
This has RUINED Kyoto – Think Twice Before Coming 🇯🇵

Today we explore all of Kyoto, Japan. We explore everything from the parks in Kyoto, the Gion district, the main city of Kyoto and much more. However, there is one thing that has absolutely ruined Kyoto, and it’s sad to see. We try to find some cherry blossoms, were we successful?

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Kyoto Japan Travel Vlog

#Japan #Kyoto #Japantravel #Kyototravel #Kyotocherryblossom

so good morning everyone from a beautiful 
day here in Kyoto Japan today we’re going  
to explore all of Kyoto and what it has to 
offer our first stop is the Fushimi Shrine  
um we’ve heard mixed reviews about this it’s 
currently about 7:00 in the morning so it’s  
very early um and then after that we’re going to 
explore all of the gon area the gisha district  
that kind of stuff look for some cherry blossoms 
because it is chry blossom season I’m not sure  
if we’re going to see much but hopefully we do 
and then in Tokyo so we’re Hing we get lucky  
here yeah as it is a bit later in yes the 
month of March so we are like towards the  
end of March it’s 26th 27th March 27th 27th of 
March so it is like Cherry bsom time hopefully  
you get to see some but yeah first upop is 
the fish Shrine let’s go see what that’s
like so then we’re now at the Inari Shrine 
Fushimi Inari Shrine um and it’s bus  
already not entirely sure where 
to go here a bit cold is it sun’s  
coming out there which is nice oh 
massive like oh yeah this is weird
floor we’re there just got to go right up there 
that huge it does isn’t it it’s massive here I  
do believe it is free as well which is nice come 
you never know when a good time to come here is  
because obviously you get you kind of get to 
by social media to come in the morning yeah  
so that you kind of beat the crowds but with 
everyone telling you to do that it encourages  
more crowds so you never really know what a 
good time is no and there are already a lot  
of crowds it’s only half 7 a.m. so straight 
for the um like Shrine bits the shrine yeah  
like the famous bits these aren you open yet I 
know it’s mental that’s crazy you come at like  
4:00 a.m. yeah maybe might dark but probably 
best to do that really yeah let’s go to have a  
look what this looks like then let’s see then how 
bad it is look at all these people already that’s
crazy there’s [ __ ] no
chance right then so we’re in a queue basically 
up here you can either go right or you can go  
left and left looks like a photo opportunity so 
we’ve got a bit of a queue here um and everyone  
else is kind of going there so the queue on 
the left is to go to left hand side and get  
a photo where there’s no one in the background 
is quite dark there though um so I’m not sure  
how well the photos turn out but I mean it’s an 
opportunity to get a photo of no one there which  
is perfect actually it’s quite a good way of 
doing things because everyone else can kind of  
walk up there and then you can go to the left and 
get a photo where no one else is so yeah I mean  
it’s good they do that I’m not sure if it’s 
official that they do that but this is what  
people do here so I think it works perfectly 
really but then it just makes social media a  
bit of a lie when people are like Oh Come here do 
this at this time and it’s well you can actually  
come whenever yeah this is truth yeah really so 
we came here for 700 um and it’s [ __ ] goody  
at 7 so uh yeah I mean yeah these photos as Beth 
said do kind of tell a bit of a lie because it’s  
not actually like this or I don’t even know what 
I’m talking about anymore I’m completely waing
tired so if you come here just be prepared for 
crowds because even at 7:00 a.m. it’s like manic  
isn’t it all right I honestly the patience is 
wearing thin thin cuz it’s all just like different  
people and different everyone has different limits 
of like how polite they are yeah so if you’re CU  
if there’s like a fat Cube for to get a picture 
of people just cut in that queue and then they  
don’t care cuz they’re like I’m not for a photo 
which they have every right to do I guess but yeah
yeah still thank
you but this is what it looks like so it’s  
pretty cool I mean it’s amazing 
it’s nice isn’t it it is pretty
good so we’re now I’m going to leave the fimi 
shrine um I’m not entirely sure which way we go I  
mean it is really really nice but it’s completely 
outrun by tourists here and like everyone’s trying  
to get the photo I mean we Tred to get the photo 
as well so we kind of we are part of the problem  
um but that still doesn’t take away from the fact 
that like the experience is definitely ruined by  
people trying to get the right photo um it’s cool 
it’s really nice to see but just be prepared for  
crowds and a lot of people rude people people 
pushing in and and you don’t actually need to  
queue like there are kind of like man-made cues 
of people trying to get photos but if you just  
walk straight through you do get lucky with a 
break yeah you do yeah in like obviously that’s  
not what the shrine is here for no you need to 
appreciate the shrine yeah but obviously with  
social media it’s like the known thing that you 
come to Japan it’s pretty much like the you know  
the one place to get a photo is this place it is 
like the main place and it’s really Co it’s so  
pretty yeah it’s beautiful um so definitely come 
here if you can do that but just be prepared for  
the crowds because there’s a lot of them um now 
we’re going to go get coffee and then we’re going  
to head to the guon district um where all the 
gishes are and all that kind of exciting stuff  
it’s a good day today so hopefully we see a lot 
of uh tra Blossom as I said that there a tra BL  
just over there taging out it’s quite nice um and 
yeah yeah we’re yet to oh yeah yeah so should be  
good should be a good day um let’s go and get some 
coffee yeah so then coffee time of course we’re  
going for the Starbucks cuz we love Starbucks 
and they’re really nice here oh is that a c  
H there is a lot of Starbucks here but you’re 
right and they’re all like really nicely done  
mod that smell incredible what we going for 
then really nice like Zoo Yuzu Citrus and
tea so I’ve gone for a white chocolate mocka 
which is really nice really sweet a bit too  
sweet actually to be honest um a Beth has gone 
four an alond milk latte got then they give you  
these cute little stickers it’s weird here it’s 
not weird but like it’s quite cool you basically  
get these stickers and then you have to hand in 
a receipt that says you have almond milk to the  
Barista I don’t know why it’s process we’ve 
never done before yeah at least it’s so then  
we’re going to drink these up take our time 
because it’s still only half n um which is  
really early actually so we’ve got the whole 
day ahead of us uh we take a Time drink these  
up and then we’ll head out and explore the gon 
area after this which should be good because  
the weather’s holding out and it should hopefully 
get Sunny later as well which is a a good sign so
yeah so then we’re now in the heart of the gon 
District we’re outside of a shrine of some sort  
I’m not entirely sure what the name is but we’re 
going to go on the hunt for some cherry blossoms  
I can’t see too many here at the moment there’s a 
couple down there so we’ll have a water down there  
