’s like right there you can choose choose something really it’s all easy for me you’re the visitor so like I always feel like I can eat any of the stuff anytime so you you’re visitting you want to tie you want to challenge the spicy chat you want

To just pick whatever want make hey s Sor sis I was just literally saying I’m going to do a spicy challenge so s Rock oh yeah that sounds good okay we’re going to go to here cheese and DOR nice all right let’s do it oh it’s the

Kind where they melt it and like put it on top rocket that looks nice this is what I expected as a rockol but when I went to Switzerland I did I never get to see this oh yeah you get to did you travel all over Europe

Amaz sad do you miss it uh Switz on F yes or just like yeah being abroad oh yeah yeah but I’m so glad that I might feeli you I know what I can do what I can’t do right right I did a j thing in

Front of the CH using a candle the night yeah I was honestly no I can say I was honestly so scared of getting arrested cuz I don’t know if I can do or not I don’t this kind of like the tough part about going other yeah like Japan you do

Anything mhm and then as a Japanese person I know what I can do and what I can’t do right so it was hard you can’t do like a killing people okay that’s like everywhere oh yeah but the thing is like um um drinking outside for example oh nope

Nope we might need to pick a place away from oh yeah I not expect this many people here so you want to go B that might be better sure sure sure what are you doing Toyo H hey Jay uh no it’s going to be long yeah hey Jenny how are you I’m sorry

That I scared you the other day by talking about the bows and then for sorry about that hey good morgan hey good morgan Hey so I’m in Tokyo right now it’s a emergency uh stream and I’m going to I’m going I’m third Wheeling the and CH and then usually third Wheeling which is a $70 but the Tokyo is more expensive thanaka so I appreciate your gift from the gift command uh so

That I can keep third Wheeling noad thank you so much yeah I’m getting constant FS constant FS okay so yeah third Wheeling feet exactly to just think would be good I don’t I don’t m Hey Paul Gabrielle want to oh yeah sounds good I wish I could help you I don’t have any other phone to figure things out I got I have four when I’m streaming so wow and you also have a good you’re also good got a good microphone as well right I saw your

Post wow I put a lot of effort that’s awesome I don’t know if first sh letter I knowa too I think it’s me it’s me just it wasn’t and Osaka is raining too that’s crazy okay all right cool make sure your reception yep so I’m in wow I’m in a bar right now

And then let me know if the signal go worse okay no no no I’m Fine Stone WEA all right so we can get a drink here and then just all start looking Up so is better inside than outside yeah I know right that’s crazy let’s get in here okay yeah got go oh I don’t know was too early for the tower drinking drinking maybe I’ll get the Tower or oh the tower I love the tower it’s like a very fruity yeah it’s

Quite tasty I don’t think it’s that strong but I don’t know be careful howy who’s the special guest this ISS I’m not going to lick your C cuz that get your B oh yeah it does it does yeah I can you get a band for that yeah

That was the only B that I go I’m talking about biges all the time and that’s the only typ go I remember that it’s a bit iy yeah I did close the up yes because that’s a too many people way too many people maybe that’s Why serf free suar free can do it can do it but I’d appreciate your gift from the gift commands thank you so that I can get was de I turned it down I oh they’re from they came here for B my is where’s that tower Tower it’s like a tower

OCT that one yeah it’s so good it is fun for stream oh you don’t have to do the same thing come on yeah oh R sure big J I’m going to get a Reda dedicating to you then sure can’t do that actually that’s a good idea too it’s not a sugar free though

Jay I’m going to get it no no no we um there was some like uh a little bit of stream issues so I figured I know this place is stream friendly and also has decent reception and then we can figure out like where to go get

Food I don’t normally pick Hub but uh it seem like a good I shouldn’t say that in but um no sck enough like when I come to Tokyo I usually have worse signal I don’t know why that’s interesting yeah right you know what when I had just dok I also got

A lot of like bad reception and rock tends to hold right now yeah same Yeah I [Applause] think so yeah somehow I’m not compatible with the Tokyo m oh eight group that’s B half I see okay D I’m from oh there’s just SC here too oh my God oh my God I got two oh yeah what a coincidence everyone is from Osaka that’s crazy that’s

Crazy they’re from Osaka too did you hear that they so a beat about being I know I know that’sa spirit I feel worried fine totally fine fine I’m getting the red W J dedicating to you watching the two streamers at the same time here go over July oh I see

Let’s go those are your so [Applause] This damn that’s huge that’s bigger that’s bigger than I thought hey an hey your husband 21 seconds oh nice wow that’s he it’s not like um it’s weird it’s like not that strong I don’t think and it’s also PR tasty so whenever I come to HUB I tend to get

This you start talking for extra time that sounds like the person who vot cam girls that’s what the cam girls need when was watching C girls exposing yourself a bit in a big huh I’m guys from get you a drink get you a drink is the boy stream oh these two are not

There two from he is a streamer he is a streamer so many people yeah I’m so hot I am so hot yeah Oh what the what the oh that they also from just arrived just for this event I’m sure people came from all over Japan all the hip-hop people in have come down from uh every corner of Japan if you do you want to try some oh yes sure so apparently there are eight people So good maybe that grapefruit covers it it definitely has a I think it has a really yeah I think it’s a longer in the se but a grand I think what’s it called tower Tower cocktail yeah that’s how I feel you’re acceptably cute I because there was a m there’s this big hip-hop

Concert so everybody’s here for that in the wildest iny I might be the oldest person in this whole place it’s like all very young people like all the hiop I don’t know no yeah so I didn’t expect there to be a concert today that was that’s that’s on

My behal already I told you have to sing 100% destroy oh yeah you definitely did Jay you’re the hardest so Jay from and then he he came to the bar and then uh he made many people drunk CU there you remember there is a b yes he hits it

So many times and then uh one of my friends oh J oh no so if he shows up people are like run yeah let’s go party how are you you’re back at that bar now right yeah that’s awesome yeah I’m back to I like that place that that’s uh

The hoola one right not hula wait which which part yeah yeah yeah I really like that place oh yeah Mega points hard twice yeah I know you’re all so Vice you knew you knew she was coming so Vice I I was like I have a secret guest

Today but I think that they must have talked about it in voice chat because some people knew oh Hey so if you if we could have make it then my theme would be like sad rejected lonely streamer looking for a white pillow that was not going to be my thing like like uh was that it was like a year and a half ago when we when we were First supposed to

Meet during my kho trip oh yeah I went out all night with Vio and ill and I just yeah I got back to my hotel at like 8:00 a.m. or something we were supposed to meet at what 11: or no yeah I stuck through my alarm so hard

But today um if you couldn’t me I was going to go and get some and I it and then I’m going to spray my perfume and then I was thinking to sell it the mar oh you can’t you should do that yeah next time next time when everyone reject

To me then I’m going to do it wait was I the last last one everyone else is like no I’m busy and you’re like all right I guess I got to call nomadic no no choice left no it’s not like that ghosted tour girl ghosted T it’s raining you want

Rain probably shouldn’t have got a drink when I’m thirsty I might I might drink some my water need a diet thing no no no I should I should oh yeah so I had um one of my viewers and friend was visiting for 2 weeks and the last two weeks every

Night junk food ezekiah food and drinking lots of drinking so I gained a lot of weight in two weeks so I’ve got that’s why I wanted to bike here I’m like I want to I need to lose the weight you know two weeks of ezekiah will destroy

Any diet I feel you to make a bunch of money like that like what drinking pany uh the pillows the anim pillow oh I see oh you’re getting hard and I forgot the heat is there anyi that I ah yeah I I use those for pH streams too

Um uh there are none really that close oh it’s a too there must to be convenient you would think so oh there’s a c look across the street cool then uh see you later chat you want me to take care of them y okay see you later I’m on

It I’m on it how do you read chat with the lens covering half a chat everyone say St it’s a streamer skill wow it’s a streamer skill you just kind of have to like interpret around the and you have chat on the screen how do you read this oh my

God how oh she just just doesn’t read okay no I do I do oh you going to go sleep okay pro gel thank you so much for thanks buddy thank you good night my thank you this is why she mispronounce everyone’s name it makes sense there’s two layers of text this is very

Difficult for me to read it’s messing with my ocdn and adhc at the same time yeah actually I I have so much respect for the fact that you can read your chat it’s amazing it’s amazing holy crap okay don’t over here CH stay cold stay cold

Jerk off and then cool out okay see you later not always how it works but yeah okay hey Chad I’ve taken over the stream I noticed most of you as are left very understandable I’ll also try to read my own chat which is way more legible at

This point um I have to charge my phone I’m an idiot and didn’t charge my phone last and we also have to find a place I didn’t realize her time was limited so we should find a place um very much appreciate that um despite having limited time that she came out to hang

Out so it’s my stream now hello from the other side hey afo should have left it on stay cool just making up 90 I I can’t read all this this is crazy like it has dual can I like has overlapping text I can’t I can’t Actually to be honest she could just turn it off but she wants the YouTube frog to see what oh is she dual streaming oh smart show other chat yeah oh she has a no sorry she has a personal message I got get rid of that for okay I’m going away wow wow

I okay I’ll wait I’ll wait it’s not a problem for me but it was like yeah okay uh maybe I’m not going to show just in case she needs to have U it’s it’s it’s fine but she’s getting messages and I don’t want the message to pop up while

I’m showing it’s nothing bad or anything but it’s like someone’s full name right and like other stuff so like I I need to uh not show later I just missed she’s coming back she’s coming back got to work in a p oh yeah it’s Monday yeah take Care tacd I was careful I was careful you should you guys should appreciate that it’s probably fine but I just don’t like the idea of showing someone else’s Messages um yeah so anyways proud of me I learn sometimes Um it’s odd because it’s like cool and warm at the same time like I know if I take off my jacket I’ll be cold but if I keep it on I’m sweating it’s like the weirdest combination I think I scared her away by getting this Tower cocktail but this

Actually for me this is like this is fine it tastes really good and I can only get this here this mix it’s like grapefruit it put actual grapefruit in it and stuff and I I think grapefruit hides alcohol well but it also just tastes good sometimes I have a I’m in the mood

For something like that what is it the bitterness or the Tang of of grapefruit is when you’re lacking something right when you’re craving that I think maybe I’m lacking uh I don’t know hey Bob what’s up fruit P that’s kind of what it is it’s what do they call these beakers

Um I forget what they call these we had to use these in like science labs and Stuff yeah right Chad oh right I should also be figuring out like where we’re going to go see if we had DX was in meetings today but if DX was here he could probably find us the perfect Spot the one day DX is busy is when we need him the most cuz I want to find something she wants to try something like Tokyo that you know obviously they have a hub everywhere so you know this isn’t special for her but if we can find an

