
Why You Should Cycle Around Hokkaido – Japan Bike Trip #1

****Part two seems to have been removed from Youtube – Here’s a Vimeo link for it.****

I take a ferry to Hokkaido and spend three weeks cycling around it.
I visit national parks, search for bears, climb mountains, and enjoy the beautiful scenery (when I’m not stuck in clouds).

This is the first video from my Japan bike trip.

In summer 2017, I finished my job and set off to cycle Japan from north to south. Cape Soya to Cape Sata.
Although I’ve travelled to many places in Japan, this Hokkaido bike trip was my favourite!

The National Parks I visited were:
– Rishiri Rebun Sarobetsu National Park
– Shiretoko National Park
– Akan National Park
– Daisetsuzan National Park

Subscribe to see the rest of my Japan bike trip.


Route (This video): Tottori to Maizuru. Ferry to Otaru. Loop of Hokkaido.

Japan bike trip route (in full):

Artist: Lemolo
Song: Open Air

Alo Japan.