shortly you got loads the gishes here everyone’s 
dressed in kimonos I don’t know if they’re like  
proper if it’s just for show yeah I’m not sure 
they getting their photos taken so I don’t know  
if it’s like a thing that you can pay to do or 
if it’s like they’re here to get it I don’t know  
I’m not sure like behind me there’s some more 
um so yeah we can’t tell if they’re tourists  
dressing up or whether they’re actually native 
uh Japanese people so no you can literally see  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 at least at least nine or 10 
at least 10 different kind of couples 11 couples  
getting pictures dressed in kimonos yeah so 
we’re going to have an explore around this  
area um and then try and find some cherry bosson 
but at the moment looking too good is it there’s
not so it’s absolutely full of people getting 
professional photos and in that kind of gisha  
Weare um and now as you can see here we are 
a little bit too early for the cherry blossom  
um they’re kind of just about sprouting now so I 
really hope we see some in aaka otherwise I’ll be  
got is so the date today is 27th yeah the 27th so 
like they should be out now like early late March  
early April but as you can see they’re just about 
blooming so we are like maybe a week too early  
uh we do have the next 10 days here we are in 
Osaka after this so we can come back here and  
we probably will come back here at this um 
but oh my God look at that like and carriage  
not horses oh my God never seen these before 
ever are they like tours like walking tours  
of the you can pay for walking tours of the um 
city that’s sick that is cool isn’t it oh my  
God I can’t if it looks like hard work or but 
you can’t walk anywhere on the street without  
getting someone’s photo um to be honest so down 
here as well at night they well they eluminate  
what would be the cherry blossom trees yeah so 
it’s a lot busier at night there’s a lot more  
going on uhuh and it seems that like these kind 
of guys getting photos pick the best spots where  
the cherry blossom trees are um which is cool but 
like all the architecture and stuff here is really  
nice it’s really really nice area um it’s clean 
everywhere in Japan it’s clean so on our way to  
the there’s a park where you can see cherry 
blossoms we just walked past these like big  
mchi balls and I feel like we should try some of 
this whilst we’re here um I kind of want to try  
one of those big ones I feel like the big ones are 
basically small on I know the small ones I think  
might just be the outside have in them so these 
like a big gu MCH balls and I want to give one of  
these a try only 180 Yen so they’re not bad out 
there let’s queue up I want to see what play for  
these ones though going to give it a go whilst 
we’re in Japan umz it’s not yet lunch time and  
I’m a little bit peckish so give some traditional 
Japanese mchi a try uh I guess it’s like matcha  
flavored but I’m not entirely sure to be honest 
yeah that one looks like powdered matcha yeah it
does they’ve gotur want to know what this one is  
everyone keeps buying this one hello 
can I have one of uh please these ones
please yes just one please okay this thank
you okay then so we’ve gone for this one which 
is a match of powder one um it looks quite nice  
doesn’t it it does look really nice so we’re 
over here so in Japan uh there’s a rule where  
you’re not supposed to really walk and 
eat so we’ll find a spot here she knows
give so then look at that that 
looks lovely do you want to do  
the honors no you can okay we’ll do 
the honors all right it feels really
good M how’s that is it matchy mhm very oh 
I can’t wait I love the texture of these  
yeah I mean I’m not a huge fan of matcha 
but it’s really nice though so and while  
you’re in Japan you have to try the matcha bit 
dirty it is so I think I feel like mattr just  
tastes a bit like dirt to be honest if I’m 
completely honest but how do you think it
tastes bit like grass yeah H it’s okay though nice 
it’s obviously really popular here like Japanese  
people love their matcha um so I can’t disrespect 
it too much but it’s just not really my kind of  
flavor of choice to be honest I do love like a 
green tea match up yeah it’s nice though yeah  
that is really cool and for the sake of 180 
Yen Which is less than a pound that probably  
about what 90 P it’s really good I’m enjoying it 
so um but yeah we try the on that the the other  
guys would buy I they’re like soybean flavor 
yeah we’re trying to get some loads of these  
treats on as a they goes by we’re going to where 
are we going to now marama park and why they also  
have a yasaka shrine there and there should 
be cherry blossoms at this park I they should  
be if they’ve bloomed really hoping that we see 
some yeah it’s one of the most popular um parks  
to go to here in the gon district and hopefully 
there’s tra bons there so about 10 minute walk yes  
about just under that so yeah hopefully it’s all 
right right that is the area we’re going to I can  
see a big gate I can see some Market stores in 
there so hopefully there might be some stuff to  
buy some food to try um have like a market store 
in the park which we didn’t expect we just thought  
it was going to be like a big Green Park um we 
had it in um yeno Park as wellet yeah so hopefully  
there’s a fun little market we can explore 
whilst we’re here it’s a good surise isn’t it  
just there can’t see too many tourists there 
just yet so hopefully it’s a good sign I bet  
they’ll sell like the chocolate covered bananas 
hopefully and the candied sweet the candied  
strawberries yeah let’s go there let’s get in 
let’s get involved let’s get stuck in let’s go  
eat we are arriving and I believe we have to 
bow show respect and then we are arriving in  
here it smells good there’s food left and right 
oh really good now I’m not entirely sure which  
way to go o there’s too much going on there’s 
a lot going on oh I hear so much about these  
octopus bow they have like fried octopus Takaki 
Tak T takoyaki my pronunciation is so bad so I  
don’t know about that one there there’s a lot 
of food here dumplings stop it oh that smells  
nice I don’t know what that is but it smells 
good H which way should we go that way or that
way should go for a frozen one H could do 
might take you longer to eat it if it’s  
frozen hi hello I just don’t know how easy 
that’d be to bite if it’s a frozen banana  
would it like hurt my teeth yeah be all right 
you think yeah I prefer it to like a warm one  
yeah hey can I get one Frozen please yes oh 
those ones there which one should I go for oh  
that looks Frozen or that one M or that one 
oh one down right I don’t know how it doesn’t  
matter I mean it’s freezing is it cold is it well 
not this but like it is cold outside it is quite  
cold outside so it probably stays freezing 
oh my God it’s going to break my teeth is in
there how is it m is it nice 
really is it proper Frozen  
it’s so good is it it’s 
better than I thought it would
taste it’s not that difficult rock hard right 
mine wasn’t got in the middle bit it’s cuz you  
had that yeah that’s right actually wouldn’t 
be my treat of choice to be honest hard give  
you that break my teeth cuz um I bit the bit 
with the stick in the middle hence why it’s  
