
Trip report. Highway to the Lito Zone! Driving back home from Osaka.

Come and hang out with me we drive at night back to Nara.


Please hop on the Lito Express to experience A Lito Bit of Japan!

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#kyoto #japan #the3rdplanet #サープラ #figures #livestream #cranegameprize #京都 #二条 #cranegame #クレーンゲーム

Yo yo yo what’s up people what’s up we’re going to uh check to see that everything is on everything is on and make let’s make sure that you guys are on uh click to unmute we got the TTS coming in hopefully for the win let’s say let’s see if we are on

Elron Alx said Willa yo Willa I like how Jay vog came in uh with the is this going to work Jay Vlog what’s up Alman X said hell live H let’s go let’s go y what’s up people I’m going to uh monitor the stream from the little popup hey alanox

Thank you for being here uh thank you my man always and I hope you get some work done um we do one last harah at the dungeon meshy delicious and dungeon uh thing before we head out to Hokkaido tomorrow yay yay I’ve got pretty much everything packed just got to put my

Tech back in the bag and uh you guys get we going to get a little bit of a walking Stream So what I mean is I’m going to I have the car I’m going to drive it to shinai do one last harra there before heading home to pack the

Rest of my bag get some sleep and then get up early for the flight to Hokkaido to start off our 6 day adventure there let’s go but it is a rainy day it just turned out to be a rainy day ooh I have no idea what that sensor was

Weird there was like nothing in front of me um oh yeah let’s turn the mic turn your turn your camera camera around what’s he doing [ __ ] dude uh it’s all good it’s all good you let me out so now we’re all good yeah if you’re here in the chat do

Let me know say hi and I’ll do one more quick yo Leo said yo okay there’s a bicyclist Bic colist come out here and said hey hey hey hey hey hey what’s up um who’s that nerd out dude I like that name that’s how I feel sometimes

I’m just nerding out all the time all right here we go nerd out yo yo yo if this is your first time or if you’re um if I know you from a different account let me know but he said switched accounts yeah okaying on some stuff okay who what’s your main account is

That you alox nerd out I like that though I like that it’s all good it’s all good oh is that DX in the chat we got dope fishy dope fishy yeah who’s switching account there though I wonder who it is um yo yo guys thank you for coming on

The trip report it is turn said The more famous brother of nerd in I see I guess it’s not alox I don’t know who who that is is it you alox are you are you a double dual wielding on the accounts there um it went from a

Slightly rainy day in kyotto to now a very rainy day which isn’t good for cran games said at Alx haaha grinning face with eyes open how’s it going Alx said I only have one account okay all right I have no idea who nerd out is but

Is that is that DX I’m not sure cuz I did see DX drop in the chat um we’re going to do a bit of an experiment actually when going to start recording now bit of an experiment to see if uh they say the rubber the sticky rubber on

Crane games gets more sticky on a r rainy day because of the moisture and that particular place is actually the front end is open um all the time sorry sorry we’re going to see if that is true said he I have 11 only two are non-roll accounts hey only two are non-roll accounts

Interesting um hey hold on I can’t see the chat right now so I can’t really see who’s who’s speaking but I hope this is one of the non troll accounts then all right we’re going to head to the right but yeah we had a good day some really nice uh passengers on the

Leo Express there in Koto we got to see wow we let’s give a recap guys what we saw we saw um the bamboo forest tenji we went by the river uh Kat gawa we saw two Michael out of makeup uh off duty in Hanami Ki went down to

Shirakawa uh or shimbashi and saw two pre-wedding photo shoots happen and then we went all the way up to Fushimi the mountain of 10,000 Gates said the J Vlog oh the J Vlog what’s up dude yo nice to see you bro thank you for being here uh

I only have 11 and two are non-roll accounts oh I get it now I get it cool dude thanks for being here J vog um like I said I got to get out to your part of the said hi waving hand sign yo yo yo Japan Japan okay while we have uh the

Red light I’m going say yo yo yo what’s up dropping it here from you here in Osaka bringing it back to the front um going to get to some crane game dropping before I have to go home pack the rest of my bag uh it’s mainly my tech stuff

And you know the one thing I’m missing is the I can’t find the LED clamp for the OM DJI om6 I do have another clamp that I can use but I’m going to actually be mainly using not the om5 sorry om5 is it I’m going to be using probably the om4 it’s

