
Rainy night drive – Tour Report

Let’s go to the Lito Zone! Driving home back to Nara in the rain.

リトゾーンへ行こう 雨の中、車で奈良に帰る。

It’s not Lit without Lito. It’s gonna be fun! 🔥🔥🔥

Please hop on the Lito Express to experience A Lito Bit of Japan!

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Yo yo yo what’s up people we got major major trun here in front of us uh I want to say hello good morning people here from the Le commute crew trying to get some food in me while we’re doing our tour we’re heading out to coob today

Where you must oy got to open up this to here and uh yeah we’re going to have a little bit of traffic until we get there so if you’re in the chat please give me a test of hello or yo as we do and I’m also going to

Check that the stream is going live and well okay and that’s a big Tron yo yo yo Kobe pretty far okay I’m seeing the chat now I don’t get anything on my TTS oh baby TS is activating nowo there we go said yo okay it’s coming up hey amox what’s

Up yo yo hello pisto hello ibraim um yo yo yo the all right I’m going to get I’m going to turn that off for now name said Rainy Night drives look very different in Japan hey yeah S I didn’t have a chance to change the thumbnail IIM said so eat

A nice steak cut of meat on my behalf yeah we I just had to get out and get on the road hit the like button already thank you guys yeah it would be amazing if you hit that like button and man I’ve been go go go

M look at that nice bumblebee car on the left wow said and ibraim may have already eaten a couple ibraim said haa alox said let me just be a wanker and say thank you for the horizontal video crossy grinning face with tongue out know I know Amigos with

Said face with tears of joy Frank McLoud said yo s yo yo yo yo slick hello hello good morning yes uh I know you guys appreciate the horizontal streams it it seems a bit more appropriate for some things like I said and uh the morning drive yeah sorry I couldn’t change the

Thumbnail I I got home late and got like maybe 4 hours sleep in total and we’re out on the road again we are go go go man I’m getting hot here hold on I need to uh take off my fleece jacket or or I just turn up the the airon I think that

Would be better turn up the airon so we’re heading out to co supposedly a storm was um hit or was approaching Japan and it caused the cruise ship passengers their ship to board a little bit later which is good and bad so good so I can get more sleep bad because now

I’m in a little bit more morning traffic and also bad because we are now we’ve lost an hour on the tour I think they’re boarding again tonight and then they go off somewhere so I got to make sure that they get back on that that uh

Boat you know before uh boarding time so that they don’t miss the boat and uh yeah that is always important and so we’re going to have to kind of rush through the the two things today 4 hours leave really is still 25 I wish I really

Wish he so no this is just the reality of the working hours right now sleep while here too so little time so much to do exactly out today oh you’re flying out today man dude it was amazing amazing uh if I can if I can say that we

Hung out um so it was amazing dude um yeah so so thank you thank you for um taking the time man and um So the plan is tonight after the tour I got a we went out to kilo then I got to drop them back off in

Coob and uh yep said botrick has correctly joined the channel botrick has joined the channel I either do some crane games cuz there’s the crane game place where I went to with um back in the clay the first very place and that place was pretty good there’s some new

Um figures I want to get had a great time meeting you thanks dude thanks awesome dude yeah it was too short wish we had more time but uh that’s an option I have a friend who’s visiting Japan right now um uh I met him a couple times

And he’s based out in KOB so that might be a possibility meeting up with him and he he’d be okay he knows I do YouTube actually piso he was the mule you Discord people in the trip oh nice nice yeah that friend I mentioned who was the

Mule for John Dos it’s him he’s back in town and um he doesn’t mind if I live stream it uh he doesn’t want to be on stream I think himself but uh yeah he’s in John dobs community and um so either I meet up with him or I have a

Possibility to do a photo shoot tonight oh shoot but I I totally forgot my camera um oh yeah that would not be good though there was a photo shoot I totally forgot just needed to get out of the house so maybe I can still do that photo

Shoot but it’ll be more casual with just the iPhone which is totally totally possible um but yeah if I have that client for the photo shoot then uh definitely we’re not going to um not going to uh do the crane games actually okay okay I just um I just saw

Her message and she said she won’t be able to make it but um but she said maybe she’ll come back next year actually she might want to do a uh a snowboarding tour um at some point so she’s interested yeah she does a lot of snowboarding out there in

Uh isn’t that a smuggling term um yeah so what happened was uh during the pandemic John do it was really expensive or really difficult for him to send boxes or packages out to his community I guess he does some sort of special monthly service or something that he

Sends stuff out to them and uh yeah you know it was really too expensive people weren’t shipping and uh he he just happened to know um or my friend just happened to know John do was looking for someone to send a box to a friend in

Germany and so he’s like yep I can be your your mule and so he he made up with them in Tokyo this was during the lockdown the reason this person can get in could get in the country at the time was because he’s half Japanese he has

Relatives here um so he had that kind of special access but yeah nothing illegal or anything it’s whatever his monthly boxes are or something he’s trying to get stuff out so yeah that’s what it was and uh yeah he got to meet John dobs that was pretty cool and um no I’ve met

John once a long long time ago that’s where I met nomatic gaji when he did his tossa free lunch there in Osaka it was like basically the origin story of a lot of uh my YouTuber friends here so that’s that was really cool um I think we were

Talking with him on his stream for just a little bit um actually Chico was there too that was really cool okay so no U photo shoot tonight which means uh I can do crank games which is cool there was another geek tour uh possibility but those people I

Don’t think have gotten back to me so yeah they wanted a geek tour and I said I might be able to give you a geek tour in uh in Kobe cuz I know where all the good places are in Kobe as well but they’re like they haven’t gone back to

Me so it’s all good but guys I have some other news that I wanted to tell you and unfortunately it’s kind of bad news so I was going to do it in another video but I don’t think I really have any time to make or edit any any real content right now

So hiya uh basically a couple days ago I got a message from the person who was asking me to be on her team to get the uh the uncle Rogers job and unfortunately she got back to me and said that they decided to go with another team because they already had

Experience with dealing with the owner of the the restaurant it’s a om rice place the Ki KI om rice it’s a really fua fua om rice place and uh I guess they said uh he’s quite difficult to to work with or something like that and they they have experience with that

