
JAPANESE FESTIVAL at the Oldest Temple in Tokyo! Setsubun at Senso-Ji, Aaakusa

A look around Setsubun, a Japanese festival at Senso-ji in Asakusa, the oldest temple in Tokyo! Plus: what else these is to see in Asakusa.

Setsubun is a Japanese festival (matsuri) every February to celebrate the start of spring. It’s known as the bean-throwing festival. The main places it’s celebrated in Tokyo are Sensoji and Zojoji. Famous people throw beans to the crowd for good luck, with chanting. There are also ceremonial dances and food stalls. It was a really interesting experience! In the video I also show you around the backstreets of Asakusa and Nakamise Dori, the oldest shopping street in Japan where you can get lots of street food and souvenirs. There’s also a beautiful view of the SkyTree and the Asahi Building across the Sumida River.

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Music was created with Jukedeck:

#setsubun #asakusa #sensoji #tokyo #japan #japanesefestivals

Alo Japan.

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