
静岡の紅葉ドライブ | 赤水の滝に行ってきました!🍁/Shizuoka Autumn Foliage Drive


Hello, everyone! This time, I’ll share a drive to the beautiful “00 Falls” located in the Umejima Onsen area of Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City. The leaves are beginning to change color, and it’s a fantastic place where the waterfall is illuminated from 17:30. There are also delicious food stalls near the observation deck of the waterfall. The peak of autumn foliage hasn’t arrived yet, but we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Please take a look!

0:00 オープニング映像/Opening
0:30 ドライブの行先/The destination
1:06 ドライブ映像/Going
2:43 梅ヶ島温泉郷で紅葉始まる/Foliage
3:30 到着/Arrivals
5:30 滝のライトアップ/Light up for waterfall

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