Isako or some food away from Tokyo Dome cuz there’s just too many people here from the concert so it’s just too it’s too crowded so we need to find somewhere DX is busy all month oh yeah Probably her streams holding up though right it’s it’s shaking oh this isn’t a gimbal no wonder it’s shaking oh right wait Tess it why doesn’t she use larcs she’s using prism why I’m so curious person doesn’t access to stabilization sheo maybe hey D but other people might be coming here too

So oh my God never CH in my chance oh DX is in chat DX really busy all year I was saying if I know you’re busy but we I want to take her to isaka nearby that would be um yeah fun for her here hey Cat prepare your forehead it’s

Going to be cold oh no these things work so well no oh no also cold how do you feel feel and realize you always use the front screen yeah yeah that’s what you want to see right of course of course def actually you see when I come back here the be

Drop no one give a [ __ ] no it was the other way around when you left I like all they talked about was the fruit bong that’s all that’s a fruit bong I didn’t um they said I wanted to show them your your chat but you had

Some DMS so I didn’t show I didn’t show the screen I what you had some messages from someone or some people and I didn’t want to I didn’t want to show the screen no you can yeah just I just want to show the um I don’t I don’t think they’re

Coming anymore but uh so it’s hard to see someone text something first oh look look you have the double double and then your chat can see what I’m using too you have like the double yeah it’s really hard to see at the same time I’m getting

Used to it though I can see how you do it yeah right it just takes a little you got like they’re different fonts yeah exactly so you just got to like kind of it’s like a Magic The Magic was it Magic Eye you know like the those posters that are just like squiggly

Lines but if you stare at them you can see a picture it’s like that I wish it was a 3D you know if it’s a double it should 3 yeah that would be so cool that would be nice hey have you seen um extremely inappropriate a TV show no what’s up

It’s a Japanese show it’s really interesting maybe you know I know I know I know next yeah we started watching it uh started watching it a couple days ago it’s good is it it’s like ‘ 80s Japan so everything’s like the 80s um he’s a wild yeah and then he gets

Transported to um 2024 and has no idea how to everything offends people everything he says like pisses people off and offends them he like lights up a cigarette in the bus and then freaking out so I don’t know are we more senstive or are yes yeah you think so I think

Society in general is way more sensitive now it’s like it’s this kind of um like say in the early like 50s 60s like that people were a little bit more conservative then it got more open and people were doing you know like could say and do whatever and then it’s gotten

Like progressively more difficult to say things I think because of the internet I wonder like if people start realizing that your speech actually hting people or people over sensitive it’s both I think there’s also more things to be sensitive the internet has sort of spread the um yeah that that sort of

Like uh someone does one thing wrong and everybody knows another yeah like some some I don’t know celebrity in Australia makes a mistake the whole world will see it didn’t us to be like umet super sensitive noway we now back in my day wait you want you

Want ezekiah you need to cross South to suo oh thank you DX take 15 minutes away let’s do it are they open this early it’s like three I Know What You Did Last Summer you didn’t ring the bell Jay you didn’t ring the bell you can’t do that you didn’t ring the bell

Jay I last time I saw you I was very much fast Drinker drinking lots I know it doesn’t seem any different from this giant thing but i’ I’ve uh considerably calmed down lately you and then Dr kind of connected in my memory I know I go wasted that was wased for for context

Chat I introduced hu to saki bombs not knowing that she’s not I thought she was as strong as I am with alcohol I assume you weren’t wasted it too I was I was that’s true so if I was wasted and you’re not the and you’re going to be even more wasted right

Maybe cuz I’m a big guy and yeah Scottish but um yeah I was like have you never had a sake bomb before and so he started ordering them my God and you know doing the drops and then yeah wow yeah we were we were pretty gone I was screaming in a

Children City on the way back yo awesome H needs a fruit ball so she’s not third willing Nomad in his fruit ball oh if you speak no one can hear up when it’s coming because I no yeah how how considerate of you I know because everyone complains because I

Speak when there is the wedges here and like hey we can’t hear you shut up that’s amazing oh you know why cuz mine are playing on the speaker so I wait till it’s done and then everyone can hear it together yeah yeah okay I’m sorry about no it’s okay it’s okay you

Can say some random [ __ ] do you want to sit no no what happen yay M M M gifted a $369 m number ice cream uh hus is a FR B so she’s not thir Wheeling no M and he’s B thank you so much has anyone seen that clip on my BRB screen it’s uh where where I do the a it’s so much worse but what’s the fruit B A that might be too much for you I still have it I still have it yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah can she use it at the next place because we’re going to go somewhere get food and drinks and stuff I literally up No 56 Wheeling hey Foundation fun hey welcome welcome hey what’s up double streamers that’s right um yeah I’m just thinking which so DX recommended going down to Sashi and saying that there’s some there’s some uh isaka they open 15minute walk is that fine I mean once we finish

Okay I don’t know the area so it’ be fun and if he recommends it it must be great so oh yeah it’s right down the [Applause] road and probably going to be a lot better than around here cuz everyone’s coming here from the con Chicken are you drinking anything di most expressive dinner ever I know 56 wheel I never do Mark in a high school so I don’t know 50 6 7 you like like cheering me no like yeah a multiple they are 65 multiple 70 what’s the number 13 only cost 70 right that means 5050 realing how much is it it’s too early for noad to be mad oh

My God almost $4,000 $100 go is never be enough I have to pay for $4,000 you have to pay $44,000 for something yeah if it’s a 5060 then I have to pay for trying to live through you right now oh oh no I don’t usually drink on work oh good

It’s like a balance right you drink so hard on a vacation and you good how are you feeling by the way you felt the s f are you okay now J oh that’s true life yeah a socka has happy Dory that’s open for the day Drinkers and closes at night that might

Be a little far from here to walk I think yeah walking suit ofi sounds Yeah aaban is the best for D they got they’re open that they’re open from like 10:00 a.m. it’s like a little too early for so you want to play night sure what G oh because J is demanding me to finish this but I’m not going to finish without

Without a condition okay let’s do it condition you good to doctor oh cool cool cool you’re fine oh cool cool cool cool cool f um oh yeah that’s oh you can go with the fungus yeah yeah yeah you know fungus that’s a friend that was here two

Weeks I was hanging out with him all the time well fungus never shows up my screen but he has he show up talking yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s in they’re in voice chat like all day every day I know I think they’re dating you wouldn’t be surprised oh this is really cute I

Was at a I was doing a picnic yesterday someone was walking their rabbit wow and you play gu they do I do uh not very well though um I just I I had it with me I was fun this oh yeah yeah yeah I was surprised that he looks

Way younger than I thought we’re the same age but he looks so young yeah it’s a a blood I proposed to him Ona a yeah because his he proposed here in this spot to his ex-wife and they divorced so I want to give him a good memory so I

Proposed in the same spot and I give him a Laughing Cow ring a though because it’s going to recall the trauma or no it’s going to it’s going to it’s going to overwrite the trauma that’s the whole that’s the point of it you got to overwrite the trauma

So but anyway thank you so much thank you so much the best condition and he still hasn’t on the ground socks even though you recomend I need to try that actually I want the stream there there’s an underground area of socks that I really so many to so much younger than

Me but I know showing engagement pcks I know hey Sam what’s up man there was a there was a steak called like uh a steak shop called gub so I I was like hey it’s Lord gub you weren’t here sleep you like me that’s right I love meat you’re a fan of the

Meat I have no idea where all the protein are going so yesterday I played a you know arade basketball game yeah I’m very I was trying really hard and not hard it was it the small ones or like full size no no no it’s like arade game like

Like a game and then you’re going to keep yeah yeah but I mean like the ones where you actually shoot the ball right sometimes they’re really small sometimes they’re like full size like full size oh that’ll definitely if you just keep going like hard I play three times hard

Here my my streamer reflex is very strong did you see see of okay that barely I guess if you’re used to doing that you tug at it and it no this is very thick the my table is very thck it’s also looking so Twisted why don’t you un Twisted before you start stream

It’s so it’s so Twisted it’s all right the inside of my back looks way worse two out of shap what does that mean what what what what do you want to say t it h n yeah what what do you want to say you

Have a h knife I like yeah can I use it Chad I’m going to can I have the H knife for a second well she put it blade first ouch yeah I just put it here what the hell who does that do you have you pass scissors that

Way too yeah yeah you been learn in elementary school all right I’m going to stab you guys with the H knife now H H knife stab I will give it to uh blade you my because like my first twitch stream yeah is like a big shopping mall and it being the pumpkin

With a real big kitchen knife with a kitchen knife oh oh yeah they don’t have the the pumpkin tools here no I brought some with me for my kindergarten back in yeah so like I pulled up big KN in a big shopping Mo in front

Of that is so did you actually carve the H was it a a giant mess it was pretty good it was pretty good no blood nothing that’s pretty good no police nothing a good day is when the police weren’t called when H is involved hovering oh my God she showed up hello

My queen hi hey salty hasn’t been in my chat for so long only shows up if H’s here what’s up with that buddy I’m just kidding it’s totally fine good to see you um she showed up in the middle of a family park with a kitchen knife and gutted a

Pumpkin so usually people like carve the top was it was it like a big kind of poring pumpkin or was it a green one like green one but like those are really hard but I stopped it so I Tred to hide from the beach but I keep find it and it

Keeps FR for like a 5 Seconds yeah I hi they left that was my firstam you’re just lucky there wasn’t a cob on you but I think that was your your lucky break that’s so funny why like my uh two years a half stream andam people said she was

UN how long have you been on Twitch now two two years and a half same I think yeah yeah yeah oh but nearly three nearly oh yeah me to like may I think it’s oh very soon yeah so I but I was the guest of other stre for one year so

Oh that’s right you mentioned that yeah yeah my first the first was but me having my own channel years a ah yeah actually me too I was on I was on other streamers stream but I was doing but I was doing a YouTube oh yeah you YouTu yeah yeah yeah I still do

YouTube I did my first vertical YouTube live yesterday vertical vertical cuz it’s a new feature they rolled out they’re trying to they’re trying to compete with like you know Tik Tok and Instagram and stuff so they’re encouraging creators to do vertical Str it also goes to the shorts category so

More chance to find new people didn’t work for me but but it’s my friend got like went viral by doing that so you’re doing dualcast right you’re doing YouTube and no no no it’s to much technology yeah I don’t want to do the my YouTube is [ __ ] I don’t know

