
旅Motti 「Made in Japan」Mie「和具漁港」 春馬さんと同じく伊勢エビ漁はみられず!でもハッピーエンド。

2023年3月8日三重県志摩半島のほぼ真ん中に位置する和具漁港。三重県は伊勢海老の漁獲量が全国1位。和具漁港も伊勢海老で有名。 伊勢エビという名前ではあるものの、実は伊勢海老は三重県(伊勢)だけでなく、千葉、宮崎、徳島などでも獲れるそうで漁期も場所によって多少ことなるそうです。

Visited Wagu fishing port which is located in the middle of Shima Peninsula. Mie has the largest amount catch of rock lobsters (ISE-EBI)in Japan. Wagu is one of the famous fishing port for rock lobsters. In Japan, rock lobsters are cold ISE-EBI. ISE is the name of the part in Mie-ken. However, they are caught not only in Mie but also Chiba-ken, Miyazaki-ken, Tokushima-ken and so on. The season for ISE-EBI varied in the area.


In Wagu, Mie, its season is 1/Oct to 30/April. And Motti has visited there on 8/Mar, which should be still in the season. However, this year the season for Ise-Ebi has finished early.


When Haruma visited Wagu, he could not see ISE-EBI, and Motti could not as well. Motti can easily imagine the feeling of Haruma leaving there without seeing ISE-EBI. However Motti found the letter of OOYAMAMARU. It is the name of fishing boat owned by Mr Ooyama whom Haruma talked with and learned about ISE-EBI catching It was happy enough for Motti!


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