
day In The life Of A solo backpacker: refueling in Sapporo, Japan

episode 5: pitstop in Sapporo, Japan

Made it to the heart of Hokkaido, only to quickly realize I’m pretty inadequately prepared..hooray

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0:00 trying my darnest to do an intro
1:33 food 1
2:06 it begins
2:51 talking to the camera
3:35 onwards
4:12 what I hauled
4:39 embarrassing myself on the internet
4:59 embarrassing myself on the internet 2
5:34 food 2
5:45 raw eddie

Morning guys oh I hate this I hate this is so hard just do it just do it just do it good morning so I’m trying to explore the rest of hakaida while I’m up here in the north but it is so unbearably cold I did not obviously pack enough it’s like

What it’s like hold on okay today is actually a little bit warmer of a day but if you see the rest of the days they’re actually below 50 kind of kind of on the high that’s the high the lows go into like 38s 39s believe me it’s really cold

It is so cold here that uh uh and I’m going to be like going into other places of haido that I need clothes I need clothes I need mittens I need some gloves scarves maybe uh some hats definitely a thermal um yeah so the plan today is to kind of

The plan today is to kind of gear up kind of refuel refuel your myself refuel myself uh we’re going to go and gear up yeah so we’re going to start with uni glow and then we’ll go from there uh but food first we’re getting some food [Applause]

First that was exactly what I wanted that was so good that oh my God and it was like like like [ __ ] what was like it was like 10 bucks there is I think I found it ultra light down this exactly what I needed maybe I’ll get the vest version these colors are so

Bad uni didn’t have any mittens there’s no mittens or hats that fit me at Uni so we’re heading to Muji which I think is right I think it’s in this Building okay so little update the the Muji didn’t have any gloves cuz they they were out of season uh and I got made fun of a little bit for like being cold still but it is cold it’s cold for me and so yeah they didn’t have any

Gloves or mittens uh and the hat the beanie that I tried on I didn’t really like it so now I’m trying to just like prioritize looking for mittens or gloves cuz specifically at night I can really feel my fingers getting cold like like unbearably cold so oh hopefully we can

Find some gloves or mittens hopefully well they have Sumer gloves yes yes please SC Items So we got the thermal pants we got the mittens toothpaste and we got grapes but we got them all we got them all decided not to get a hat and I didn’t get a jacket either cuz I just didn’t like the one at uniel but other than that I just wear

All my layers every single day just like how I’ve been doing I’m only up here for like a week and a half so I can I can probably survive this has nothing to do with the Vlog but I just found out that madan’s coming to Japan he’s coming to Japan he’s coming

To Japan in in June in June I’ll I might still be here in June I don’t know uh but I can I can be here in June which a few minutes later continuing the Vlog though I need to hit the gym not the not

Not a gym gym I’m just going to like go outside and do some exercises like pull-ups and stuff I need do I need to exercise cuz I am so out of [Applause] Shape Okay so this is the second time my phone has died in aoro and I probably am going to have to ask another stranger where to go I God damn it oh that sucks

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