Who’s watching my video it’s so boring I doubt it people think she became crazy but it started out the other way it started out that way I watched it the other day but you didn’t say anything I watched only say hi once Definitely I told you Jay you did I not saying the Bell that’s what I’m $10 of ice cream show I shown people there was the other day A Star Gen message something we didn’t get it people were reacting to it and I showed the chat for sometimes things just don’t

Go through but I wouldn’t ignore you intentionally thank you we’ met in person I know you you’re good thank you So gifted to thank you so much higher Higher actually that was good yeah yeah that was a solid that’s that’s probably the highest I can go clip his Disc I’ll put it in my can I put that in my Clips oh you you clipped it on mine I was doing it there oh here chat you can see um let has to play with my change Pur what happened if I open this Zeper do you want to hear this dier opening it’s funnier in third person oh no oh is this the gift for me with this lip on just trying to imagine if I did that everybody you want to do it no I don’t no I I don’t want to scare your viewers

Away I nobody wants to seear uh too on that’s YouTube Right twitch isn’t like that I don’t think you want you want so they had they had a few types they had a few types like stripes and polka dots this is the best they also have diaper everybody seems to want diaper

Streamer diaper so when I get so you know as a i streamer yeah don’t you feel like you have to go to sleep but you’re swimming alone like oh [ __ ] you know like I have to leave the cam or whatever going got but like but I I used to do

Phone streams and I I just wouldn’t go to the toilet for like 8 hours yeah right yeah so and then we actually thought about getting a streamer diaper like I’m going to put a emote on the back and they see a going to kind of thing and we actually look look at it

How many is the minimum order and it was so much that oh [ __ ] we got to be bigger first so you’re going to join the diapers all right so you know how children like when they use their diaper they suddenly get quiet so they’ be talking to chat so she’ll be talking

She’ll be like yeah Chad so so anyways it would be like very obvious if you did but at have to go to B right right but you know cuz like kids can’t do both right so like it would be really funny to see those moments they probably

Clip it each time just you’re having a great time with Chad and then suddenly you just get really quiet that’s the ne thing that’s good and then your face is going to that’s a poop place oh yeah you’re you’re having a tough time just like I think the stream diaper should

Only be used for number one though number two that that becomes a little bit more of a of a problem I think yeah so when I become like a popular big streamer I’m going to make a streamer dier that’s what we talking about with everyone you know

Ring the bell right now it’s okay J di yeah so we are trying to [ __ ] up T what so T advertisement if we talk di for two mons theny it’s milky right milky oh that’s awesome you got a while you’re in Tokyo oh my God hey milky po puy puy milk po Milk I wanted to see you milky pop she’s she’s great I also want to see her but I’m not going to be doing this sometimes I’m so glad to be a woman yeah you can get away with that I hey milky where are you why are I so

Dreaming where are you why you not joining me you bbx oh that’s cool we back back charms let’s go we just talking about the diapers you want to join the diapers class talk about streamer diapers hey hey NAD hey hus hey milk you know what you saved me today I I checked your

Stream before I left I was going to bike to Tokyo and and your title was rainy day in Tokyo I was like what it wasn’t rainy in s onas so I checked the weather and I was like okay no biking I took a train you saved me with your title thank

You get here just for that I’m going to drink fruit long I got no diaper fetish no it’s not a fetish it’s not a fetish it’s just convenient so a streamer Mo did she say she has a diaper fetish oh no diaper fetish but diaper fish is very difficult

FES yes diapers no but I can’t understand like peeing on public feels good I think huh peeing on public kind of feels good I’ve never peed a diaper in my life it’s not a diaper but like just in nature beinging on the nature oh like well you know for guys like peing

On a tree or something girl on a tree guess kind of feels good though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you have a diaper you don’t have to worry about it well wouldn’t it wouldn’t it feel uncomfortable though I like I I don’t know I don’t know

We should try it out sometime we should we should I’ll come to Osaka we’ll we’ll get some diapers and we’ll do a we’ll do a stream out we’ll get we’ll get our quiet moment I’ll be like it’s my time chat set up okay oh we going very uncomfortable oh yeah

Yeah we can ask people to sign it you know like a Cast ah Dale thank you for the raid buddy no no welcome sorry we’re talking about diapers streaming diapers what am I listening too thank you how was your stream man I really appreciate the raid that’s great awesome thank you for Mak luk is looking a lot healthier lately whatever you’re

Doing is working I’ve been taken like supplements and this uh Chinese medicine stuff I don’t I don’t I partied a little hard when fungus was here but in general I don’t party hard anymore why it was there was nothing it was just like I I started just drinking slower cuz I

Enjoyed it and I was going through some stuff last year and I kind of I guess that I worked through it all and now I’m in a very much better place in my brain and emotionally a lot of depression last year I don’t have that anymore so no

It’s good it’s good I I I wanted to take anti depression last week but like side effects I used to take antidepression when I was younger like from the time I was 12 till about 17 oh that’s very ear yeah I was diagnosed quite earlier so wow when I was 11 or

12 ADHD and depression combination huh oh um I don’t know over time I learn to I don’t know I think I just calm down on my own depression I just it’s a lot of gratitude I just feel grateful for little things like oh I got a roof over

My head I can eat when I want I you know I live in a much better situation than many people in the world so I should appreciate are you do you feel com about talking about it yeah so it’s so early time and do you think you’re Bor with it or

Something born I had I had I didn’t understand what Depression was but I had it since I was a kid like I’ll be having fun with my friends and suddenly I get depressed and I don’t know why it’s very like chemical imbalance in my brain you

Know the ADHD definitely since I was a kid but it wasn’t diagnosed till I was 12 yeah I talk about this stuff on stream all the time I’ve work through it all so I don’t take medication for anything how did you do it I just took a

Lot of time and uh yeah like I said for for depression is gratitude that’s every time I start to feel that I just think of all the things I’m grateful for I do have a very wonderful life and I have a good life that I should appreciate and

Not let little things get me down you know and then for ADHD I stream yeah yeah yeah that’s a bless you it actually has helped me a lot yeah yeah I get all that out you know yeah exactly the same it’s good all getting the streamer rust off nice yeah you’ve

Been streaming a lot lately that’s good it’s probably a love hotel that caters to the baby diaper fetish don’t want to try it it’s not about the fetish it’s about going out the diaper feeling the call of nature anywhere any time the freedom right setting yourself free really selflessness is tool for question

Selflessness what does selflessness mean caring about others rather than yourself like doing nice things for people that’s true it does help it gives you a bit it’s like uh helping others does make you feel like you’re making a positive contribution to life did you give up on

Something like what I don’t know for example me I I had a depression face but I have a BPG Personality Disorder so hungering the human relationship takes too much energy so if I totally honest I gave up on having a friend so I don’t have friends like I

Iang out with people but I don’t really much eort I see I see so yeah that’s that takes the stress out yeah yeah so I gave up for having a friend uh and also I’m kind of giving up having a relationship too because it’s too much

So did you do you have anything that you you have a no I do what I want I I really like I I consider friendships and relationships very important in my life so maybe the opposite I went more into that I used to kind of close myself off or um I self-

Sabotage relationships and friendships a lot I figured they’re going to hate me eventually so I’ll just be a jerk or something like when I was younger um but now I just I just try to surround myself with good people it actually makes my life long Mar is helping you yeah I’m really

Happy I can turn off there no no no I I really am like uh shoko’s like a best friend I get to hang out with all the time oh wow you’re lucky like we we like all the same food we like all the same activities um it doesn’t feel like

Work yeah I I know I’m lucky cuz it’s not usual to have that situation oh hey CH oh are you where are you from you have a very shiny check mark CH yeah welcome welcome oh you were streaming with mil recently did you find somewhere to get your emotes

Dale oh by the way you’re my friend even if you’re said we’re just casual C I I I consider you a friend but it’s all right no it’s more like I don’t expect the people yeah Yeah oh oh I love this emot that’s yeah that’s our emotes right yeah you saw um are you going to use Fiber recently the cter the idea of fixing looking for a relationship of yeah but that’s kind of sad because usually there is no C I mean especially in Japan you cannot do

Specific counseling for the there’s no such things here unless you’re going to be hospitalized So like um yeah and then I have to wait until 14 years old uh so yeah I I I have to this know 4 years so yeah I have to I have to

Prioritize are you from brail are you in Tokyo oh who where are you why are you not Here that’s the yeah you used to be 30 but because we have a longer life se you went to auor said well um I think also what’s helped me a lot is that when I was 12 not much was known about all this stuff right so I literally thought I was the

Only person that I couldn’t talk to my friends about this it was like a it was like a shame secret I can’t I didn’t want to show them me taking medication or tell them why CU I thought they were going to think I’m crazy but now now you can

Openly talk about this stuff and so many people have these issues and they actually relate to you you don’t feel alone so I’m happier now than when I was that age because I really thought nobody can ever understand me my parents didn’t understand and no one they’re the only

Ones who knew my parents right they couldn’t tell anybody that’s watch oh yeah it’s um the Apple watch yeah it was a it was an anniversary present for my mom actually for she bought us watches my wife too wow like my son got to get in shape get a little fat

Wow messing with AI and made a few Bas examples oh do do you have not like on your Discord and stuff did someone make them for you or did you make them someone made them for I have no text nothing oh I made that to you but I

Don’t know how to uh transparent the background so I made a h plan me holding the EG man like this but I couldn’t do like transparent so you have a white background okay you have iPhone yeah tap oh yes Save and it’s transparent two seconds nobody knows this it’s really

Weird well that’s why other people made it for me $30 before thank you he he makes like a lot of cute funny things like so I wanted to show how I do ASMR so I took a video and I was like and then he it oh okay that would

Be very good she have that animated OTE on Discord if only gole but AI could work Yeah well I know you can use very nice feure I use it for thumbnails on YouTube because I used to take a photo with like a green screen or a white background and get on Photoshop and cut it out now it’s just like 2 seconds boop boop it’s

Gotten so much easier for that stuff thumbnails used to take me so long now it’s it’s it’s I just have templates very easy yeah right right salty I remember that yeah did you did you meet huzu before yes yeah he’s so nice he was saber so

When he was inaka I forgot my Charing table and I was like oh my God I don’t have a table and some wasaka can you bring it to me before he dies and then he go me a table he is very nice he he gave me he gave me one of these cameras

If this one breaks I use it at home for the second cam but if this one breaks I I have it just he was he’s such a nice guy very talented photographer too any ice cream ice cream is this Red Bull vodka oh man I might need Red Bull to

