
Trying 10 Convenience Food at LAWSON

Trying 10 Instant Food from Lawson in Japan

1. Pizza Bun
2. Peach Frozen Party
3. Grilled Salmon Onigiri
4. Assorted Sandwiches
5. Fried Chicken Nuggets
6. Potato Salad w Spicy Cod Roe
7. Spicy Grilled Dried Squid soy sauce taste
8. French Fried Potato-flavored Smiley Snacks
9. Morioka Cold Noodles
10. Coffee Jelly


  1. The pigeons getting closer and closer w every bite you made 😂😂😂❤ I hope you shared something with them! Haha

  2. Lawsons fried chicken definitely trumps 711 and Family mart for me but they're all good because of their vast variety of goodies. Another great video

  3. Those pigeons were there for the sandwiches… like they know all the tasty bits are in the center and people throw the rest of the bread to then

  4. I had the triumvirate of combini stores close by my hotel in Tokyo and all were good for different reasons, I found. Talk about getting great stuff cheap, eh? We could take a tip from Japan here in the US, IMO, in regards to such things.

  5. @DancingBacons Please, Can you add maybe 5 more seconds to the end of your videos? Or a reminder to like? I keep forgetting to like the video 😫 You're my fav YouTuber and I want to support. I always go back and like anyway 🤗 a reminder or an extra few seconds. Thank you!

  6. Thats what i love about Japan, you get what you see on the packaging. Here in America were always disappointed when we see the actual food as opposed to whats on the package.

  7. Please stop letting us hear you eat…. I love your videos, but the nasty mouth sounds are going to run both me and my wife as far away as possible. This is the second video with loud slurping and chewing, and if there's another we'll have to unsubscribe. If that is a direction you want to go we'll understand, and we'll miss you.

  8. I've followed you for a while now, and I admit I haven't watched your videos lately as I haven't been on YouTube much the last year. I noticed that your hands are significantly more shaky as they were a year ago. I'm not assuming anything, maybe you are cold. If it's anxiety or a physical health issue i hope you are getting the help you ask for. Thank you for continuing to take the time to make these videos. They are interesting and relaxing and I like to watch them to calm my anxiety and to wind down for bed. I wish you health, peace and joy. Thank you again for providing enjoyable videos.

  9. I remember I have a warm memory about the taste of lawson fried chicken nugget. I was 8 years old back then, I’m not from Japan and I was always at the hospital for my whole stay in Japan (which means I never even went to Japanese convenience store). One time someone brought me lawson fried chicken nugget and I remember I love it so so so much since the very first bite, too much that I have their packaging beautifully engraved in my mind up until now😂 That’s why when I saw Karaagekun on your thumbnail I immediately clicked it as if I’m meeting someone I haven’t seen for a very long time (indeed, it’s been 13 years since I left Japan). Karaagekun is indeed really tasty, although I like the red one better😆Thank you so much for this content! I love the way your content brings back memories. Hope there will be a chance for me to go to Japan again soon and try many Japanese convenience store food especially that Karaagekun❤️

  10. Imagen how many E numbers ingredients are inside
    this chemical stuff
    to keep it stored for ever and to be Microwave proved💀💀💀💀

  11. I wish there was a place to get onigiri where I live. Man, it makes a good lunch. When I was in Japan I would get 2 or 3 onigiri and a bottle of green tea for lunch – it hit the spot!

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