A bit more sturdy but one of my m4s doesn’t connect Bluetooth to my cell phone properly anymore we are going to try the pocket 3 out there if it’s not a snowy day what I’m um afraid of and maybe you guys have the pocket jji maybe

You know is how not waterproof it said three streams in two days I know right amazing smiling face with hard shaped eyes I’m I’m gunning for the watch hours that’s that’s one thing but also I’m trying to get as much in when I can now that we’re doing the drive streams again

Right like um yeah it’s true uh we’re streaming a lot but if I could I would I would stream more like I I would um but you know it is what it is we got to get some sleep at points uh which I got like less than 4

Hour sleep yesterday but um yeah what I’m the only thing I’m concerned about with the pocket 3 is using it I’ve seen pocket ones Japan yeah hey I’ve seen pocket 1es and pocket twos used as um for snowboarding in review videos and I wonder if they have a waterproof case or

Something on it hi Al Hey welcome but I’m afraid of of like snow melting and getting into the swivel bits Japan Japan even hey hey hey hey hey hey welcome welcome to the stream yeah so it’s a riny die riny die here hey um I was just talking about this to the

Passengers today J Vlog Japan Japan said waving hand sign need to need to go to watch sumo in person someday and you’re the right person to ask it would be awesome if we could watch sumo together that would be that would be actually fantastic I don’t know how often you get

Out to see live Sumo but you would be you’d be the man and like you said you can stream it maybe I don’t know um that’s something I got to get off the bucketless I’ve been in Japan 20 years haven’t seen live Sumo the weird thing

Is I lo I saw Sumo in Vancouver of all places this guy is turning right let’s let him turn right right lane we’re going to head to the right pretty soon to said you need like a little umbrella for your pocket 3o Pro it a pocket 3 umbrella pocket umbrella for pocket

3 I was considering wrapping it up in Saran Wrap and then using the DJI mic inside like my chest pocket or something that could be it um what the have I used I’ve used the iPhone the iPhone with a case um and the G pocket 3 is not waterproof nor really

Water resistant okay yeah no that’s what I’m afraid of with all the electronics and stuff I have I’ve seen people use pockets for live streams and stuff but yeah I don’t want to like I think this is more susceptible to stuff getting uh wet and and this and that if it’s

Snowing I’m I’m actually better with the iPhone even though the back is cracked if I put it on um a waterproof case not a waterproof case just a hard case it’s it’s actually more watertight and uh it’s not a big deal the iPhone on the big gimbal is I’ve done it before and

Then I’ll do it again and it’s pretty good it’s actually pretty good even with the wind noise surprisingly um the only thing is if the signal dies dies hard then we will uh we’ll lose the stream whereas the the pocket I can kind of revive the stream this thing has its own

CPR or stream PR said grinning face with eyes open if you are going to do it might as well share it yeah right yeah exactly I think so too the San wrap idea isn’t a bad idea though so just Saran wrapping I don’t know I couldn’t Saran

Wrap the whole thing I’m I’m mainly concerned of where the the screen swivels right so that there’s going to be some wiggle wiggle you work where the water water makes it stop to work um the water will get in if it if it’s snow that melts and like I

Don’t know I don’t know I’m pretty sure there are people doing it uh are there waterproof cases for the osmo maybe then I’d have to like maybe film it vertically which I don’t really want to when you snowboard you want to see the whole panoramas and all that stuff so I

Don’t know U maybe I have to look into that um but the pocket 3 has been amazing hey hey te yo what’s up DX in the house hey DX how you doing how you doing guys we’re at a red light we’re going to get some FaceTime yo yo

Yo if you’re in the chat if you’re in the chat give me some some pretzels in the chates from now hey thank you thank you my broki um you know where we’re going we’re going to drop some oh yeah I can see the traffic there um I got on the on my

Google Google Maps we’re going to uh shinai one more time so you guys going to get a hybrid Drive stream SL rainy walk stream SL crane game stream um but yeah no it was a good tour today guys said it’s heavy man it’s heavy heavy traffic I I’m seeing red

Bars I do see red bars said look into cases for scuba diving that will hold the camera yeah thank you if anyone can um look up water proof case for pocket 3 that would be interesting I don’t know if there is anything out there if so

That would be amazing I I haven’t really looked at it said expect to get to shinai in 25 minutes oh okay Google right now is telling me 17 with red some people made a custom waterproof housing for pocket 2 seconds I guess the three is a matter of time yeah and it’s that