Keep on on H’s energy level let’s go wait wait so when I did the a here it was really weird from the side huh that’s why Tas clipped it here because I think musle looks really funny yeah ice cream s exactly give me some ice cream rise off my sugar

Rebel you sugar Rebel yeah right is my sugar Rebel the good drink you and Hut are mirrored yeah she mirrors her camera that’s the whole thing of her community right I feel so ugly if it’s so weird how that it happens yeah I can just do that but like

No I know I know what you honestly we look the same but I know what you mean it’s something in my brain also feels a bit weird and also like for me it’s left but if I did it’s it’s right so I when I point something like I

Got point that happens in my studio I try to point like the corner and I’m pointing the like the wrong side hey Mo how guys sugar Rebel is Toad your all Community is full of nice people except love Lord ke he’s all right because you spend a l time looking

At your right right right oh yeah I’m a nistic I cover the mirrors in my room I’m like don’t I don’t want to see anything I’m so insecure about how I look otherwise why would I spend 1 million yeah on my [ __ ] face yeah Li lies huh no

Seriously I you can see the skir here right yeah so I cut my inner course I C here I transplanted a b my tip of the nose a pop section here I serious to do that all and they know it I I really I’m really curious to see like a before

And after oh you can just scroll down really but it’s not big difference I’m do little by little and then it’s not like so if you ever thinking about doing a Rel uh the the plastic surgery don’t say I want to be this person because

Your face is made from the bone and on the muscle so you can’t be that person well you can but you’re going to look like a like a mannequin or like you know celebrities exctly yeah and then you you don’t have a unique feature anymore so

You’re going to ask like would to be the best of it best of from here so I don’t look much different but if it’s from there it’s different you can check it right now I will I will the fungus proposal pick he like I open up to

That do you like his ring though it’s so nice yeah it’s so nice what is this you know Laughing Cow Cheese the bell bell Cube the cheese cube they they often sell at the supermarket it’s a ring I go to Goa A Lot G that’s where I got the

Panties oh yeah check everyone check compare my Face have to like not poast we’re on a like back and forth all right it look like ice ice cream before no I didn’t block you yeah you better so I got to go like way down yeah way down way way down when did you do all

This H little by little I didn’t do a they’re all strongly filter not going to lie um so basically you just stopped doing the filter uh kind of filter up still yeah you don’t look any different um yeah because I I was still telling so

Much so what I did is do like a filter that’s what I did ah okay oh yeah this isil oh I’m wearing the well yeah I really can’t is very know but yeah but like it wasn’t bad I like It you didn’t need it anyways but I’m glad you like it yeah I do I love how I look now about to arrive okay okay she’s actually like nice yeah of course I want to have I want to attack the co and I’m going to wear to PE Forever my bag just went insane are you okay yeah like all my all my routers dropped and my chat disconnect it’s so weird It’s yes I know I know I I didn’t say she looked better before I’m just saying she look I mean Like really complain well actually I cannot do anymore all I can do right now is just to Le white got said I could have change my nose a bit but like so no one this information is not useful at all but the nose has a lot of isssue and a

Lot of nerves so if you keep doing it then you’re going to get an infection so if you do a nose Plastics usually you have to do it once I already did it twice so I shouldn’t do it more all right so you all right what happened I don’t

Know everything’s kind of wigging out oh should be justd Wait she moves really far from The Zone without checking how long her table length is I was getting nervous your phone was going to fall oh I totally didn’t think about it you you move very far from the you no drinking by the way I am I am I’ve been

Dr I did upside down that’s what I mean I’ve been I’ve been slower but not not intentionally like last year I was just chug chug chug and I don’t know I still love CH oh yeah we need to get going right the verb Man no it’s not that I can’t tell before or after it’s just that um no it’s all right that’s the compliment yeah I just I think you didn’t need it but I but you got it and if you’re happy that’s good because it prin that means I could be

The filter of Virgin I seriously yeah so that’s perfect but when I side actually there is a people ping the that’s [Laughter] worst bust a side burp yo I got to be careful cuz I got the microphone though I can’t be like a side burp it’s going

To be like right it’s like the worst kind of ASMR hey fungus fungus I just saw you she was complaining about you earlier but you’re here now so she stopped yeah you never show up on my stream oh no I’m Los con you don’t show up on her stream but you

Show up on voice chat with exactly they get a free Mark they get a free month by burping your account yeah that’s amazing yeah some people buy the bird for so much money I cannot believe that I would totally cheat and just have someone else

To this why her phone has so many dents yeah because she she just like look at stream she say it a’t so no the stream’s fine it’s it’s fine it’s fine CH weing sign well you get out of here get you want More either or F have more so let’s go a traditional game oh yeah game let’s do the one that [ __ ] us up okay why not oh oh my God I forgot all about that cuz we wer for gone at the time having yeah yeah yeah sorry about that we were it was

Uh yeah and then like John I know like a flood of memories just came back we did no wonder we got so trash so I’m going to explain the rules just in case this is like and then has to look at the other direction that my

Finger or the winner Point yeah if you look at the same direction the up you have no just joh for oh oh yeah I I you’re [ __ ] up no no okay I messing up let me bring my I gave it away to I started looking up yeah yeah all

Right at least I’m losing terribly at this Game Don’t it’s it’s a fun game I used to do this in college with the Japanese exchange Wow thank you thank you d m got him she got me good on that one didn’t you keep beating me at that too yeah oh yeah that’s why I got you’re welcome yeah no yeah I wanted it so uh you can hear us what time do you have to get out uh I

Have I in a h oh okay yeah so so well we got to chug it yeah okay no loser got to oh you loser going to chug it okay then I got to win this one instant loss instant loss that’s so P Got Master that’s one of yours right oh nice gifted five here is what I have for now thank you thank you no thank you thank you so much for successfully shaking down for his lunch M stop man but thank you so much this is going to contribute my my ice cream money

W I lost so hard on that it’s okay weit have one more glass no that’s oh yeah is that what I wanted no no nice nice sister I know was I couldn’t hear that wasn’t where you don’t like it why not are you guys are you guys

Okay with camera yeah sure I want to get the shotam tequila shots I’ll be back later for the results ni a Polish German gay so yeah it’s okay we still have one more glass of this drink we can play one more time okay I got a win guys that was that

Was that was disgraceful you okay though yeah I’m going to have some water Oh finally fin all right all right I lost I lost made it point stand bar no Spanish that’s Roman we have to find out anyway has to take a you said CH you said CH I didn’t che che che che bye-bye now let’s get some food in you before a nomad

Takes that might be the only time I’ve ever beat her at this game actually I think she always wins it’s really funny cuz you know you know when you get really drunk there’s two things there’s two types of really drunk there’s blackout where you won’t remember anything and there’s a type

Where like you don’t remember till someone says and it’s like oh that’s what it was for me I forgot we did that game really yeah completely forgot I we had great time it was a nice night but when you mentioned it like I was like we

Did that and I lost a lot oh man okay so that was that moment where all the memories came back was I was very hung over the next day really I think because it was like sake beer highballs like everything was mixed Sak be your eyeball that was awesome though it it

Was it was great so apparently my CTS is not English oh okay like we never figured out where the CTS is coming from I had a ghost TTS someone someone else’s Channel every Friday I would have this random like someone else’s channel would would be like I’m getting a TTS browning

Out yeah FY are you are you coming see we see you soon this one yeah I want you to meet she’s only here for an hour and a half more I would like you to meet her run run run run run so some people said that sounded

Like a German was it German we got to find it out like that happened in Switzerland too and we could have find it out where is that TTS lady coming from we going to find it out is going to say okay I can rush rush rush yeah B run sounds like an intense

Mexican food she’s rushing now good and then you can you can keep me company cuz she going to leave in an hour and a half than My dog or demo TT Rock demon Ro demon com that was so funny like that was one of the regend stream I got to say This is what happened to the loser of the game yeah yes this is a mom racing home to take care of her fever kids you know I think yeah that was a tactical I dropped I dropped the heat spot on floor so I got to do a tactic I have to not

To refresh your chat press your space bar twice Okay so I’m in Tokyo with a few of my friends and then um um I saw one of them went to a comy and and then okay I’m going to I’m going to keep eyes on the on the thing then can you get my can you

Get one bottle of tea and then they go me this yeah and they now from Japan like hey this is premium here you are for you like well yeah someone hand you a diet drink you’re like wait a minute excuse me so this says like it’s going to help

You to dissolve the fat that’s what initially say I’m just getting short SN I almost have like umbrella number 15 oh oh you’re dead CH you guys are dead mhm uhoh CH is dead all the W is dead and my phone is not charging combo your phone’s not charging even though you’re almost knock it over twice yeah full of combo all right hey Scottish welcome

Back refresh yeah okay I I’m really glad that you reached out yeah I’m so like I was really excited I was like oh I get to hang out that’s awesome hey salty the first day I saw you you were W so dark oh God it looks terrible you know what’s funny it hasn’t

Rained like this in weeks really yeah it’s been beautiful except for a snowy day it’s been really I am the storm oh I can’t feel I’m drun you need some more do you want to see my nose whole my nostrils you want you do a nostril close how is it so like I

Couldn’t pick I I can’t pick my nose anymore because I made my nose a whole smaller oh right so my my index finger doesn’t fit anymore so you do a pinky like a businessman yeah like this yeah yeah yeah yeah businessman love yeah yes uh nobody reminded of me

The east coast and she brought rain from okay um okay’s I appreciate yeah I appreciate your clipping mat mat thank you so much oh we could have me here it’s a very short band escalator yeah no idea you need a nose pickle stick God oh

My God so so so my nose hole is too small that I can’t pick my own nose so I appreciate your gift from the gift to command so that I can have a no no speaking stick thank you so much like a Q-tip with a with a curve or something yeah yeah this

Way real n you funny so I told you these are like the comedians right yeah the bike guy looks really weird though because the bike is going into him the bike seat is going inside him I don’t know why they designed it like that it’s cold well that’s what you you

Can decide pretty soon it’s coming up so wait I only got the notification a minute ago really no I’ve been live for 4 hours and 18 minutes do you think no call is the only type call varies from person to person I guess oh my God like how weird does this

Look by the way oh that’s s that is right that’s so s oh my God sorry being gift better for having great nose nost the Discord one get my alcohol breath thank you so much hey n CH yeah I keep getting like network is unable to

Weak the blah blah blah blah blah are you getting F or not these are all my Sims no you no you sorry like on my chat sorry is that bad no no no it’s fine you’re asking my my viewers are also watching you sometimes I can’t see if it’s sure can

