
Osaka Railroad-side Chinese Restaurant Authentic Fried Rice!

This Chinese restaurant is located right next to the railroad tracks in Osaka Japan. They make delicious wok fried authentic fried rice and a ton of other delicious Chinese dishes that will make your mouth water!

🏠 Minsei
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0:00 イントロ | Introduction
0:21 線路の隣にある町中華 | Chinese Restaurant Along Railroads
0:47 両親から受け継いだお店 | Restaurant Inherited From Parents
1:39 大学生21歳の娘さんもお手伝い | 21-Year-Old Daughter Helping Out
2:06 夫婦で春巻き作り | Couple Making Spring Rolls
3:16 待ちに待ったオープン | Long-awaited Open
3:41 看板メニュー 炒飯 | Recommended Dish: Fried Rice
5:06 大将 家族・奥様への想い | The Owner’s Thoughts Towards His Family and Wife
5:26 絶品イカ天! | The Best Squid Tempura
7:23 2歳からお手伝いをしている娘さん | Daughter Helping in Restaurant Since 2 Years Old
8:23 昔ながらの春巻き! | Old-style Spring Rolls

#炒飯 #中華 #町中華


  1. I want to go there, I want to eat ChaHan, I want to have a pleasant English conversation with the daughter!

  2. As I watch the video I thought of どですかでん (movie). Well made food for loyal followers. Thank you enjoyed.

  3. This is quite an authentic Cantonese restaurant. The owner has a Chinese accent when speaking Japanese and he makes his own wrappers for spring rolls (which is very rare). Those and the fried squid, in particular, look absolutely delicious. I definitely would like to visit the next time that I'm in Japan.

  4. 子どもの頃からいつも京阪電車から見えてて、今も営業されてる意味がわかりました😢いつも、行ってみたいと思いながら駅前でもないので、行ってみたいと思っていたので、今回の取材は有難いです!

  5. ここは元々餃子が有名なんやけど俺は焼きメシもいまいちでしたね〜3回行って色々食べましたが今は行きません。家が近いんですけどね!

  6. 料理への情熱と謙虚さを併せ持つ素敵なご主人で大ファンです‼️

  7. they are making the spring roll skin by themself without buying instant market ones …it so incredible ….a good place worth eating definately

  8. Please take your mask off. Dogs not wearing mask, Trees now wearing mask, Spiders not wearing mask, Fish not wearing mask, Cow not wearing mask, Eagle not wearing mask. ONLY HUMAN wearing MASK as they ARE DICTATED. Take mask off. TAKE OFF NOW. Humans breath same air as a FLOWER, same air as wild life. NO MASK is NEEDED. Freedom, knowledge is what is needed. NOT wearing a mask. HUMAN needs to breath the air….not filtrate it with some bullshEEEt toilet paper mask. TAKE YOUR MFKER MASKS OFF YOU BLIND MOFOS!

  9. 無類の春巻き好きワイ、今度大阪に帰ったら絶対行くと決心する( ˇωˇ )

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