Swivel bit you work when it swivel swivel you wiggle wiggle it’s going to jiggle jiggle you can stream it is wow that’s amazing that’s amazing but we’ll have to stream on like twitch or rumble or something said I add more time cuz you need to actually find parking a Japan Japan said

They haven’t made pocket three waterproof cases yet okay thank you for checking Japan Jaan Chan um diesel diesel why do diesel diesel Japan hey hey diesel DX I already know the parking I’m going to um hopefully it’ll be free uh it is a Monday at this time so yeah uh I do have

A parking that I already know about um and it’s pretty pretty close enough and decent it caps at 800 nerd out smiling face with sunglasses where going are we going the street are we going to the left going to the left to the left to the left or were

We supposed to go over there no we were supposed to go on the bridge oh my gosh I psyched myself out guys let’s do a let’s do a uh we’ll do a UI shake that thing Miss oh my God unless this thing turns into a submersible not submersible like what do

You call a hydro foil said he I forgot to let you know nerd out said at a little bit of Japan have you thought of a 360 action cam for the snowboarding I do I have a to keep right I have an insta 360 goto thanks diesel

Al I am having gets moments with some of these City Scapes oh man it wants me to do a full are you serious like a full really I it tells me to go on the whole way really it’s added four minutes I thought I could go back there maybe not

Interesting okay I’m going to trust in the Google I should trust in the DX trust just trust in the DX the DX knows um all right let’s go do the full full on Full Monty I guess like a not just a small uh U-turn like a fullon U-turn

Really I guess we have to get far enough to get onto that Highway hi well there is another alternative route though oh but that’s going to take forever similar ETA oh we can go this way there all right I just uh found another oh but there’s way more traffic there

All right let’s go a different way that way we don’t have to um go around there’s a JP excuse me Japan P scooter guy you guys are going to see let me know when you see the silver turtle the silver Turtle DX will know what I’m talking

About DX not too many spoilers okay and tell me what happens at the silver Turtle once we see it oh are you spotting it we’re quite far away might not be able to see it that much all right the silver Turtles the silver Turtles I like the way you wiggle wiggle you Yo heo said I’ll just give one clue heo set t t nerd out said found a case for you on Amazon Japan oh dude post the link in Discord yes please please do let me know how it goes that would be amazing dude if we could get something like that that

Thank you thank you all this is community effort coming together let’s go Tay Tay what was the T day man look that’s tight I don’t even want to go in there I’m not I’m not even going to I’m not even going to try that is too tight

The guy that van on the the white van he’s pushing me and oh wait no Queen was here oh I see now I can go said that’s all I’ll say all right sounds good sounds good man sounds good nice clue hey the silver turtle turtle you Squirtle Squirtle I’m going to hurdle

Hurdle while I tighten up my girdle girdle nonsensical words making nonsensical Rhymes all right hia we at a red red hockey inverted hockey line red inverted hockey line Alex Tay Tay oh that’s what Tay Tay means oh snappage that’s what you’re talking about now I know what you’re talking about

Nice oh is is that her nickname T what what were they called swifters or swifties Tay Tay hiya ooh it looks like there’s a nice boat restaurant on the left I wonder if that’s the place a lot of people um stream at you guys can kind

Of well you you’ll see it on the left I guess you’ll see it I don’t know it’s nice Boat Boat restaurant yeah I think that’s the one I think that’s the one that I think I saw hauts stream at before I’ll kind of show it to the left it’s there on the left

Dish DX you would know if there’s like a boat house place that in Osaka that some twitch streamers I think I’ve seen bolt go there as well as hazu hi we could have gone to 4 minutes faster it’s okay we’ll just Excuse excuse I’ll just stick to this

Way cuz it looks kind of complique complique it look looks really tight over there so so tight wow look at all that beautiful graffiti yeah oh no it’s graffiti over like the kids um kids murals and stuff oh that’s kind of sad that is kind of sad beautiful murals hey there 132 said

Hi Leo and chat waving hand sign I’m lurking yo yo yo Brandon 132 lurking in for the win I believe that she is called Tay T and the fans are called swifties in the media nerd out at diesel are you on the PC osmo pocket 3 waterproof case

3,598 maybe you can search and post the link here nerd out said at Brandon 132 hey he hey look at that um that beautiful artwork that’s been tagged over tagged over it’s not for the kids oh man guys how have you guys been recently um people are in the chat helping out