You yeah yeah if you guys are in her chat or if you want to go visit hzu nut’s Channel absolutely right now it says that yeah I know that message we keep walking through so if we can get get away from it get away from the mic guys she’s F we don’t see

Anything are you trolling or real T it so I don’t know you decide yeah that’s real that’s real her stream oh this is the bike guy it looks like he got something coming out of his butt and then also going in Lally like a dick yeah yeah yeah right it’s so EG isn’t

Isn’t that weird that’s so over je oh my God terapin sorry you you gifted me but me me uh it has a for Signal though yeah I don’t know to weird but recently I got I heard from the tech person the the this four bar s were actually how close you

Are to the signal Tower so it doesn’t mean that you have full reception I didn’t know that interesting I that either but that’s what it was yeah um fungus is saying on dok he also had trouble here yeah Doo is no good her too oh that amazing though she’s stabbing

Him with a loaf of with a loaf of bread they have bit of there maybe they don’t they oh oh this is the nipple guy what is it called the nipple drill nipple drill you want to ride on the marry G yeah if you want to sure how do

You say that yeah merry go around that’s right yeah you want to ride a marry G around oh [ __ ] my CH is my is you might not have so that’s why maybe we should I mean we can try if you have signal but if not we should move away from the Dome

Maybe just because you want to there’s a lot of people maybe that’s why right go away holy crap there’s a lot of people go away here’s not too bad but we should get out let’s get on the other side here everyone just go away go home yeah yeah

Go home it’s Monday what are you doing get out of here only streamers can outside that’s that’s right should be just us as [ __ ] I’m streaming in your restaurant you should you should give me free food this is promotion well that someone did that right I hate those people yeah yeah

Yeah I know but some someone did that um I forget where someone like got outraged like I don’t want to pay this bill I’m streaming so you get free advertising well where’s the rain coming from what somebody’s spitting on you maybe is it you is it you she’s really Dr she’s

Spitting on me she’s drooling I do drool you do drool yeah I think everyone clip that I’m drooling seriously oh you have Clips are drooling okay wow the rain just really picked up for a day that’s not supposed to rain because like I want to eat some

I love eating right yeah so like oh it’s so like I’m talking and I really want to eat so I drew I have two or three clips of that beautiful beautiful drooling beautiful drooling and it’s windy maybe we shouldn’t walk too far storm uh there’s a place in this holy crap

There’s so many people Welcome to Tokyo huh yeah it’s also like concerts and stuff it’s a full on storm out here okay uh C can you ra raid anymore we can try to get to uh the station was the station any good or was it bad don’t know it must be another event

Everybody’s going to the stadium again these don’t look like the hip-hop people so was down there but do if you have when’s this place open up there’s a Hokkaido Restaurant what time it open oh they’re open oh cool if you have wait last order 330 but it’s also says 11 to midnight so

Oh lunch order sorry lunch order no we’re fine uh it’s on the six floor though oh you raided me you actually raided me okay oh I thought you were so you’re you’re yeah hey welcome oh heyy can I finish then should be able to you you’re here oh

Cool hey Raiders hey came from the raid nice to meet you narac who’s that hey K what’s up buddy hey terapy I’m so sorry I couldn’t I think you didn’t hear my a thy gifted 10 for no speaking nail long something thank you so much thank you so much I love it that’s

Great that’s great all right I’ll be your cameraman then since your your community is here welcome hu’s Channel you might know who I am cuz we’ve been streaming together all day who are you who am I I’m an American living in Japan for 17 years I for we part of America San Diego California oh you’re a c boy I’m a Cali boy yeah you do a c accent I thought my accent was California no like oh like valley girl no I don’t

Think I can do that yeah like totally no I’m not feel like the surfer Stoner kind of thing yeah bro let’s go yeah yeah got to hit the waves it’s beautiful day today like oh my god wow you do that really well oh that’s scary I can’t do

That what the hell how can you do that oh I want do Tik Tok I Tik Tok talk like that oh my God it’s kind of suspicious I don’t know’s trying stream just came back well but it’s the wrong if you if you check it’s the wrong

Streamer sorry sleep is so long it gets longer depends on the mood but uh oh so long oh I’ve never seen this long before ah it’s all right you’re getting some messages don’t be shy oh never mind you got to some red messages what red messages on your oh it’s it it dipped

Out yeah um should be one more floor up it said sixth floor how do we get there we got to take an elevator all right that’s fine it’s just temporary I can’t even read a CH damn CH if you can get a do never get it to go

To Tokyo I can’t even re search my anything yeah it might not it might not be good for me even up here but we’ll try we’ll try wait Okay this will be easy for um fsy to find us too yeah instant F oh my God it’s packed come going there I was going to try but lot people are leaving so maybe it’s probably full oh my God yeah this is wild unless they just finished like a big party there’s

Wi-Fi there wi-fi I might need that we’re struggling Here oh my phone is going crazy I can’t even send a message turn the Wi-Fi a no chat because think soft bang W this like a it’s a good thing you you finished actually it’s really bad up here but oh yeah look at this yeah yeah yeah you going to go place no it’s fine I just need to uh I’m just going to join their Wi-Fi

Real quick how do you streaming talk oh you have a 3 Is It Okay right Then no it’s not help There we go I’m using their Wi-Fi so that’s better I’m use Wi-Fi Here We should have chat back now yes restart everything and then now I got now I got chat back yeah sorry chat I missed anything everyone quiet he has chat back yeah I don’t know what you guys were saying before but I can hear you now I can see you

Now oh there’s a sign that says no live yeah should we go maybe we should yeah what a bummer sorry guys who’s your friend this is huts she’s a great streamer in Osaka generally but she’s been kidnapped to Tokyo who are you just kidding I can’t read your chat I’m sorry

There you go JP sound fiend don’t know what we said I think we missed it I it was there it’s okay oh yeah yeah they had a sign that said like no live streaming which is very rare to see but to go a lot with a stream and now it

Specifically says no stream because of you yeah because of me I think probably yeah 100% I’m going to hit the first floor huh yeah JP sound fiend says you’re gorgeous go they can’t hear you probably but gorgeous oh me I think it’s you who who’s your

Friend Oh no you’re so I’ve never heard that in my life I don’t think it’s for me shoot where should we go then beard I really hope it’s not light right now all right so um yeah it’s weird cuz I’ve actually I streamed at that chain before and it was

Fine but just that one in particular said no live streaming maybe they did something wrong maybe I did they’re like forget it up I see booty shaking what is the cler to start once cler to start then it should be less people cuz everyone is going to be in a dome I feel

Like something else started because like look now there’s tons of people here and they’re not the hip-hop crowd so I feel like there’s something else going on now oh Tokyo yeah Tokyo God damn it why every restaurants have a bad R oh Tokyo oh Tokyo see if I could have brought you to

To aaban it would have been different aaban you go to ceria oh yeah that’s fine size area is fine we can get food and drink and it it shouldn’t uh is it it’s it’s like right around the corner right I don’t know it’s like 200 M you say yeah we can try yeah

Sure can you lead out the way do you are you good with directions you and aasan are the only people asking me a direction ah well I I actually if you give me the thing oh straight if you trust the pH Straight I think we going to go out and yeah yeah oh we can just go she reminds you of PK really noad is without a doubt gorgeous oh thank you you were right you were right all along Jason it’s good to see you yeah it’s

Crowded like I I was like I’m going to come to Tokyo Dome and I didn’t even check be good are we still heading in the right direction uh we’ll see I can check on my map too I’m so sorry we couldn’t get something interesting that that would

Have been nice I mean that was a Hoka restaurant but still it would have been nice to to sit down and in a place like that they have they have good food just like right when they were about to seat us no live streaming are we still live my encoder is not

Refreshing really people say that that’s funny damn and it’s windy but size area is good I think because uh you have limited time it’s easy food and drinks come fast yeah there a place to chill in and talk doely ha P people so many so many are we live right

Now oh I see the problem okay I need to stop for a second uh anyway just I just need to switch CU I was using their Wi-Fi I need to switch back to mine maybe without oh there is a oh it’s a B1 that’s fine really yeah usually not

Problem stream bag streaming is usually pretty solid and then when it’s not they Us bag’s open to the Rain smell like a smells good yeah snack ruing over here some barbecue in the bag okay with that set should be able to get up back on Rocket 10 which just apparently Tokyo doome is yeah really craft with dok there we

Go thank you for occupying chat how many followers do you have how many people are watching people watching like 10 yeah just I only have I only have like a00 I’m a newbie Newbie why do a new be I don’t know it’s not it’s not like the be it’s not the stinging be oh my God N I got to show you something you thought I’d take it off right uh no I just I didn’t think it would last this long or or that yeah I

Keep it hold I’m actually surprised the battery is still look good more than the sticker still there the sticker’s been on there for uh yeah like yeah the first time I met you yeah so a year and a half or something like that wow it looks in

Perfect condition yeah right how is it like so good because I rumor that I don’t really use a phone either to have to charge you a whole time it always stays in the bag right anyways yeah okay since this guy wearing a construction helmet to

Bike you want to go to or we have to cross next time yeah when it’s now that smells really good that’s yeah that’s fine we can try That official Nomad branded battery that’s right she bought a case for her battery pack to preserve the sticker that’s why she has no money for a phone case oh no that’s okay it’s Hakata anyways Hakata damn you Hakata there’s another Ramen Shop right there so people all way

Say is that your oh wait the name is different who’s this wait what for who yeah so when I used thisy pack oh yeah it’s like oh oh it’s not you like yeah so so um do you know there’s a streamer in San Diego his name is Kiko Vision I don’t know yeah

Yeah yeah okay so I gave him a sticker and he put it on his phone and I actually got this message from this girl she’s like oh you’re I really enjoyed talking to you the other day when you came into my shop and like you know

Would you like to hang out sometime and I was like I it took me some time to work out and she I was like where was this and she said she was a shop in San Diego I was like oh she met Kiko the younger handsome version of

Me yeah it was really funny oh this place is P God damn it man this whole city is like garbage right now yeah fine show yeah yeah yeah it looks really good don’t you think it does kind of smells really good oh but used a rum I can’t

Eat Lum you can’t eat L okay yeah no that’s fine no I mean a gamey type of meat like that is some people just can’t do it where was size area then you said it was across the street yeah there’s a okay we’ll try that it wasn’t raining badly when I left

My place oh it’s been raining did you message her message who the San Diego sh girl oh no no I I just I was like I just messaged Kiko I was like hey I think I think you got like an interested girl she she definitely mistak our identity

Because she saw the sticker on the on your phone said noad guys cuz 100% that’s what happened I was like did you talk did you talk to some girl were you flirting with some girl on your stream he’s like oh like which [Laughter] one yeah yeah yeah so I think I think he