Particular client so they they decided to go with them even though they liked her team which hopefully includes me and so maybe in the future they’ll consider us so uh hi yeah too bad not able to meet John uh able to meet Uncle Roger wwwo yeah it’s a bummer but you know the

Fact that I was able to get a response from their producer or their agent that was kind of cool and also to be considered for another team that could have gotten um on there that was exciting but you knowx said sad to hear this yeah it is

Sad I still love uh the color orange I still love Uncle Roger so that hasn’t changed and um yeah we just got to keep positive moving forward and opportunities like this you know you got to you got to take your shot is is all I I know in this kind of creative world

And like here I’m going to we just like like dead dead still traffic and say hey what’s up chat and uh you just got to keep moving forward keep putting yourself out there um especially as a Creator or doing creative stuff um I know voice acting is all about

Auditioning just like any acting gig and um I guess these Productions that are in Japan sometimes is like that too or it’s always like throwing your your little bid in the Hat and seeing if you’re getting chosen kind of thing so that’s the reality of that I’m very happy to

See what happens there and I’m I’ve never been to that om rice place you’ve probably seen it and so maybe I have to go out and make my own opportunities to do collabs and videos like that um said upside now you don’t have to worry about how he will react to you

Impersonating him Ah that’s true that’s true I I I still think it would be amazing to meet him someday even if are were just in the audience I think he’s he’s quite an amazing talent and funny guy and uh yeah hi we see you again Uncle Roger

Sometime and uh no no he’s I think he’s uh from what it feels like online he seems pretty approachable and stuff like that but yeah obviously he has a team of people managing him at that guy’s going to be at 9 million Subs so that’s his 9 million sub celebratory

Um video basically right so it’s going to be cool it’s going to be cool guys I’m going to show you what I’m eating we’re we are like really really slow traffic right now I’m going to try this chicken cutlet Sando uh from 7-Eleven dropped by 7-Eleven last night on the

Way back man I was um so sleepy after my tour I watched him live he was pretty funny oh you watched him live nice nice yeah it seems like a great guy and I don’t think this is going to be his last time coming to Japan so there going to

Be other opportunities and I just got to keep putting myself out there and getting getting as good at my craft and making connections and all that stuff so I’ll be in Tokyo man what what are the trips we have we have a Tokyo coding Camp a Korea Camp so Tokyo’s July Korea’s

May um yeah with my other job my other work uh man we were hoping to go to Vietnam and I think Thailand was on the the list but it it’s not going to happen this year but over the years I’ll have more and more opportunities to travel

With that job so I get to keep that job up uh that’s teaching coding very basic coding to to kids and um yeah yeah just got to keep making things happen oh we got Osaka Comic-Con Tokyo ComicCon we’re going out for so I got to go out to Tokyo at least twice this

Year and uh yeah I’m gonna put you guys on the other cam now starting to starting to roll roll out a little bit faster so yeah you know there’s that just got to get through this um man truck [ __ ] is really taking a lot of your screen there um you got to get

Through this long Spurt of work first and then golden week which is uh Osaka ComicCon my gosh am I working almost almost pretty much up until golden week and then uh may it starts to taper off with the tours but uh what was it going to say

Um what was it going to say what was it going to say I totally oh yeah yeah the the crane game stuff man honestly yesterday or was it yesterday two days ago at muia where that kid asked me to get him a prize I helped another guy in

There a Swiss guy get his prize and I I attracted a couple crowds when I was playing cuz I was talking to myself I wasn’t live streaming I just talking myself on my my phone and they were they’re around me people were like oh oh my God you know like they just

Walked in and I know I’m making connections with the the stores there and I’m sure I’m I’m getting in there I’m I’m pretty much a regular at some of these places now and they know me by face and some by name and and so that is that is going really well actually and

I’m very um very happy and excited to do more collabs with that kind of stuff um so that’s that’s going surprisingly well uh yeah just really really impressed by what what happened that with that kind of thing and you know making other connections so said Leo that’s awesome

Yeah so I’m hoping actually cuz I know there’s some really big YouTubers in Tokyo and other places and uh yeah if I can collab with them they don’t usually show their faces but they they got like 600 700 people on a live stream dude and

I’m just like man let me tap into that and nobody in Japan is doing it in English like nobody so just like come on let’s go if I can attract a crowd um in person and have people ask me to to get them stuff I’m sure there’s people online that want to

Get in on that too it’s just like crazy but um yeah yeah no it’s it’s it’s up and down it’s hard it’s hard still learning the crane game thing but it’s fun it’s fun once you unlock stuff Hokkaido was amazing for that just the reception was bad that Hokkaido gigo

There in um sapuro alox Hokkaido for the win again you know what I’m saying um oh yeah oh definitely like next time I go to Hokkaido I got to do more um more collabs with uh kind of what Ninja monkey does when he goes to like moroka

And stuff like that I’m going to I need to uh reach out to some of the local businesses and maybe the the cities out there and uh really do some videos out there cuz I think they’re getting it now most Japanese businesses are starting to really understand the power of uh

Influencers and YouTubers and creat content creators so I’m I’m really happy about that just got to get in on there got get in on it so oh yeah let me give you a quick Sakura update yepo for the win baby I always tell people to go to either Hokkaido or

Okinawa if they have a second trip or both you know so I love Hokkaido don’t worry I’m I’m I’m team Hokkaido Um so um I was going to say um I’m losing my train of thought said well it’s past midnight here time for bed have fun y’all all right elox thank you my friend thanks for coming in see you at elox see you bro thank you for being here um what else

Name is traveling during benen week as bad as I’ve read um it is it is everything’s inflated with pricing um I usually avoid traveling during golden week just for that reason and then all of the all of the the foot traffic yeah um so I’m going to luckily

You know I love how ComicCon is doing golden week it gives meing C mhm it gives me an opportunity to still kind of do something I’m not traveling outside the city I get to do something super super fun and exciting during golden week cuz usually I’m just

Like trying to chill out at home and you know trying to rest up well last year OS ComicCon was cool and uh got some photos we we had Millie Bobby Brown mad Michelson and um legalist um Orlando Bloom those are the big big names that