Thank you so much getting the waterproof cases we might even need a waterproof case if we walk around uh saporo I mean I think it’s snowing there now not rain but still Brandon 132 said hi nerd out nerd out nerd out nerd out that’s such a cool cool name dude nerd

Out I don’t know it’s kind of catchy I think I think I just made you your nerd out anthem song you know it’s one of those times where you wish you had tissue paper but you don’t have it now you can’t blow your nose and now everything’s going to go like you’re

Going to you’re now you’re fighting a sneeze hi fighting the sneeze cuz we got a nerd out that was bad I was sorry guys sorry see that’s what I was talking about I wish I just turned into snuffle upus all righty Ean holy crap so many lanes so little

Time he said BL man thank you heish rainy day yeah it’s a coldish rainy day seriously the the the rain said huge weather front coming from the south damn well now I can’t fly the Drone tonight no that I was planning to oh got to get to the right lane nerd out

Said asterisk hides head in shame asterisk nerd out all right H got to get to get to the right lane no get to the right lane not this right lane the next one the next one there we go there we go now we can do

It now we can do the right turn we always wanted to not this right L the next one the next one hi look at the orange auto box such a cool color cool with the orange and the and the black orange and black it’s the new orange orange and black is the new

Orange are we like right by sorry guys I don’t know what’s going on I think it’s the lack of sleep it’s we’re at Shashi nangai shom Bashi station this part of the program was brought to you by nankai Shashi station making lutos speak like Arnold Schwarzenegger randomly since 2024 for oh

Man now we in the right lane and uh we have a little bit to go little bit more Alman X said this song was how it nerd out also became a troll sock puppet profile a troll talk profile yeah exactly hi guys my name is nerd Al and I

Have a them song nerd Al oh God should we turn the okay I’m I’m not I don’t mean to be trolling You J vog I just for some reason I don’t know that that the jingle came into my head oh man yeah yeah gag gag gagle wow so much traffic today look at

Those really look at those really interesting um subway station thingies brand 132 doesn’t the label on your cold medicine state that it is forbidden to drive a car while taking it face with smiling eyes no cold medicine necessary I just crazy like it is out said off switching

Accounts oh no nerd out is out no don’t switch the account we just made the theme song we just made the theme song you have to Relish in its Glory Alman at Brandon 132 you must Relish in the glory of the catchy theme song I’m sorry bro I’m sorry I I don’t

Know why I’m doing that I think it’s funny though I uh Crazy Taxi try to get in the SP I he trying to get into space space is not made for you a guys this is what happens on lack of sleep and um uh muscle relaxant and hey

Street pit said you are all banished to the corner with a dunce cap Oh No Angel forever 59 x hi Angel forever it’s raining hard yes welcome welcome I’m sorry hey stupid I’m so sorry I I I rustled The Hornet’s Nest Angel forever in the house yo it is

Raining hard can you hear the rain hi I don’t know I’m i’ I’ve lost my filter guys nerd out got out nerd out got out I I lost my filter and I can’t get out I can’t get out that’s out and up at the same time I lost my

Filter and I can’t get out all right yeah they shouldn’t let people like me on the streets not like this not like this I’m sorry guys I don’t know what’s going on with me I I think I’m I’m losing it I think I’m losing it um hey stupid you’re all banished to

The corner with the dun cap oh no we did did it so nerd out got out we got the nerd out out no no once nerd out came out is hiding we have made him made him be banishing us now nerd out said ha oh my God it’s hilarious I don’t know

What’s going on the guys the best stuff comes when there’s no filter no filter Leo no filter Leo is the best type of Leo because now you get me raw raw raw and real like mustard like mustard no not like mustard like karashi like karashi that you put

On Odin on Odin on the side of that polystyrene cup that you get at the 7-Elevens near the cash register that’s what you get the mustard the karashi all right I don’t know what the hell is going on with me now I’m serious like serious somebody somebody saved me

Somebody help Meo is like cigarettes of the old days no filter addictive no filter so addictive ha you correct you correct what a yeah we go straight A so sorry so sorry La so sorry La I’m going to go I’m going to go here so sorry I

Saw the red light and I was like what now we see the red light the guy behind me soila yeah he honked his horn out of like hey you got to go straight I’m like oh yeaha I just saw the red light I was like oh yeah Kentucky Fried Chicken