Knew who I was talking about so I was like he you should message her or like I I don’t remember how the rest of the conversation went I just was so funny like I didn’t get to see her was yeah I was like wait what so yeah uh she’s like

It was so great meeting on stream the other day you’re so funny and I’m like I didn’t stream yesterday like ah it was Kiko hey Rob what’s up buddy I’m almost Ling I got to go to B oh yeah yeah that’s not a bad idea this

Is where the stream diaper would come in handy God damn it we need the stream diaper oh that’s so cute the cat-shaped bonuan it’s like the cat oh yeah that’s cute here you might be packed as well everyone is getting in damn it oh no we were talking about the stream diaper for

Real stream has turned into hos and Luke try to find a place to sit down we should have just stayed at the Hub I guess we had a seat and we were like could have gotten food it’s crap food but yeah hold on guys let me put push on my shoulder real

Quick they have free Wi-Fi that works oh yeah so as long as they don’t stream is pretty solid I always feel so bad for this SI area Walkers because usually like like so many customers and the other chains have robots helping more but like they still

Don’t so like they don’t even have touch screens here so I still have a lot of work to do oh no they do have robots Okay For Reception’s really bad yeah we’re back right I need to um fix it so I’m going to get their Wi-Fi sorry guys give it a Minute How’s everything trying to get into their Wi-Fi and then it should work hopefully C wife it cuts off after 60 minutes though oh really that’s all right it’ll you know all this stuff no I’m not 19 and under I’m 60 yeah I’m here with my family I’m a family

Member H crap yeah I can’t get into it so yeah let’s just hope it works online so there is no signal we got a wi yeah it seems like it’s okay it’s all right yeah it’s going it’s just a bit weak so it should be okay I’ll just go off my wife but

Yeah it’ll it’ll do it’ll do it’s just going to be really uh it’s really low we’re okay it’s showing pretty low for me oh yeah it’s working huh it’s it’s showing me really low signal I guess it’s pretty good at beaming it out all right it’s all right I’ll sit

Down just let me try we’re Golding yeah weird it’s showing me such weakness like showing me like that oh now it’s getting a little Better that’s Weir the camera turned off and everything yeah it should be fine okay yeah we’re okay so we’re here there we go little bit respond on a tripod oh okay cool you said something about a big bottle did you know you can take this to

Go God oh really yeah a lot of people don’t know this so you can have some with your friends and then just like cap it and take it out wow yeah it’s very rare not a lot of places will let you do that right okay so let’s play the game

Let’s playing a game oh we’re playing a game do you have a rlg no okay so we’re going to make a hor meal uh pick one okay from uh one two oh so I don’t know what I’m going to get yeah okay one two just pick the

Number uh eight eight okay does he have eight oh yeah okay what am I ordering it better not be a Scargo okay so do you want a pizza or pasta uh oh whatever it’s fine uh Pizza Pizza okay oh Pizza only has uh one just pick one number three

Three oh sorry there was no three there’s only two two yes okay uh two okay surprise meal this is actually kind of fun it’s a trap actually kind of fun it’s small so we can order pasta too I think one pizza is kind of thin so pick

One oh oh we’re sharing this oh yeah yeah okay for the how many what’s what’s the number oh it’s going a random number so I don’t know just pick one number four four is there oh yeah I have no idea luckily I can eat pretty much anything so and the dessert how

Many again random numbers I think three the highest is 25 though oh okay so 23 no 23 25 okay that’s actually good oh yeah we’re in size area oh it’s good thing we got the bigger table you didn’t you didn’t really get um weird things don’t worry I’m fine doing a

Drink oh yeah you want to alol or yeah well what are you doing oh it’s up to you if you drink I drink if not then I drink away let’s go you ow one each I’m totally kidding I couldn’t do that I I would that would be crazy they have a

1.5 L wine bottle Grand size area let me send VY the um coordinates she’s going to join us I’m searching your name in my Google which is stupid I’m like I’m here no no no I was searching her name okay where are we is it the closest size area to Kaku

It was quite close [Applause] b11 the first first the how reminds them of you joke what’s B J what does B J mean so what are you taking what are you doing it’s up to you if you want to drink a wine I share if

You want a beer then I take a beer too oh uh you don’t have a preference no really I take old alcohol with wine you prefer red or white white white okay yeah let’s share a white one then you get one of one of these and yeah yeah which one

Which size they’re cheap so how about this one sure sure sure then W n06 oh I see the numbers you were talking about they Chang the I thought you were just looking like this oh you already ordered a drink ball no I don’t think a

Sour is oh it’s uh then she messed it up I didn’t order anything we are buying someone else’s drink bar right now maybe that’s from the previous one or something what time is on there very recent Oh weird I didn’t order anything we paying for someone else I miss Co mix it all together cool you didn’t order anything weird that’s CU they have like squid ink pasta and stuff like that yeah you saido and the stuff but you go like normal stuff like the way it should work cuz there’s five pizzas right and you picked

This one yeah yeah but if you you said there I said three and you said there’s no you’re right there’s no three I thought you’d count 1 2 3 4 five oh no no no no ah okay any order this one chicken with flavored vegetable sauce yeah so you picked the super

Normal stuff this restaurant is single-handedly kept English teachers alive yes I don’t doubt it no when you talk to a lady the guy over here was like oh you H sh and I was like she’s Japanese that’s hilarious the guys next to us were shocked that she spoke Japanese shouldn’t be that shocking

Thank you for the follow welcome it’s like the lighting is so dim isn’t it yeah I feel like we’re in like a mafia boss’s place you know they they need that Italian like cheesy music the accordians and Stuff they actually do play that this looks good okosama potato it’s like tater tots oh yeah that’s good but it says Only do you do the this thing this one this is the best part about coming to CER yeah are you good at it no all right chat I will give you a picture yeah you got nongo josu how do you feel about that oh I’m so

Honored all right chat I’ll put this in Discord um and I sck it in general it’s the Spot the Difference I’m not Japanese I’m uh I’m from the na planet on the nuts Planet nongo Joe would buy her own people so it’ll take forever to upload

With this but when it does so you have to find 10 differences and usually the first five are kind of easy and after that it gets really hard yeah like the pictures are different colors that’s one Right generally some really obvious ones this one looks hard cuz there’s so many similar colors yeah oh my God that might be the only easy one damn it is difficult yeah oh it’s not uploading still so slow nuts planet where is the good call good question I’m glad they have the

Robots let plet where e stop oh my Chat is dead I can’t see your chat oh yeah it’s not showing up no are you at size area I only guess because of the pick in the back yep hey tricky what’s up yeah we’re at size Area oh Trey we’ll meet up we’ll meet up before AR Le so I think probably be a bunch of us we’ll just grab lunch somewhere in the area so letting you know it’s just before Ur what he ordered it looks terrible but I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m sure it’ll be fine what is this that’s what you ordered it’s a chicken with a flavored veggies do you want to fork or That was a May attack do you want a fork or Chopsticks uh do we have a choice of Chopstick oh no there is no Chopsticks yeah it’s Italian restaurant Italian restaurant it’s Italian oh there you go I posted you guys can look thank you let’s eat hell

Hell oh he has a SE seaweed underneath seaweed and like some garlic sauce and like it’s really sticky seaweed and dessert andert at the same time nice see yeah many wrong ERS it is 5 m 500 m you see That I hope you don’t have any hot dates tonight because this is garlic sauce oh it’s good because vampires are very beautiful right so I can tell if I’m dating with a vampire or not yeah there yay CH white hi making t ninja P welcome welcome get your drink get your drink

Get your drink get your in Sal salute salute ch ch she for that last one in there it’s Italian it makes sense it’s fine yeah right what did you think of huh what what did you think of no nothing no yeah right cheers oh by the way chinchi means dick in Japanese just

Letting you know salute salute yeah ching ching over in we know okay oh yeah yeah of course you know of course you know oh sorry I got so many messages while I was streaming um say A this is a perubian uh spaghetti Peruvian spaghetti at Italian restaurant wait what oh parmesan like pares joh it’s good how come the robots don’t come to us I feel like they’re limited kind of looks good I made some good choices but we got the thing is the thing is like

You got to mix so like whatever this gelato it’s a Pistachio Pistachio gelato is how can you put this in the same place that’s the point I’m going to mix it with this let this whole thing a food roulette you got to you got to

Mix we going to go gelato s the spoon I’ll there’s there’s probably more okay yeah oh I got it I got it I’m going to mix mix yeah we’re going to mix it up garlic and chicken and seaweed and ice cream oh yeah yeah yeah let’s get some of that in there too Awesome oh my God woohoo e the ice cream is really melting into into the spaghetti oh my God just the way mom makes it oh my go M it’s nutty it’s actually really good it’s a cake number two oh sorry I wanted to copy and a paste but I couldn’t do it

It’s actually really good I got to be honest with you yeah I don’t know why but it [Applause] works it was good it was good 10 out of 10 we do again it’s literally me it’s true I’ve seen her make that face in jaon we eat a spaghetti oh yeah like this that’s how children eat it in America oh yeah no actually we eat it like that too

Oh you’re hungry right yeah are you hungry are you hungry I’m hungry thanks for feeding me mommy yeah but it has not enough ice cream am my mommy or the Egyptian mommy oh Mommy Mommy sacrilegious I like chat chat’s just freaking out about the ice cream how’s this feeding her son yeah

Thank you look at this perfect roll spii M you [Applause] I love ceria it’s not as good without the the ice cream I got to be honest so good it’s kind of boring without the ice cream there you go you put some more of

That on you want to try it with I mean with the spaghetti no my mou oh okay there you [Applause] go isn’t that good I think it’s good I can’t believe that I’m doing this they have they have ice cream and and ramen you ever seen that yeah I almost

Puked I went there oh you did it you didn’t like it almost puked oh I didn’t know that that might have been getting information now before I stuff ice cream in your mouth it’s a documents I got trick I can’t believe I’m doing this without getting gifts

It’s a free content chat it doesn’t have on my Hut’s Channel enjoy if it makes you feel any better I didn’t get any gifts today but I got it I’ll eat anyways got to do it no it’s going to happen I’m going to eat ice cream and and spaghetti and

Chicken yeah free punishment literally free punishment yeah I’m weird like that no one took a pole someone’s going to clip it I guess Ice cream and pizza these chicken tasted good though it’s good yeah what’s your I get nervous with her she’s like she’s doing the pizza thing and then she’s looking at the chat phone F right there like CP I can’t do that I would definitely cut myself really

