
[4K HDR Driving in Japan] Kyoto Higashi IC → Kanazawa Nishi IC (Ishikawa). September 2023/highway/

“It’s a way to savor the scenery while driving! I aspire to document my journey around the world.”

“I’m an office worker residing in Kyoto. My objectives include chronicling my global journey and showcasing the everyday beauty of Kyoto and Japan, with the hope of inspiring more people to fall in love with Japan. If you find it even remotely intriguing, I’d truly appreciate your channel subscription. Thank you!”

【Today’s driving Route on Google Maps】

【Chapter list】
00:00:00 start
00:00:23 Kyoto Higashi IC
00:09:02 Kusatsu PA
00:39:41 Taga PA
00:54:32 Nagahama IC
01:24:53 Suizu PA
01:51:53 Fukui IC
02:11:15 Kaga Yamanaka IC
02:28:42 Nomineagari IC

I would be delighted if you could leave comments or suggestions. I will continue to post with the intention of sharing the everyday life in Japan and fostering interest in the country, hoping that more people would consider visiting. Thank you in advance, and I look forward to your support.

“Here’s a video I personally recommend.”
Japan Tokyo Drive 4K – Ochanomizu, Jinbocho and Kanda

🇨🇭スイスでドライブ!ウリ州へ向かう途中 _ スイスの絶景
大都会大阪都心の阪神高速をドライブしてみた。Osaka City View 迫力の梅田・中之島超高層ビル群〜あべのハルカス(運転車種 スバル・プレオF 2005年式 MT)

Wonderful, Lofoten, Norway Road E10. CHILLOUT CW driving Scania R580

[ Driving Japan ] The small Miura Peninsula near Tokyo. 2023-10-16 Starts at 9:20 a.m. Monday.

I’m documenting everyday scenes centered around Kyoto on my channel. I’d love for you to take a look and leave your comments and suggestions. Thank you in advance.
【Driving Experience in Kyoto】
[4K HDR] Driving Japan! From Nara to Kyoto on the fastest route by car! 18:11 start! June 2023.

[4K HDR] Driving Japan! From Kyoto to Osaka on the highway! 13:41 start! Rainy, June 2023.

[4K HDR] Driving Japan! It’s the only general road from Kyoto to Shiga, highway on the way back!

[4K HDR Japan] Mountain path in Takao, Kyoto/Japanese style building/midsummer landscape/9:53 start.

[4K HDR Driving] Move between ancient cities in Japan (Nara’s second city Kashihara → Kyoto Central)

[4K HDR] Driving Japan! Kyoto (Takeda station)→Nara (Seika Gakken IC) August 2023/Keinawa Expressway

#Aiming to record the distance around the earth! #driving #trip #kyoto #street #living #highway

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