it’s bit more Frozen in the middle yeah um 
it’s nice but would I buy it again no would  
you would you like it really yeah I’d buy more 
of them no I’m not about four these I bet you
could where we go now um yeah I’m not a fan 
of that actually really can SP it on your  
teeth you got chocolate everywhere goodbye 
doesn’t do it for me no you’re fine so just  
walking up here and thinking what on Earth is 
drawing the crowds I can see a half blossoms  
secure cherry blossom tree here um it’s nowhere 
near full blossom yet if anything it’s like  
barely in His Ho but already it’s drawing a 
lot of crowds a lot of people um Ian you can  
barely even see it to be honest I’m not even 
sure picking up a camera but yeah so annoying  
because I think we’re just a little bit too early 
maybe less than a week I mean doesn’t stop people  
crowding It Be Still Hing into the banana you 
enjoy that oh oh we’ve got another one we have  
another one there’s another cherry blossom here 
that has blossomed or is blossoming anyway as  
you can see again drawing the crowds look at 
more it’s crazy this way wow I mean it does  
look really pretty to be fair one of the most 
Blossom ones that we’ve seen yeah I think so
this is what they look like up
close so still a little while to go 
but I mean they’re they’re out we’re  
getting better we’re getting 
warmer aren’t we we are just
just what do we have here then what’s that 
these are like the um things I wanted to try  
you to give them a try now I don’t know if 
they’re going to be very nice what are they  
give it I think it’s I’ve seen so many 
Tik toks I think it’s like soy this area  
really nice actually down little Alleyway 
why say like brown sugar black honey and  
warab be Moi M 720 though they’re like yeah 
I keep some videos of them you like tip the  
um honey on top I always thought it was like brown 
sugar but he honey is that like a traditional  
tea house is that what they called maybe I’m 
not sure it looks quite traditional doesn’t
it we’re going to try
them we get one of these okay I
get I got the last nice wasn’t expecting that 
we didn’t buy these and they come out with some  
nice warm teas for us so I guess this is like 
a traditional Japanese Tea House of some sort  
you want to get there was quite a lot over um I 
saw on Google that there was a lot in Kyoto so  
I’m glad we’ve accident stumbled into this one 
how is it is it like oong tea I think it might  
be like oong tea yeah I mean it doesn’t really 
taste like too much one it’s just like nice warm  
you don’t use voice on yours are you no so then it 
has a ride we’ve got like a I’m going describe the  
plate we got a black plate with some MCH balls on 
there and crumbs and then that is what is that oh  
black honey I think black honey and what’s the 
other one next to it that I don’t know I don’t  
is that like a tea what does it smell like I don’t 
know what you do with that that’s have a smell it  
smells like matcha I think it might be a tea oh 
yeah that’s definitely matcha definitely matcha  
yeah it is I’m not going to put that on there yeah 
so do you like pick one up dip it then dip it or  
I think you pour oh really hm yeah I think you 
pour yeah well you definitely pour that one all  
over them cuz I can see that over there so let 
I can’t wait for this it just kind of bounces
off that’s so funny close so this is what it 
looks like then after she’s poured the black  
honey I’m just going to give us a lick I know 
you probably shouldn’t do this but oh that’s  
nice nice oh my God so these they’re like can 
you see oh yeah look at that it’s like proper  
mchi it’s not like the I think it’s like clear 
mchi as opposed to like powdered thick I don’t  
know let’s give this bad boy a try as you can see 
be has already been into this and it’s going to be  
my go now and look at that it’s like so jelly 
like um they’re really good is it good as it
right aren’t they really nice I think they’re the 
best Moi I’ve tried they’re just like light and  
fluffy oh yeah yeah that’s really good that was 
just that was intended to give you guys a better  
view of what it look like in my mouth by the way 
I wasn’t trying to be weird but it tastes really  
good the honey oh that’s really nice the Honey’s 
good isn’t it so nice get back in there they are  
really the powder really hits Bucky yeah I’m not 
sure what powder is maybe like sugary some sort of  
sugary powder but really good really nice actually 
so 720 Yen which is like £360 it’s not bad at all  
really if you bought this in the UK probably 
be at least like 91 so not bad at all really  
nice you got to get that content don’t you m all 
right then so we’ve pretty much nearly done these  
and we still haven’t touched this I honestly have 
no idea what you do with this so I’m just going  
to drink it this is probably wrong but you must 
drink it what else are you going to do with with  
it it’s quite strong they you dip your fingers 
in it no imagine C your fingers is it nice try  
just tastes like match of tea I think yeah I hope 
you drink it I really can’t tell what you do you  
would drink it because you’re not going tip over 
there yeah maybe it’s like a post mchi cleanser  
or drink or something maybe does kind of cleanse 
the M does it yeah it does you’re right actually  
this last one but I mean that’s pretty much it 
for this little food stop and I’d give it a 10  
out of 10 like it’s so nice traditional nothing 
more than just like really good food so really  
authentic yeah I’m glad we found this place this 
is completely by chance by the way we were just  
walking on the street and I was like oh it looks 
nice in here this area and then we came across  
that photo that we saw and the rest is we couldn’t 
leave Japan without trying these yeah that’s how I  
felt so definitely come here and definitely give 
these little balls a go if you’re here because  
unreal so if you’ve ever seen Kyoto on pictures 
on Instagram on people’s stories this is like the  
Main Street where people go down and it’s like 
really nice yeah we hadn’t actually noticed this  
until we did a bit more research yeah it’s kind 
of it’s not hidden but it’s kind of in an area  
that we wouldn’t explore I think and it’s really 
nice here as you can see it’s really busy um and  
there’s like oh wellow yeah so many people here I 
thought oh they the steps over there yeah I think  
so right we’re not getting a picture are we no so 
up here are like steps and it’s usually a really  
good photo and a really good video from that 
position but there’s just way too many people here  
so I think we’ve left it a little bit too late to 
do that again I think it’s one of those places you  
have to come and it you come really early yeah I 
that top yeah in Bary so then this is the place  
for the photos and look how busy it is it’s crazy 
um like absolutely mad oh yeah what on Earth is  
that I think they’re the same I think they’re mchy 
they’re the ones I was trying to explain like the  
ones that have the glaze mhm wow look you can 
see just how popular this place is look at that  
just a sea like an army of people going down there 
it’s a really nice Street just very very popular
is this it’s a small usually a
small so so busy here it takes so long 
to walk up these streets because there’s  
just so many tourists this is really busy 
actually isn’t it really busy oh my God  
