
Walking from Minami-Senju to ???, Tokyo! | JAPAN LIVE STREAMS 2023

Starting off in the Minami-Senju area and just walking randomly through the alleys and side streets of northern Tokyo.


  1. Cory I keep missing the Live streams hope you’re doing well thank you for the videos. Hitting the like button and I hope I can catch the next live stream.

  2. 懐かしい this is my old neighborhood. In that pink building there’s an amazing Chinese restaurant and down the street there’s a little mom and pop grocery store with a hot food counter with cheap meals. I love just keep walking and you get to Asakusa. There’s also a little park with a stream for kids to play in the closer you get. It always feels like home. There are homeless but they’re not like bums in America. They’re usually nice old guys that just got too old to work or ran into money problems and their family left them. I miss it so much

  3. The red building you turned to look at the homeless place and then walked by was hotel new koyo which was the first place I stayed in Tokyo 😭 it closed right before the pandemic

  4. I have unusual feet too (form, not size) and after a lognsearch found new ones, too. Also Sketchers! I have never heard of them before though. But walking is a lot easier than with my old, worn out soles and shoes.

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