Yeah can you actually cut your finger with the pizza cutter yeah I would think uh maybe size areas isn’t but like one I have at home is what happened I’m going to go get a Tabasco oh yeah yeah that’ll go well with the ice cream and the pizza

Traumatized what did chat do to deserve this I think she likes garlic we just talked about it hey don’t punish yourself for free it’s okay this is a hot sauce yeah how many drizzle do you want yeah yeah one tub one press like this it’s a hot it usually says hot

Sauce you’re not going to get it and then we have a pizza slice here how much do you want it’s your choice it’s a choice she going to try yeah I mean Matas I’m a master of spice I think as much as you can I can just run to the to the

Bathroom being a volcano B volcano butt I love it Baska punishment yeah exactly T it it’s a Tabasco punishment go for it what is stuff Al she so mild it’s depressing really that’s true they used to had a Tasco but they kind of took it off yeah I just resub so that’s one

Squeeze oh really really Matti thank you so much I don’t know why it didn’t go through I maybe have to refresh or something you want a pasta but I believe you yeah uh yeah uh yeah no no no you can you you eat it yeah m i get full

Really quickly I know I’m a big guy but I want to save space for the pizza yeah wait are we going sa s exactly yes exactly oh yeah so VY can eat anything spicy without showing any any like feeling at all it’s amazing did you try the bom sauce B

See chicken anything m what’s up from a dentist chair hey gini what’s up uh vul is coming too and we have another we have another uh friend coming at the next place but I don’t know how long you you’ll probably have to go then hey dentist chair from

Dentist chair open your mouth I’m going to stab you open oh oh I see a lot of teeth infected I’m taking all of it you have told meet I no no no he can’t do it I’ve banned you from from subbing you can’t do it Sam can’t do

It eating chili all the time yeah you SE Vol to eat a glowing piece of enriched uranium zero reaction yeah have you ever tried a one chip you in a one chip try in a one chip and I was going to try it and then I watched uh a video of someone

Having it and how it like sticks to your inside of your mouth and your tongue and it’s just like it looked way too painful someone died from it right yeah I did it right the one day one day after someone died how was it no never again I I peeed yeah SC

Reaction yeah and then I felt my blood pressure went so high sk rocket Sky I was like losing my Consciousness yeah someone died yeah both pizza ice cream and hot sauce let’s go free punishment free punishment yeah that’s that’s why I’m not so successful here we go here you go chat

Hot sauce ice cream and pizza I bet it’s going to be amazing you tell transaction was in my bag one from the one chip I didn’t even want to know what it’s good I’m telling you it’s is pistachio it’s good add a little like sweet nuttiness to it you think streamer is such an easy job look at him usually people say oh you’re a streamer oh it’s so lucky to have a easy money I know right I love I love pineapples on the pizza

Though yeah I like feels L too I love this this pasta was [ __ ] awesome sauce pasta is kind of an to me it’s not yeah really yeah I I’m like cream pasta side like carbonara or okay M I believe that you resered I [Applause] one you’re going to get punished by the

God for doing that one you see I’m not lying I wait until you guys [Applause] finish I’m leaving kostin n Bop how long does it take to be here Bop SE tell me tell me y a nothing but a heart I love your accents that’s great carbonara Lord carara

Nose you going to try it this is so good yeah yeah I I think we got pretty good this is everything we ordered I think it’s pretty good setup yep but we should have done like a random On the Alcohol it could have been really funny there’s a there’s a random um I

Don’t anym they had this like shot of very it’s very high alcohol kind of dessert drink you know what I’m talking about it’s probably only the menu yeah it’s terrible but I had it once like look we taking long but I think maybe 15 minutes okay sounds good

15 must you got like 30 minutes Hour I kind of got to go sh yeah yeah they don’t have a show anymore they don’t have a show anymore he there it is there it is oh Sho sake it’s like a dessert sake oh is that strong gppa GPA Yesa it’s 40% 40% but you only get like this much it’s

Supposed to be I don’t know I guess it’s like a we don’t have that in America after meal drink definitely Japan doesn’t have that you’re going to do it no you do it too me you two oh my God damn I shouldn’t have told her about it ball oh

No master F Beauty yeah exactly M Master that’s what I said it I told you one s for one squeeze but that’s what I said CH that’s what I said I did the one squeeze and I’m waiting for so I’m going to to eat this

One slice of pizza with a full of chili sauce if you want to when I’m leaving and I will do um I will do uh if you don’t want to sub it’s totally fine do uh send some love if you guys send some love it’s 100

Channel points it’s free send I’ll do a squirt for every love to there squirt just a squirt squirt a little one or big [Laughter] one the motion she I didn’t expect that I couldn’t believe you still get surprised on what I do after meeting like three four times with me it’s been

A while it’s been a while and like yeah yeah I I shouldn’t be surprised cuz like when we last time we hung out I tried to take it to your level and it was really hard I was trying to be I was asking all the the dirty questions and stuff my chat was

Like noad oh my God sending some love there we go go see bam pizza looks cheap and some still ad it’s good it is yeah how about 10 oh there you go 100 bits for square I’ll give a big one for that sure I do that thank you Dale honestly I’m not

Affiliator a partner so I don’t know about the beats and subs and I don’t know those kind of so yeah one more second send some love sending love is free you don’t want to do anything else yum yum yum yum oh 100 oh [ __ ] one sub

Is$ uh what somebody 400 bits worth it depends on who subs and you live all that kindu sorry no no no F Roy oh no thank you for the 100 bits buddy junk wow look at that it’s getting a little L there

St oh I see I see I see so I give us small sweet vieri oh no you literally have no lunch today you gifted me $5 in my chat oh no we have H train oh I didn’t add them from earlier wait wait where’s the mega wait

Is the Mega part actually going hold on oh neon import 100 BS thank you so much sorry I got it too late but we got some thank you fun 200 bits and also no one important thank you showing the love 100 bits and fungus oh my God that’s a Lot oh my God oh my God okay you know D remember we are getting the uh graa too yeah all right I’m going to do this you guys ready it’s not B yo that’s really good yeah there you go more free punishment I think next time I’ll just do the whole pizza oh god oh ice cream is melting too Sad n hey hey so puff Frey I know the shark yeah the shark train intro we almost I mean it was like a second later right had SAU fruit oh my God I already got the zos you want it here the a oh well if you do it like that

Okay you did messy on purpose didn’t you I know exactly it’s all over funny very funny it’s so funny is it oh I don’t know which one is the mine I think this is the mine oh better make sure it’ll tastes very different this one’s a grandpa yeah so we have two

More aimo challenge C wait wait wait this is a game that’s what I thought oh no 4 I always lose this game 4 means um oh do you have any other new game it doesn’t have to be that game um most of the games are like group games uh so two people

Um oh 2 minutes you have a 2 minutes and a 2 minutes for hype train I’m going to leave in like after two those games and then this is the end of my spicy sauce challenge so I that’s pretty funny eat a ducky must oh yeah oh fungus I get it now that’s

What it means all right game for this fine and then um and then we’ll we’ll wrap up and then I’ll you can stay you can wa here I’ll I’ll meet cuz there’s uh two there’s three people coming so I’ll just I’ll just head out when we me and then you can

Yeah it’s non-stop guests on the nomatic hour today the hopefully you can meet some of them um even if it’s just really quick game game um okay you can’t cheat though okay all right how about evens and odds what’s not so you hold you hold any amount of

Fingers behind your back and then we you can choose even or odd and we put it out at the same time so like you going to add the both so for example if I have one and if you have two then it’s a three so it’s got it all right soone do

That this I feel like I might have better chance at this one is it just one or two out of three or what what does that mean to the first one to win two games wins or one one in the two you know yeah first to two

Wins you don’t do that best out of three in Japan oh like not just rock paper scissors okay win it’s like the first two first one to win two so I win you win I win okay I win or I win twice or I win you win you win then you win does

That make sense yeah do you know this game oh I forgot it but yeah so it’s like a one two three and you can raise one thumb or two thumb or zero thumb and are you’re going to guess how many thumbs will be in the

Field but how do we share the guess huh how many how do we share the guess so for example 1 2 3 and then I say 1 2 3 3 it’s ah okay okay okay it’s very similar but we can do this yeah okay we can start 1

2 3 two like that yeah at least one so no one more okay 1 2 3 zero 1 2 3 4 1 two 3 three 1 2 3 zero so I got to take a sip s only a sip no how bad is that it’s terrible right it’s Grappa it’s Grappa Chas it with little wine how bad is it all right uh your turn right 1 2 3 Z 1 2 three 0er 1 2 it’s graa it’s 40% alcohol oh my God okay I kind of got to go so next one is a shot okay right right right okay 1 2 3

3 1 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 cheers take it all take it all so sorry I I squired it not the first time it’s happened it’s all right oh you oh my God it’s everywhere it’s everywhere oh I squirt that it’s so

Sweep for my squirt so sorry we should have laid a towel down first but it’s all right Um yeah Sam you would like are you sure is is this um water FL it’s water resistant it’ll be fine are you still kind of hope it kind of hope it breaks it’s a crappy F oh my God sorry that’s fine that’s fine don’t worry about okay

Next oh oh really okay what my turn your turn your turn your turn oh my turn Okay one 2 3 1 oh no it’s my fault sorry it’s my turn cuz I drunk it that means like you said it you won’t uh-huh uh-huh sure sure one 2 3 three that should be Yours oh it’s awful wrap up all right and then I’m kind of going so I’m taking the the sub pizza subed beds punishment pizza here you I wait for 10 seconds 10 10 ice creams nine ice cream eight ice cream seven ice cream six ice cream five

Ice cream four ice cream three ice cream two ice cream one ice cream cheer cheer cheer cheer cheer we don’t do punishment on my stream so they don’t know how to they don’t know how to handle it cure oh they don’t have this culture we don’t do this yeah I punish myself for

Free it’s good with a lot actually think it’s better I kep putting more on it’s good oh that’s true it’s not really spicy it’s very flavorful like I would have liked this on the pasta that would have been great yeah or the ice cream thee or something that face says

Nomad regrets things oh my God I do oh my God I go tricked I’ve been tricked the whole time that’s when I’m yeah you’ve been tricked this whole time yeah no actually most a lot of streamers have that punishment style X subs for something I just don’t I just do whatever cuz like

Someone asked me there was a big duck someone asked me how many Subs how much would it cost to make you ride that I was like I’m on it I just hopped on it’s so for me it’s you want to ride a big duck I did

It right wow that’s very that’s a that’s a full duck bill if you train yourself very well why are you training yourself very well to make a duck face you can be a duck without a hand oh oh yeah wow that’s good not even close Master delicious sauce exactly mat