they’re probably even worse on weekends 
as well this is completely inundated with  
tourists I feel like the sun’s come out so 
everyone just like yeah go to all the s here  
mad look at that oh there’s one little 
Street and this is what you see people  
are just coming down from every different 
direction as well there’s no like uniforms
[Music] here this is absolutely crazy look
nice view it’s just ruined by people yeah look 
how many people are here taking photos of that  
one cherry blossom over there is that what it is 
the the only Cherry Blom that’s here is draing  
such a crowd like you quite nice the back as well 
yeah yeah people stop there and I mean I am one
so so then we have now left The Madness of those 
streets like we’re at the top and although they’re  
really nice they’re beautiful streets it’s just 
like so hard to enjoy it because there’s so many  
tourists there people pushing you from Left 
Right and Center like you can’t see anything  
or do anything because just it’s just like a sea 
of people and it’s just not enjoyable you actually  
hear other people complaining being like we’re 
part of the problem yeah I think we’re tourism is  
so big in Japan at the minute some places are just 
so overcrowded and like obviously we are tourists  
so we’re kind of complaining about ourselves but 
I mean it’s just way too much like that’s just  
not enjoyable at all so if you are coming to the 
gon region um just be mindful that those streets  
back there are going to be packed uh so we’re now 
going to go and find some lunch uh chill out for  
a bit rest let our senses calm down yeah um and 
then we’ll Explore More of the gon area after  
us oh this is nice this is so the parks here are 
so beautiful that’s really nice actually look at  
that just a shame about the uh TR Blossom yeah no 
trade blossoms yet but we’ll find them we’ll find  
them look these will be covered in oh yeah those 
are secure trees there and they would be covered  
it makes me so sad cuz we’ve like planned the 
trip around Tre blossoms and we’ve booked it  
they’re really late this year everything online 
is lying everything online about dates when they  
bloom is a lie food let’s get some food so then 
on our quest to find some lunch we’ve actually  
stumbled across a tire restaurant now we did I 
originally fed some Ramen but we just saw this  
as we’re walking up that street there and a 
really fancy a pad thai set so you get Pad  
Thai noodle fried the Tha style salad soup side 
dish shrimp cracker and dessert so much food not  
entirely sure what the dessert is but they I 
think it’s this yeah i’ I think I fancy you do  
you fancy it yeah I’m to should go there oh we 
got Tha noodle souit that looks like a Ramen to  
be fair if you wanted a Ramen T it does look a bit 
like yeah she let go in I reckon nice little area
oh looks like it might be busy oh we got 
a nice view of the river out there as well  
hopefully we can sit that size hopefully 
that coup there nice okay so we’ve been  
told to go upstairs so hopefully 
oh there’s some nice seats up here
this is how like an interactive menu that you can 
order from here so they’re lucky they do English  
oh yeah look how good this is please touch the 
menu button to start ordering where’s that then  
I guess lun lunch yeah today’s lunch set I 
don’t really know what that is you can get  
the green chicken green that’s quite sick to 
be fair right then it’s arrived so we’ve got  
the Patti here we’ got some prawns from Beth 
thank you Beth um some sort of soup we got  
the cracker there I guess this is a dessert and 
then we got some veg there so it’s quite a good  
set it’s quite a hefty set hopefully price amaz 
yeah have you tried the PTI yet yeah the P really  
nice good yeah I’m a fan of por right then let’s 
give the PTI go see if Beth is tell the truth or
not good isn’t it yeah I you get many CRS 
no you’ve shipped your CRS off to I have  
discounted to so I’m kind of oh that’s really 
good unreal not entirely sure what this kind of  
stuff is but tastes good that’s the dessert 
which I think is a bit through is it like a  
dessert I’m scared to try that actually there’s 
like a little um I don’t know what that is yeah  
I’m just scared to try when we try it we’ll 
let you know what it’s like but yeah I mean  
this is lovely m M quite like that it’s right 
isn’t it I really like the the bubbles I think  
it’s nice it’s like a bubble tea yeah try that 
thing in the middle I think it’s I think it’s  
pumpkin I feel about having pumpkin in a dessert 
I think it’s pumpkin it looks like pumpkin what
you I really can’t tell  
doesn’t really taste of anything just kind tastes 
of the sauce it looks like pumpkin I think I don’t
know so that is the food done we now just been 
walking through like a mall of some sort and  
we’ve just come across Dog Cafe now what I can 
see there is 250 Yen for 10 minutes and I can  
see loads of dog so I’m thinking I haven’t 
seen my dog for a while and I need to give  
some sort of doger fuss it looks it does look 
quite cool R Dog Cafe so we might give it a go  
we’re going to have a look cuz we don’t know 
anything about this place I’m hoping get load  
yeah I mean I can’t yet see anything or anyone 
so oh my God there’s loads of dogs in there oh  
my goodness look at those dogs mate look at 
those dogs there oh my God right we’re going  
in hopefully you have to BG hopefully we can 
just walk in there’s all these dogs here [Music]
oh this is so cute no flash okay no flash no 
flash okay so 10 minutes so first 10 minutes  
is 635 and 250 10 minutes after that time is 
automatically s so please manage stff uh get  
yeah okay yeah okay not pick up uhhuh okay okay 
yeah okay no flash no flash okay and no big voice  
under the L mhm uh-huh it’s from there is it 
yeah from there please to 48 perect thank you  
thank you very much okay then we’re going in 
our first have a Dog Cafe this is going to be  
fun should we get the drink on the way back out 
drink yeah yeah I think so or take it in with  
us take the way out yeah take the way out let I 
take it okay then here we go here we go here we
go oh
well hello hello
hello they’re getting fed so they’re getting 
excited yeah oh oh my God that’s so now there’s  
so many dogs everywhere they’re like the SM my 
feet I think they see that’s one benefit of having  
smelly feet the dogs like it better not startd 
you like that don’t you yeah he’s got smelly
feet that one’s cute down there I like that 
one over there yeah oh my goodness it’s cute  
they get to run around mhm there’s so many 
dogs everywhere hello I want to come oh he  
oh he’s hungry hello hello hello oh someone’s 
hungry oh yeah I feel like they’ve been ped so  
much they kind of don’t care them so it 
looks like Whoever has the food the dogs  
one look at them all over the that girl with food 
brilliant they’ve got all the dogs now all those  
green little dogs they just started yapping 
over there look at them all thought been f
it so yeah I mean it’s 625 Yen for 10 minutes 
and then 200 yen for every 10 minutes after  
that but they kind of whoever’s got the food 
where all the dogs go so if you don’t have food  
then there’s no kind of dogs around you like 
there’s nothing here um it’s just whoever’s  
got the food really so they probably shouldn’t 
