
Driver’s Eyes #1 – Akashi Kaikyō Bridge / cinematic 4K / SONY MTC (β)

This video was captured while driving towards Awaji Island from Honshu, showcasing the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge.

The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, also known as the Pearl Bridge, is a remarkable engineering feat spanning the Akashi Strait in Japan. Completed in 1998, it holds the title of the world’s longest central span of any suspension bridge, measuring an impressive 1,991 meters. Connecting the city of Kobe to Awaji Island, the bridge plays a crucial role in regional transportation, offering breathtaking views of the Seto Inland Sea and the surrounding landscape. With its elegant design and significant structural achievements, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge stands as a symbol of Japan’s engineering prowess and technological innovation.

I used the MTC (Master Cut(β)) from SONY for the first time for image stabilization.

Equipment used : SONY α7Ⅳ (4K UHD)

#japan #tourist #drive

1 Comment

  1. この向きは須磨方面に向かってる感じですかね^^ 1年前に通ったのでなんとなくそんな記憶がよみがえりました^ー^

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