
Snow Monkey Park (Jigokudani Yaen Koen) Nagano • Japan van life trip e14

Snow Monkey Park (Jigokudani Yaen Koen) Nagano • Japan van life trip e14

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0:00 Intro
0:09 A short hike to get there
1:42 Snow Monkey Park
7:30 Our thoughts

Music: OTAKU BEETS (Aaron)

#Japan #vanlife #japantravel

We are going to the monkey Park there’s a white woman with her baby what we’re really different is what she’s saying what does it say says it was a picture of a monkey and then a picture of a white woman and a baby and said are we

Really different um yes sort of babies’s are cute and monkeys are scary Aron hates monkeys we’re going here cuz the kids wanted to go I’m more scared of them than hate them they’re a bit creepy I’ll film them from AF far but yeah they freak me out kids have

Never seen them actually saw like a whole gang of them evly spaced out on this field in the middle of rain anduku every other year pregnancy 180 days oh my God 10 babies in a lifetime it’s a lot of pregnancies has that little starfish today he’s pretty good he’s

Pretty happy he loves the trees and digging his skull into my colar bones when he’s looking up you guys excited to see some monkeys baby monkey baby monkey riding on a pig baby monkey little starfish oh he got a little thumb sticking out is that a finger oh

No he he climbs it out he’s it back down in the Sha kogan Foothills along the YuYu River lies Dugo kudani or hell’s Valley it’s under deep snow for a third of the year and its rugged surroundings and geothermal activity conjure up a similarity with Hades the surrounding

Forests and mountains are home to multiple troops of monkeys numbering in the hundreds the snow monkey Park was established in 1964 as a facility where wild Japanese Maks can be observed in an environment without fences or cages all the while providing others with a chance to learn about primate Behavior oh my God

She’s getting a picking mom’s coming back I haven’t finished getting your nits out so you can play with your sticks and I’m getting your nits out you’re in the mountain over there cuz then when he wakes up is he going to sleep the whole time over here maybe oh there’s one behind You step make me a tiny bit uncomfortable just going to step over here out of the Way Is a tiny one up there these ones actually seem wise if they know some stuff you Che like they could write some philosophy or something absolutely Cool you like them now that’s exactly what room does to me he’s feeding right now and he is just hanging on send that toade exactly how we fit to complain why when you carry me the park also aimed to keep the monkeys in the area away from their other great love pillaging the

Neighboring Farmland excuse me buddy uhoh I didn’t want to get this close I didn’t want to get this close I don’t want to get the nits on me I’m worried about scared of meat like I’m P you’re scared of monkeys I’m scared of meat oh there’s the

Pool there the camera the monkey talk update camera got know that guy has a most human face some of them have more human faces than the others not all monkeys are the same but a little bit of it it was like human EX R wasn’t it yeah it

Was like I wonder if I left the stove on did I pack my keys this troop of Japanese makak monkeys has been observed soaking in the hot springs of jigokudani since 1969 a quiet Ravine in the northern part of Nagano prefecture is home to one of the world’s most unique attractions jigo

Kodani yenen a snow monkey Park is one of the habitats of a population of Japanese Maks and visitors have the opportunity to view these elusive creatures up close during the winter months you can even see them soaking in the areas Hot Springs to keep warm staff of the park

Have fed the monkeys daily ever since its opening they live in the surrounding mountains but come down for the free meals the monkeys visit the park year round and can be seen soaking in the hot springs in Winter December to March is usually the best time to witness them

Bathing it doesn’t feel like a zoo yeah they all seem pretty content and they don’t look like mang like some do like they’re just wild it’s quite listen we’re going to hang out and wait for our little monkey to become awake awake so he can meet some monkeys do you think he’ll

Know that they’re monkeys yeah he’s a smart guy he liked the snow yesterday normally I just leave it and we could just go or whatever but I feel like he would like it yeah why do you think people like monkeys because they’re humanlike I think it fascinates them why

Is that a good thing well you see humanlike behavior in an animal that’s not a human okay that kind of yeah there’s something novelty about seeing a monkey do something like seeing that monkey breath be the baby later want to hang out with the other monkeys

Have a look at some monkey I think they want to meet you but they are scary they lucky you’re strapped in the mon what is it or D Master what is the what the heck is That got Nandes These guys are just like neighbors are making the noise again how much should we pay for this real estate and have to listen to this we the land would just vict them if you do and don’ts don’t feed them touch or threaten the monkeys don’t stare or look into their eyes as

This can be seen as a sign of aggression do give them space don’t get too close and whatever you do don’t join them in the Bath it’s almost cute Down That monkey Park was pretty dope actually what do you Reon rooms see some babies like you I thought it was quite Pleasant they were friendly but not friendly in the way like they weren’t coming up to you to touch you yeah they’re pretty indifferent to humans if you’re scared

Of them like me I think you’ll be okay yeah they kept I was a little bit less scared by the end it I had a it was a good experience non-traumatic experience they have little fights and stuff but they mostly don’t yeah they just scraping between them each other but

Don’t get in between the fights like some people did unless you want to get Savaged by they got those fighting teeth monkey yeah the babies are really cute they were so cute and the Mas their faces were intense Their Eyes Were intense I looked into one of their eyes

And it was it was intense yeah they’re very expressive ones felt like could teach me something about Zen that’s what I felt and I was waiting to listen but it was a silent sermon about the I do your I won’t say goodbye now cuz I’ll see you again

1 Comment

  1. Glad the monkeys were there for you guys. I think the last few people who had visited in videos I've watched recently didn't see any. Also glad no one was savaged by a monkey either! Thanks for sharing the video, looking forward to seeing your favorite place next! 😃

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