Came um I want to pass this truck if I can I don’t work so um Sakura report the I’m just passing by Osaka Castle now scratch or python oh right now it leads up to Python and these are for young kids so it’s really really really basic they start off

With no they they start off with um HTML CSS where that’s like the basics there like an introduction and I teach really young kids to the concepts of programming they don’t actually do any lines of programming but the the higher kids the higher level kids will get into

Uh python eventually and start making games and stuff like that oh I’m not a programmer I just teach the like the concepts and there’s a whole module so I’m not really I mean I know the basics and stuff obviously enough to teach it but I’m not a coder or at

Anything at all but more the educational side of it for the youngs that was great a lot of overlap with what I do as an English teacher from English camps and stuff so and yeah and this this job lets me travel so that’s pretty cool the kids are all very familiar with swift

Already yeah even the ones that are into programming sure but we’re touching um a niche I think at least her newer songs oh at least their newer songs I see I get it I get it Now but um I was going to say Saka report Osaka might be starting to Bloom from today is I still see a lot of naked trees even just on the sides of the street here uh I was in uh kilo yesterday and a few of the weeping

Willows there in the bamboo forest are starting to bloom and uh I would say by the weekend uh Saturday or Sunday probably Sunday is a better day uh that’s when actually Chica and I have some time to check out the blossoms I have a a private tour in in kilo Sunday

So after that’s finished we’re going to spend some time in kilo and enjoy the Sakura for ourselves so it should be nice and we usually live stream it there uh under the uh Sakura in maryama Coen so that’s pretty nice yeah M eating some of the sandwich sandwich it’s

Nice um peso were you able to see any Sakura um where you’re at or this time I think you probably saw a little bit here and there there’s like a few trees in full bloom you know in spots here and there in kilo um I don’t even know where all the

Good Sakura spots are in Kobe I don’t know if there are any like big big forests of them big Groves of them I know where they are in Osaka and I know we’re there in Nara Nar would be nice yeah oh I met um these two uh passengers on

My trip yesterday and they were really into food anime and one of them was called food Wars It’s called Shoku Gino Som and then they were you know telling me a whole bunch of other food related anime and I was like this is exactly

What I want to you know get more into uh food and Anime or food anime and do uh cooking streams pairing them with figures and vice versa and uh yeah so does anyone know in the chat who’s in the anime do you know of food Wars

That’s the name in English food Wars um it seemed interesting and they were got all into this food anime I don’t know if there’s any figures for it but the one uh delicious in Dungeon is uh they are releasing a new figure today it’s the Marcel new choco no with basically noodle

Stopper so hope to see her around but I don’t I’m not going to be in the crane game places that have her during the next couple days so I I’m I already bought her online just in case but yeah no she’s going to be great we’re in the sky highway now um J

Vlog yo J Vlog what’s up good morning all good Mor um we got got uh we’re on the sixth floor of buildings and apartments here downtown um where are we probably near the hchi is area how you doing man hey J Vlog I am I was disappointed

The sakur is just in spot still a few trees in Nashi a few in Nya Castle complex a few in wayo park M yeah not full on yet right just a few it’s not it’s not full on well I’ll you can live vicariously through me I’ll either live stream it or

Um do some walking videos cuz I’ll be in Kil though for most of it right so uh that’s too bad Jay Vlog just let you know I ran into two Suma wrestlers here in Osaka the forec is Way Way offo Park Sakura Festival surrounded by blossom trees oh no what that’s

Crazy now they have all the food stalls and stuff at marcoin there at oh not marcoin yesak a zenja I I haven’t even gone to marama cor I think they’re wrapping up for it well that sucks yeah J Vlog I ran into two um sumo wrestlers one on different occasions each

Um so I’m wondering is the Sumo bash still going on here in Osaka tell me food Wars asir didn’t really like how the anime ended but for like 80 to 90% it’s really good okay very bringing cool cool said did you bounce right off them all right into did I bounce right

Off them kind of like no I didn’t I didn’t hit them but they were big and they were in their uh I guess what do you call the Sumo looking yucata had the hair up and everything um yeah and they were I would say midsized uh sumo wrestlers uh they

Weren’t like the huge huge guys but oh it was cool yeah we saw a couple and they’re just walking through the streets getting ready to have some dinner or something oh so that was cool um what do we got tomorrow we got a custom Nara tour again picking up from

KOB oh my God I got to go out there like super early and then they want to come come back super early too so it’s going to be mainly driving St Sumo ended on the 24th 24th okay yeah I was thinking it ended so maybe they’re just hanging

Around or maybe they’re just locals I don’t know um going finish off tomorrow night in hilto for a food tour and um hold on are we going to stay in this Lane I think we are um I was going to say uh what was I going to say now I’m

Losing my train of thought this morning my brain’s still not woke up or hasn’t really fully gone to sleep I guess Sumo Sakura all right so friends and former um people I’ve met on tours are who are visiting Japan right now are messaging me out of the blue and saying hey you

Know I’m in Japan from tomorrow for two weeks can I do a tour with you I’m like oh I mean I really really appreciate all of the people are asking but on this really short notice especially during the peak time it’s almost impossible I only have

Like like I said I already 31 day stint in a row and so I don’t know how I I don’t have any space for them you know I’d love yeah I think so so yeah while I wish I could um I could accommodate for them there there

Is no tour availability in my schedule I mean I’ll try to ask uh my company if they can get in on that I know they want to just meet me and and have a tour with me and I’d love to do that but yeah I’m

Just like oh so what I’m trying say is my advice to anyone who’s coming to Japan especially during Sakura season SL the Autumn leave season which is November mainly in the kite area contact uh people for booking tour early in demand yeah I guess so I guess so I mean

People just want tours right now and they’re trying to get last minute tours in and everybody’s everybody’s busy everybody’s running around with like the chicken with like a chicken with their head cut off so yeah it’s kind of cray cray let this big car go through the small car goes through

Okay I’ll give the guy behind me the thing go thank you wow look at this crazy traffic you might actually cut in I wanted to cut in but we’re not going to get in no all these trucks and whatnot Ibrahim said I got to get in that left lane somehow oh man let me in let me in let me in let me in for the wind found in Japan said oh Frank is here too oh cool cool cool we’re getting in Nice Nice everybody’s trying to get in here