Drive in Kentucky Fried Chicken Drive in chicken the Leo is like cigarettes of the old days no filter and addictive that is true you know um Japan is old school you can still smoke cigarettes like full on nerd in some places they still sell those here both Winston and Hamel

Yeah hardcore right and they like do I’m I’m not a cigarette smoker but do they smell hardcore too like cuz if they don’t have any filter I I hear I smell maror I’m like yeah that’s maror man but Winston and camels do they smell like hardcore that’s what I’m wondering

Yeah and so like if it’s no filter do you get more C like nicotine I I almost said caffeine do you get more of the the hit I don’t know I don’t know you have to educate me about the no field Winston and camel Since I no F

Said they don’t got weed though they don’t got weed they don’t Japan tobacco stock is doing great yo yo found in Japan pen name Angel forever nerd out and you stupid you got everybody in the house we got the diesel nerd said J yo yo yo found in yo said

Hello hello found in Japan yes you’ve caught me no filter unadulterated pure Leo so addictive old school like the Winston’s and the camels back in the day that are still sold here today pass the scooter passing the scooter pass in the scooter Brandon 132 said please stop wiping my TV screen

All the time found in Japan said shakes now and back in the day are way way different just like hand rolled are way different okay edicate me edicate me about no filter Thug Life please yeah Brandon sorry about I I think you we missed a spot in your TV screen you know

That that ugly spot you think it’s maybe dead pixels but it’s not and then you get out the fiber cloth and then you’re like you keep picking at it and then you try your your your uh nail you try like first you try your index finger nail

That old school raw dog in it yeah man let’s go old school raw dog in it let’s go ha do you see the Christian said as long as there is no smell coming off my cken no smell coming off my co cocain your cocain cocaine is pronounced cocaine in

Japanese Haya that guy almost do a red light almost do the red light don’t do it the red light man don’t do it just don’t do it just even though you live in Osaka don’t do it Haya oh my gosh now I now look at you you behind my car a yeah

The guy turning right in the right lane a you go you do it thank you so much thank you you did it all right guys guys we’re getting closer we’re getting closer to the parking lot near Shin a yeah this is dangerous because the lines sometimes you can’t see the lines on the

Road now I’m backed up I’m backlogged her name said raw dog and red light raw dog and red light that’s it that’s the name of the band raw dog anded red light we raw doging in the red light grow Holdings there’s this this uh building on the right says grow

Holdings that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh to grow it wow just wow people um yeah I don’t know what’s wrong I I I lack of lack of sleep lack of filter and abundance of raw doging Frank McLoud said and now hey Frank McLoud of the clan McLoud he now and now and now the

Dream is over and now and now when the world is spinning they come they come feel the wall between I didn’t know rain counted as L winking face oh my gosh for the traffic lights not so good otherwise it would just be gray and more

Gray true you so you so right you so correct gray and more gray then it would be Tokyo hi no I’m just joking I mean Tokyo is like gray scale like suits I’m talking about suits I’m talking about fashion I I know it’s got lots of Lights

I know it’s got color that’s what I was talking about said Dire Straits D Straits good Ben so good F dire strait they didn’t sing um dream is over who sung dream is over that’s not Dire Straits who is it who was it hey now hey now Dream It’s Over there’s

A freedom within were they from Australia or from New Zealand uh what’s that band I can hear the guitar Lick in my head yo yo nankai Imam station yo oh oh oh did you work at Nova no I didn’t work at Nova I never worked at Nova when I

Came here I did my research and I actually applied fors Tears for Fears yes my man yes my man thank you thank you D straight is good good band though too don’t know their songs that well but good band I here hi not got it we so here so here a yeah do

We get the right turn yeah we get the right turn we get we got the right turn who got the right turn Mama we got the right turn can we get the right turn yeah who wants a shinai rainy walking stream yo come on looking for the Daiso

On the the right so I can park so nice and tight he the stream coming here all night even though we didn’t sleep too much night and tight oh every here we go Dao on the right break it down with the flow got to wipe your windshield white

Pole even though it’s your TV screen Brando yo here we go one more time talking about time how about parking at the Times Dao Dao here we go going to go down with the FL rip FL rip hey said how much is your Shen how much is my shaken um I don’t