really do that because it kind of takes away  
from everyone else like the dogs follow 
the food as opposed to actually engaging  
with the people like there you go in a day 
yeah so now moved from these guys to these
guys um hello this one likes us he keeps coming 
around hello hello you’re you’re not a greedy  
boy are you no you’re a nice boy hello yes I can 
see you hello hello what can you smell HH what  
can you smell so that is our time up that was 
the quickest 10 minutes of my life SL it across  
Christ we going to get our drink now because 
you do get a free drink when you come here and  
we haven’t yet had ours so what have we got I 
think that might be tea you got Pepsi I really  
don’t know what these stuff is maybe tea Cent yeah 
what’s that one like black Cofe maybe boss what is  
that one boss black yeah I might go for the this 
one I’m assuming that means Cafe with milk are  
they hot are they hot yeah no way yeah oh oh 
my God yeah they are are the ones below them  
hot no what the hell I so these are hot are 
they like hot coffee how does that even work  
yeah these are literally hot and then they’re 
cold in the same fridge that’s a hot coffee and  
then like a cold what time is it time for coffee 
[ __ ] it why not oh my god I’ve never had a hot  
CL out of a fridge before that’s so cool like 
broken yeah oh that is really hot as well yeah  
I really can’t get over how this is so hot 
we’re just saying it’s so strange because in  
that fridge was I know I’ve said already but Coke 
like cold bottles of Coke and then hot bottles of  
it’s like a CA it’s actually like a coffee like 
a hot coffee but yeah I mean that was our first  
of animal Cafe uh we really wasn’t sure what to 
expect we’ve seen animal cafes all around Japan  
we got otter you got cats you got dogs so it’s fun 
we you did it would we do it again probably not  
no um but we’ve experienced it now and this nice 
board thing on here is a bit misleading because  
it kind of says 10 minutes and then a free drink 
whereas it’s kind of both those two together so we  
end up paying like 625 each as opposed to the 250 
we thought it’s was going to be um so is a little  
bit misleading but I mean we have fun and we tied 
out so they were cute yeah um but yeah I mean I  
mean it’s definitely worth doing while you’re 
in Japan for sure and it wasn’t even that busy  
there was no tourists in there it’s just locals 
isn’t it or at least look like locals anyway and  
it would be nicer if you obviously bought like 
a little dog treat for them as well but that was  
like another what was it 600 Yen or something 
so it’s about what two pound yeah so it’s not  
too bad to be honest really 600 just makes it 
sound yeah it does doesn’t it in reality it’s
nothing so again didn’t feel B on the way 
in because we weren’t we’re just walking  
past um and we found this little saki Place 
saki um and you can try it for 100 yen so  
we’ve gone for a dry and a sweet saki there 
we can show you the poster when we leave  
yeah do you want to go first I think 
so so that’s a sweet one let’s go on  
good go okay then so this one is a sweet 
apparently just smells like white wine
really how is it I don’t mind it actually 
I don’t mind it at all it smells like white  
wine yeah it does SM it’s quite strong but 
it’s like wine and a bit of spirit with it oh  
oh no like it you haven’t had a drink 
like that in so long oh no well that  
one was a sweet one it wasn’t that sweet so 
I’m not sure what this uh dry ones could be
like yeah I don’t like the dry one that’s 
not nice is it not just like a dry white  
one no my my eyes t stop it oh I feel 
bit sick after that one to be honest
no no that one’s not F to be honest I actually 
don’t mind the sweet one I think the sweet one’s  
quite nice the sweet just tastes like a really 
nice crisp white wine it does yeah but that has  
that has like a shot yeah it does it tastes like 
white wine with vodka no no what it tastes like  
tastes like white wine but you’ve taken out 
all of the color and you just left with this  
like alcoholic yeah yeah you’re not wrong yeah 
I don’t know whether or not that’s how they make  
it it just tastes like that do it well that’s 
all yours hard I’m done yeah know I mean that  
would be like a what’s the word if I lost a bet 
that would be like a what’s the word for it like  
when you like shot like no you’re forfeit that’s 
like my fourth that’s like I mean I would I would  
drink that for fun that’s for sure like saki wine 
yeah not a fan at all to be honest no T it tastes  
more like Spirit yeah it does like a yeah not a 
fan sorry for those people watching but not we’re  
not big drinkers either so that yeah this place is 
really cool you’ve got like loads of different uh  
food stores and it might give the illusion it’s 
night time but it’s not it’s still the middle  
of the day we’re just inside and that’s just 
like a roof um the the main Market is there we  
were walking down this way and we saw this little 
store here so that’s why we stopped came in here  
for a bit um but we’re probably going to leave 
again now because we realize we don’t like saki  
wild do so yeah nice to try but do it again alcol 
percentage I think it’s I think it’s higher than  
Wine but not as high as bu oh really yeah I think 
so yeah so someone’s had a lucky day they let’s  
go head back out and we’re going to go that way 
and find out what’s around there see what I can
do so this is the like Market that we’re 
in really kind of like straight narrow  
little things you got food each size 
Saku fish key or something [Music]
okay there’s basically loads of different 
shops each size um and it’s huge like it  
goes on forever we’ve been walking here for 
about 10 minutes now and we still can’t find  
the exit it’s like it’s mental the octopus 
yeah we keep seeing these octopus and like I  
feel like the Japanese love the octopus 
yeah we haven’t actually had any yet
not for me I don’t like octopus at all so I 
don’t think i’ ever try it to me it does not  
looking all I don’t like octopus at all 
I don’t mind the squid that you get in  
wag MERS yeah like B deep fried squid you can’t 
squid rings yeah definitely not you know those  
little salt and pepper squid bit oh yeah Rings 
yeah they are squid rings normally they squid  
rings you can’t you can get like chunks yeah 
calamari yeah or you can get chunks as well
okay then guys so it’s now like half 5 the Sun 
is going down we really don’t have much sunlight  
left at all I have absolutely love Kyoto although 
it’s incredibly busy there’s a lot of tourists  
here you still can’t take away from the fact it’s 
a beautiful city and there’s so much going on here  
it’s like incredible you enjoyed it oh it’s been 
so nice like the perfect mix of like City Vibes  
but also traditional Japan which we love so yeah 
I mean the food’s been incredible the coffee has  
been incredible the tourist sites they incredible 
to look at but just not incredible to experience  
because there’s just too many people here but 
yeah I mean I’ve loved it so yeah I mean we  
will come back here for the cherry blossoms 
in a week’s time hopefully we can get them  
because today hasn’t been too successful but yeah 
we’ll be back uh that’ll be in another video um  
but yeah I guess for today thank you very much 
for watching and we’ll see you in the next one