IIM said hello Frank the J vog said and ibraim Japan at Caro stand hey hey hey hey kuto what’s up dude nice to see you good morning my brain’s still kind of waking up here as we’re driving to coob we are in the downtown pit of Osaka yeah

We’re here in sky highway look at this we’re like sixth and seventh floors of Office Buildings Frank moud hey IIM and jlog and yep yep yep you’re getting the uh the the vert the horizontal live stream today the widescreen peoples I know you like it I know you like

It but what’s no but seriously what’s really dangerous is when I’m sleepy uh I don’t want to be driving but yeah yeah all the way to coob today and tomorrow we’re picking up from K so I think is in Kobe no we’re not in coob yet we’re like

40 minutes 30 minutes out yeah man it’s all good thank you for coming here we’re not in Koba we’re still in um still in Osaka yeah we’re we’re not haven’t even we’re not even out of the downtown core of Osaka we’re going to KOB though yeah

You’ll see uh the the scene change uh be less high-rise apartments and buildings on the left and right oh is that what you meant is he wow said I went to ISC on Wednesday lost 1 hour of travel time to traffic what would take 15 mens took one and half

Hours oh you went car accident in the middle l oh damn dude that sucks yeah traffic is real so when I’m I’m bringing people back to the cruise ships in K especially KOB there’s a lot of traffic I got to in 400 m take the on the right I always got to give

Them extra time for traffic and uh yeah they better understand but they also know that uh what you call it that they want to get on their on the right okay just give me a second guys we’re going where are you P we’re going uh drifting Here Bring me how come you only got 4 hours sleep cuz I had a a late night uh I’ll be I had a um I’m doing car tours in the day and then I do Food Tours at night I usually don’t get home until after midnight uh and then yeah this guy’s

Like truck in that’s fine truck truck away inpan oh my God that traffic arounda inasaki can be a nightmare yeah exactly so anyways um yeah and I get home I try to get to sleep journey is about yeah we’re going to Kobe and then we’re bringing those people to kilo uh the

Bamboo forest and Fushimi inar the mountain of 10,000 Red Tour Gates and then back to co so yeah I often get home late I don’t get to sleep till like 2:00 a.m. then I got to wake up at like 6:00 and leave at 6:30 or something so I’m

Not sleeping very much you know um which isn’t the best obviously but you got to you got to make yourself available for tours and you got to reap what you can uh while get the what’s it um what’s the word uh get it while the Going’s good

Kind of thing actually this guy in front of me is is going kind of slow for this I know I know actually everybody’s like super speeding but uh yeah we just want to what you call it we want to get to our destination as quickly as everybody

Knows that there’s tons of traffic but I’m looking like I’m uh going to be arriving 15 minutes early I always give myself uh at least 2 hours to get out to cob from where I live uh just for traffic and all that stuff Google tells

Me you know it’s going to take an hour 40 I know it’s going to take usually 2 hours so yeah while the getting is good while the getting is good that’s it you got to get it while the getting is good so yeah this job is very feast or famine I’m

Going to work like this for about you know maybe 2 months maybe this season uh it’s going to be crazy busy schedules like that and then this down season where I’ll have like maybe 5 to 10 is a month and sometimes even less than that and then again in uh November November

Wasn’t as busy as I thought I thought it’ be busier it was actually busier in October which wasn’t the Autumn Leaves weirdly enough that’s when I went to Hokkaido and so it’s kind of busy then but not as crazy busy as now so it’s those two main Peak Seasons uh where I’m

Going to make most of my money doing this so that’s why I got to do other jobs too said sounds rough did you drink some kind of boosted or coffee yeah I got um so I always have some Cafe Olay or some coffee with me um I’m just on caffeine

All the time and uh when I drive home after the tours if I feel a little sleepy I will just you know in the parking lot I’ll take a nap or I will uh Rock up to a convenience store cuz at that time you know 1:00 a.m. in the

Morning or midnight nobody’s really caring how long you stay at the convenience store parking for the most part and uh yeah I’ll just I’ll have to take a nap there Chica Chica understands that too she knows um I don’t want to drive while I’m sleepy and so you know I

Let her know hey you know I had to take a nap before coming coming home so I’ll come yesterday I came home at like I got home at like 2:30 in the morning or something just like brushed my teeth passed out have all my stuff ready to go

This morning and just uh I there’s admin work I got to do after you know so it’s rough got to get my kids to all thank you thanks bro good to see you dude uh keep uh keep up the good fight ising out yeah work is work thing

Found a good but you know what my my next goal is to Branch out on my own uh I think uh why these schedules are fine and all if I can do more of my own private tours basically I can cut out the middleman and uh won’t have to worry

As much slash maybe make more uh in general so yeah I want to I want to kind of do my own tours which was the original plan and offer something unique with the geek tours with the photography you know um yeah and I’m getting other other requests for longer tours here and there

So who knows I might actually try to apply for other tour companies where I go out with a tour group for like a week or two weeks or stuff I know there’s stuff like that and that’s a totally different kind of experience but I’m pretty sure I

Can do it now yeah know it gets me out there and I’m uh I’m traveling and it sucks cuz I won’t be able to SP spend as much time with my wife chica but she understands this is the nature of the service industry she understands

Now and uh but we’ll see yeah I think I’m I’m kind of evolving and uh growing as a tour guide uh but also it it works really well with my content you know uh I get to I have to study and work and learn all about the different things uh

That I’m you know showing people around you know as a as a person living here you you you are the tourist either SL tourist or a person who’s just experiencing life here you know the slice of life and for the longest time I was in the the 9o5 grind and not really

Traveling and not really um discovering a lot about this this country even though I’ve been here 20 years like I went to Hiroshima for the first time last year uh so it’s it’s interesting that I now that I’m freelanced and I do my own thing I have

More time to set my own schedule and on the offseasons go and travel the country it’s kind of weird like that uh it’s cool it’s super cool so yeah next year I’m thinking we’re going to do another snowboard trip but I’m thinking honestly I just want to do one week five five to

