
Autumn Leaves at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, Japan | Vibrant Fall Colors Landscape [4K]

In this video, we will be visiting “Kiyomizu-dera” in Kyoto, Japan. As autumn deepens, the foliage at Kiyomizu-dera takes on a beautiful hue. The scenery created by the historic World Heritage temple buildings and the autumn leaves is truly breathtaking. Walking through the precincts allows you to enjoy wonderful views from various angles. Please enjoy a stroll through Kiyomizu-dera in autumn in the video.

[The spots visited this time(Maps)]
清水寺(Kiyomizu-dera Temple)


(There are no mid-video ads in this video.)

#kyoto #japan #京都 #walkingtour


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  2. 清水の舞台から見える紅葉、東福寺通天橋から見える紅葉、北野天満宮もみじ苑紅い橋のバックに咲き誇る紅葉、永観堂池の廻り見える紅葉、高台寺ライトアップ池に写り込む紅葉、天龍寺借景を取り入れて庭園紅葉、祇園白川花街に彩る紅葉、真如堂苔の庭に散り紅葉、嵐山、山に葉心奏でる紅葉、京都どこで観てもそれぞれ光景が違う素晴らしさ、京都におこしやす😊

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