  1. I'm Japanese (but an immigrant for 30 years in Canada) enjoying many of foreigners V-log type of videos on YouTube and I often have to kind of chuckle about certain things you guys are not quite sure what to do and I wished I could text you right away (like live stream) and tell you what to do but I'm just enjoying whatever you guys are doing and experiencing as you go. It's not a huge deal but you just missed and passed right by one of the most popular Starbucks in Kyoto where it's in a traditional Japanese house and even the sign of Starbucks is not that typical green coloured sign but in a rustic brown sign. I know there are too many things to see and so much going on with far too many tourists everywhere. I have never gone to that particular Starbucks myself and that's one of many spots I'd love to go and check it out when I go back to Japan one day and funny because I'm not even a big fan of Starbucks but inside of the shop has a very nice traditional Japanese style to it and you can even sit on tatami mat floor to drink a coffee. My goodness, I still can't get over with the fact how many foreigners are there everywhere now in Japan especially in Kyoto. When you guys were standing in line earlier for Torii red shrine gates, there wasn't a single Japanese person in line but all foreigners. That wasn't like that before when I was still in Japan more than 30 years ago. Even Tokyo is filled with so many more foreigners 100 times and I can definitely tell time has absolutely changed. It's funny by the time I go back there in the future, I will be also visiting as Canadian with my Canadian passport. So I will be one of you guys although I am Japanese and look 100% Japanese… haha Keep enjoying your trip, guys.
    P.S; the English translation on the outside sign at the dog café was not correct for drinks. In Japanese says 380yen for drinks but it's actually all you can drink for 380yen and the English translation says "free drinks". That type of mistakes happen quite often in Japan as many Japanese people don't speak English…