7 days just on my own just to get my own snowboarding fix out and of course you know do the live streams and this and that and then I know have Chica and other friends uh meet up with them after or maybe do two SE trips or something

Sounds cool just don’t yourself yeah you know I know this this season is the there’s 12 so this type of work that came out of nowhere and and it came in a good time cuz like I was really really hurting for for money basically cuz it’s on the last

Little bit so my savings and um and so yeah it’s very opport I’m very very grateful for having this job so don’t get me wrong it’s just I wish I could do more on my own uh which was the original plan so you’re right don’t don’t uh push

Yourself too hard but at the same time you know it’s all about the grind as you know and just keep keep on keeping on and um getting better and expanding and Growing yeah so I think I need to put uh more photography stuff and tour stuff on Airbnb people do find people on Airbnb so and right now I should have done that for this year but I was just kind of busy last year so um I think that’s one

Thing I’m going to start doing and uh yeah that is the way uh look at those mountains okay now we’re on the highway to Sania Sania is like one of the major stations in coob also I should take my allergy meds at some point wow look at that truck that’s

Propane gas I think on the left liquid natural gas this guy’s got a canopy what’s he transporting wow true yeah yeah no things are exciting I mean I feel I don’t know if I mean you let’s have a discussion guys like let’s talk about your work and career and life

Mine’s at a an interesting point cuz I no longer work for one company and do little you know my hobbies and and I don’t rely on a company for benefits and all that I’m like having to do do it all myself and uh do my

Taxes and uh learn how to really go out there and make money uh it’s a very different world that I’ve been in for the last 18 years as a cushy English teacher working at a school that you know I don’t have to think about clients

And I just get a paycheck at the end of the month and have my you know medical insurance and pension paid for but at the same time it’s super hard work what I do but it and it can be stressful but it’s I feel so rewarding and freeing at

The same time too that I’m able to do that do this what I do now with all the freelance stuff so it’s it’s kind of cool I never thought um my career trajectory would take me to this point of course the end goal for me I think it would be awesome

If I could be a big content creator that would be amazing you know and to live off of just doing content and travel content and all the all the cool things that I love you know that would be the dream I know there’s a lot of big YouTubers like quitting right now and

Stuff but I don’t know that’s still it for me but the fact that my personality as you know my content’s about so many different things and I do so many different things I can’t really it’s hard for me to Niche down and focus but I’m in a similar boat work freelance freedom but

No benefits or security right right yeah right Frank it’s like but you make your way you know you make your um pay and set your schedule and it’s kind of cool you know I I do need to find better balance with uh setting time aside from myself setting a time

For aside for Content creation I’m trying to get a a a rhythm going where it’s like every month I just have four days just for for me and just for Content creation like that’s all I do like I don’t do anything else like I’m so tempted to just honestly just like

Rent a really cheap hotel or Airbnb and and just go reconnecting all right we got a a time Jump we’re just in a bad spot there but obviously um you know uh I can’t do that during the really Peak seasons and whatnot so um yeah know it be great to dedicate like

You know 4 days a month just for that 4 days in a row that would be amazing like someone me never make your salary your only income because you’re going to be poor in the future vog interesting interesting been a solopreneur since we came back to Japan

Can be very hit and miss feast or famine a constant scramble to either get the word done or to fight work that’s exactly how I’m feeling J Vlog you know it man so J Vlog you know whenever you give me little financial support like that it means so much coming from you

Cuz I understand you’re struggled so hard so thank you thank you so much mancer fulltime Creator hey what’s up uh hold on what we have here special ed what’s up turning freelancer or full-time content creator I am freelancer already I find I’m not a full-time content creator I’d rather do

I mean if I can get to the point where I’m living off of you know content creation income passive income and Affiliates and all that stuff then I would love to go um full-time content creator I’m enjoying the tours right now they’re actually very very um

Rewarding and uh they can pay okay I mean people do tips sometimes but uh like this type of schedule especially during the soccer season is just crazy it’s absolutely crazy but you know it’s only 2 months a year you know it’s the rest of the year I have that

Freedom and like I said yeah you’re right um was it karuto saying that I’m someone said don’t make your salary your only income you know side hustle and this and that so bit of Japan how good is ch’s English um chica’s English has gotten a lot better I I think she’s intermediate

She’s intermediate so she’s still got a lot to learn uh she needs to be more confident at times okay what’s going on here looks like the left lane is slowing down I’m going to get or the right lane is slowing down the left lane I have no idea what’s going on

Here don’t know why that happened oh there’s like a major slow down I’m going to try to creep into the right lane again that was that is really really odd there’s something going on down there so we’re just switching lanes o there’s like a piano related person in

Front um no I heard some really cool occupations meeting other people like I I met a professional dog walker uh yesterday and that see seemed amazing uh we we talked about that they have dogs and cats and um youan know a dog person like that it’s hard work it seems but

Damn it seemed really cool most of their job was just driving around picking up dogs dropping off dogs and letting them do their thing so that was like what um so career change is is real it seems I met two chefs that became it Engineers but they absolutely absolutely love

Cooking and uh we we were talking about mushrooms and growing things and um and I talked about like yeah I do like cooking streams and I want to pair them with Miniatures and they were big Geeks like me too and oh we were just like riffing and I really want to meet them

Again except we’re just so crazy busy right now so I’m meeting so many cool people with the job and you guys on the stream you know um that kind of stuff too is amazing too and then sometimes meeting you in person what like I I met peso recently

Like how cool is that uh I met Ibrahim I want to meet the J vog Dude I want to get out to your area that’s another trip I have planned so you know um the the adventure has been amazing finally just got monetized uh I got to work on

Getting something up for the memberships and getting some merch um I’m thinking actually maybe focusing a little bit more on Affiliates uh cuz I have a lot of gear and whatnot that I’m pretty sure I could do affiliates with so I don’t know if I could should keep switching

Lanes there seems to be like little bits of stoppages here and there I don’t know what’s going on but have a feeling the right lane is going to come in for the wind said never make your salary your only income because you are going to be poor in the future that literally makes