Pay shaken because this is not my car this is a company car and I’ve never paid Shuan cuz I never owned a car here in Japan I’ve always rented I don’t know I don’t know it I don’t know 1 to5 is Alive 6 to3 Frank let’s go I can’t say

Just wanted to say now name no wor hey look at that train look at that look at them trains yeah shake that thing Miss guys guys guys we’re going to we’re going to park in uh stall number nine no no no stall number six let’s go stall number

Six we get a cap of 800 Yen uh uh are you ready for some parking job oh rip like uh Austin Powers Austin Powers beep beep beep beep beep beep hey hey hey back at up oh hey I’m so cray cray for the six to the

N seriously parking CS 6 and N are opposite each others let’s go Frank M take care hey yo Frank McLoud thank you for dropping by man I really appreciate y’all I appreciate it I don’t know why I said y’all I’m so American y’all hey hey

Here we go back in the day going to haido tomorrow and hanging out with the clay uh it’s so fun in the sun but when you’re in Sappo you’re going to be the one the streamer who’s streaming and going to keep aing that we’re here

Oh hey hey hey we got a bogey got a bogey got a boogey hi hi hey hey let’s go back in the clay said on the train back from back in the clay I summoned you I summoned you back in the clay I have summoned you with my powers of

Summoning yo back in the CL dude I’m I don’t know what I’m on I’m I’m on lack of sleep I’m on adrenaline uh I think um jvlog SL um you stupid slash nerd out would say I’m in heat yo yo what’s up I’m probably turning off some like new people on the

Stream like who the hell is this guy pen name is your jam Jam I want a jam with you hey nerd out said back in the clay hey hey hey how’s it going hey hey hey I love the he he hey it sounds like very Max Head room yo

Yo dude I don’t know why I’m just like I’m flying here I’m not I’m not drunk not the action the excitement nonstop adrenaline fuel content I love it I love it mate are so good so nice all right we got free Bars free bars on the Wi-Fi free

Bars said Leo was having a cold but he took the wrong [Laughter] medicine I guess so I don’t know Bros I don’t know I don’t know if you like little Le UND done watch out cuz he’s crazy hi yeah I’m going to charge the Wi-Fi bring it back to the Glory Days of

Four bars Glory Days four bars here we go here we go I hope I hope this is fun for you guys just as much it is this is for me hi hi oh my gosh we going to bring the bag we go to bring the bag and Y hiya no we

Don’t bring the back we bring the musia back go to Mia bring the musia back Mia I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know people I don’t know why I do this don’t know why don’t know why I’m I don’t know what’s going on here uo’s having a cold with uh you know what your love is like bad cold medicine cuz

Bad cold medicine is what I need whoa whoa whoa oh yo are you ready are you ready for this yeah you guys the speaker is going to go right in my PS that’s going to clip right by my PS somehow misre speed and drops

Hi do we go do we go there we go people all righty then Haya we pay 800 Yen at the max for this parking spot for this parking now we get the tape tape of stability tape of fixing tape of affixation tape of no slip rubber said why Japan Tobacco Stop doing

Well I don’t know I don’t know D I I have in trouble I don’t know man I don’t know let’s get out of here though let’s get out what time is it it’s hammer time it’s 5:14 let’s go let’s get our let’s get our our crane crane game on let’s

Let’s walk around shinai shall we see you guys Bye hey yeah just joking just joking just come out of another door another door hey okay doesn’t know what’s going on well that makes two of us at least yo Leo doesn’t know what is going on hey hey hey but it’s still so on I don’t know what you’re talking about

There Jim Ross but Jim Ross in the house he’s the boss come on yo we got to give it up cuz now now I’m driving a minivan not a truck hey oh people in the chat maybe DS can give me the coordinates and tell me where I’m at

Maybe not I think I’m going to leave it at that oh yo for the remainder of this stream Leo will literally be talking to his groin talking to his groin talking to his groin trying to get to his Gro it’s so scratchy on the outside talking to his people look at me I’m

A talking to My hi y we and are all the people right by the they so so good there two in the distance two in the distance oh wow nice some grilled M some grilled m m there’s the cold medicine I so need takoyaki lann 5 By got the classic kakan Casa yo yo no man it does look like hakan Kasa doesn’t it this one’s worth like cost me 600 bro this is like full on family Mark Girl Let’s go people too slow people too slow I want to jwalk but we on the stream

