
【LIVING IN JAPAN】大阪から阿蘇までの一人旅(PART4)|熊本黒川温泉|熊本黑川温泉的自驾旅程|KUROKAWA ONSEN IN KUMAMOTO(2023年9月17日)【4K】



I am a Chinese living in Japan. I love scenery and culture of Japan.This channel is dedicated to the videos I take during my daily travels in Japan. People interested in traveling to Japan and Japanese culture are welcome to follow me.

从大阪到阿苏的旅行,先从大阪坐邮轮到别府,然后从别府自驾走Yamanami Highway 到阿苏中岳火山口(阿苏五岳、草千里、大观峰、菊地溪谷、黑川温泉、山吹水源、由布院、别府地狱)。


Travel from Osaka to Aso, starting with a cruise from Osaka to Beppu, and then driving by car from Beppu to the Yamanami Highway, ultimately reaching the volcanic crater of Mount Aso(Mt.Aso ;Kusasenri Plateau
; Daikanbo ;Kikuchi Valley;Kurokawa Onsen;Yamabuki water source;Hells of Beppu;Cruise Ship)

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