
Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo w/ Pandas

Jennifer and I are visiting Ueno Zoo for a quick visit. Will we see the pandas? Only time will tell. I really want to see the Okapi, a cross between a horse and a zebra! — oh, and see Jennifer too, but she’s not a zoo resident so we’ll walk around together.

Where is Ueno Zoo?
(Open until 5pm, last entry at 4pm) ¥600 ticket (adult)

Check out Jennifer’s channel:


  1. What did the Ueno Park tiger say after it ate Jennifer? Ah, that tastes funny!.

  2. I really hate zoos for keeping animals, but this was soo funny to watch! I love watching you and Jennifer! You guys are really funny together! Its kinda hilarious how she wants to save the Pandas, avoid the Lions Tigers and Bears (Oh My! 😅), ride the Okapi, and eat the rest! This was great fun!

  3. Thanks for sharing a nice stroll through the park. The larger animals (tiger, polar bear, black bear) were bored or didn't have enough space, so they were pacing or going around in circles which made me sad. ☹️ I get that zoos are educational but animals should have adequate space, stimulation, and companionship. 🐯🐻🐼

  4. Thank you rob! I love John’s vids butt i dislike some of his vid’s.. the one with the bears (about year a go) i had troubles with as well. I know a lot of people feel the Same way you can see it in likes of video..i hope John Will see and understand this.. he is great guy with great Chanel i hope he can open his mind to try and see (sorry i’m Dutch my enlish not perfect)

  5. Love your channel John but I am in love with Jennifer French so sexy <3 hehe Je suis en amour hehe come to Quebec 🙂

  6. Hello John hope this finds you well. John I think you treated Jenifer a little rude during this live stream, But you would know better.

  7. John, you are losing the vibe you used to have with Jennifer. You might want to reconsider the timeline of sharing the news. In the end, character is essential for each YouTuber. Just my opinion.

  8. Cool video. Jennifer can't buy her own panda? No woundered she likes hanging around you always asking you for food and stuff like a girlfriend would lol

  9. Adults? Are you sure? You two were fighting over a ticket picture of a panda ^_^;;

    There are no Tigers in Africa >_< Lions are are from Africa.

  10. Jennifer is correct. cash back. this viewing should never charge; much less hike the price up. no attraction and seem to rob you of your money. Maybe it was the wrong time (too late?), but still. come onn!

  11. When I was a kid I thought zoos were so cool. Now that I am older, I hate zoos. Majority of them around the world should be slowly abolish in my opinion. Anyway thanks for great videos John and Jennifer 💕

  12. I understand you want to show good content. But I hope one day you realize zoos are horrible place for animals. Animals deserve freedom!

  13. I think she's right John, the inside's climate and temperatures are controlled to fit some animals because the outside climate and temps, at certain times, aren't good for them

  14. I remember when I first got here.waiting to watch the panda for 30min,you only got to watch the panda for 30secs,its really frustrating for me because im tired as hell lol

  15. That was a lion's call. Not unusual in the evening. It's a call so other lions in the area know this is his territory.

  16. Is it difficult to just rock up and see the pandas? That's the only reason we are going! Unfortunately it'll be the weekend.

  17. He should have offered to carry her bottle of wine for her, I would've I bet thats too heavy and painful on her shoulder. I know John also had to carry a video recorder, which is also a drag, but still, find a way , dude. Love your channel btw.

  18. Love this Video, Funny and really enjoyed the tour. Loved the movie The Last Samara. Sad ending because it happened in real life. Thanks again John

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