No sense what am I missing if your salary makes you poor you have the wrong job caroan said I would say try both and the one that helps out more do it as your main job and the other as your side job the right right said possibly you can

Register at J grants for a new business subsidy fund bus plan in Japanese Etc you could get up to 150 million yen really hey smil everyone Frank said I met Clayton briefly and it was great oh nice nice yo wait a Frank where did you meet him are you in

Japan or did you meet him in America I think you made him in America right you guys live close um special ed the way I read into that phrase is don’t make your income your only don’t make your salary your only income cuz in the future it

Will be poor I think I I think there’s like some missing uh bits there you got to read between the lines and I think I I think it’s referring to that make sure that you make more than just your main salary because in the future you may be poor

Like you you might have rainy days where um you don’t have a lot of money so I think what he trying to say is like don’t just depend on your salary rug swept from under you that’s I think that’s the way I read it um but whoever

Said that at first uh if you could give us your input or or we have a discussion about that let me know um yeah hey hey hey yeah Frank man it would be it would be awesome to meet you too dude Frank McLoud of the clan McLoud yeah yeah

Dudes looking at the road is going to HEI and Maya M Maya so Maya I think this is Mountain Mount Maya and it’s got this abandoned hotel is amazing even we are on the outskirts of Co I think we actually unable lately helps to have

Other things to do yo yo JJ what’s up yep yep it’s true it’s true J correct Japan is desperate for new sustainable businesses yeah yeah aren’t we all aren’t we all one thing I’m afraid I mean not afraid of with the tourism industry the the thing that’s going to

Kill it is like another thing like a pandemic a lockdown or whatever I hope we don’t get that again in our lives but we’ve we’ve we’ve experienced one you know um so yeah um that’s just kind of scary and that’s something you have to keep in mind that who knows if it

Happens again uh hopefully the governments will you know help out with all the businesses and stuff but hey ibraim and J but yeah no that’s a scary thought cuz like you know we all experienced it online together that’s the reason why a lot of these YouTube channels were created you know um so

Yeah I want to have something don’t just put all my eggs in one basket kind of thing um that could sustain even if a pandemic uh did happen again fingers crossed knock on wood kind of thing but uh yeah Special said then the saying should be don’t spend your entire salary but

Remember to save up 6 months worth of expenses because you might H hard times one day Ibrahim yeah you can say it that way too say it that way too 6 months of salary you save it up sounds sounds like a good plan sounds like a good

Plan hello hello yes we are you can see those mountains on the right those are the hills of Kobe have um what is it uh Ashia and um what is the arima hot springs on the right and whatnot and a lot of those mountains are hikable full on hikable sometime sometimes they’re I

Haven’t hiked any of them um no I hiked one of them yeah with a friend but there’s this one uh roko and arima there’s one part they call it the H’s back and it’s basically the Sandy Ridge line that has freaking Cliffs on either side and you should not climb up there

When it’s windy and whatnot so yeah that seems like a a fun hike yeah they’re wild Bor that only works if you are living hand to mouth for the basics Ed right right yeah some people are just getting by you know so yeah yeah yeah

Yeah I know how that feels I’ve been in that situation before too like when I first came to Japan I was you know I saved up a whole bunch of money not knowing if I would get a job said best to make more than your slavery because could happen in this Society

Like being or your house being burned down you being sued for some Etc yeah yeah it’s true it’s true got to have contingencies man this is going slow but uh what you call it uh I was going to say when I first came to Japan I had

Some money saved up and just went for it like I wasn’t sure how long it would last and I knew it wouldn’t last forever and so you know I was on the hunt for a job and finally landed a good job in an English at a reputable English school

And that helped me out but for the first 6 months I was pretty much like on you know getting closer to the verge of you know I need my next paycheck to help me out like that’s how crazy it was cuz you know you come to a place and it’s you

Know I was young I was young back then I was in mid-20s so I didn’t have a lot of life experience and money saved up yet and so you know everything kind of came uh right when I needed it to luckily and then the Visa situation A year later um

Changing from a work visa to a regular Visa you know uh was always it’s always nerve-wracking when that company is the one that’s responsible for you to get your work visa and scary I put the last of my money into mins the more I sit and

Design the more I see the potential and the direction of expion yeah JJ that is that is true right it is scary and um sounds like you have a good um game plan you know if anyone can do it you can do it dude and you’re doing it so but congratulations

On also getting your new job hope that works out for you and uh just keep going you know but if you become a full-time content creator diversify your income streams then do not rely solely on YouTube and it’s FAL interpretations of an own guidelines and applications of

Rules oh yeah definitely yeah all I’ve I’ve heard a lot um from like YouTube courses and gurus and stuff is like get yourself off that platform you actually want to have use YouTube as the funnel and then if it ever goes down you need to like get mailing list and right there

You know and and have uh you know diversify make sure that even if the service goes down or something Chang with the platform form that your audience knows how to reach you and all of that stuff so I’m just at early early stages what am I at now like 3 years in

YouTube and I just got monetized and I’m still struggling to get enough views for the next uh the next uh Milestone which is going to be getting AdSense I think but uh hey you know everybody’s at their own pace it’s been it’s been a blast but

It’s it’s taking a lot longer than I was hoping for and that’s just the way it is you know that’s the way it is sometimes uh we got to change things up every once in a while too but yeah you know you’re right don’t just rely on that one thing

Um cuz it could uh make or break you right there that that that addendum addendum that adage said about no I’m right here at Al D crossy grinning face with tongue out verying name um said I’m not putting all your eggs on basket could you speak Japanese when you first

Came and nowadays do you ever have language trouble and daytoday interactions oh that’s a that’s a really great question um I thought you were on first um hold on a second here guys um getting some slow down here did I speak Japanese when I first came here so my Japanese language origin story

Is Frank moud said I’m in my mid 40s and definitely not where I thought I’d be by now life is weird life is weird like that right who’s on first I like that why is it stopping here always good to have aide job I need to get into that left

Lane I don’t know what’s going on here is that the exit it might be the exit are you doing crane G tonight um yep definitely doing crane games tonight that is definite um a little bit of traffic in the right lane there might be an an exit