Haya don’t look at the mil oh my God there’s like a full-on nudy magazine on the left called mil mil I think they misspelled it I think it’s milk how much is Diel there now it’s still 100 yen to like there’s a range of 100 yen to like 1,000 yen depends you

Know cuz D’s living it up living it up all right too slow people too slow make me miss the green light miss the green light hi okay maybe we make the green light hold on people hear the chat I make the green light make the green

Light hey yeah we made the green light we did it we made the green light am so good yeah Daiso is still typically so they started Daiso with it humble beginnings of a 999 Yen store or sometimes called the haken shop now ranges from items that are all the way

Up to 3,000 y uh you can buy bottles of wine there for 500 it’s like cray cray cereal it’s cray cray oh yeah could have parked here for 800 so easy so easy it’s all good to convenience store umbrella to got my collection of those yo yo convenience store umbrella yes yes

Everybody needs like their own little mini convenience store umbrella shop at home uh mine just keeps collecting and then I keep losing them hey look at that so nice so nice Lan LED thingy L LED thingy hi maybe we should have park closer but

How fun is that to go by Daiso yo yo guys we’re going to rub shall we rub um Billy Ken Mr Billy Ken let’s let’s I’m rubbing it let’s go when oh look how empty it is look how I can do my Tik toks nower line probably two to three bucks

H trade the Jo’s wine2 to $3 that like 3,000 yen 3,000 yen you know how low the yen is how low can you go 3,000 yen no it’s really bad right now actually the dollar strong okay guys can we get some gold emojis or rubbing something to do with rubbing let’s going let’s

Rub going to rub his feet for good luck here we go rub rub his feet okay good luck go now we got to now we got to um got to show you T Kaku Hitachi social Innovation Hitachi for a socially innovated Society generous you got onto the road and then it immediately turned

Face with a boy face withes a boy made it being a little generous you got onto the road and then it immediately turned red I not what we’re talking about um made it made it being a little I’m not sure what you’re talking about Alx and then it turned

Red I uh not sure I might I might have uh missed that in the chat look how beautiful it’s actually really beautiful here with all the um with all the stuff going on with all the like the rain ooh it’s loveely it’s loveely loveely okay I’m going to turn down the

TTS until we get into musia I bet you it’s going to be empty in the hey muia there we go hey let’s go let’s Go Hey okay okay hand [Applause] Hand Okay all right we’re here guys we’re here and yes here she is she will be mine she will all right um pedestrian costume 10 minutes ago made it I I see I get it now thank you la so thank you uh I’m going to try for the Sanji as

Well um we’ll see ooh this this is the takoyaki one that is a really cool figure um see we don’t want to get anyone else on the stream wow nice that guying got tons we got some locals they’re going for the Lumin Master is that no that’s a it’s a tedra

T uh this is a cool one too I’m just going to go uh as much as we can go for to every day okay let’s go we going to get some some coinage let’s go and then let me get the chat On the guy is like killing it when you guys some all right all right we got hold up here guys put you one two three four these are um coins from last time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 let’s start off with 1,700 and we’ll see where that Goes hi I’m a Weena I’m oh no it five ,700 oh it change it 10 times there we go nice hey my 100 y i there okay there all right oh no is she doing it she’s going for the baby they put dungeon H already out there for me look at that

To the baby uh Musashi that that’s crazy all right but that guy’s killing it look how many you got all right chat I’m going to check chat they’re going for the trapes highq one okay guys let me get remind me of AR with hobes this is isai get it

Up place that we come to exactly Jim Ross was seeing about and now he’s talking about it the stream appears to take this stream is the weirdest stream you’ll ever see oh wow there she’s going for the baby that baby is like going to move like crazy I want

To have your baby uh we’re going to we’re going to drop this guys let’s drop it we got five let’s go five eight all right let’s go for five let’s drop it guys let’s go right off the bat djon H and let’s freaking go no warm-ups necessary just go go go

Oh D we got a bar kenhi we did unintentional bar kenhi I’m still getting used to the settings let’s go heyy uh I think that’s okay I guess that’s okay we’re going to keep moving it to the left to the left to the left actually no we can pull the

Bar I’m going to pull that far to the left I can’t remember I think this is uh pretty light in all regards so just keep going to the left this is this is the game this game people I’m a Wier I need more money May on anything this go H

Where you can do it let’s go we’re doing the baby on the on the right side they can do it all right let’s do it that Bart teni was actually really good oh nothing little girl I hope this goes let’s go bam there we go let’s see how it