  2. It is currently also discussed in the news that Kyoto is over-tourism, but I mean that is normal for such a famous and beautifull city. Main complain from the locals is about taking photos from the Maikos walking to work. Some tourists behave like Paparrazzis and it is completely understandable that the Maikos got annoyed from that.
    But I really like this video because it shows the real situation in Kyoto. And it is just early in the morning. Imgine how it goes later in the daytime.
    About cherry blossoms…yeah…that is sad, but that is completely in control of the nature and not of us humans- And that is good.
    But thank you for this video.
    I really like it.

  3. Been to the shrine with my family a few years ago and it is one of touristy spots and always busy. Though there are people said it is best to go in the early morning but am sure there are other tourists thinking the same. Crowd is inevitable especially in Japan and rude tourists are everywhere. You guys have missed the Kyoto famous Starbucks. Are you guys planning to go Nara after Kyoto since it is so close by. Also, Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion) is beautiful and we managed to witness a traditional Japanese wedding at the temple there. So pretty! Love Tokyo Bananas and other Japanese with pastries with white bean paste. so good and if you are lucky, you can get the white chocolate with green grape inside. So good! You can also see cherry blossom trees in London Battersea Park and Canary Wharf where my partner and I used to stay, right down on my apartment block on Woodwharf. But there are many parks in London where you can see them. Less crowds 🙂