Or merging on in the right lane which is weird but it happens sometimes so okay let me answer the first question um then thank you for sharing your stories and your opinions guys I really really love it uh very boring name asks did I have Japanese under my belt when I first came

Here I first came to Japan in high school actually you know let me give you the whole origin story CU a lot of people on the tours asked me this so I’ve got it pretty pretty much down when I was a kid I’ll give you guys the the Fuller story

Even though there 10 minutes left uh before I arrive oh actually we’ll have a bit more time cuz I’ll arrive wow about almost 20 minutes early um when I was a kid my parents owned a coin laundry mat and yeah we weren’t rich or anything we actually immigrated from the Philippines

And they came to Canada for a better life if that was to sell 1,000 pairs of each of the 600 sock designs I created in the next 3 to 5 years the company would earn a gross income of 11 M 900,000 plan to move Beyond socks to many other

Areas nice dude said where are we Kyoto again um we’re going to Kyoto we’re in KOB as for picking up the people we’re going to uh the bamboo forest and Fushimi Inari the um the mountain with 10,000 red T Gates so um anyways maybe I should be give you

The shorter story own to coin lat it was a family run business my dad it was it was hard for him to get stable work because they didn’t recognize his University degree from the Philippines he was a radiologist but my mother uh who was a registered nurse in the

Philippines was recognized so she became the bread winner and my dad basically did oddend jobs and freelance and this and that the whole for his whole life um uh may he rest in peace piece we had a coin larg for several years it didn’t

Work out in the end uh it was just weird times but uh sad here so it started with a big bang yeah that’s right that’s right um I was born um and uh the the the place beside our coin laundry mat was a comic shop called comicland I’m

Going going into right now and uh Dan the man who ran that place gave me a uh a comic uh that that he couldn’t sell and he just gave it to me about ninjas had ninjas and all the different seasons like camo ninja and white ninja and I

Was like I don’t know if there are real camel ninja but uh and then we talk about castles and and uh their ninja stars and their their weapons and little bit about Shogun and Samurai and maybe a little bit of Gea and that got me hooked

Now I’m a kid of the 80s we got Super Nintendo Super Mario Legend of Zelda uh sailor moons coming in Pokemon all that stuff take the exit on the left in high school okay in high school I was able to go to Yokohama because Yokohama and Vancouver

Are your sister cities and they have an exchange program set up between the two cities uh Japanese students came to us first and we were their Homestay families and then later um the year later I went to Japan for 3 weeks is often not covered slightly smiling face

Comic shops and laat seem like mutually productive neighbors yeah yeah smiling face I know it’s kind of weird right but anyways and uh came to Japan uh with one lesson of Japanese two printouts yes we had print outs back then of useful phrases and just went to Japan you know

By the end of 3 weeks I was able I had a a a Roi dictionary so it’s a it’s um it’s all your Japanese words written in English right ragi and uh I soon found out that did not help very much and honestly like to try to um link together

Phrases with a dictionary did not work and so I just relied on body language using the The Limited Japanese I had by the end of 3 weeks I could have a very very basic conversation and I was soaking it up cuz I was still young back

Then I think I was uh maybe 167 hey ravisha what’s up h no worries bro I love you dude thank you for being here Risha the land the legend it’s Risha yo ravisha in the house come on thank you man thank you for being here I love it um so we’re

Talking about my origin story and of 3 weeks I was able to um I was able to uh have a very basic conversation and I vowed to learn Japanese after coming back to Canada unfortunately my high school was really small so we didn’t have uh a Japanese teacher

We didn’t have a Japanese class so I I went to the library and just took a book and started studying on my own my nice pretz pretz hey dude thanks Risha thanks for being here man I always appreciate it when you can come love you dude love you um so anyways

Um learned on my own at first I had a mixtape yeah audio cassettes that my Homestead brother made for me it had like Mr children and spits and Noco and umat and Southern Allstar and I learn Japanese from listening cuz I I think I have a audit I’m an auditory learner I

Have a musical background and I basically learned those songs to sing them in karaoke so my pronunciation got really good I had no idea what the hell I was saying but um hey welcome welcome everybody yes yes thank you guys that would be aming aming we’re going to have

To take the exit we’re going to do a loop-de-loop people uh let me uh take care of this real quick but um yeah so at that time I also wanted to learn more Japanese I would go to a Japanese school for like a semester here and

There um and then by the time and and I would do language exchanges they were a cafe set up for language exchange where I would teach the Japanese person English and in exchange they would teach me uh Japanese and then I would make friends from that and you know some

People end up hooking up and you know I did have a few Japanese girlfriends in Vancouver before um coming to Japan I actually came to Japan with my ex Japanese girlfriend and unfortunately it didn’t work out but uh hey it worked out continue straight ninja invention oh the black ninja right

Said nice road yeah it’s an interesting Road hold on some house I got to double check which lane okay I want to stay in this Lane okay so um over the years by the time I got to To Canada and marrying a Canadian guy which is totally fine and I end up staying here and living out so our dreams and paths were different but uh I was able to speak enough to get by but I didn’t know the local dialect the local dialect here is kaien and it sounds

Totally different than whatever your textbook or classroom you’re learning from they teach you hungo which is the standard Japanese so everybody understands arigas and and uh and mat but in Osaka it’s like I know what would be like you say what else would you say um uh oh yeah like

Um like if you say the negative form in it’s like right so I had to like pick up the local language hold on here give me a second Port Island okay yeah I have to just navigate this little bit here make sure I’m going the right

Way U all these trucks obscuring my view continue straight continue straight okay cool cool we’re getting in the port so it took me a good 6 months to really pick up the local di in 400 me oh oh yeah for sure so y run for a bit see you guys a bit later

See you dudes thank you thank you I thinka dialect is I think Osaka dialect is is honestly the bomb if you think about history y if you think about history of how kto was the um capital for a long time you know Nara and kto so the West

Was the center of Japan for a long time so I think technically Samurai and gisha have their own special language but Samurai and um the the people here were speaking the main dialect for the longest time Tokyo is relatively a new thing so a type of Japanese surname is

Officially the hardest with 84 Strokes wow Tito wow I didn’t know that that could be Pito maybe I have to learn that kanji all right so we’re going to the parking down here um we’re here a bit early guys so we can kind of have a have