Works we get a Bart teni again no we did we got a bar cross last time we got a bar cross F hey hey hey look at that like a champ like a pro more left yes we got to drop it to the left forgot about um forgot

About that bar cross didn’t too much so we we can do a bar 10 she to the left actually like let’s get you guys down oh down let’s get you down from the top angle try number three let’s just go don’t think about it too much Le let’s just go let’s go let’s

Go not more many Avail everywhere hey okay that’s it’s not moving it damn damage um we can move the top the head to the left I keep missing the bar missing the bar okay we’re going to move the head the head or maybe we reset after this one if it doesn’t work let’s Go bam let’s see maybe we got to move it do we have a bar we have another bar cross I keep doing bar crosses so bar crosses aren’t as good they don’t do much they see they don’t do much and uh that’s five already um I think we’re going to do a

Reset should we do a reset guys I’m not getting much going on here and I keep missing uh what do you guys think I should do front head yes front head yes I tried that I did a bar cross so that was my bad we’ll do one one more attempt

And if not we’re going to we’re going to reset okay all right don’t do a bar cross at least do a Bensi I did a Bart teni on the left you can see that pull it pull it hey no okay we’re going to do uh we’re going to do reset

Okay she’s wiping the the stuff too so maybe a stick her uh Shi means from the start look at that baby look at that baby that’s the Baby okay okay okay I like can you pull it to the left a little bit she’s like that’s where it is I’m like okay all right yeah that wasn’t it was in a really bad condition also it is rainy today so I testing out the the um I’m

Going to do a pull I’m going to do a straight up pull right in the middle let’s see how we go um you know what I don’t know I’m no filter today I’m just going for it I’m not thinking too much let’s just go hey hey hey

He see that was really good now I think we got to drop it uh let’s see I think the best thing is to drop it uh sideways yep um yeah I think going to drop it side I think that’s what I did last time I’m not sure I’m not sure anymore I’m

Going to push it to the right uh push the legs to the right let’s go I’m just going to try let’s give it a try something like that hey hey hey jjq in the house yo we got a bar cross hey BARC cross no good BARC cross not as

Effective but we’ll see not as a okay that’s not bad actually that’s not bad at all that’s not bad um now yo jjq what’s up hey buddy how you doing yep um let’s go let’s go we are going to uh it’s hard to see how are you smiling face

Smil hey what’s up head and left head and left so the thing is the the thing can’t go to the left anymore so we don’t have left left leting power but what we can do is we can straighten out and pull the box to the left maybe um we got to

Drop some edges now so yes you right head in to the left um that was not bad for two two tries I’m going to what I’m going to do is yeah I’m going to kick the box to the right again let’s let’s give it a

Try what’s I’m going to kick it to the right hey something like that let’s see oh [ __ ] I must have hit the top of the box real bad that didn’t do nothing that was a bad bad pull hey wait wait a minute wait a minute hey no ooh okay

Went I went too deep I went too deep uh but you can see how strong this arm is it’s crazy strong um yeah we do want the head to the left but we got to put in position first so that was right it just went too too

Deep cuz I’m in In Too Deep there we go that’s kind of where I was going we’re trying to kick that um that corner in there that’s it that’s the idea now we can sweep it to the left and things will start to drop drop it while it’s hot but

We really want to get it on its side that is actually the best best thing you can get it on its side that’ll be good so I’m going to Hanging yo they use mustard also for application is more limited while they use Nao on almost everything I’m going to do an

Interesting thing I’m going to try to flip it up to the top bar actually no I need to move it move it up to the top bar let’s see what that does if I can flip it to the top bar let me see we got two Corners that can drop if we put

It to the left maybe three will drop but I really want it on its side that’s the thing so I’m going to try to pick it up on its side let’s go I like are you sure about that yeah another great Leo quote do this and then this and then see what

Happens I uh do we got a Bari oh shoot want a bar cross this is not good it’s not good not good people uh that was bad I out of it I’m so out of it it’s okay we’re going to bring it back all right we’re going to bring it

In we’re going to get this dungeon uh dungeon H delicious in Dungeon we’re going to get her we’re going to get her um I can do this I can do this we put the head to the left then we can start twisting it or we

Want to flip it on that back part yeah just teasing it’s all good man it’s all good it’s all good bro it’s all good um wow that guy’s got like seven already nice

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