
Getting a civilian assignment to Okinawa Ep1

Join a GS (US military civilian) family as they PCS (move) to Okinawa, Japan and travel Asia.

Who are The Vances?

Jon was born and raised in MS, retired from the Air Force and is now a GS employee. Jon loves history and motorcycles (sports bikes), Valentino Rossi is his favorite racer.

Kim was born and raised in MD, served 12 years in the Air Force and is now a homeschool mom. Kim enjoys almost any kind of creating and crafting but her favorites are wood working, painting, vinyl anything, party planning, organizing, home decorating.

Sean is a talkative 11 year old boy that loves gaming, Nerf wars, and playing with friends. His favorite thing to eat is seafood. He wants to be a police officer (SWAT) and military officer so his dad has to salute him (his words).

The Vances have called Texas their home for the past 8 years. Jon and Kim also have two adult daughters and a son-in-law living in the states.

This Episode:
Learn the process of getting an assignment (job) overseas with the government.

Future Episodes:
Experience the ups and downs with The Vances as they figure it all out.

Subscribe and see every step along the way to include: hotels, flights, what’s in their luggage and unaccompanied baggage, house hunting, and of course all the travels and lessons learned along the way.

Alo Japan.