A talk as long as the uh single strength is good just let this real quick so yeah instead of saying oh dialect is the bomb actually what I love about Kai dialect is it actually has a lot more similarity to English if you think about it so kjin go

Is very not always but more monotone and then Kanai is more um up and down there’s a lot more musicality to it and and there’s a lot of like endings so for example nand nand means like like it’s it’s a it’s it’s um long drown out you’re ending with a uh it’s

Kind of similar to how English sounds in some aspects right in some aspects let me just uh park it in a a good place here I want to park somewhere not too far but at the same time this guy this guy dude can you please get out of the road

Thanks I need to freaking park my car oh there’s some nice cars here I’ll just park it here yeah oh just give me a second guys uh how’s the signal looking Good okay you know that scene from Austin Powers there’s like a really I think there a a nice car beside me I’m always anxious when we have super nice cars I don’t want to hit them or anything like that shoot like this is making me an

Anxy and it’s kind of a tight squeeze here give me a second okay I have to readjust here and there oh actually I can park there too but let’s just go here yeah these side mirrors and stuff help out so much hold up hold up okay looks like we’re good on both

Sides I know picking up people from cruise ships they’re usually a little bit more elderly and so I have to consider a lot of things4 turn 74 point turn exactly I have to consider like bring them in and out oh there’s a crown oh there’s a female driver on the left

Is that you have a vast network of creative people and entrepreneurs around you outside of content creation it is true you have many opportunities to grow or doors that can open thanks man thank you that is really really well said um JJ thank you and you and you’re part of

That turn 20 point turn exactly oh no it was like this Taxi Driver it’s a female she’s like in a black suit long hair she looks very formal I think it’s a crown or something oh that’s it it’s a Toyota Crown one of the highest quality of the

Toyotas um let me uh talk to you guys for another fiveish minutes and then I have to um go in and uh start waiting for them but actually you know I kind of want to open the windows here it’s kind of Stuffy so ooh you can hear the the sound

Of the the street former cowork would always Park beside the most expensive car said hers wouldn’t be chosen to be broken into winking face oh that’s interesting so here’s another example of hyungo CER Japanese versus Ken um and I’ll give you one longer example in the

End but so you say mat mat I mean see you later see you next time inaka it would be like H like it’s like what’s the H bit um the the common greeting in Osaka especially Osaka is M Maka this is very traditional people don’t really say this uh in real

Life anymore M Maka and then the uh reply Isa and what it means is it’s a reflection of the old Merchant class uh you know hustling they’re doing the hustles like me they’re doing the hustle they’re trying to sell their wees and it means MIM makaka means yo yo how much

You making how’s it going with your your uh business how much you making and uh what you what you did now means ah we’re breaking about even we’re all right we’re all right you know they W say stuff like that in Tokyo let me give you

One main example so if I’m I do this on my tour so if I say hey uh I’m going to speak to you in standard Japanese and I’ll change it to uh Osaka or Kanai dialect so if I would introduce myself as a tour guide and say I’m going to

Show you aroundto today I’ll be like uh where is in Osaka ban I’m going to play it up a bit let just turn uh close the the window now in Osaka ban be Like leaving for this exchange of opinions is over right pick a window you’re leaving oh I didn’t know that oh interesting waving T welcome y what’s up Taha can we welcome Taha to the chat Taha unfortunately I’m not going to be here for much longer in the next 4ish minutes

Or so I need to go inside actually you got to check on my tour group right now um I’m going to just uh message them and see okay hey hey hey R saidah hello Rish said grinning face with smiling eyes yeah it’s actually a good chance

For me to get a drink as well as go to the toilet before I meet up with them uh so yeah hopefully you got a different feel brain didn’t understand anything face screaming in fear no worries no worries it’s more for the feel it’s more for the the

Difference yes press thumbs up sign button and subscribe so yeah that’s the that’s the deal with conai Ben and you know there there’s more to it than that um I love conai Ben it’s what I speak even when I go to Tokyo sorry guys I got

To get rid of this there’s so many tour guides here with their cars and stuff trying to get get to their passengers everybody’s um here because they know the the ship is docking a little bit later because of a storm um when I go to Tokyo you’re supposed to

When you go to Tokyo you’re supposed to conform to the norm so you’re supposed to um talk like the local dialect which is hungo but when I go there I can try it for like 30 minutes and I just break back into con Ben it’s hard for me to speak regular Japanese

Now and have fun hey thanks specialed ha said J Vlog hi brother how are you hey nice nice um said hi everyone hey welcome welcome Taha um are are you from the J Vlog Community that’s awesome we got to support Jay Vlog as well yo yo

Can we get some links before we head I want to shout out uh I socks there for JJ we’re going to shout out Jay Vlog for uh his stuff on Rumble and YouTube if anyone else uh is a content creator I would love to shout you out let me know

In the chat um that’s all I see for now we had uh found in Japan coming in earlier if we can drop some links for found in Japan as well that’ be aming and uh I think that’s that’s all I got for now before the move oh you’re moving

Right right okay yeah I am cool dude it’s all good man thanks for coming how are things on your side okay caruto St said stay safe and stay strong thank you guys thank you we’re going to go um clean up uh this area here it’s

Going to be a full full full house today with uh seven people in the car that includes me got to get my stuff in the back going to go to the toilet and go wait for them https l. they haven’t um they haven’t responded yet so it looks like they’re

Probably in the midst of of disembarking so it gives me a little bit more time but guys I appreciate all of you coming over here I’ll see everyone around hey hey how cool is it that we get to have these conversations on the dri stream thank you thank you so much for being

Here really appreciate all your support remember to like if you’re new here subscribe share this with someone who you think that would uh find it interesting and also if you have any other questions about Japan or me or or language let me know in the comments that’s a good

Way awesome awesome comments are great but also Discord if you want to join Discord you can message me directly there too so Che out verying name said thanks for the Stream and your origin story congrats the same oh yeah are you moving to the same preure dude I’d like

To know about your move what’s going on I think you’re moving the are you moving Toto finally City larger and cheaper cool cool dude that’s that’s amazing J vlog

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