
Tochoji: Japan’s Largest Wooden Buddha | Shofukuji: Oldest Zen Temple & Tea Origins | Hakata Fukuoka

Tochoji, located in Hakata, is a Buddhist temple. The temple was founded in 806. It’s Japan’s oldest temple founded by Kukai, a Japanese Buddhist monk. Tochoji houses the largest wooden seated statue in Japan, which is 10.8 meters high and weighs 30 tons, and it was completed in 1992.

Shofukuji is the oldest Zen temple in Japan, established in 1195. Yosai (Eisai), the founder of this temple, studied Zen Buddhism in China.
He also brought tea seeds from China, cultivated tea trees, and introduced tea-drinking methods. The temple is known as the birthplace of tea cultivation in Japan.

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▼Tochoji Temple

▼Shofukuji Temple


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