MTI master of delicious sauce There is a nice fusher master of spice all right uh try we’ll try even OD real quick just real quick not not two out of three just straight just straight go oh yeah sure okay so what do you want evens or

Odds uh odds okay so you got to put your hand out I should only put one hand on your back put your hand out with whatever you’re holding three two one it’s even so you have to yeah yeah like that are you going to be okay though

Yeah do you need water or anything no I’m just a sip just a sip is fine next okay I call odd okay 3 two 1 go damn you’re good at it I didn’t even know you knew the zero nice you know you know what the Cousino Rose is the uh

Organized always wins the Oh The House Always Wins yeah The House Always Wins yeah yeah that’s true house two three even okay wait say even first and then okay even all right yeah uh okay ready yeah one two one two three right that’s me

N ah I miss these games with you this is fun yeah can you close your eyes not sure I want to close my eyes no I just want to chat to enjoy too can close your eyes I’m not going to cheat I swear I’m just going to show what I have

To the chat oh okay okay yeah so this is what I have this is what what I’m going to do yeah if I were a German I would have be Sho I have to be like this right if I a German but this is what I do anyway let’s

Go all right if you watch the little of film then you know what I have I have no idea okay so but am I calling it then okay evens 3 2 1 go oh yeah so in a movie there is like a word word to theme the

Movie yeah uh they do a spy from Italy or something and then they pretend they’re German Austria or something and then German people count one two three like this and then when they order when he ordered the beer he said a three beer and then he got shoed ah there’s

Something like that in um in the Great Escape too yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s interesting how Japanese do Japanese do this way one two 3 money give me some money give me some money mate so yeah that’s why I said like if you’re German you got to do this otherwise you get

Sh but [ __ ] so Americans we go 1 2 3 4 5 same Japanese same Japanese 1 2 3 4 5 same but how do you point to yourself yeah yeah yeah no this that’s how you point to everyone else no so the um we point to our bodies

Typically and Japanese point to their face oh yeah yeah yeah yeah which is interesting yeah because nose is signature of your ego or yourself oh okay yeah and we’re we’re Americans are huge so we just we like it’s harder to find the head you can find the body a

Lot easier so maybe might be never seen such a crowded station before yeah there must be like 10 events today what the hell is going on [Applause] Um Eng glorious glorious bastards okay I point to my face and then um we we tell people to come here like this and Japanese people like this but the reverse motion is go away in in America right so this means go away but you can’t tell the

Difference so there were a couple times people were like this and I’m I when I first came to Japan and I’m like okay I’ll give you space they’re like what are you doing why are you walking away they make it their whole personality it’s harder to find the head

Oh my don’t find a head just get a head or yeah yeah yeah that I’m a rapper can I go to those Toyo D to play something what would your rapper name be natii Nati hazu all right it sounds like a Nazi it does so you know you know in you

Know in uh wakayama there’s there’s uh the trail of the Gods there’s Nai Nai waterfall and oh yeah yeah so I really like that area but I was it was always funny saying like I’m on the Nai Trail that’s true like guys today I’m on the Nai Trail checking out NACI

Waterfall wa that sounds like nais littlea littlea sounds good little spice how’s that little spice I combine two ideas I mean little spicy oh little spice is nice yeah little spicy like L spice little spice yeah yeah yeah that’s nice oh my God a little Nomad oh wait

Hold on stands for something else you want to be giant NAD giant NAD big it’s got biggy NAD yeah biggy NAD sounds better wait hold on Nomad bigs there we go we got it NAD bigs so your favorite streamer hey Lord do you got to be uh oh

She’s a great streamer make sure to check her out she streams um building Ikea furniture drinking beer and what else building Ikea Ikea furniture with a banana yeah yeah that was pretty funny they didn’t tell me that I need a hammer and when I open oops you need a Hummer

Oh you don’t H well [ __ ] you I remember watching you with the that was pretty I’ve never in my life seen that but you know what works the best if you have don’t to you too if you don’t have a Hummer you know what works I tried a a

Boots and a a cream a body cream bottle and in a banana the body cream bottle was the best oh that’s right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but still my uh Ika shelf is not perfectly done it’s still in there not collapsed for 2 years with the

Outp so it smells like rotten banana in the creases of the the screws right if you get really close it smells like banana so my my roommate was sleeping right right in front of the bookshelf and I was always wondering like you just is she still

Alive she doesn’t know how I made it so it’s fine I mean oh my God she doesn’t want to know how I made it it’s like you know when there was that big earthquake in China and they found out that a lot of those buildings that collapsed the inside was

Like milk cartons and trash think that’s kind of like the Ikea shelf first of what you have in your yeah exactly because I I don’t know how many people watching that but I remember some nails are not really perfectly fit together yes some of them are kind of crocking so

Crooked like great like it’s like not really perfectly fit it’s kind of fit level so yeah good luck she’s using a hammer on a screw she’s like why isn’t it working yeah exactly so yeah good luck how it’s supposed to be uh they weren’t screws right I hope not oh we’ll [Laughter]

See that hand gesture though oh she’s she’s good at the hand gestures yeah like what did you think of we literally talking about a Ser building furniture sale come on that’s you that’s you that’s you I’m you know s in the P stream the most awesome of s paper sandpaper

Sent does it that was so sweet she is using like hand canes but she still picked up the umbrella yeah that I left on the floor feels bad man she’s struggling through her like adversity and then you’re like oh you didn’t need to pick up that

Umbrella like should I put it back on the floor no oh I got something cool to show you no it’s I know when someone says that and reaches in their pants it’s not usually good with you but I it’s wholesome don’t worry you giving me a

Million yen thank you so much no this this is cool wow it’s a one yen coin from maiera is that awesome yeah when I bought it it said replica but we all think it’s real isn’t it cool they’ve seen it yeah s you are more Japanese than I

Am I wonder what that’s worth I mean I wonder what amier would be equivalent to in our current day you know I don’t know how many people T not Maj day M day that’s good that’s good that’s a good Japanese fun too wow so like I don’t know how many

People know Ki but this yen is all the way of Yen so we even though we use Kani but our Kani is kind of transforming and this is a before y Ki interesting so what do you think do you think this is real or you think it’s a replica personally uh replicate maybe

Sure yeah yeah but uh this one do you know what it is that [ __ ] no it’s not so actually this is a symbol of emperor in Japan yeah yeah right right it’s that the 32 leaves no maybe and then this symbol you can see it in shine a lot because uh shine or

Cinto is originally uh of the thoughts that Emperors are the original gods and then we admire that that’s a Sy they’re like the brid they’re like directly from yeah exactly that’s why in a Shinto Shrine you see those marks a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah I should I

Should have talk something SM done more than penck so yeah otherwise anyway you got to run I got to go chat you can stay you can stay yeah I’ll I’ll uh yeah it would it be easier to meet up with your friends here I think if if she’s coming

Very close right she said like in 15 minutes so I’m going to I want her to meet you but yeah it’s all right it might be too late anyways is that fine is that okay oh that’s too that’s way too much no it’s all right it’s all right it’s all

Right I ate most of them no we ate and half hold on let me see if there’s any change in my panties no stay here stay here I’m finish up I’m finishing up those seaweed so I’m going to have a little of hair as in summer why are you laughing my hair I’m

Because I seaweed and hair I oh yeah you’re this is all me oh my God look at this oh I’m glad we didn’t go for the big decanter no this is a big decter I’ll pass you on the other she’s coming she’s coming down now okay this is biggest

Decanter by the way oh this is the biggest decanter but there is the 1.5 L Magnum bottle true 1,000 yen for that or something like that it’s crazy this was 300 Yen oh is their wine is so cheap can’t do Ma sorry I’m so a bit hungry yeah yeah thirsty go for It oh really it’s 6 Yen so five times more valy that’s a lot what what what why don’t have any coins where did my coin go do you want some change I got uh wait wait to much oh no never mind that’s it okay well I lost it I’ll get that

Later no actually no M when I third will someone this is my theme to play for up because that’s the inside of joke so let me pay for this are you sure yep oh thank you can you guys guess how much the meal was or you don’t have to but it

Was size area is amazing thank you so much of course that’s awesome this is a running joke of our community accept Luke’s offer of panty change yeah look is there you need more change I got the panty here exactly you see T that’s what it is thir w means well thank you fy

Flow so if you go to akih Habra you know where the dirty gach are I thought it’s everywhere like you can get a low uh vibrator and stuff no the vibrator are everywhere but like uh there’s one that yeah there’s one that has yeah right

It’s a massager so uh that has a black one so I I did it and I got a little mini uh like Tanga kind of thing and then someone else did it got a r a special ring for their thing and then next to that was the the panties so I’ve

Never seen them anywhere else the pantties is the most innocent one I would say so yeah yeah yeah it’s just it’s just stylish it’s all vosy VY are you in Italy yeah ory I think you’re in the wrong one there is no elevator I would say is there an elevator here I didn’t

See that that’s why I’m saying you’re in the wrong one probably it’s okay uh here I’ll I’ll come I’ll I’ll head out with you and then we’ll I’ll we’ll find each other oh uh head to the station we’ll walk to the station now there we go

Okay well I don’t want to waste it definitely need to drink water though no no Noy U we’re coming now at least you and I can hang out right I’m coming now go back to the station we we’ll go to the station I should have sent you a thing

But I didn’t have internet so I couldn’t oo that wine that wine hit a little hard shake it off yeah okay okay okay yeah we’re coming to just go to the station coru in are you heading out from Kaku yeah I guess you want to go to a

Different station I’m going to go to sh yeah but you can go from that station right I don’t know you are the Tokyo loc I don’t live I don’t live in Tokyo either you’re what is the new what is how is what is the way to go to

Shinjuku fastest I have no idea oh well I I don’t go to Shinjuku very much I live in saitama I live in the old saitama the old town of saitama but yeah um it’s okay VY we we’re heading out now yeah if you if you miss hu it’s okay but I’ll be

Here so head to the station anyways and I’ll meet you there and then we’ll find a place together Sam’s also around and James is heading over too so I think we’ll hold on so we’ll have like uh a whole thing how you thank you so much oh no no no

Worries I appreciate that uh do you have the thingy oh it’s here yeah you if you need to go ahead you can go ahead like it’s fine yeah no worries yeah yeah yeah thank you so much yeah thanks for making time to come hang out and uh even though your time is yeah

Absolutely selfie theer Place Yeah it’s a video oh it’s a video I’m freaking smiling for a video see you see you you said selfie liar take care aard get

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