
Holiday Trip to Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki in Kyushu (九州の福岡、佐賀、長崎へお出かけ、柳川、糸島、能古島、九十九島、祐徳稲荷神社を観光)

I travelled to Fukuoka prefecture in Kyushu Island again. Based on Fukuoka city, I had multiple day trips across several prefectures by train and car this time.

In Fukuoka prefecture, I enjoyed a river cruise in Yanagawa city, a bike riding in Itoshima Peninsula, and sunflower fields in Nokonoshima Island. In Saga prefecture, I visited one of the very popular shrines in Kyushu area, Yutoku Inari Shrine. In Nagasaki prefecture, I visited Kujuku Islands and enjoyed a cruise tour going through multiple islands.

*** Chapters ***
00:00 Opening
00:30 Yanagawa
02:32 Itoshima
06:07 Yutoku Inari Shrine
08:42 Nokonoshima Island
11:29 Kujuku Islands

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