
Izumo Taisha (top of the shrine in Japan )

Hello 👋 Everyone 😋❤️
Thank you for watching.





  1. Thank you again, Haruna! Japanese architecture is very beautiful 🤩 I really like the Shimenawa!!! Please show me the kanji for this word 🙏🏻



  2. Hey Haruna, thank you for the visit. It s good to discover traditions from Japan. I ve Enjoy the explanation of the way to pray in this big temple.
    And Izumo so à looks so good.
    In a good Haruna s video there is always a delicious lunch.
    Good work Haruna San 👍
    See you on the next video 😉💖

  3. 出雲大社に絶対に行ってみたいです!とても綺麗なんですよね。日本の文化と神話的な歴史が感じられるそうと思います。


  4. Wow, thanks for sharing such interesting info on Izumo Taisha! I've not seen any videos on this shrine before, and it looks amazing. The history and importance of the shrine are very fascinating as well, it helps us understand a bit more about religious views in Japan. The soba noodles looked great as well, thanks for the info on how to enjoy them properly too!

  5. oh, interesting, there were some details that I didn't remember anymore, thanks 🙂
    But you know, i was waiting only for the eating time XD (joking)
    is it my impression or did you put more effort into telling us about the soba than the temple? haha :p So much effort that you even make a mistake haha cute 🙂
    By the way it's really interesting to see how certain dishes or certain sets are eaten. I have found myself several times not knowing what to do or how to start. Now I know how to eat Izumo soba, thank you very much, please make more videos! 😀
    See you again 👋

  6. Thanks for another informative and interesting video😁 I’ll definitely go here when I go to Japan and I’ll walk to the left or right and show my respect⛩

  7. Izumo taisha shrine was built as first shrine in Japan. After Izumo shrine, another shrine had been increasing gradually. Now 83,000 shrines exist in all over Japan.
    Shinto had existed in Jomon era since BC 5000s.

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