
Shimogamo Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan | Beautiful Forest and Autumn Leaves [4K]

In this video, we will visit “Shimogamo Jinja Shrine” in Kyoto, Japan. Shimogamo Jinja Shrine is one of the UNESCO World Heritage shrines in Kyoto. The forested approach is very beautiful(Tadasu-no-Mori Forest), and you can also enjoy autumn foliage in the fall. Please enjoy a stroll through the historic and sacred grounds.

[The spots visited this time(Maps)]
下鴨神社(Shimogamo Jinja Shrine)

糺の森(Tadasu-no-Mori Forest)


(There are no mid-video ads in this video.)

#kyoto #japan #京都 #walkingtour


  1. 樹木が多いせいか如何にも空気が美味しそうな場所ですね。『みたらし団子』もこの神社発祥の食べ物だそうですね。

  2. お気軽にご意見,ご質問などをコメントください!
    Please feel free to comment with your opinions and questions!

    We will respond within 24 hours.

  3. Shimogamo, Kamogamo, Kitano Tenmangu and Jonangu temples are the temples I want to visit on my next trip. One thing I also wanted to do is take a photo right beneath the Otorii of Heian shrine. I'd like to ask you, can a taxi drop me off closer to Shimogamo Shrine? Otherwise, I have to skip Shimogamo😅 shrine because I can't walk all the way from the Demachiyanagi station. Winter is coming, please take care of your health. I still watch your videos every day, but the comments will be less just simly because I don't know many beautiful places in the city that only locals know. And we can't talk about something we don't know well, right?😊 Thank you for your hard work!

  4. 下鴨神社の側にある担々麺屋さんが大好きで、河原町駅から1時間歩いて行ってます


  5. 大学のある烏丸今出川から下宿までのちょうど真ん中あたりに下賀茂神社がありました。糺の森の中にあるベンチで青空を背景に赤色・黄色・オレンジ色・緑色のコントラストの中で30分くらいうたた寝をしていたことを懐かしく思い出しました。40年前の話です。

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