
「4K」Chiba: Mikoshi carrying at Ichihara 2023 Kokufu Matsuri • 2023年市原国府祭神輿

Mikoshi carrying at Kokufu Festival in Ichihara City of Chiba Prefecture. This festival restart after 4 years.
00:00 Small Mikoshi carrying
08:20 Street food stores
12:12 Big wheeled Mikoshi

About Mikoshi :

A mikoshi (神輿) is a sacred religious palanquin (also translated as portable Shinto shrine). Shinto followers believe that it serves as the vehicle to transport a deity in Japan while moving between main shrine and temporary shrine during a festival or when moving to a new shrine. Often, the mikoshi resembles a miniature building, with pillars, walls, a roof, a veranda and a railing.

About the festival:
The theme of the Kazusa Ichihara Kokufu Festival is “Connecting the future of Ichihara with everyone”, and by communicating the charm of Ichihara, my hometown, which is rooted in history and culture, to the city and outside the city, and by attracting many people to visit, we are increasing the liveliness of the town. It is Ichihara City’s largest festival, with the aim of creating a sense of pride and love for Ichihara, the city’s hometown.
上総いちはら国府祭りは、『みんなでつなぐ いちはらの未来』をテーマに、歴史や文化に根ざしたふるさと市原の魅力を市内外に発信し、多くの方々に訪れていただくことで、街の賑わいを創出するとともに、市民のふるさと市原に対する誇りや郷土愛を育むことを目的とした、市原市最大のお祭りです。
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Location: Japan, Chiba, Ichihara City.

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