
Tokunaga Koinobori in Okayama, Japan 徳永鯉のぼり

Check out Q2 Japan’s latest video on Tokunaga Koinobori, located in Wake town of Okayama prefecture. The owner explains the meaning of Koinobori, as well as the extensive production process.


Internationally Me’s channel:


  1. Thanks for another great video about local craft makers! I'd love a traditional (streaming) koinobori.

  2. They’re so pretty 🙂 I want to buy one just to decorate the place 😂

  3. I am a new subscriber I am from North Eastern Pennsylvania my name is Judy I heard about your channel thru (Where I am from) he has your channel on his for us to go to . I so much enjoyed your video & look forward to many more plus catching up on the ones I missed I love the flying streaming koinobori.Thank you for sharing the history have a great week ( Judy )

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