
First Time in CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 🇮🇳 (Speaking only TAMIL for 24 hours)

Welcome to CHENNAI! 🇮🇳 We actually attempted to speak only Tamil to locals but as you’ll see, it didn’t work out that way! It’s honestly so difficult to remember and to get the pronunciation right, however all that we can do is try….

#chennai #india


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  1. your video title is misleading, you said only Tamil, but it was only around three. Its okay. youre doing really good. just name it approp. Good luck mate.

  2. you putting effort to speak in tamil and people putting effort to speak in english its good to see and it was funny aswell😍😍

  3. In Chennai, we don't use words like vanakkam and nandri. We use words like hello and thanks.
    The coffee powder can be used only for making filter coffee. It is not an instant coffee.
    Here in India, we always have coffee and tea mixed with milk and sugar.

  4. It's good that u guys are bargaining but it's not good that u always bargain, some people will never charge more, Sometimes the rate is the same and you have to pay the same

  5. You guys have to eat actual Thamizh food. NEVER eat these thamizh fused with european fast foods. If you come to Thamizh Naadu, first thing you should do is go to the nearest Thamizh aggriculture village where everywhere is greenery with trees and crops. There you say politely to one of the Thamizh village homes to cook for you Fresh Thamizh banana leaf full meal food. You will then realize how clean, fresh and tasty Thamizh food really is.

  6. You need to have a hat or cup for the man and scary for the lady. So you can get safety from heat. Umbrella is also a good option.. ❤

  7. Chennai's weather is brutal – not just hot but also very sultry. I found Chennai to be the most difficult metro city to tour in India. The government needs to install public spray coolers and retail stores need to have much more air conditioning.

  8. Why you don't want to go inside the tamilnadu … Like a small town or village I'm expecting like a videos
    Maximum vloggers they cover only the city not a village your people go to cover the village also second point of viewers also supporting the channel
    Thank you ❤

  9. U British brothers should not have left us…
    We Tamils are getting man handled by the North Indians😂

  10. Murukku Sandwich is like WTF moments, I dont think people eat murukku like that. Murukku is a savoury which is gluten frree. We eat it with high tea or high coffeee like eating tea buscuits with tea. This is some north indian guys trying to survive in chennai. We make murukku at home during festivals.

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