  4. Kyoto has always been swarming with tourists, especially during spring and autumn. According to the local news, this year has hit a record high in visitors. While you were busy complaining about the tourist crowds in Kyoto, brace yourself for even more local Japanese people flooding these famous spots when the cherry blossoms bloom. If you can't stand the crowds, I suggest you steer clear of Kyoto from now on.

  5. Warabimochi is a Japanese sweet made from starch, water, and sugar from the stems of bracken.

    The yellowish powder is called kinako, which is made from roasted and powdered soybeans.

    What looks like black honey is actually not honey but brown sugar that has been dissolved in water and boiled down.

    Mochi, as we know it, is made from mochi rice😊

    The matcha mochi you ate is daifuku mochi.

    The thing on the skewer is called dango.

    Regarding the difference between dango and mochi, "dango are made from powder,but mochi are made by steaming the kernels," "dango are made from non-glutinous rice flour, but mochi are made from glutinous rice"

    The correct thing to drink with warabimochi is green tea(緑茶ryokucha)or sencha(煎茶)🍵

    Matcha is a type of green tea.
    Green tea is a non-fermented tea made without fermenting the tea leaves, and is a collective name for a variety of teas such as sencha, gyokuro, bancha, matcha, and roasted tea.
    Among them, matcha is made differently from other teas.
    The commonly consumed sencha is made by steaming tea leaves that have grown freely in the sunlight and then rolling and drying them.
    On the other hand, matcha uses a type of tea called tencha.
    Before picking tencha, the tea leaves are covered with straw or a special black sheet for about 20 days to block out the sunlight, steamed, and dried. This is then finely ground in a stone mill to make matcha.
    By blocking out sunlight, the color of the tea leaves becomes darker, the production of catechins, which are thought to be the source of astringency, is suppressed, and the tea is characterized by its high content of theanine, an umami component.😊

  6. When I went to Kyoto last year in november 2023, I have to wake up as early as 5am just to go to gion district for picture taking and just exploring (most shops are still closed) but it was def much nicer to go around without the sea of people 😂and even then i already see quite a few local JP tourist who already going around gion district as early as 6-7am, so if u reach there after 8am, u prob will have harder time to get nice shots, 10am and above is the worst time to go since most shops are opening and hotel guests around the area starts exploring.

    Another tips is to go to gion district at night after 8pm, i know most shops/places are already closed but its so much more peaceful and quieter when the crowds already had gone somewhere else to find dinner etc too lol

  7. 同じ寺、同じ神社、同じ竹林。皆が同じ場所に集まるのが問題だと思います。京都には数千もの寺や神社があります。静かに楽しめる場所を探してみてください。

  8. "Okowa=おこわ“ is delicious.
    The first store your went to was "Tamba-ya=丹波屋” .
    The rice in the packs lined up on the left side of the shop is “Okowa.''
    Red rice is "sekihan=赤飯”.
    That's delicious too, but I like the “Green Okowa = Wild Vegetable Okowa =山菜おこわ“.next to it. Try it while your are in Japan.
    I'm sorry if you've already had that and it's not to your taste 🙏

    "Okowa" exists in every region of Japan.
    It is cooked with “mochi rice =餅米”.
    It is different from ordinary "rice".
    You can also find them in the basements of Japanese department stores.
    It can be eaten as is. You can also buy it and eat it when you go out.

  9. As a Japanese myself, I can distinguish between Asians.
    When I see this video, it looks like 90% foreign tourists and 10% Japanese in a crowded tourist area.
    Spring and fall in Japan may be especially crowded because of the pleasant temperatures. If you experience this density in summer, you may not want to go to tourist spots lol.

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