
《UHD》Princess Cruise Vlog ( Part 2) : Okinawa /Diamond Princess / 公主郵輪 /沖繩小島遊 / 教你每個小島點玩幾小時 /星砂沙灘

#Keelung City
#Cruise experience
#Nishi Pier

I have been living in Canada for more than 20 years and worked in the local tourism media.
Sharing popular and undiscovered secrets and free activities in British Columbia including scenic spots, lakes, parks , hiking trails!
We always think that we have to go far to discover beautiful things, but they are actually close by.
Let’s go on an adventure !

樂意分享本地一些免費好玩活動, 秘境和好去處
包括熱門朝聖地, 旅遊打卡點, 甚至是鮮為人知的美麗景區, 湖泊, 小島以及很多公園和行山徑.
很多地方以為是遠在天邊, 其實近在眼前
立即出發探險, Let Go!!

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謝斐’s Free Adventures

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