
Beautiful Japanese Twins Make Takoyaki in Nagoya! Super Popular Shop!

This super popular takoyaki stand is run by twin sisters in Nagoya. They are famous for their delicious takoyaki! Have you tried it before?

🏠 Restaurant Name: Shikizakura
📍Location on Google Maps:
📷Instagram @shiki_zakura

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0:00 Intro
0:30 Take-away food stall
1:36 Tools for making dough
3:00 Launching the whisk!
3:30 Making Takoyaki on mass!
4:43 Beautiful handiwork
5:47 Saki-san arrives!
6:16 Sharing a boyfriend?!
6:43 Takoyaki from above
7:34 Kana-san talks about her shop
8:30 Fluffy egg Omelet Soba!
10:18 Double shift as mother and running a stall
10:50 Would you like some fried squid?
11:47 Limited bag!
12:19 The fun of working with your twin sister!
12:31 Digging in!

#takoyaki #japanesefood #japanesegirl


  1. i was wondering why they'd open the stall again considering they have a store, no wonder. love their passion for takoyaki!

  2. Everything looked delicious. I actually found it very therapeutic watching them cook together as they are so calm and relaxed with each other.

  3. Anything round and golden brown is gonna be tasty. But. This not deep fried. Kinda sneaky how she make em. They look really really good. I'm starting to wonder if living in a low population area is worth foregoing food options. Bitterballen looks like takoyaki and it has gouda cheese in it and sometimes lobster. It pretty good, too.

  4. I wonder how hungry you must have gotten whilst watching these wonderful lady's cooking. Oh the smells of these food must have been so delicous!

    I keep making the cardinal sin before watching videos like this. Eat before hand 😂

  5. Since my first trip to Japan when i was a kid i have known that Japanese women would make the perfect wife. They are mosest and reserved, but still very beautiful and sweet. A japanese woman who knows how to cook and wants a family is the ultimate wife. Western women would rather dress as close to naked as possible and go party and cheat as opposed to starting a family now a days.

  6. Their "automatic whisking machine" is just a drill, seems like the cleanliness of the Japanese is being over praised. 😂

  7. I don't think they clean things like that.Both takoyaki and magella are very dirty.

  8. Japanese culture is way different than American culture don't just boil it down to sex .for within history the reason exists and it usually did not take into a account of their choices or hearts. Just saying their is more to life than just making babies like making a family sticking around to raise them ya turd 🃏 yes I know you and the kid your not really raising gumble player

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