
Then vs Now

Then vs Now

by wowu5


  1. LuxendarcKnight

    Can’t wait to see nothing but black and white. If we’re lucky, we might see grey!

  2. Oh, I didn’t even consider they might be using the same poster from last years attempt.

  3. This has the same energy as that photo of Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov.

  4. fireborn123

    Holy shit they really did just recycle the art

  5. 210sqnomama

    Lmao. Same poses. They literally just edited them out

  6. The same as last year, except with less livers, less viewers, and with more wasted time and money from the past cancellation!

  7. GilbertPlays

    Its like the stalin picture erasing people in photos.

  8. They didnt even try. Even the background does not change

  9. Well, at least they learned from the last expo and leaving a noticable gap in the poster where Selen was…

  10. mekahamedan

    i can see if this fail, they will total bail out to SEA market
    well dont worry, male livers still have hardcore fans even from China

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